Diary of a Goth Princess Ch. 03


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And it also made it feel way less awkward to ogle Tori, which worked for me because she was looking fucking luscious tonight.

A 5'5" redhead with pale skin and long, curly hair, I was used to Tori being dressed as a tomboy around school. Lots of overalls and tie-dye, you know how it goes. Here, though, she wore a tight, dark t-shirt, cut low enough to show off a lot of cleavage from Tori's D-cups, and a whole lot of her abs to a point where if she moved too much, Tori was bound to show off some underboob and more. Combined with her dark, plaid and very short skirt that showed off plenty of creamy leg (and Tori's round ass), and the dark eye makeup and lipstick she wore, Tori was looking like a goth naughty schoolgirl slut tonight, and I was fucking down for it.

"Yeah, we did," I replied, looking her up and down as obviously as I could. "You're looking fucking hot tonight, Tori."

"Thanks," Tori said, eyeing Sarah and me with the same leering eye that most guys would. "You two are looking pretty fucking good yourselves."

Sarah giggled. "Thanks."

"No problem," Tori answered, ringing up our purchases. "So, where's Ryan... and Brooke?"

I laughed. "Ryan got invited to some retreat for the weekend by a bunch of MILFs, and I think Brooke's actually buckling down on homework? But she'll find someone to do when she's done with it, I'm sure, so, you know, she won't be bored. And how's your little lady?"

Tori did a good job of rolling her eyes as I teased her over her steady girlfriend without losing focus of ringing up our purchases. "April's fine, thank you. Also doing homework, but... things are going well with us. We're still figuring out boundaries, stretching some definitions so we can still be who we need to be."

"And how's that working out?" I asked.

"It's... a work in progress," Tori admitted, smiling sheepishly. "Figuring out who else it is and isn't okay to screw around with."

I nodded, sympathetic. Ryan and Brooke and I were all cool with each other fucking around, but it wasn't so simple for everyone. Tori and April had been kind of an exclusive item since Halloween, and were just starting to figure out how things would work, since Tori was very bi and liked to fuck around a lot, and April only liked girls and seemingly wanted to keep things exclusive. Last I'd heard from Ryan, they were working on opening up the exclusivity concept, but as far as I knew, nothing was set in stone.

"I hope that works out for you," Sarah said, smiling sweetly.

"Thanks. Me too. We've made a lot of progress, and I think we've gotten to a point where she's cool with me playing around occasionally, so long as I tell her and don't catch feelings. And, you know, determining what does and doesn't mean 'catching feelings', since there will always be some kind of feelings involved, but... yeah. We're evolving. I think we're ready for something new," Tori said, smiling proudly.

"Good luck. I hope you can make it work, because if it does... well, she sounds like a keeper," I answered, smiling.

"You and me both," Tori said, tapping the top of your register. "Alright, there's your total and... and I see you've got a loyalty card."

"Brooke's loyalty card, but, still, wanna help her punch her way to a sex swing," I answered as Tori indeed punched another hole in it.

"You're a wonderful girlfriend," Tori said, her tone sarcastic, but with a warmth to it that I knew she meant.

Sarah and I pulled out enough cash to cover both of our purchases and dropped the change in the tip jar.

"Thanks," Tori said as she finished bagging our stuff up.

Her eyes darted from Sarah to me, a little mischievous perhaps, before darting off toward the hallway leading to the Smut Factory's back rooms. Grinning a little, she leaned toward us with a good show of cleavage and whispered.

"So, you ladies got any plans tonight?" Tori asked.

"Probably go home and play with some of our new purchases, cum until we pass out," I explained.

"Oh, that does sound good," Sarah said, groaning softly.

"Right?" I replied, turning back to Tori. "Why?"

Tori nodded. "Well, you could do that... but management just had the glory hole rooms refurbished to be wicked clean and comfortable, so, if you want to have some fun while Ryan's out of town, I could set something up for you two. And, you know, increase foot traffic in the store for a little while which would make me look fucking great to the bosses, so, winning all around, right?"

I licked my lips, thoughtful, looking to Sarah curiously. She didn't seem disinterested, but I was a little more cautious. Brooke, our mutual friend Alice, and I had had some fun in the Smut Factory's cramped glory hole rooms once, and doing it again *might* be fun, especially if they'd made any improvements to the otherwise shabby rooms we'd partied in before.

"You can guarantee action?" I asked. "Last time I was here, it was kind of hit or miss."

Tori nodded. "I can text a group chat that links up to a lot of the guys from school and at the community college... quality guys, nice dicks, clean, all that good stuff... and since it's a weekend, I think I can get a pretty good crowd here in, like, twenty minutes?"

