Diamonds In The Rough Ch. 09


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"Yaaaay! Got you Jake!" cried out Hope as she jumped on the couch and did a victory dance.

"Hope the couch isn't a trampoline!" scolded Lynn, "Please get down."

"Gee, can't a girl have some fun? It isn't everyday that I can whip on my brother and win."

Major had felt the commotion, and with hackles raised slowly the black dog eased into the room. Through gray-veiled eyes he saw the familiar ghosts and watched the little mistress bounce. He lowered his hackles as he sniffed the air. His sensitive nose recognized every scent, and immediately he knew all was well. The unsettling vibrations that roused him presented no danger. His kingdom was safe. Major used his nose to follow the tiny sprite he dearly loved. The big dog lay down, and rested his head on his crossed paws. He sensed her happiness, but could no longer hear it. For Major, his world was filled with the sounds of silence and misty shadows.

*** *** ***

"Deaf? How? Why?" Sam asked the vet as she stroked her handsome dog's head.

"Sam," Dr. Gladden replied, "It isn't unusual for this breed to suffer hearing loss. It is the way of things. I wish there was more I could do; I'm very sorry."

She took a deep breath as the doctors' words sank in. Sam had an idea that something was very wrong when Major occasionally didn't come when called. Deep down she knew the truth but refused to believe it until the day the family returned home from an afternoon Red's game. She opened the door — no Major came to greet them. She called for him — nothing. Sam concerned at what may have happened told the kids to stay with Lynn as she walked into the house. She found the big black dog lying on the kitchen floor. She cautiously approached, and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw his chest move. She couldn't ignore the truth any longer, and immediately made the appointment.

"Sam, he is showing early signs of cataracts too," the doctor sadly continued, "we could remove them, but honestly — it wouldn't be in his best interest. The normal life expectancy of a dog his size is ten to thirteen years, and Major is in the middle. I cannot predict the future, but he will learn, and adapt..."

Sam squeezed her protector — her beloved best friend — hard, and cried. After several minutes, the doctor reached out and put his arm around the forlorn woman.

"I know it's hard, but believe me he will do fine. Major's other senses will compensate. His nose, which is excellent already, will improve, and he will become very sensitive to tactile stimulation. He will sniff and feel his way around the house. Sam, I can't foresee how long he will live, but aside from his hearing and sight, there is no evidence of hip dysplasia or arthritis. For eleven and a half, Major over all is in excellent health."

Sam nodded and thanked the veterinarian. She looked into Major's chestnut eyes and saw the dark clouds the doctor referred to. She left the vet's office and stopped at a Wendy's Restaurant, not for her or her family, but for Major. She ordered a plain single and a vanilla Frosty for her beloved family member. She laughed, and wiped her eyes as she watched the big dog enjoy his special treat. When he finished Major looked up at the mistress he adored so much and tenderly licked her hand.

Hope, Jacob and Lynn walked laughing into their home, and saw Sam on the couch. Major sat up and sniffed the air. His tail wagged furiously. His young mistress was home. Sam haltingly looked up at her cheerful brood. The three stopped their revelry when they saw her distressed face. The dried tears on her cheeks, and the puffiness of her brown eyes told them something was very wrong.

She motioned her family into the den and shared the vet's news. Hope got up and ran crying to Major. She wrapped her arms around him, and bear hugged the big dog. Major enjoyed the little one's affection, but sensed her sadness too. He licked her face, and delicately nibbled her ear. Hope laughed and squirmed as the black dog tickled her, and for that moment she forgot the troubling news. Major broke free and sniffed the ground. He found his red plaid blanket and when he grabbed it, he ran out into backyard with Hope hot on his heels. Jacob saw the pair having fun, and joined his older (by eleven minutes) sister, as they chased the red blanket all over the yard.

Lynn opened the refrigerator and asked, "Are you okay my King?" He handed his woman a cold beer, then took a sip of his Chardonnay as he sat down at the table.

"No, I'm not," was her sad reply. "Major has been a big part of our lives." She looked out the window at the playful happiness. "I don't know what I'll do when he passes, Lynn."

Lynn got up and hugged his woman. "Well when it happens, we will all be there and let him know how much we love him."

