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Bill had prepared dinner for us, a small chicken laid out on a bed of rice with asparagus on the side. Even though it smelled great, and I was hungry, I said "No thank you," and ate a carton of yogurt instead. I spent the rest of the evening in our room inventorying my clothes; I had narrowed my choices down to two outfits which could best be described as obscene and even more obscene. I called Angela; she said to go with the latter.

The next morning was a rerun of the day before. I ignored the coffee while the flowers joined the others in the garbage. The bus ride was no more fun the second day but I passed the time thinking about tonight. Because of my reduced hours I was home by three which gave me two hours to primp, beginning with soaking in a warm bath.

I started in the mirror at my hair; it had been a couple of months since I had been to the stylist and it was looking a little ratty. I muttered under my breath as I carefully trimmed my coiffure.

I had selected my shortest denim skirt and a diaphanous black blouse that has two rows of ruffles to hide my braless nipples. The last time Angela and I went shopping she bought me an early birthday present, a lace shelf bra and garter belt; she gave the clerk a sinister look and said I would not be needing the matching thong. I flashed back to high school when I wasn't allowed to wear panties and remembered how horny it made me. She added a pair of black back seamed stockings to complete my "slutfit." I couldn't wait to wear it for the concert.

Just as I started getting dressed for my date Bill called out of the blue and said he had a surprise for me. "Dress up honey, we're going to dinner at the most expensive restaurant in Chicago. I'll pick you up in a half hour and explain it all about it over a bottle of Champaign.

"Dress up...I don't think so" I screamed into the phone. "And if you have so damn much money why did you sell my car!"

I paused long enough to let the word sink in before delivering the coup de grace. "Besides, I can't make it...I have plans for the evening."

"Cancel them. You won't regret it."

I yelled something about not wanting to talk to him let alone go out to dinner with him and hung up. I checked the time. Angela and our dates would be picking me up in twenty minutes so I had to hustle.

It took me fifteen minutes to finish dressing and putting on my makeup; I definitely looked like a woman on the make.

The phone rang five more times. It was Bill; each time I let it go straight to the machine. I was one pissed off wife. After ignoring me every Friday and Saturday for half a year I wasn't going to let him screw up tonight. I wanted to hurt him bad.

I tried ringing Angela to shake a leg so we would be gone before Bill got home and I wouldn't have to explain my outfit. Odd, there was no answer.

I packed a small bag with an old pair of jeans, a frumpy blouse, and a pair of cross trainers. I also grabbed a pair of utilitarian panties and a nipple stifling bra to wear home in case Bill was still awake when I got home. Our battle was coming but I would choose the time.

As I slipped off my wedding rings I looked at my finger nails and decided I had enough time for a quick coat of blow job red polish. I opened the drawer where I kept the nail polish and noticed an envelope stuffed in it. I almost ignore it but decided to tear it open and see what it was.

The note read, "Kristy, my love, I am so sorry. I panicked when I was served notice the electric and water were going to be turned off that day if I didn't pay the arrearages. After paying a past due mortgage payment I barely had enough to bring your cell phone current.

I am so ashamed for not asking you but I'm supposed to be your night in shining armor; instead I failed you.

Kristy, please give me a chance to make it up to you. I can't promise when it will get better, but I promise it will; but only if you are at my side. Without you, I am nothing; together we are invincible.

Please, take my hand; let us walk through the night together. And, in the morning, I want to battle dragons with you at my side. Together, forever. You and me. I love you. I need you. I miss you. Bill.

That blasted me back to reality and I screamed at the top of my lungs, "I love you too!" I had tears in my eyes as I speed dialed Bill. Before he answered I heard a knock at the front door.

"Oh fuck!"

I peeked out the window and saw a brand new, fire engine red, Corvette convertible parked out front. "Oh fuck, fuck, fuck. The rich bastards here to pick me up."

I slipped my heels on and bounded down the stairs. I had to get rid of the wannabe lothario before my husband got home.

Imagine my shock when I opened the door and found Bill standing there wearing a James Bond tuxedo. "What are you dressed up for?" was the best I could muster.

He didn't answer with words. Instead reached around the doorframe and produced the largest bouquet of red roses I had ever seen in my life. Somehow I knew there were a hundred blooms.

I realized my mouth was hanging open as I pointed at the car.

"Your new ride." He had the biggest smile I ever saw as he handed me the keys.

My knees bucked and I grabbed the door to steady myself. I was barely able to squeak out, "I don't understand."

"We've been negotiating on a daily basis with the last two heirs we needed to move ahead with the project. Today when I arrived at the Lake Forest estate I was directed to the study where Mrs. Cartwright was awaiting my arrival."