I nibbled on my lip, thoughtful as I turned my attention to Sarah. "What do you think?"

I half-expected Sarah to be as timid as ever, so it was a surprise when I saw that big smile break out on her face and her eyes lighting up behind her glasses. "I think it sounds like fun! That is, I mean, I think it sounds like fun if you think it sounds like fun."

"Oh, it definitely sounds fun to me..." I said, huffing thoughtfully as I turned back to Tori. "Okay, we're down. Light the fires and get 'em over here."

"Done deal," Tori said, going for her phone.

Sarah eyed Tori, a little interested, a little curious. As far as I knew, Sarah and Tori had never done anything together, but Sarah wasn't blind. She could see that Tori was fucking hot, and I knew she'd have no problem getting a good look at her, or more, under the circumstances.

"You are gonna join us too, aren't you?" Sarah asked, hopeful. "If you can get a crowd like you say, won't we need all the help we can get?"

Sarah elbowed me in the side for support. I jumped in, "Yeah, I mean... there's four holes in those rooms, right? Two of us can't cover everything."

Tori stopped tapping away on her phone for a moment, looking at it in deep consideration. Her pale skin, flesh that I knew blushed easily, was flooded pink with excitement, but she was trying to play it cool.

Tori said, "I'll get back to you... I need to text April, see if that's something she's cool with... because I honestly want to do it, but..."

"Gotta be careful. I know," I replied, walking with Sarah toward the back of the store. "Because you two are a cute couple, and I don't want you to do anything you think'll fuck that up... but if you get the go-ahead, you know where we'll be!"

I stole one last glance back at Tori, seeing her uncertainty as she continued texting.

"You think she'll join us?" Sarah asked.

"I dunno. You know April from band, right? You think she'd be a problem?" I asked.

"April? Nah, she's a sweetheart. Some anxiety issues, but a lot of that just came from being in the closet, now that she's out... I think she's in a better place. I think she won't have a problem with Tori joining us. In fact..." Sarah said, grabbing her own phone to shoot a quick text.

"Putting in a good word with April?" I asked.

"Obviously," Sarah replied, looking down at her phone. "I know a thing or two about being an anxiety-riddled band geek, and April's a friend. I'm happy to put her mind at ease, especially if it means getting a chance at Tori in a room full of glory holes."

I laughed. "You little slut!"

Sarah shrugged. "Yeah, I know, being a cheerleader's changed me, deal with it."

I was happy to deal with it, because I was happy to see this side of Sarah. Seeing her so genuinely sunny melted even my darkest of goth hearts. I mean, it wasn't gonna make me wear fucking pink or anything like that anytime soon, but, I was always happy to see my friends happy.

After walking through the packed aisles of the Smut Factory toward the back of the store, we entered a stretch of dressing rooms. Now, strictly speaking, most of these were actual dressing rooms for people to try on various bits of lingerie and fetishwear to their heart's content, but if you went down the hall just a little bit further, through the beaded curtain, you'd get to a more private set of "dressing rooms". From the outside, they didn't look that different, even if the placing was a bit odd. There were five doors in total, though the one in the center was strangely spaced far away from the doors on either side of it.

This was by design, apparently. The two doors on either side of the center one led to small alcoves that could comfortably fit one person, while the door in the center led to a considerably spacier chamber. All five of them had a sign hanging at around eye level, each of which was currently flipped to the green "EMPTY" side.

Since we would be the night's headlining act, we made our way toward the center door, Sarah stepping inside first, while I followed behind her, waiting just long enough to flip the green "EMPTY" sign over toward its red "OCCUPIED" side before stepping inside.

"Huh," I said as I flipped the light switch on. "Tori was right; they really did fix this place up nice."

The overhead lights weren't very bright, but were clear enough to show this new room as clean, while adding ambiance. The walls themselves were painted a soft shade of purple, similar to the tiling that had replaced the old, and frankly frightening, carpeting that was here the last time I'd been inside this room. On the far wall was a comfortable-looking bench, with compartments beneath that were no doubt meant for keeping our personal items clean, and clothes hooks above them for similar purposes. Each wall on either side of us had two holes on either side, each of them set around groin height and lined with simple padding, as well as padding on the floor for when we might decide to kneel. In addition, there were a handful of chairs and stools no doubt meant to help us get some extra height should we want to place something other than our lips near the holes, which was certainly considerate.