Sam patted his arm, and smiled in agreement as the joyful backyard noise became louder. She looked across the table at Lynn and once again wondered how it was that he always knew just the right thing to say to calm and comfort her.

*** *** ***

Major sat down and watched intently as his young mistress stopped bouncing and became still. He sensed her mood change, but didn't understand why. Tired, he slowly walked up the stairs and went into his room. He circled the floor briefly and lay down on the tattered red blanket and fell asleep. Fifteen minutes passed when Hope bounded into her room and gently patted the sleeping dog's head. She was thrilled when Major chose to sleep in her room five years ago. The young girl yawned, took off her bunny slippers and quickly slid between the covers. Soon she was in the land of Nod.

Hope awakened abruptly and rubbed her sleepy eyes. She looked at the clock on her dresser and it read 3:17 in the morning. She sat up quickly when she heard a small noise. The strange sound came from downstairs.

'Jacob must be raiding the refrigerator again,' she thought, as she got out of bed. 'I'm going to scare him silly!' she laughed to herself.

Hope turned and put on her slippers. She tiptoed past the sleeping Major and quietly went downstairs. She was surprised to see the lights were off, and when she entered the kitchen — no Jacob? Puzzled, Hope turned to head back to her room. She did a double take when she noticed the patio door was ajar. She walked over, and began to slide the door closed.

"Ouch!" Hope softly said, as she brought her finger up to her mouth. She tasted blood and looked closely at the door. She saw strips of wood hanging, and her heart skipped a beat when she realized what the damage signified. Slowly she backed away when she heard a shuffling sound and looked up. In the reflection she saw him! Hope froze in terror as he clamped his hand over her mouth and drew her into his massive body.

The young girl was horrified and tried to pull his hand off her mouth but he was too strong. She attempted to stomp on his instep, but he kept his feet just out of her reach. Panic set in as he started to pull her towards the partially open door. Hope's bunny slipper flew off her left foot, and came to rest at the kitchen's entrance. She felt the cold kitchen floor as her captor's grip tightened around her mouth.

"If you keep struggling, I'll snap your neck," he growled in her ear and with his other hand he carefully opened the patio door and dragged Hope out of the house.

The man was giddy at his good fortune. What was originally a robbery quickly turned into a godsend. This unexpected find was now his. He drooled as he gazed at his prize.

"The fates must be smiling on me," he callously whispered in her ear. "I was just looking for something to steal, and you walk into my life. Wait until I get you to my place," he smirked as he licked his lips and roughly kissed her cheek, "I'm going to have some fun with you baby, and when I'm through, you will beg me to kill you." His voice was full of vile wickedness.

The terrified girl kicked her legs and screamed, but there was no sound as he held her mouth secure. The man needed to silence her. Slowly he raised his fist, and just before he struck he heard a noise, and from the shadows a dark ghost swiftly headed for him.

Major awoke with a start. He felt a strange tremor. Startled, he couldn't sense his little mistress. He lifted his head and sniffed the air. Immediately the fourteen-year-old dog was up and bounded hastily down the stairs. He sniffed the lone slipper at the kitchen's entrance and instantly recognized the scent. He raised his head and smelled the foulness in the air. He tracked it to the opened door. At once Major's hackles raised higher than they ever were before, and the nearly blind black dog shot out the door and headed to the massive outline in the backyard. This was no hunt; there was no stalking of prey. His young mistress was in grave danger, and he had to attack swiftly and without delay.

The man looked at the dog running towards him. He saw the gleam of bare teeth, and listened to the angry snarl. He relaxed his grip, and when he did Hope with all her might pushed his arm away and bit the foul flesh. The man bellowed in pain and rage, threw the girl off and grasped his arm. Hope let loose with a blood curdling scream as Major lunged at the intruder.

The man saw the dog leap and twisted his body to avoid the gnashing teeth. Then with all his might he punched the flying dog hard in the ribs. Major yelped at the intense pain, rolled onto the ground and lay still. The man smiled and with growing confidence, ripped his shirt off and coiled it menacingly in his hands. When the dog came at him again he would use his shirt as a garrote and break its neck. Major whimpered in pain and shakily stood up. The badly injured dog struggled to breathe and tasted blood in his mouth. The man smiled as he recognized that this dog was old and hurt. He smirked as the animal exposed his teeth and slowly staggered towards him.

