Dex and the Twins at College Ch. 16


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She drove the speed limit, which was very unusual. We were in our seats in the theatre in plenty of time. As I suspected, the movie was 'Fifty Shades of Gray'. I figured that she would select seats in the back row. There were people already seated sporadically throughout the theater, but there weren't many. Mom picked a row with no one in it in the middle of the theater and led me to seats in the middle of the row. No one was around us until the previews started and a couple of young guys made their way in the dark to the seats directly behind ours. They looked like they were sixteen but they must have been older because it was an R-Rated movie and you had to be eighteen to get in. I was ready to move, but Mom grabbed my arm and whispered, "No. This is perfect. Stay right here.

Apparently, the young guys behind us had already seen the movie at least once. They talked and chuckled about their favorite parts. I had seen the movie once and I smiled to myself as they described the action. I knew exactly what they were talking about. Mom was listening to their conversation too and she squirmed in her seat and nonchalantly reached over and put her hand on my crotch and formed her fingers over my rising dick. She put some pressure on it and I quickly rose to attention. It was easy to figure out this is what Mom had in mind. I groaned softly and the guys behind us continued their conversation about the sex scenes in the movie. I had forgotten some of the scenes and my cock hardened further as I remembered them. I had no interest in the previewed movies. I just wanted to get into the main feature.

As we got into the film, it was obvious that Mom was turned on by the lead male character and her fingers squished in her wet pussy. I kept glancing back at the two young guys to see if they could hear the squishing noises. My guess was that they could because their hands were rubbing on their crotches and we hadn't even got to the first sex scene.

When we got to the rich guys home with his sex room and his various accessories, and the lead female character got naked, Mom grabbed my hard-on through my pants as she gently and quietly throbbed through her first orgasm. When she was done, she pulled her hand to her face and sucked each finger, one by one. I knew this was just the preliminary.

As the first sex scene got going, Mom slowly and quietly unzipped my pants and then she struggled to get my erection out. She curled her fingers around my shaft as far as she could and slowly began jerking me off. The two guys behind us didn't take such care and their zippers came down loudly. Mom glanced at me and grinned. Her attention went back to the sex on the screen while her hand gripped my cock harder. I flexed it back at her and she giggled as her free hand went back to her sex. In the quiet passages, we could clearly hear the whacking noises behind us. Mom glanced at me again and gave a nod back over her shoulder and grinned and I nodded that I knew what the guys were doing. I was more than familiar with those sounds.

Mom pulled the arm between our seat up between the seat backs and leaned toward me. She rested her shoulder against mine and then she slowly rolled off my shoulder, down my torso and dropped her mouth to my cock. She licked the knob and lightly kissed it. She found my 'spot' with her tongue and began flicking it. I humped up in my seat and groaned a little too loud. I heard the guy sitting directly behind me whisper, "Fuck Jim. Look at that." I knew what 'that' was. The whacking noises behind us got louder and Mom giggled around my knob. I put my arm over Mom's body to hide her bobbing head. She made no attempt to be quiet and the slurping and sucking noises were easily heard by our neighbors.

I was a little embarrassed by Mom's brazenness, but I was unbelievably aroused at the same time. Mom loved having sex in public places and this venue was right up her ally. I was sure this wasn't the first time for her. She was sucking hard on my cock and I got harder and harder. I thought I might explode.

With the theater seats, Mom could suck on my cock and watch the movie. As the erotic action increased on screen, Mom got more aroused and without warning, Mom unfastened my belt and I lifted my hips and pushed my pants down to my knees. She pulled back off my cock and swiveled her body off her seat and sat down on my thighs with her knees at my hips and her back to the screen. She kissed me passionately as she guided my sloppy wet cock to her sex. When she impaled herself, she came off my lips and sat up straight in my lap as she groaned loudly. Besides the loud whacking noises behind us, there was a loud groan from behind Mom's vacant seat, "Oh fuck Sammy. I'm cumming."

Mom started slamming her hips toward mine and then she slowly retreated only to repeat the rapid thrust. I watched Mom's face morph through several looks of pure joy. I could roll my hips up into her as she slammed forward but that was all I could do to add to Mom's action. She fucked her way through an orgasm with her eyes pinched shut and her mouth hanging open. When she recovered from that she opened her eyes and looked past me to the young guy sitting directly behind me. He was still jerking on his cock. I was afraid that he'd cum on my neck or something.

