Dex and the Twins at College Ch. 09


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Again, she slowly increased her pace until a grin began to form on her face. She looked into my eyes and mumbled, "Oh my gawwd. YES. Right there. OH SSSHHHIITTTT." Her orgasm was huge, long and loud. I hoped that Sarah and Sandy or worse yet, their mother were not out in their backyard. If Sarah or Sandy heard Hannah's wailing groans, they would probably want to join us. If it was their mother, she'd probably call the Police.

I held her by her hips as she thrashed through her orgasm. The twins were all grins as they looked up into Hannah's face and then to each other. Julie giggled and said, "Shit. I wish that was me right now." June giggled too and vigorously nodded her head.

Hannah continued to fuck herself on my cock as her crushing orgasm washed through her. When she recovered, she pushed her body back away from mine and grinned at me. She muttered, "Holy Shit, Dex. That was an E-Ticket ride." She wiped her forearm across her brow and muttered, "Whew. I could get used to that." She started to pull herself off my cock and then realized that my cock was still huge and she was pinned in place. The look on her face revealed that she hadn't expected that. The twins saw her look and giggled to each other.

Julie knew what Hannah was thinking and said, "Yeah. He does that a lot." That statement revealed our relationship in total to Hannah. I was glad that I had introduced the twins as my housemates and not my sisters.

The initial look on Hannah's face said, "Fuck. How do I get off this thing?" That look became a look of confusion as I lifted her up with me as I stood up. I moved to the front of the hot tub and lowered her ass to the control console. We were all surprised when the power jets came on. Our joined sexes were above the water line, with an occasional splash of hot water that felt great on my balls.

When Hannah understood what was next, she broke into a grin and then she rolled her hips to push her pussy on hard and I started driving my hips and cock. She looked for someplace for her arms to help push herself on and off but there was nothing behind her but air. She threw her hands around my neck and pulled herself to me. My hands were cupped under her ass and we fucked each other as she buried her face in my neck to smother a scream.

Julie moved past June and took my seat and reached up between my legs and began fondling my balls and I mumbled, "Oh fuck. Yeah." Water sloshed back and forth, crashing against the front and back wall, splashing up Hannah's back and Julie's chest. Hannah was totally out of the hot water, so the splashing water felt great and she cooed with each one.

She clung to me with her big tits crushed against my chest. She was hanging on for dear life when her second orgasm came on as suddenly as the first one. I couldn't see her face with it tucked into my neck but the sudden building of tension in her entire body gave her away. I increased my pace with the first hard clench on my cock. She screamed into my neck. It was almost completely muffled and the roar of the power jets hid the rest. She seemed to be trying to slam her pussy on my cock but it was just her body quaking through her orgasm.

I had been close to my orgasm getting ready to join hers but she caught me by surprise. I hurried to catch up but she was half-way through hers when I humped up and groaned out, "OOOHHH FFFFUCCCKK. UUUNNGGG," as I threw my hips forward. She groaned from the thrust and then she screamed into my neck again as my seed poured into her. The building pressure and release were incredible. I reloaded my hips and launched another load, which was accompanied by another squelched scream. Her clenching pussy continued as she milked my cock dry.

Julie had released my balls and moved aside to make room for me to fall back in my seat. Hannah came with me, still pinned to my erection. I wondered what look I'd get if my cock didn't go down then. It might. It might not. I know what June and Julie were hoping for.

We sat there with her body held tightly to mine as her pussy continued to randomly clench on my cock. Each time, my cock reacted to her sudden clench with a hard flex of its own. She moaned into my neck each time. After a while, the power jets turned off and it was quiet. The twins had buried their bodies in the hot water up to their chins. Hannah kissed my neck and I kissed hers as she whispered, "Your cock isn't going to go down, is it?" I just shrugged my shoulders, which lifted Hannah's body slightly out of the water. She snuggled back down in the warmth. The air was getting colder as darkness came on.