Hope watched in horror as her cherished Major unsteadily headed again towards her would be kidnapper. She noticed the unusual way the man held the torn shirt as he beckoned the dog to attack. Terrified, Hope screamed at the top of her lungs. The piercing cry caused the man to lose his focus for a split second. Major, unaffected by the sound, leapt and sank his sharp teeth deep into the man's neck. The burly foul man silently cried in pain, unable to breathe as the black dog's jaw tightened its grip. Then he made a fatal error. He grabbed Major by the neck and with all his strength pulled the dog off, and threw the snarling animal into the night. Suddenly lightheaded, he reached for his neck and felt a spurt of warm blood at each beat of his fading heart. Too late he realized the mistake, and he collapsed to his knees. His eyes rolled back into his head, as he fell face first to the ground. The last thing he saw was the dog lying on its side, and the girl crying as she crawled to her protector. Even in death his only regret was his inability to have his way with her. The river of blood flowed down the driveway, as the vile human breathed his last.

Major was on the ground underneath the Maple tree. He tried to move, but couldn't — he was very tired. He felt the ground gently vibrate as she came to him; his precious young mistress was safe. Her hands gently lifted his head and he felt the soft comfort of her lap. Wetness touched his muzzle and he felt at peace. Through the dimming shadows he saw her ghostly face, and then with the brightness of a new light her face became perfectly clear. Major wagged his tail and his beautiful little mistress tearfully smiled at him. He memorized her features, then with one final burst of energy he reached up and licked her tear stained cheek. The tail stopped moving and became very still. Major laid his head down for the last time.

*** *** ***

The neighborhood was wide awake. Police sirens could be heard in the distance. Sam and Lynn awakened by their daughter's scream took off out of bed. Jake opened his door, both loudly instructed him to stay there and they rushed downstairs to find their little girl. Sam reached the entrance to the kitchen first and saw Hope's bunny slipper on the floor. She momentarily froze at the damaged patio door, and then bolted into the back yard. Sam cringed when she saw the man lying in the yard; blood still flowed from a gaping wound.

"HOPE! HOPE! CAN YOU HEAR ME?" Sam frantically screamed.

Lynn almost threw up when he saw the man. He shook the feeling off and scanned the yard for his daughter. He found Hope and Major under the Maple tree. Something was very wrong with Major.

"Sam! Over here!" he cried in a shrill voice as he ran to his daughter's side.

Sam turned towards his voice and raced to the tree. Lynn grabbed Sam before she reached their daughter. Her heart dropped at the sight. Hope was rocking and keening as she cradled Major's head in her arms. Sam nodded at her Queen and they both slowly eased down on either side of their precious daughter.

Hope, her blue eyes wide open, stared at the still form on her lap, as tears cascaded down her face. She felt the touch of her mother and began to cry, "Mom, Dad, he saved me, he saved me, but he won't wake up. Mom, Dad he won't wake up. Why won't he wake up? Mom? Dad? He stopped the bad man, but he won't wake up...he won't...wake...up, Major, wake up boy, wake up!" she cried as she stroked his head. "MOM, DAD! Make him wake up!!" Hope frantically looked at her parents, "He saved me! He has to wake up! Please help him!" Her eyes became hysterical as she saw parents put their heads down, and at the top of her lungs Hope screamed, "NOOOOOO!!!"

Jacob defied his parent's orders and watched the scene unfold from the broken door. He heard his sisters' anguished cries and knew that Major was gone. He went back into the house as tears fell from his face. Jake hurried back with a piece of red tattered cloth in his arm. He steadily walked to his family underneath the maple tree. He looked intently at his sister; her wide open eyes were staring blankly into space — Hope was deep in shock. Jacob reached Sam's side and handed her Major's red blanket. Sam looked at her handsome young son, his face so much like her own, and nodded her thanks. She opened the blanket as Lynn carefully helped their daughter up. With deep gratitude for his heroism, Sam covered her beloved Major with his favorite blanket and said a small prayer of blessing and thanks.

She stood back up and reached for Jacob, then Hope and finally her Queen. Sam looked at her almost catatonic daughter, and realized it would be a long time before she or for that matter all of them got over this terrible night.

No one noticed the police, with guns drawn, as they carefully peered into the yard. Sara, a twelve-year police veteran, knew who lived at this address, and she was worried. She cautiously stepped into the backyard.

