Dewy Daye 01

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Not one, not two, but three is the motto.
4.2k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 04/18/2024
Created 11/16/2023
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Dewy Daye 01

Well, hey there, hey people, I'm Dewy Daye, I'm obviously in transition, which I make no apologies for and I haven't been Dennis in quite some time. I mean, according to the rulebook, I stopped being Dennis when I turned 18, but if you grew up in Middleton with me, then you know that Dennis left the building a few years before that, but we won't quibble about that now.

So, the short vision of my history goes something like this. At first, I was just trying out a few different things, behind the 'rents backs, of course and those were tough times, but I managed as best as I could. And then, OMG, the day came when I had to get braces and believe it or not, that was when I knew that Dennis had to go because believe it or not, those braces worked for me and my shiny smile!

[The braces were actually point Dewy Daye]

But there were obviously still struggles, but I managed to live through those too and thanks to my friend's (Gabbi) mom, I even had a sweet 16 party, complete with a First Frost Blue party dress, that was bedazzled with sparklets to accent my shiny braces. It wasn't the party of year or anything, but it was a sweet 16 party and I think those are hard to come by for some others who are considering a transitional lifestyle, so, I embraced it for all it was worth. And tee he, I got my share of embraces!

LOL, not that many guys cared to extend their embrace for long once I flashed my metal mouth smile, tee he. Oh, which was like full metal mouth minus two or something.

[Well, that guy Erice took a chance and stuck with it for a few extra seconds, but he was nervous, LOL]

Anyways, hey there, I'm 20 now, I'm free, I'm known, I make no apologies and I have a vast array of friends and contacts.

[It's too early in the story to pause for a chuckle over Dewy Daye's vast array of friends and contacts statement, but we'll add extra time to the next pause for chuckle point later]

And I'm totally not offering any apologies for these [points at high cheek bones] or this [widens the pointing to span entire face] and I'm glad that things worked out for me the way they did [points downward and around the rear] in a few other places.

[Point Dewy Daye for a couple of places that worked out well, not that we in the cloud check things out]

Anyways, I have this gleaming fresh face and my darker hair is about halfway to where I want it by the time I turn 21 in ten months and I am not a sexual prude. But I keep that to myself because I'm a work in progress and...

[Oh, so, we're just skipping over the Senior Prom then? It was PG and tee he, solo, so?]

OMG, duh! Well, yes, I went solo, which was fine, but as you might be able to imagine, my closet had limitations back then and I wore the same party dress as I did for my secret sweet 16 party and as you might also be able to imagine, that's pretty much a "no-no" and I was pretty much "giggled" out of the place because that's what giggling popular school girls do! But that guy, Eric, safely escorted me out and almost qualified as a stand in date for doing that, so.


Fine, that guy, Eric, escorted me to the rental hall doors and no more! But everyone saw me exiting with an arm around my back and it still counts!

[Actually, that guy, Eric, might have gotten lucky if he took things further, but that's history now]

Oh, maybe, but with "getting lucky" having an open definition because it was Senior Prom and all, so.

[Oh, we were just recording the first missed opportunity because this story will not skip over that time in Burt's nerd cave because...]

Anyways! I'm a work in progress as a partner, I have many friends and I make no apologies for what has happened or what did not happen in the past. And we will skip over the nerd cave experiment because OMG, what the hell was I thinking! But I got out of it, so, it was okay at the end of the day.

[Then at least talk about your quick swim with that guy, Eric, just after your 18th birthday because that was not swimming! And he came back, so, that's worth talking about because not all Tranny's get that from their secret "in the shadows" boyfriends, so.]

Well, I may or may not have taken a quick swim with that guy, Eric, but, um, the end.

[Fine, but it was repeated on Dewy Daye's 19th and 20th, so, it's an annual ritual by now and Dewy Daye was a pretty good Boi boyfriend back]

OMFG! Enough already! I've been with that guy, Eric a few times and he got what he wanted and I freely gave him what he wanted and the planet still spins around, the end!

[Tee he, we just wanted to clear the air, that's all. Also, Dewy Daye looks even better naked and soaking wet and should consider trying a baby oil thing sooner or later, the end]

Oh, um, thanks, that guy in the cloud. And OMG, stay out of my dreams! But at least now I know why I keep eye balling bottles of baby oil when I'm grocery shopping.

Anyways, back to my story since I promised to make my history back story short, which I did not do.