Hannah kissed my neck again and whispered, "I'd love to go for a triple because I've never had one before, but I have to get back to work before Doug and Jimmy get back. If I'm not done, they'll wonder what I've been doing. I hope we can do this again when we return to tear this all down. Maybe your housemates could join in for a three on one. Have you ever had one of those?" I kissed her neck and nodded. She giggled and said, "Of course you have."

She back off my shoulder and tried to get up but she was still trapped. She looked at me and said, "Be a love and help me off this thing, will you." I smiled. There was that English accent again. I cupped my hands under her butt-cheeks and easily lifted her straight up off my cock. It slapped back into the water and came to rest on my stomach. She looked down at it and just shook her head as she muttered, "Incredible."

She stepped out of the tub and grabbed her towel that she obviously had taken from my master-bathroom and threw it over her shoulder and ran across the lawn. Before she pushed through the back door she turned and threw me an air-kiss. The twins just giggled and then turned their attention to my erection.

As soon as Julie curled her fingers around the shaft, we both knew that it was going down. I also knew that it wouldn't take much for the two of them to get it back up again, but the looks between them told me that they wouldn't even try. They knew that I'd pleasure them until I died if necessary. They both moved in close on either side and both kissed me on a cheek at the same time. Then they pulled away and got out of the tub, grabbed their towels and ran for the house. I didn't even realize that they had left their bikinis behind on the edge of the tub until I grabbed for mine.

I laid back in the hot water until my cock retreated to its home position on my left hip and then I stood up. I pulled my bathing suit on and threw my towel over my shoulders before I grabbed up the twin's bikinis and pulled the cover into place. My bathing suit seemed to turn to ice as I headed for the house, which reminded me why I never wore a bathing suit to the hot tub. I hurried to my room and stripped off my bathing suit and jumped into the shower.

After dressing in a pair of nylon shorts and a tee shirt, I heard the front doorbell ring, followed by one of the thundering twins coming down the stairs to answer it. It was Doug and Jimmy, as expected. Jimmy was carrying a couple large coils of wire indicating that they had been successful. Doug asked June where Hannah was and June just shrugged her shoulders to indicate that she had no idea. Doug gave Jimmy some instructions and they both headed for the living room, which is where they had set up the control panel.

June got my attention and nodded slightly toward the stairs indicating that she wanted me to follow her. I looked back to see what Doug and Jimmy were doing and then followed June up the stairs and down the hall to the twin's room. Julie was still naked kneeling on the floor at the end of her bed with her head buried in Hannah's sex. Her tight black jeans were at her ankles. Hannah's hands were gently holding Julie's face as she rocked her hips along Julie's lips and tongue. She was emitting a constant moan as she stared at the ceiling. The noises indicated that Julie was slurping cum from Hannah's pussy.

June whispered, "Do you want any of that. She's delicious." I chuckled and shook my head. I'd love to dive into that pussy face first, but I wasn't crazy about sucking my own cum out of it. June was interested though and she stepped forward and nudged Julie, who pulled away to make room for her. June continued the attack on Hannah's pussy until she heaved up and groaned hard into her third orgasm. Her hands grabbed her big tits through her tee shirt and bra as her hips quaked. June held her hips to ride with them. Finally, Hannah started to come down from her high and she rolled up into a fetal position, forcing June's face away. Her pussy continued to randomly pulse and her whole body spasmed each time.

When she had fully recovered, Hannah sat up and pulled her pants back on and straightened her bra and tee shirt. She checked herself out in the bathroom mirror and when she was satisfied, she stepped to the bedroom door and looked back at us and said, "Fucking amazing," and closed the door behind her. We looked at each other and laughed as we nodded in agreement.

We hung out in the twin's bedroom watching the flatscreen TV mounted on the wall over the bureau. We were all dressed anticipating that Doug would be coming to show us how to operate the computer control panel and an hour later, the knock came. June answered the door and Doug scanned her body from head to toe for several seconds. Then he said, "We're done. Let me show you how this all works."