Mom was grinding her sex on my cock and as she motioned Sammy forward, she grabbed my shoulder and shuddered through another orgasm. Her pussy clenched tightly on my cock as she dropped her forehead to my shoulder.

When she recovered from that, Mom lifted her head and opened her eyes to find Sammy's cock right in her face. Sammy was on his knees in front of his seat, wagging his hard cock in Mom's face. She grinned at him and leaned forward and sucked his cock into her mouth and in an instant, took all of him. He groaned hard and I heard Sammy's friend Jim say, "Oh fuck Sammy. You lucky bastard." Jim started jerking on his spent cock frantically trying to get it back up. I knew it wouldn't take long considering what he was watching, between the movie and Mom sucking on his friend's cock.

Mom was pushing her hips forward on my cock as her head pulled back to the ridge of Sammy's knob. Then she reversed her action to pull off my cock and push her mouth all the way down to Sammy's balls. He groaned hard when she did that. It was easy to imagine what he was feeling.

Sammy only lasted a half-dozen strokes before he groaned out, "Oh ggawwdd. Here I go." Mom already knew and she pushed his cock deep in her mouth to take his load. She drank it right down in gulps that were anything but quiet. Murmuring noises rose in the theater.

The movie had moved on to the next sex scene which was kind of a distraction to the real-life action. I heard movement behind me and realized that Jim and Sammy were changing seats. The murmuring was getting louder. Mom kept up her fucking motion and as she reached over my shoulder to jerk Jim off, she shuddered through another orgasm. She wound up just gripping Jim's cock as she throbbed through her climax.

Jim slid forward on his seat and pushed his cock to Mom's face and when she finished clenching on my cock, she eagerly sucked his cock deep in her mouth. She pulled off and mumbled, "Mmmm. Big one." She started bobbing her head on his cock and he groaned out, "Oh fuck. Yes."

I caught movement in my peripheral vision and looked to my right to see a middle-aged couple coming down our row of seats. The guy eased past my legs to sit in Mom's seat while the woman sat down in the seat beside me. Without delay, she reached in under Mom's bare ass and grabbed my balls and then let her hand run up my cock as Mom rolled her hips up to my knob in preparation for another plunge.

The woman whispered, rather loudly, "Oh my God, Steven. He's huge." I heard Steven's zipper come down. I felt a hand come between Mom and me and begin fondling her tits. She groaned and pulled Jim's cock deep in her mouth. She was making 'mmmuummpphhh' noises as Jim drilled his erection into Mom's mouth. The woman beside me was jerking on my cock in sync with Mom's thrusts.

Mom was gasping for air around Jim's cock which muffled her scream as she burst into a huge orgasm. I heard Steven say, "Fuck woman. You are one fucking hot babe." Just then Jim groaned into his climax and Mom drank him down in gulps. When Jim was done, he collapsed back into his seat gasping for air. The two guys gave high fives and watched as Steven knelt in his seat and offered his cock to Mom. She eagerly took it as she lifted herself off my cock and rolled off me to her knees in front of Steven's seat. He pivoted back into his seat so Mom could suck him off.

The woman took her opportunity and stood up and pulled her panties down to the floor. She moved into my lap in a reverse cowgirl position and sat down on my stomach as she grabbed my gooey cock, sticking up between her thighs. She pulled it back to her sex and plunged herself on. She groaned hard in pain. She was tight. She instantly stopped her descent to allow herself to adjust. She inched past half-way before she yelped and stopped. She knew she had bottomed out on her cervix. She moaned, "Fuck. That's never happened before." I let her take up the action as I cupped her small tits through her dress. While she rolled her hips to fuck herself, she unbuttoned her dress and I renewed my grip on her tit-flesh. She grabbed my hands to hold them there.

I watched Mom bobbing her head on Steven's cock. She was easily taking all of him and he groan and thrust his hips upward each time mom's lips went down his shaft. Mom pulled down her dress so she could maul her tits. She looked over at me and pulled off and grinned at the woman in my lap, who was about to explode into her orgasm. I could feel my own bubbling to the surface.

