Diana's Changing Room


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'If only I could fuck that gorgeous friend of hers,' he'd thought several times since. 'Her sweet little cunt might still be tight enough for me.'


Holly rang back quite a while later.

"Daddy says if you bring your laptop over he can fix the credit check. It will only work on your laptop though, and the dummy credit card will only work on the Grandbutts website."

As soon as Simon was told he insisted he take his daughter over to Holly's, waiting in his Jag outside until Terry had done the fix. Diana never saw Terry slip the USB stick into the port, loading the trojan-based app and the subliminals routine. Terry patiently showed Diana how to access the over 18 stuff and the VCR. Diana and her father just couldn't wait to return home.

Between Diana first phoning Holly and her arriving in daddy's Jag, Terry had time to tweak the subliminals. If Diana was so certain she was going to fuck him - well a little hypnotic suggestion wouldn't harm the process. Her tits were divine, the contours of her smooth tight cunt lips were inviting and her long, long legs and tight butt were fantastic. Simon, her daddy, didn't seem to need encouragement but Terry needed to know whether he wanted to also fuck Holly. That seemed only a fair swap and it would be exciting to watch them.

First things first though. How about a threesome? Terry, Holly and Diana would make all his hard work worthwhile.

Terry had been busy reading up on hypnosis. He had things to try and he knew both Holly and Rachel, her mum, had responded well to things he'd tried so far. The subliminals should help but he needed to test her reaction. It was Sunday so he figured she'd want to view the new stuff as soon as she got home.

Diana switched her laptop on straight away. Daddy was stood behind her as she logged in to the dummy account Terry had given her. It accepted the password first time, her account showed the last 4 digits of the fake credit card. Another few seconds and the hidden part of the website came on to the screen.

"Wow," said daddy as the models appeared wearing, well, it was more about what they were not wearing. Grandbutts had added even more, plus, unbelievably, a small selection of toys. There was no shortage of female staff volunteering to test the toys and only the best made it on to the website.

"Do you want to see how they'd look on me?" Diana asked.

Daddy smiled, "Of course."

"Wait." Diana opened up the VCR, the webcam kicking in showing her upper body, daddy standing behind her. Then she stood, dragged the bra upwards and across and resized it. Swiftly she pulled her tee-shirt over her head and discarded her own bra. A couple of minor adjustments and the virtual bra fitted perfect.

Her daddy gasped. "Very clever. It's amazing!"

The background noise may have been just any high street shop's muzak but maybe there was an enchanting base beat to it. All the while a voice in her head was telling her to relax, to chill.

'Relax deeply, Diana,' the voice said over and over again, but she never heard it.

Daddy never saw the glazed look in Diana's eyes, then the unheard voice stopped. Diana blinked her eyes, yawned and decided she'd best get to bed earlier than she'd done the night before.

Simon had noticed his daughter yawning.

"Sorry, sweetheart. I kept you up late last night didn't I?"

"It's fine. I'll catch up tonight."

"You OK to carry on?"


Time seemed to scoot by as a naked Diana modelled the virtual sexy lingerie that Grandbutts had to offer. It was as if the VCR was speaking to them, inviting them to stay a while and not leave. It was as if they couldn't switch off the laptop.

Carolyne tapped on the door of Diana's room before opening it to find Diana, naked, looking at her laptop screen with daddy stood behind.

"Do you two know what time it is?" she asked. "And whatever have you been looking at?" Carolyne didn't seem fazed at all that her daughter was naked.

It was as if neither noticed she was there.

"Hello? You two? What are you so interested in?"

The spell was broken. "Sorry mummy, didn't hear you."

"It's 11.30. How long will you be? And what are you doing?"

"Diana saw no reason not to tell the truth."

"It's a new website, mummy. Holly's daddy designed it. Come and look."

Carolyne was fascinated. It seemed a lot simpler idea than traipsing from store to store in town. By the time Diana had explained why she was naked, that everyday clothes spoiled the Virtual illusion, Carolyne was hooked. She had Diana explain and asked if she minded if she tried it out the following day. By the time Diana had shown how to make it work it was well gone midnight.