But here is the current story. The city of Middleton where I live was holding a double-double event up at the skatepark on a recent Saturday afternoon. It was a combo event of a few skateboard battles in the center skate bowl and a hot hod car show surrounding the skate bowl area, so, there was a little something for everyone, right?

Well, not quite since I came up with a hair brain idea to use my vast array of contacts to...


To play peace maker because a few of the skateboarding battles were between the Gruesome Goth girls of Middleton and the Ghoulish Goth girls from Hillsdale and {squints eyes and clenches dainty fists} oh, erg, ooh, erg, when I'm successful at keeping the peace between Gabbi and Lola (Gabbi hisses in the background over hearing Lola's name), erg, ooh, Gabbi's Prep Pretties crew will owe me not one, not two, but three big time paybacks and watch out when I come around to collect!

[Erg, ooh, erg, ooh, that sounds like a lot of double talk to us up here in the cloud, so, erg, ooh, erg, ooh, watch out Prep Pretties crew for owed paybacks due in the future! Of what, we have no idea, so]

Well, anyways, I had the plan of the century, which includes extra thoughts about how to not let the prep pretties turn the tables on me, again and erg, ooh, watch out when I'm trending on social media for saving the day! And holding not one, not two, but three payback IOUs in my pocket. And in my big pocket because {squints} erg, ooh, they will be big time paybacks due!

[Meh. But the master grand hair brain plan starts out the Friday night before along the Middleton Strip]

But my story doesn't start out with engagement between myself and prep pretties crew because just maybe the peacemaking idea wasn't exactly my idea in the first place and this guy, Luke, may have enlisted me for my vast array of contacts and maybe he has an interest in seeing the two groups of goths come together in harmony because...

[Wait, that guy, Luke? That guy, Luke, wants his cake and eat it too!]

Well, that guy, Luke, at least has always kept in touch with me and nobody here is exclusive and I know a lot more about chasing guys away then letting hem slip away, so, shut it.

Anyways, that guy, Luke, would probably rule the roost if my reunion plan goes well, but listen and most Tranny's will support me on this because when a guy kisses back, I mean, that's not something you just ignore. I mean, most straight8 guys just want you to kiss their dicks and all, but when one of them lip smacks back, you write that down. Besides, that guy Luke, also cashed in not one, not two, but three IOUs from back when I wore my braces, so, it balanced out.

"You got this, right Dewy Daye?"

"Oh, I got this in spades, Luke and I'm putting you on notice that when you achieve your harem of mixed girls, erg, ooh, erg, ooh, you will also owe me not one, not two, but three sideline paybacks, so?"

"OMG, Dewy Daye, relax with the mixed goth harem talk! But tee he, I like how that sounds and there will be judgement for how I like to have my cake and eat it too, got it? Also, speaking of that, I put in my not one, not two, but three major make out sessions with you, so, in full disclosure, I am thinking about receiving not one, not two, but three blow jobs from you in the near future, so?"

Hah! Well, actually, I can't believe that guy, Luke, let me get away with it, um, get away without it, I should say, in the first place, so, um, maybe when I'm on the rebound next time. I mean, maybe since he did kiss back. And, and, and, in only a light shadow!

[Um, that guy, Luke, tinkers in his garage and garages hide things from view more than the shadows, but that guy, Luke, really got after it. And we up here in the clouds also couldn't believe that he let Dewy Daye so off of the hook for sex. Unless, tee he, unless that guy, Luke, has something to be embarrassed about, tee he.]

Oh, the impressions and throbbing against my belly said otherwise, so, um, it's still a mystery from my side, but it restored my faith in guys for wanting more than a cute Tranny down on the knees.

Anyways, I left that guy, Luke, throbbing because we managed to sneak in a couple of embracing lip smacks because the Strip has more than enough shadows and made my way up the Strip to find the prep pretties crew, which all I had to do was to follow the sound of their cork wedged heels as they went all "thump, thump, thump" on the Strip's sidewalk.

And with that guy, Luke, it's because I'm Boi that he stops short, right?

And I'm asking because the not one, not two, but three dates rule has passed us by, so.

Well, whatever since I committed to a mission, which has been planned perfectly to not let the tables be turned on me because erg, ooh, erg, ooh, I've had enough of...

"Oh, there you are, Dewy Daye because I heard that you were looking for me to talk to me about any number of your not one, not two, but probably three hair brain schemes, but I need to talk to you first, so, pull up a seat to the table, okay?"

[Creak and the table turning has begun]

Well, Gabbi and her prep pretties crew hang out in front of the Lava Java Coffee Shop and they have outdoor café tables, so, shut it.