It didn't take long for Steven to blow his load and he was so loud about it that many others in the theater broke out in applause. Mom took all of his offering and swallowed with ease. She held his cock in her mouth as it softened and then she pulled off. Mom moved over to me and the woman in my lap and pushed my hands away from her small tits and then bent down and suckled each of her hard nipples until the woman groaned hard into her orgasm. She shuddered and her pussy began clamping hard on my cock and that pulled mine up and I exploded my usual long streams of cum into her. She screeched out, "Oh Jesus. You're gonna rip me in half." That brought another round of applause. I drove my hips up into her to launch each shot. She grabbed my arms to stabilize herself. We settled down together and our breathing became normal before she moved again. Mom sat down on the other side of Steven and got her clothing together. Steven was consumed by his wife's or girlfriend's writhing in my lap. He was watching to see my cock soften and drop out of her pussy. I guess she was waiting too, so she could just slide down my soft shaft and get off. That didn't happen. My cock stayed hard and I had to lift her off. She fell off into Steven's lap and turned back to look at my cock. She said, "Fuck. Steven. He's twice as big as you." Steven's eyes were wide, but a frown formed on his face at what his wife had said. He pushed his soft dick back in his pants. Mom pinched his soft cock through his pants and giggled.

I guess Steven thought Mom's giggle was offensive and demeaning because his dick was small. He stood up and pulled his wife out of my lap and said, "Come on Ann." He had a strong grip on her wrist and he yanked her down the row. She was trying to get her dress back over her tits. She left her panties behind. She looked back at me and grinned as she threw me an air-kiss as she was violently pulled down the stairs to the ramp leading out of the theater.

Mom moved back to her seat. We had lost all continuity in the movie and Mom leaned over and stuffed my softening cock into my pants. I zipped up with care and Mom said, "I've seen enough. Let's go." We both stood and made our way down the row to the stairs. Everyone in the theater hooted and clapped as we left. Mom threw air-kisses to Sammy and Jim, who were vigorously jerking themselves off again.

We were early to meet Dad and the girls at the Pizza Barn because we left the theater half-way through the movie. I could only imagine what Mom would have in mind to use the extra time. I didn't have to wait long to find out. We were heading for an exit to the parking lot closest to her car. A lighted 'Men's Room' sign illuminated the dark hallway. I told Mom that I'd be a minute and I pushed into the rest room. No one was there. It was between movies. I stepped up to a urinal and pulled my gooey dick out and relieved myself. Then I stepped over to the sinks and washed my dick with soap and water. I was tall enough to push my cock under the faucet to rinse off the soap.

I was stuffing my soft dick back in my pants when a hand came around my right waist and grabbed my dick from my hand. I turned to look and it was Mom with a huge grin on her face. She took my dick and pulled me into a stall and closed and locked the door. She unfastened my pants and unzipped before pulling them to the floor. She maneuvered me on to the toilet seat and pushed her legs along the outside of mine and dropped herself down on my thighs. She threw her hands around my neck and pulled me in for a passionate kiss. She broke our embrace and whispered, "I hope you didn't wash off Ann's juices. I wanted to taste her on your cock." I didn't understand why she felt she needed to whisper.

I chuckled and whispered, "Too late. You should have said ... ." I didn't finish my sentence because I heard a sucking and slurping sound in another stall. Mom heard it too and we both went quiet and listened. My cock was hard and it was slapping hard on Mom's sex. She reached down and pulled it to her pussy and held it there as we listened.

A man groaned hard and Mom snickered into her free hand. She whispered, "That's Steven." I grinned and flexed my cock against her pussy. Mom smiled and whispered, "I want to see what happens." She tried to lean down past me to see under the stall wall, but she couldn't get low enough.

"Mmmmpphhh" noises followed by "AAWWWKK's" revealed that Steven was fucking her face. She was probably sitting on the toilet and Steven was thrusting his cock rapidly into her face. Ann gagged and coughed. Mom covered a giggle with her hand when Ann said, "That woman was pretty hot, wasn't she?"

Steven was breathing hard as he mumbled out, "She was. She had her boy-toy. How was he. You like young cock." Mom snickered with her hand squelching the sound.

Ann cleared her throat and smacked her lips loudly before responding, "His cock was huge. Too big for me. It was nice to try one that big though." Then she said, "Cum for me Steven. My lips are getting tired." The "mmmpphhing" and "awwkking" sounds resumed.