Alone at last in bed, Diana switched off the bedside light. The night was warm but Diana was hot. Already naked, she pushed the bed covers off her, in an attempt to cool down. She suddenly realised how horny she was; hell those sets of underwear, the ultra sexy bikinis, the nighties that left little to the imagination and the robes that might give a little extra warmth but gave no visual protection ... WOW.

She began, as she always did, by lightly stroking her tummy, tickling her sides with light strokes of her fingers. Mmmm, that felt good. There was no need to rush and she took her time making the lightest of circles with her fingertips. She brushed her breasts with the same light touches, feeling her nipples harden and fill. She wet a fingertip from the slippery moisture between her sex lips, noticing how wet she was there, and used the scented slickness to further tease her nipples.

Reaching over to the small cabinet beside her bed, Diana took out the silk handkerchief that daddy kept there for convenience when he checked her shaving skills. Scrunching the silk into a loose ball she circled her tummy, her sides, her breasts, her legs and thighs before checking for any hint of drag over her pubic mound. Diana kept this up for what seemed like an eternity, the sexual tension building within her. The virtual shop music came into her head and she sensed she was relaxing, enjoying her self arousal more and more.

What was it with the music? She'd heard the tune before - a light classical, soothing music that just made her want to relax deeply. It was almost as if she was daydreaming, her fingers automatically moving the silk while she just relaxed and enjoyed it.

A noise, a dog barking outside, brought her back. She felt more moisture, wetness, almost a stream of lubrication oozing from within her secret place. Hell, was there ever a time she'd felt more aroused? More sopping wet? Fuck, she was so horny, but why? Daddy had been looking at the screen images, not touching her much. Was it the screen? Was the screen making her horny and wet? NO! Stupid girl, that was a silly idea. It was the sexy lingerie. Yes, that was it. Hell, at times she could even feel the silkiness as if had really had been on her body. But how? How could it possibly be? It was nonsense and she concentrated again on what her skilled fingers were doing.

Diana felt so relaxed there in her bed. She let her fingers stroke the insides of her thighs, working their way slowly up to her sex. When she could no longer wait, she dipped two fingers inside her cave, using the copious juice to tease her clit. In and out went her fingers, thrusting hard into her cunt cavern then retreating up and over, round and round her love button. Despite her attempts to take it slowly she was overwhelmed by the sudden orgasm ripping through her. The noise from her moans of pleasure could have been heard two blocks away. The ripples just kept on coming and coming and coming.

Diana slept soundly. At first it was a deep, dreamless sleep, but as the warm night moved on she began to dream. She was naked, facing her laptop screen. There was a man stood behind her. Her daddy? No, the initially blurred face came into focus. He was talking, no, mumbling some words. She could see the man was Terry, Holly's daddy. They were in Holly's room but Holly wasn't there. Diana seemed unable to move, rooted to the floor, watching the screen. Terry reached out from behind her and cupped her breasts in his hand, lifting them as if he was checking their weight. His hands moved around her breasts and over her nipples. Fuck, they were hard, enlarged, standing out proudly and feeling very ... oh my god Diana had never witnessed them so sexily charged.

Terry took her hand, motioned to her to lie on Holly's bed. Deep within her dream she found she could move but in a sleepy way. She lay on the bed, Terry parting her legs wider than she'd ever known. But instead of trying to mount her, to fuck her missionary style, Diana felt her labia being parted by Terry's finger and thumb. Then his mouth was on her cunt lips, kissing from the very top of her pubis, where the valley began to form, to below her cavern, raising her up to kiss almost where her butt hole was. She sensed him smelling her cunt, then starting to lick. He was talking, praising her, almost worshipping her cunt in words that were still mumbled so much that she strained to understand.

Then, oh then he flicked his tongue against her clit, once, twice, twenty times. He sucked her clit, gently pulling it outwards, then returned to lick her love button. Terry was torturing her in the most pleasurable way but she could not cum. The dream seemed to go on and on until her senses could stand no more.

He pulled away for a second and she made out the word "Cum". A second later he was licking her most intimate part again, licking so fast she could hardly ... Her senses gave in. A huge spasm of extreme pleasure ripped through her.

Diana awoke relaxed but confused, tingling from head to toe from her dreamgasm. Hell, she'd cum twice yet she was still horny. Now she couldn't get Holly's daddy, Terry, out of her mind. She just had to phone him.