"I was expecting good news; instead she told me we had lost a block of five proxies which meant the project was going to be cancelled."

"I stood up and said I refused to accept defeat. We still have twelve hours to make this happen am I am not going to let a handful of fools stop your husband's dream from being built. Give me the names of the five turncoats and I'll bring them back "

Her response almost blew me away, "Bravo William, you have passed the test."

"Test? I'm sorry but I don't follow you."

"William, I wanted to see how you reacted when it looked like six months of hard work was all for naught. You sir, proved your mettle. This morning I acquired the last two proxies we needed. One Chicago Tower is a go and you're the golden boy who made it happen. I let loose with a whoop that brought the maid into the room."

"After we finished the paperwork Mrs. Cartwright closed the door and had a very frank conversation with me. To be honest, I didn't get to say much, I just listened. She ended by saying she felt horrible insisting I have diner with her ever Friday and said, "William, I understand you owe your wife a new car. Please tell her I am sorry for stealing you away every weekend," and handed me the keys."

Bill took the roses out of my arms and placed them on the coffee table. Then he scooped me in his arms and kissed me like he hadn't in months. He lifted me off the floor and kept repeating "I love you. I love you."

I got a cold chill as a thought struck me, 'What if Matthew shows up with Angela and my date.' I started to panic.

Bill put me down and said "Don't go anywhere." He ran to the door and came back with a bag. He opened it and handed me a neatly wrapped box. "Honey, with all the lost weekends and late night telephone calls I know I've been less then the most attentive husband these past six months.

"As I was leaving Mrs. Cartwright handed me her platinum American Express card and said "go buy your wife something nice to wear tonight."

"So here's a little something to show you how much I love you." I didn't say a word as I untied the ribbon and slipped the wrapping paper off. I snapped the lid open and found two very expensive strands of pearls inside. "They'll look great on against your black blouse." He was smiling from ear to ear. "Let me help you put them on."

I stammered and couldn't say anything that sounded like English. Tears began running down my cheeks.

"The wife of Guaranteed Development's newest vice president deserves only the best."

I was dumbfounded. "Vice president?" My voice quivered. Too many things were happening at once.

"Yep. Mrs. Cartwright wants me to manage the entire project." Bill beamed with pride.

"Oh, and she gave me this envelope. I think you should be sitting down when you open damn near knocked me on my ass."

Inside was a check for $1,000,000.

"That's my bonus. Now we can start a family."

My legs buckled and I dropped into our couch. I was sobbing hysterically, not because I had never touched a million dollars before but because I was terrified Angela would show up and destroy my life.

"Come on honey, we've got to get going. You look fantastic" Bill helped me up. "I'll explain on our way to the party."

I stopped crying long enough to ask, "Party, what party?"

"Mrs. Cartwright is going to formally announce the project after dinner. She said the Mayor and governor will be there, maybe even both senators. I'm sure the press will be there too. Kristy, I've told her so much about you she can't wait to meet you."

I looked down at what I was wearing and realized I looked like a whore and started crying again. "I can't go...I'm so ashamed of myself I wish I was dead." My words ran into each other. "I'm dressed like this because I was going to do something really stupid tonight. You're going to hate me. Oh Bill, I really screwed up this time; I don't deserve to be your wife. My makeup ran down my cheeks. "I was so mad at you for selling my stupid car. I wanted to hurt you so bad...I can't even say it..." I began to hyperventilate.

Bill wrapped his arms around me. "I know, Mrs. Cartwright told me today she's had a private detective doing checks on both of us...she wanted to make sure her new partners were good people." She offered me a copy of your report...I said no, I know what kind of a person my wife is. I smiled from ear when she read how you refused to let strange men buy you a drink even when you didn't have enough money to buy one."

"Bill, this may end our marriage but I owe you the whole truth." I lifted my skirt to show him what I wasn't wearing under it.

"You were not going to cheat on me." He stated with a firm voice.

I couldn't look at Bill, "I can't tell you how much this hurts say but, yes I was."

"Honey, I know you were going to try to cheat but you wouldn't."

"I wish I could be as certain as you are." I said.

"This I know for a fact. Mrs. Cartwright's investigators got wind of Angela's plot to destroy out marriage. Your date was a plant; so is Matthew. His report said someone would have an easier time seducing Mother Theresa than you. The only man you'll be having sex with tonight is your husband.

I wiped my tears with my sleeve and asked, "You said tonight! Does that mean you're not going to throw me out like I deserve?" I held my breath as I waited for his answer.