"Gabbi, I have not one, not two, but three questions for you and...

[LOL, tries to creak the table back the other way, but the prep pretties just bat their eyes]

"I mean, Gabbi, I have a grand master plan and I need to know quick where I can find black shaded cork wedged heels that go all "thump, thump, thump" for you, Rena and Sparks and I mean quick, so?"

"Oh, well then, our cork wedged heels go more like "clump, clump, clump" Dewy Daye and shaded in black are near impossible to find, but I appreciate how you just committed to a not one, not two, but a shopping spree for three preppy pretties, so, go on then because black boots will do in a pinch, so?"

[Creak, creak, the table is 25% turned around]

[Also, Gabbi is a patient woman and is barely tapping her toes in anticipation of the next failed attempt to twist the table back around in Dewy Daye's favor and hasn't even begun the raise her arms to cross them across her chest yet, so, everything is cool]

"Oh, um, yeah, boots would work because um, well, Gabbi, listen because..."

[A small dust cloud is beginning to form around Gabbi's cork wedge heels toe tapping, so, Dewy Daye had better get to the point!]

"Fine, here's the deal, there is a car show and a skateboard battle tomorrow up at the skateboard park and myself and that guy, Luke, were wondering if you and your crew would be attending and it would be a great chance for you and the prep pretties to prance around in minis and you know, be you, so?"

[Creak, creak, creak, the table is still turning]

"Well, first of all, we rarely miss an opportunity to wear our minis on Saturday's or any other day that ends with "day" with our cork wedged heels, but is the skateboard park the same as that shoehorn concrete cereal bowl place above the river on Highlander Drive, hmm?"

Tee he, I never heard the skate park described like that before.

"Exactly, Gabbi, so, listen..."

"Oh, hold up there, Dewy Daye! Since we have a friendship history..."

[Gabbi actually gifted Dewy Daye his first package of undies way back in the back]

Yeah, she did! And while wearing just her undies!

[Ahem, Gabbi may have gifted the packaged undies to Dewy Daye while wearing a modest bikini, that's still very socially acceptable and ahem, Dewy Daye has yet to experience a woman in just her undies]


[You hired me to be your narrator and advisor!]

[But enough of our squabble because Gabbi is beginning to lift her arms for the famous crossing of the chest]

"Ahem, my patience is growing thin, Dewy Daye, so, I repeat myself, what's in it for my crew and what's in it for that guy, Luke because that other guy, Ernie has been asking me questions about you and that other guy, Ernie, is Sparks' cousin and the communication line is direct, so?"

[Creak, creak, creak, creak, the table turns and huh, a dust cloud emerges from underneath]

"Oh, we can talk about that later (really???), but for now, I thought it would be nice if you and your crew would go all "clump, clump, clump" around the park grounds and spectate during the skateboard battles between the Gruesome Goth girls of Middleton and..."

"(Hiss!) Lola!"

"And the Ghoulish Goth girls from Hillsdale and I don't mean as cheerleaders, but as I remember it, you and Lola were..."


"Were never really enemies back in school and Lola is..."


"Is one of the best borders, so, how is my three-part plan working so far, hmm, Gabbi?"

[Well, I've seen it all now! The Preppy Pretties leaned in and huddled up to discuss it! While wearing their Demin minis. Which drew a crowd from up and down the Strip!]

Yeah, yeah, that's the way to huddle it up!

[Huddle, huddle, it's one day, huddle, glam it up, huddle, huddle, Hillsdale goth guys, huddle, break]

"And the verdict is????"

"Oh, well, since we already knew all about this and turned the tables on you, Dewy Daye, you win this one, but it will cost you not one, not two, but three Glam Goth Girls outfits and since we've already been shopping for this on our phones from local shops, ahem [extends a soft hand], we'll take not one, not two, but three credit cards, please and thank you, so?"

"(Psst, psst, psst!)"

"Um [snatches the not one, not two, but three credit cards anyways] hold please, Dewy Daye."

[Rena calls for a re-huddle and the sidewalk crowd approves!]

[Whisper, whisper, whisper, I found strung corsets across the Strip, whisper, no cheerleading, break]


[The old fingers into the sides just above the hips surprise trick!]

"[A startled jump backwards] OMG, OMG, Ernie, you startled me! And a startled jump is not exactly the same as twerking you, so?"

LOL, it was so the same! I mean, I may or may not know what guys like, so.

"Also, that's your cousin, Sparks, that you're checking out over my shoulder!"