She was hot, in a sweat from her very vivid dream. The sheet she lay on was damp but it wasn't pee. Her bladder muscles, though often abused by her refusal to go wee until the last possible moment, worked perfectly well. There had been only one time since her childhood that she'd peed the bed and that was in Benidorm, on holiday after getting totally blathered through drinking far too much cheap lager, wine and cocktails. It seemed that she'd either shot or dribbled when she came.

Eventually Diana got back to sleep. Her alarm woke her at 8.30pm, half an hour after daddy left. There was no sore butt today but she had vivid memories of the dream and of her no-touch orgasm. She showered, shaved and had breakfast in good time to catch the bus to where she worked, in a city centre restaurant.

Carolyne grabbed herself some toast and coffee before sitting down to figure out how the new website worked. After the best part of an hour she gave up. The restaurant didn't allow staff phone calls outside of break times, but Diana had scribbled Terry's mobile number on a scrap of paper on her desk. Tentatively Carolyne dialled the number, ready to apologise if Terry was busy.

Terry fished the phone from out of his jacket pocket. Diana's home number came up on the phone's screen, "Hi, Diana."

"Oh hi, Terry. It's Diana's mother. Look, I'm really sorry to bother you at work."

"It's fine," Terry replied. "I'm just on my coffee break. How can I help you?"

"Well I was looking at your website with Diana last night, but I can't remember how to get started."

"Look, don't take this the wrong way but was Diana looking at, let's say, our more interesting lines?"

Carolyne laughed. "Yes, and I was wanting to sneak a look while Diana and Simon were out."

Terry slotted the webcam fix into his PC. Soon he would be able to see Carolyne. He went through the process of getting Carolyne logged in. "Can you see the changing room door?"

"Yes, I can."

"Just click anywhere on the door. It will open, then a new screen should show."

"Oh, yes."

"OK, you should now have an extra item on the clothing menu. It's called 'New Range' which is our 18+ section. You can search on there, or search anything else we sell. Just click on the skirt, or top, or whatever and drag it to the changing room where you can try it on."

A few moments silence. "Ah, OK I got that, thanks."

"Would you like me to wait on the line in case you have a problem?"

Carolyne laughed again. Terry sounded so sexy.

"Yes please."

"If you wish, I can connect to you via a headset if you have one with a mike. That will save you the cost of the phone call. Or I can ring you back."

Carolyne had a quick look around. Sure there was a headset - a pretty damn good one. "I've found one. It will be easier than holding the phone."

Terry looked around. There was no-one except him and that was quite normal. Break times were strictly adhered to by the staff - that is, the start time was never missed. How long the break went on was anybody's guess, Monday was worst as they had 3 days of gossip to discuss so he still had maybe 10 minutes alone. He put on his headset.

"Hi Carolyne,can you hear me OK?"

"Yes. In fact it's better than the phone."

"Yes, it's nice to relax, not having to worry about anything, like the phone."

"Sure is."

"And it's even more relaxing just to gaze at the screen and relax.'

"Yes, I've noticed that."

"OK. I leave you a few moments of relaxation looking at our products. I'm sure you'll soon get totally absorbed and deeply relaxed viewing them."

Terry could see Carolyne checking through a few items, occasionally yawning. She dragged a bra across, on to her image. Of course, Carolyne could only hear Terry, not see him so it didn't matter if she partly undressed to see how the bra looked.

'Nice tits,' thought Terry, wondering how well the subliminals would work.

Carolyne was surprised just how arousing seeing her own breasts was. The bra was nice, lacy, alluring. Then all of a sudden she seemed to be staring at the screen.

"Relax a little more, relax deeply, sleepy, listen to me.' It was a voice in Carolyne's head but she couldn't understand where it was coming from. She leaned back against the plush, soft padded leather of her chair, closed her eyes and just listened to the soft monotonous tone of Terry's sexy voice. Sexy? Oh yes, sexy, and she must listen, must obey, must now stand up, must now unzip and let her skirt drop, must take off her panties because she didn't want them to show through the beautiful panties on the screen and she must not say anything to Simon or Diana and she must get closer to the screen so ...

Terry smiled. The help he'd gained from those nerdy Web chats was invaluable. Gee, some guys were so eager to show him how women could be hypnotised. Carolyne was so susceptible, so easy. Given time he would fuck her and her daughter but now he must bring her out of trance. What else did he need to say? Oh yes, a trigger word. Next time she would be even easier.