"I'll be honest. I snapped when I heard you were going to have an affair. I was bouncing off the walls and ranting and raving. I swore I would never be married to a woman who would betray me. Mrs. Cartwright let me go on for about ten minutes as I vowed to divorce you.

"When I was through with my tantrum she told me a story about forgiveness. When her fiancé was overseas fighting in World War II he wrangled liberty in Paris. After months of fighting he suddenly found himself, a farm boy from southern Illinois, with a wallet full of cash in the City of Lights. Paris had been liberated from the Nazis about a week before and the working girls were very eager to thank the Americans.

"The next week his luck ran out and he was shot up by a German machine gunner. It was a miracle he didn't die in the mud but a corpsman dragged him to safety. Due to the severity of the wounds he was sent stateside for treatment. With the war on Estelle couldn't even buy a ticket to visit him. Her family didn't even have a phone so they exchanged letters.

"After three months recovery he was mustered out; he weighed about a hundred pounds, needed a cane to walk, and would never regain the use of his left arm; but he was home.

"That night he confessed to Estelle he had been unfaithful. Sobbing, he managed to get down on his knees and begged her forgiveness. She looked at what was left of her fiancé and said, "If God brought you home to me there must be a reason. And if He forgives how could I not." After she helped him up she looked him in the eye and said, "But if you ever cheat on me again I'll finish what the Krauts started."

"In fifty-two years of marriage she never mentioned it again and he never gave her a reason to ever doubt his commitment to their marriage."

"Kristy, so many good things are happening that it might take a few days or weeks for us to talk this out. But for now, I know nothing physical happened which makes it a lot easier to forgive. Now go fix your make-up, we have a victory party to attend."

I resumed kissing my husband; I could feel his cock getting hard against me. I reached down and rubbed my hand against it. "I need this. Now."

Bill protested, "We don't have time."

"We don't have time not to." I responded as I unzipped his pants and released his erection; I wrapped my fingers around it and tried to lead him towards the stairs. "We should go to the bedroom. Angela will be here in a few minutes."

Bill directed me towards the couch. "Trust me when I tell you, Angela is not coming. And don't ask me how I know."

My husband was on me like a man possessed, touching me, caressing me. I was afraid to open my eyes in case I was dreaming and reveled at the feel of his body on mine. We made love like it the most important thing we would ever do, because it was. I never stopped telling Bill how much I loved him and thanking him for being the most incredible, understanding husband ever. After we came I didn't want to let go but Bill said, "I'll be right back, I almost forgot something. Wait here." He walked to the door and returned with a garment bag.

"Mrs. Cartwright had someone buy this for you. Oh, and she bought the tux too."

Inside was the most exquisite little black dress. "I wouldn't mind if you kept the nylons and garter belt on under this dress." Bill gave me a wicked smile.

I looked at the price tag and gasped when I saw it cost $500. "I hope it fits." It did, however, whoever bought it must have thought I was a few inches shorter than my 5'6 and I could feel a breeze against my naked ass cheeks.

Bill was a total gentleman and held the door on my new sports car open for me. I showed my appreciation by flashing him all the way to the party. I could not believe how comfortable I felt behind the wheel of my new 'Vette and didn't want to give the keys to the valet. Much to his amusement, it was impossible to exit gracefully in the short dress. Bill, my knight in shining armor, pretended not to notice. He knew no man would ever again come between us.

That night our marriage started over.


"Unfortunately there isn't a fairy tale ending for everyone. Angela's dishonesty finally caught up with her and she was arrested for mortgage fraud. It seems someone finally looked at the fake tax returns she used when she leveraged her house-of-cards real estate empire. She was able to cut a deal by testifying against her partners and will only have to serve five years in prison.

By the time she was released from prison we had two adorable children. Our son is William Junior; at my instance we named our daughter Estelle after the woman who saved our marriage and probably my life.

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26thNC26thNC8 months ago

It’s always the bitch friend.

AllNigherAllNigher8 months ago

I don't know. In this author's world it worked and she never cheated but in reality... I doubt it worked out. She got pissed because he wasn't giving her enough and CHOSE to cheat when they were having financial troubles. Not exactly for better or worse huh?

HighBrowHighBrow11 months ago

Women love Power and Momey: Men love Sex. Only Evolution can change that, and it won’t be for the better, just different. In the meantime, we have Femsom agitprop.

SatyrDickSatyrDickover 1 year ago



miket0422miket0422over 1 year ago

All's well that ends well I guess.

Even though she didn't end up cheating he should really listen to Kristy when she tells him that she was going to.

It may not be the most important thing but, in this case her intent was pretty darned important.

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