Well, in Ernie's defense, Sparks' face was towards the center of the huddle and all prep pretties look exactly the same from the rear, so.

"Damn! Um, I'll go get my SUV then and pick you up in just a moment, Dewy Daye, so, wait right here, okay?"

"Oh, I wasn't aware that I was getting into your running SUV, Ernie, so, um, what's that all about, hmm?"

"Oh, I mean, queen Gabbi just texted me and said that she would peel you off of her ring finger for one night, so, um, there's a mixer down at the river park and it is Friday night and all, so, um..."

Hah! A mixer in the river park is exactly the same as lover's lane! But I've heard good things about it before and I think that at least a few Tranny people will back me up when I say that sometimes the opportunities are a little unbalanced, but tossing them aside too quickly almost always means living the life of just posting selfies on Chang and not much more, so, um, I hope I'm right about that anyways.

"Ahem, you're drawing a crowd, ladies, with all this preppy huddling, so?"

"[Break!] Dewy Daye, you win again, which means you owe us, not one, not two, but three triple pay backs each in the near future because you..."

Um, prep pretties have their own math, right?

"You will get your very expensive and flashy not one, not two, but three Glam Goth Girls, but without cheering for (hiss) Lola's crew and then I'll need you to add me to your Last Will & Testament tonight because tomorrow, Rena's creamy cleavage reveal in a string strung corset will kill you, so?"

Oh, someone once said something nice about dying with a smile on your face, right?

"(Beep, beep)"

"Go, Dewy Daye, jump into Ernie's SUV and once you figure out that I'm better at match making and keeping the peace than you are, then you will owe me not..."

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll owe Gabbi a new table to turn on me and not one, not two, but three of something else! Blah, blah blah already! Who started all that not one, not two, but three stuff anyways, hmm?

[You! You did, Dewy Daye, you!]

Oh, tee he, that's right, but for me, not for the rest of the world, sheesh.

[Vroom, vroom, vroom, towards the lover's lane river park]

"Ernie, did you just want to go back to my place and just say that I performed the not one, not two, but three first time visit rites of passages that are expected down in that park, hmm?"

"Aw, come on, Dewy Daye, don't you want to take that walk of shame from the SUV to the trash can afterwards, huh?"

Which, OMG, is the dumbest thing ever! But apparently, mandatory.

"I mean, duh, no!"

"Um, even if it's a "look at me now" moment, huh? Or maybe even a not one, not two, but three "look at me now" moments because you did have your fans back in school, so?"

Hah, fans! But I never called them fags since they didn't mind flirting it up with a known Boi.

"That's dirty play, Ernie. But a tad intriguing, so, um, whew, um, and you're okay with all this then, Ernie? You're willing to park in lover's lane with a Boi, a cute as all get out Boi and then parade me around in front of those who had weird dreams about me, hmm?"

"Oh, well, I get my sex from you first, right, Dewy Daye?"

OMFG, guys! Jack me off, suck me off or bend over for me first and then who cares! Erg, ooh, erg, ooh, when I get my revenge on some guys!

[Um, you forgot to squint your eyes and clench your dainty fists, Dewy Daye, so?]

Erg, ooh {squints eyes tight and clenches dainty fists} erg, ooh, the day will come when I get my not one, not two, but three levels of revenge on some guys because...

"Hey, are those the three nerds parked just over there, who, LOL, screwed up in their basement nerd cave and jacked themselves off when you willing to experiment with not one, not two, but three naked nerds in a row, huh, Dewy Daye?"

Ugh, I mean, other than it was almost exactly like that, it wasn't like that! Except it was exactly like since my idiot cloud narrator happened to mention that evening way above, but it wasn't even like that, even though it was going to be exactly like that.

[LOL, not one, not two, but three double talking explanations of something that almost happened]

Well, in my defense, my soft face and braces drew the guys in quite early in life and I had to use double talk to keep things in check. And my flashy braces, tee he, because yikes! My smile was amazing, but a good deterrent too, because yikes!

[And the once the double talk kicks back in, folks, it's hard for Dey Daye to shut it off, so, Ernie got what he wanted and he got it very well...]

Thank you.

[And not one, not two, but all three rites of passage were accomplished, which included that dreadful walk from the vehicle to the trash can, a quick hello to the first to cat call at Dewy Daye and a revenge stop at the nerd's sedan because OMG, they so blew it last Spring when Dewy Daye was going to blow not one, not two, but all three of them before they just started to jack...]