*** *** ***

Sara had met Sam the first time at Gigi's about eight years before. She noticed the handsome woman sitting alone and sipping a beer at a table. Sara was enamored by her beauty, and had just started to make a move on her when a small man, his blond hair in a pony tail, came to the table with two young children in tow. Sara was stunned when the woman got up, kissed him, and held the chair out for him to sit. She watched as the young girl climbed on the man's lap, and at the same time the boy climbed on the woman's. Sara realized she made a big mistake.

She apologized for her indiscretion and got up to leave. Lynn called her back and asked her to join them for dinner. Sara was amazed by both his femininity, and graciousness. When she listened to their history, she was astounded. Sara had never heard of two gays of the opposite sex falling in love. This was a first. As their friendship developed, Sara's love and admiration grew too. Lynn became one of her dearest friends. Five years later when she married Renee', Sara asked Lynn to do their makeup and stand up with her as she professed her love for Renee'. As time progressed the two families shared many a bottle of beer and glasses of Chardonnay. She loved this unique family with all her heart.

*** *** ***

Sara observed the male body on the ground surrounded by a pool of blood and her cherished friends crying under a tree. She heard Hope scream how Major saved her. She leaned down and looked at the dead man as her partner kept an eye on the gathering. Sara stared intently at the face on the ground. She took her flashlight, shined it on the unseeing eyes and took a picture with her notepad. Moments later, the pad beeped that it had a match. She gasped when she read the name. It was Robert Treglowne! He was wanted for the rape and murder of four women and three young girls. She examined the dead man's neck and recognized the wounds were the result of an animal bite. She was shaking slightly as she stood back up and looked towards the tree at her friend. Lynn turned and, upon seeing Sara, shook his head in sorrow. When he pointed to the ground, Sara's eyes followed his finger. Her eyes widened as she realized the blanket at their feet was covering their beloved Major. Tears blurred her vision as she realized that Major had given his life to kill a brutal criminal.

"Matt," she said to her partner, as the tears stung her eyes, "this is Treglowne the rapist and murderer we've been looking for." Sara wiped her eyes and continued, "Contact dispatch immediately, request a sergeant, and the medical examiner."

"Shouldn't we be interrogating them?" Matt asked pointing at the family huddled together.

"I know this family Matt — their father and I are good friends. I will vouch for them. We'll let the sergeant handle it when he gets here. Let them have some time to mourn their loss," she said as tears of relief and sadness flowed. "Their dog saved a life tonight, and who knows how many deaths he prevented. He is a hero, who made the ultimate sacrifice protecting his family, his...kingdom."

*** *** ***

Lynn rocked his grown daughter gently as they relived that horrible night. Hope looked up at him and attempted to smile.

"I don't think I will ever forget that night," she said, as she tightly clutched the gold pendant around her neck. Her voice trembled slightly, "I miss him a lot."

"I know, we all miss him, and I thank God every day for him — but I think Major would like it more if you remembered the good times you had. And," as he brushed Hope's hair, and started the makeup repair, "he would want you to be happy today."

Hope looked at her father, and nodded in agreement while Lynn worked on her. She looked at the effeminate man in the mirror and said, "I hope my marriage to Ken will be everything your marriage has been."

"It will be honey, it will. You two are as much in love as I was, and still am, with your Mom."

"Don't you mean 'Dad', 'Mom'?" Hope teased, tongue in cheek.

"Good to hear your humor is back daughter," Lynn replied in his 'alto' feminine voice. "We have had fun over the years with that gender bender haven't we?"

"We certainly have," she laughed. "I have been blessed with the two most understanding and caring parents in the world," and she gave her 'Mom' a big hug.

There was a gentle knock on the door. When it opened Sam walked in.

"It's almost time; Hope, you are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen," Sam said with pride.

"I doubt that 'Dad', I've seen your wedding pictures many times," teased the young woman as she looked at Lynn. "I think it would have been too close to call."

"Very funny Hope," Lynn laughed as he got up to leave. "'Très drôle en fait.' Now remember no more crying, you're on your own with your makeup now, okay? Sam, are Jake, Maddie, and Samuel here yet?"

"Yes, they're up front and waiting for you honey."