We started outside. Under the Portico was a beat-up looking casket that looked like it had just been forced up from underground. There was a skeleton arm dangling out of the lid with fingers drumming on the side of the casket. There were other headstones placed along the walkway. A strobe light was flashing so that it looked exactly like lightning flashes. Each flash was accompanied by a short delay and then loud rolling thunder boomed out of speakers. The sound of loud wind blowing accompanied the thunder. June jumped a foot in the air and shrieked at the first lightning bolt and thunder. Julie was startled too but she laughed at June.

Off the portico, behind a bank of naked Azalea bushes stood a standing skeleton with one boney arm dangling from the other boney hand. The severed arm was twitching as rapidly strobing light highlighted the movement. A werewolf growled from another set of speakers and then popped up suddenly. This time Julie nearly jumped into my arms and June giggled. All the way down the walkway to the driveway were tiki torches with lightbulbs that flickered just like fire. Off in the darkness, many sets of red eyes blinked on and off like whatever animals they were, were blinking.

We went into the foyer and there was another newish looking casket. A terrified voice from the casket screamed out, "Let me out of here."

Doug lifted the cover and there was a foam mattress inside. He laughed and said, "You never know what people's fetishes are."

The family room was the busiest. There were animatronic clowns with jagged teeth; rotten fleshed hands and arms that crept up over the back of chairs; huge bats flitted from one corner to another and three-dimension illusions of various creatures that randomly appeared reflected on the big screen TV. Black lights were the primary source of illumination and speakers emitted sounds of wind and wailing banshees and growling animals.

Another casket was at the top of the stairs and that one held a mattress too. Doug said, "This one has a decomposed skeleton arm that pushes the top up a few inches and then drops it, unless there is a weight on the mattress. More animatronic creatures darted out of the upstairs bedrooms when motion in the hallway was sensed. It looked like most everything was activated by motion sensors. Doug said, "The sensing is random. Sometimes these ghouls pop out but not always. Don't want people to expect anything.

Each of the bedrooms had speaker howling wind and shrieks with strobe light flashing to simulate the pulsing illumination of a lightning strike close by. In the twin's room, the girls marveled at how realistic everything was. Julie walked between their beds and a hairy arm and hand sprang out from under June's bed and touched Julie's leg. She screamed and high-stepped it out of there as fast as possible. The three of us laughed hard and followed Julie in to the hall where she was flailing her hands at her legs to get off whatever that was that touched her.

Mom and Dad's room was more of the same. An animatronic skeleton sat in the overstuffed chair by the bed smoking a cigar. You could even see the chest glowing to display the simulated cigar smoke swirling around in the open chest.

The huge spare bedroom/study was all decked out with strobe lights and speakers and an animatronic skeleton sat at the desk moving like it was typing on the computer keyboard. The eyes glowed red.

Doug took us downstairs to the control console and showed us how to turn it on room by room or the entire system. It was pretty intuitive. Everything was labeled on a computer touch screen. Hannah came up behind me in the black light lit room and pushed her hand up between my thighs and rubbed her open palm along my cock through my pants. She surprised me and I guess I was jumpy from the tour already. She giggled and pulled her hand back before Doug caught her.

Doug explained that they would have a crew back a day or two after Halloween to tear everything down. It wouldn't take near as long as the set-up. Hannah spoke up and said, "Rachel and I can handle it if you like." He looked behind me at Hannah and hesitated for a moment and then said, "Good idea. I've got a few big public shows to tear down." Hannah reached around the opposite side from Doug and pinched my hardening cock. I knew she was telling me to stand-bye for her return trip with Rachel. The twins grinned back at Hannah. They were excited to meet Rachel.

I shut down the system under the watchful eye of Doug and he presented his clipboard and paperwork for my signature. They left shortly after and we returned to the family room to watch TV. Julie took a chair and laughed as she said, "I hope this Rachel is as hot as Hannah." June laughed and nodded vigorously.

At eleven o'clock I got up and said, "Good-night," and headed for my bedroom. I crawled under the covers and waited to see where the girls were going to sleep tonight. I heard the TV go off and then I heard the thundering herd on the stairs.