Steven said, "get your panties off and bend over the toilet, I want to cum in you."

Ann pulled her lips off his cock with a 'pop' and laughed as she said, "I left my panties behind. They're someone's trophy." We heard her repositioning in the stall and then he let out a loud groan as he apparently pushed his cock into her from behind. Mom softly giggled and held her hands up a few inches apart indicating that his cock was that size. We didn't hear a groan, moan or whimper from Ann as her husband fucked her doggy style. Just the slapping of his stomach against her ass. He was really giving it to her but she didn't make a sound.

Mom wasn't going to wait any longer. She pulled my cock down and slid her hips forward pushing herself onto my cock. She squelched a groan with her hand clamped over her mouth. I rolled my hips forward to meet her half-way. Steven groaned out and announced that he was going to cum. Not a sound came from Ann. Then the rapid thrusts stopped and became singular thrusts as he blasted cum into his wife's pussy. It could have been her ass but her silence made me assume pussy. Steven grunted with each thrust until he was done. Then we heard movement again. A zipper was pulled up and soon after, the lock on the stall flipped open. They quickly walked past our stall and left the bathroom.

Mom giggled and started fucking me for all she was worth. I grabbed her hips and slammed her on and off my cock. I wanted to duplicate what Ann and Steven had done so I maneuvered her back and off my cock. She had a confused look that turned into a grin when I whispered, "Doggy."

She slid back off my legs and I stood up. Mom leaned over the toilet and grabbed the top of the tank behind it as she spread her legs. I moved my cock to her pussy and pushed in. I took several strokes and then pulled back and lifted my cock up an inch and pushed into Mom's ass. She looked back at me with a huge grin and pushed herself back against my momentum. I broke through and started fucking her ass as soon as I was fully engaged.

I was about to ramp up the pace when the rest room door opened. I stopped and Mom dropped her head in disappointment that we had another delay. She wanted to go and she slowly pushed herself back on my cock and then pulled forward again. To tease her, I flexed my cock hard and she shoved a hand to her mouth to stifle a groan. I listened to the guy going in the urinal and then a zipper and then the faucet followed by the automatic paper towel dispenser. The door opened and closed and there was total quiet. I jammed my cock into Mom's ass and she screeched her surprise.

I increased my pace; driving my cock deep in her ass. She did all she could do to add herself to the action until she groaned, "Oh Jesus, I'm gonna cum. Fuck me Dex. Oh God, fuck me hard." She was throwing herself back at me as I pummeled my cock in her. I was getting close and if I hurried I could maybe cum with her. That was my goal and when Mom's anal orgasm grabbed her and my cock, that's when I exploded into my orgasm. Mom's knees went wobbly and I grabbed her slim waist to hold her up. When her anal spasms permitted, I continued my fucking motion as I launched my hips at her ass as long spurts of cum launched into her. She started chanting, "Oh Jesus. Oh Jesus. Oh Jesus," as she gasped for oxygen. I was breathing hard too.

The rate of my penetrations slowed as the last of my cum-shots were expelled. I pulled my hard cock from her ass and Mom stood up straight and turned around and sat down on the toilet. I picked up my pants and pulled them on. Mom reeled off a wad of TP and wedged it between her ass-cheeks to collect any leakage. She indicated that she was ready and I unlocked the stall and quickly went to the paper towel dispenser. I pulled out several sheets and ran half of them under the faucet. I was half-way back to the stall with my hard cock pointing the way, when the rest room door opened and several guys filed into the room. I covered my cock with my hands and paper towels and had to wait for the line to go by. Each one of them took a look at a sight you don't normally see in a public rest room. I made my way back to the stall and Mom had pulled herself back together again. I gave her the paper towels and she washed my cock and dried it before pushing her mouth down the length of me and slurped her tongue around my shaft. She wasn't quiet about it. She just looked up at me and grinned.

All eyes from the urinals turned toward us as the lock clacked open and we stepped out. Mom smiled back at them as I hurried her from the room before she decided that there were several more cocks that would be glad to get sucked off. It was my turn to lead her by the hand out the exit to her car.

She slid into the driver's seat and adjusted the mirror to allow her to check her face and hair. She pushed and prodded in a couple places and turned to me and smiled. "Good as new," she said, and pushed the start button.