His cum cannon was rock hard, swollen to capacity.

Sat naked on the leather chair, Carolyne wondered what had happened. She giggled like a teenage girl she once was. Silly of her, she'd been looking at panties, those heavenly sexy panties there on the screen, and she'd nodded off. Anyway, now she felt refreshed and full of life, the catnap had done her good.

"Carolyne?" asked a voice in her headphones, "Are you still there."

It suddenly dawned on her who the voice was. "Terry, oh I'm so sorry. I'd forgotten you were trying to help me. I really must apologise."

"It's OK. Anyway I have to go now. Enjoy playing with yourself on our website and you will be here at 1pm."

"OK and thanks again."

Carolyne considered what he'd just said. She must have misheard, Terry must have been joking ... enjoy playing about, trying on different things. And 1pm? Of course, he'd already told her his lunchtime was free to help her, hadn't he? Or had he? It didn't matter, his voice was so sexy, she couldn't wait.

The next bra and pantie set she tried on was damn near see through, in fact could she see ...?

'I CAN see,' thought Carolyne. In fact she'd spoken her thoughts aloud. Still, it didn't matter, no-one was around. She could see her 'valley' underneath. Simon called it her valley because it was leading to a place of discovery, but his voyage of discovery had long since ended. He still insisted on her keeping the valley clean, smooth, ready to admire. Since she had come of age, he'd also insisted Diana had kept herself smooth. 'No point in having a beautiful view spoiled by overgrown grass,' he had said on numerous occasions. There had been a time when she'd been happy for him to mow the grass, but now she had to clear the regrowth herself.

Carolyne was suddenly aware of moisture there. It had been a long time but yes, there was ... she felt: she was WET! She located the wetness with two fingers, smiling at the fact that on the screen she was wetting the company's panties with her own scent, her pheromones, her pussy juice. She giggled like an excited teenager who had at some much earlier point discovered that by touching 'there' you got instantly rewarded by the most fantastic feelings.

Fuck the washing up, fuck the laundry, fuck all the other household chores; this felt GOOD!

The webcam of Diana's top-of-the-range all bells and whistles laptop was exceptionally good. Terry sat at his desk watching his hypno trickery working perfectly. 'Enjoy playing with yourself' he had told Carolyne. Now at the peak of his arousal he left his desk, made his way to the door marked with a stickman male figure, entered a cubicle, locked the door and relieved his frustration.


At 1.01pm the phone on his desk rang.

"Hi Terry speaking, how may I help?"

"Oh hi Terry, it's Carolyne. I just wanted to thank you for your help earlier. You've got some really exciting sets on your website."

Terry, having unloaded half a teacupful of semen from his very hard but slim penis into the WC bowl, was happy in a way that this useful, but temporarily redundant, woman didn't need any extra tuition. There would be another task for her later. Her gorgeous daughter would be the next to service him, he was sure.

"That's OK. Glad to be of service," he replied. A service, he thought, she had provided, not him.


"Hi mummy," said Diana, day shift finished at the restaurant. "Holly rang me. I'm going over there for the evening." Monday was a quiet day and the restaurant just ran on minimal staff for the evening. The only reason Diana worked Mondays was because of the special reduced price lunches from 11am to 2pm. After that there was just the cleaning and packing away to do. Although all the tables were reset ready for the evening there might be maybe 20 dining, if that. Christmas of course was different and Diana often worked Monday evenings in November and December.

Simon rarely got home before 6.30 and Diana was away by then. By the time she got to Holly's it was approaching 7.00, mainly due to the bus running late after the rush hour. Diana's excitement at the thought of logging on to the website ... the ONLY website of any importance in her mind was so great that she just couldn't wait to get started. To be honest, neither could Holly.

It was now an easy task to get logged in and the VCR opened. Holly, sat at her desk with Diana behind her, clicked on the bras, the panties, nightwear and beachwear. There were three peep-hole bras they just had to try and matching open crotch panties.

Terry was in his office aka the spare room, laptop on, surveillance mode set. In this way he could hear and see what the girls were doing.

"Go on then Holly, try it on."

"But it hadn't got a middle," Holly replied, pouting her lip. "It wouldn't be any good to wear."