I heard their shower come on and an evil thought came over me. I got out of bed and went to the living room and flicked the system power switch on. I looked down the list of 'things that go bump in the night' on the brightly lit computer screen and found a listing for 'creepy thing under the beds'. It didn't have separate listing for all the beds in the house so I assumed that probably all beds had these things that scared the shit out of Julie. I selected that choice and pressed the icon to activate it. Just to be sure, I walked back into my room along the edge of my bed and a hairy arm flew out against my bare leg. I jumped a foot even though I was expecting it. I crawled in under my covers and waited.

The twins shower went off and a couple minutes later came blood-curdling screams from both June and Julie. Moments later, the thundering herd shot down the stairs. They were both still screaming. They burst into my room and ran down the side of my bed, which activated the hairy arm under my bed and they screamed like the girl in all the horror movies and jumped in to my bed and pulled the covers over their heads. I started laughing as I lifted the covers to look at their horrified faces. They got it pretty quickly and Julie said, "You asshole. You scared the shit out of us. Twice." I laughed harder and then they both joined me in laughter. We each chuckled on and off for the next half-hour. June's whisper, "Asshole," was the last thing I remember until the next morning when I woke to a pressure on my morning woody.

I lifted the covers to look and June and Julie looked up at me. Julie lips were half-way down my cock. June said, "You meany. This isn't for you. It's for us." I chuckled and dropped my head back on my pillow and eased my hips upward.

I said, "Okay. I promise I won't enjoy it then." They both giggled and June pulled the bedcovers down over their heads. Julie was pushing my cock into her throat where she held it until she couldn't breath and then pulled off. June pushed her lips on and started a furious knob job with both hands counter-rotating hand job. I knew I wasn't going to last long and the girls knew it.

They both moved in between my knees and positioned their faces inches from my cock with their mouths wide open and their tongues out as far as they could push them. June kept up her hand job and I felt my balls boiling a load and moments later, they were startled by the huge first shot that splattered across both faces. They giggled and June readjusted her aim. They shared all the rest of the shots. As long as they didn't take two in a row, neither had any trouble handling the load.

I collapsed in a heap when my last shot dribbled out onto Julie's tongue. She dipped her tongue into the 'eye' and offered her tongue to June who sucked Julie's tongue into her mouth.

When we were done, the girls rolled together off my bed to the floor and the 'thing under the bed' swung out and grazed their legs. They screamed in stereo and flew back on the bed. I had forgotten to turn 'the thing' off last night and I was surprised by their scream. They were flailing at their legs with their hands. Then we got laughing. We all laughed together so hard that June blew out a 'pig snort' and that set up even more laughter. We hadn't laughed so hard in a long time.

This time, the girls got off my bed at the foot and took a wide berth of the 'thing under the bed'.

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Falstaff60Falstaff6011 months ago

Loved the tender sex scene between Julia and Dex. IMHO one of the differences between fucking and making love is that most of the sex scenes are about women fucking Dex's big appendage, not him as a persona and that is what you do when you make love. You make love to the person inside this shell we all walk around in. Big yes to Dex finally getting a girlfriend. He may not be looking, but that's usually when it happens.

feelgood2000feelgood2000almost 4 years ago

Fun to read!! I love how Dex is the center of the story and that he actually needs sleep

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Maddy always steals the show! I hope she gets airtight or at least a gangbang. I hope she stays a while. This was the nicest chapter so far in my opinion. Keep it up

Rancher46Rancher46almost 4 years ago
Dex needs a love life

I agree with anon, give poor old Dex a steady girl friend. I thought Reece was transferring to Dex's school and would be a great love interest for Dex. Or then there was Sylvia who Dex was with before Reece came on the scene. Dex's needs a happily ever after.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Enough already!

Let Dex finally have a girlfriend! He's in college and at some point all guys settle down with a single girl. It's clear he wishes it was Sylvia but now she going to fuck his Mom and Dad. Nothing like a little salt on the wound. And now he's losing his connection with his Mom as well. I'm losing interest in this story. Give me some depth to these characters. They are likable enough and the salacious sex was fun but come on Dude. Give the guy a break in the romance department, why don't ya? At least let him confront Sylvia about his feelings for her.

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