Not nearly as considerate, however, as the-

"Paper towels!" I exclaimed, almost as giddy as Brooke as I saw the paper towel rolls mounted at eye height on each of the walls. "Oh, fuck yes, I won't have to go home completely sticky with cum!"

"Nice," Sarah said, putting her purse and purchases in the compartment beneath the bench. "Grab your stuff?"

"Thanks," I replied, handing Sarah my purse and purchases.

"No problem," she replied, pulling a hair tie from her bag and using it to put together a quick ponytail. "Is there anything special I should know about this, like, are there any rituals I'm supposed to follow? Or are we just waiting on cocks and doing our thing?"

"Pretty much that," I said. "Be nice, and if a cock's nasty, you know, you don't have to do anything."

"Cool," Sarah said. She looked absolutely gleeful, and hotter than hell. If you didn't know her as well as I did, you'd think she was a paragon of absolute chaste innocence... but I knew her much, *much* better than that.

I continued, "And, you know how cum gets everywhere, so I'd recommend stripping down."

To emphasize my point, I pulled off my shirt and tossed it into the container, before bending down to undo my boots. True, I wanted to get out of them before things got messy, but bent over at an angle to make sure Sarah got a good look at my cleavage. I looked up and saw her staring at my D-cups, currently held back behind a black bra, and grinned at her attention.

No matter how many times she stared at me, she always knew how to make a girl feel special

"Are you gonna stand there staring at me, or are you gonna get naked?" I asked.

"I was thinking I'd stand here staring at you for a while longer," Sarah answered, easily stepping out of her slip-on shoes. "But if you're gonna be bitchy about it..."

I stood up and approached her. "I think you know I'm gonna be a bitch about it."

Playfully, she crossed her arms under her breasts and answered, "Then I really don't see why I need to take my clothes off."

I could've gone into great detail about the joys of cleaning cum out of fabric, especially for something as cute as the flowy pink dress she currently wore, but Sarah was a slut among the best of them. Cum wasn't a foreign concept to her. No, she was being a playful little bitch because she wanted to be a playful little bitch, and I knew exactly how to deal with playful little bitches.

Roughly, I grabbed Sarah by the shoulders and pushed her back to the wall between a couple of the glory hole spots. She gasped, at first, but then moaned softly as she understood what I was doing.

"You wanna play like a little bitch, just remember, I'm a bigger, badder bitch," I said, pressing in close to her, before whispering in her ear. "And I know ways to make you fucking pay..."

Smiling, Sarah licked her lips. "I'd like to see you fucking try."

"Alright," I said, kissing her forcefully. "You asked for it, slut..."

Finding the fabric around the top of her dress stretchy enough, I pulled it down roughly, first around her shoulders, then harder down over her chest until it pooled around her feet. Her B-cup tits stood out, firm and bare on her pale, lean body, with thick pink nipples that were already rock hard. I'd thought she might've been going braless, but it was always nice to confirm a suspicion. A lacy, pale pink pair of panties covered her pussy nicely, confirming to her flesh well and giving me a luscious outline of her sex.

I ran my fingers over the indentation of her folds, lightly, making her shiver.

"Nice slutty underwear... no bra... you were looking for action tonight..." I said, kissing her again.

"Uh huh..." Sarah moaned, kissing me back. "I mean, I was going out with you, there was a pretty good chance that I'd get some action, you gotta admit."

"I deny nothing," I said, grabbing her by the hips roughly and spinning her around so her face was to the wall.

My eyes first fell, understandably I think, to her ass and legs, toned and tight from her years of dance, and her recent experiences on our school's cheer squad. Looking up, however, over her immaculately toned frame, running my fingers up her sensitive sides, I was stopped by the body art on her back.

Now, when I took shy, sensitive Sarah to the tattoo parlor on her eighteenth birthday, I thought she'd have gone for something modest and light, something that might have helped take her out of her comfort zone a little and bring her some joy over the control and autonomy she held over her body. Maybe a nice anklet, or something on her wrist...

There was no way in hell I would've thought she'd get a tattoo of a pair of wings that would take up much of her upper back, let alone a pair that consisted of an angel wing on the left, and a dark, demonic wing on the right. I knew that she was battling a lot of conflicting voices inside herself, and expressing it like this was, well, dramatic. I remembered well holding her hand as she got the tattoo done, and that in spite of some wincing, she didn't let out a single sound of discomfort throughout the entire procedure.

I'd always known Sarah had a fighter deep down inside of her, but seeing her express it so dramatically... that made me proud as fuck.

As was often the case when we were alone and getting it on, I lightly traced my fingers over her wings, before reaching around her and cupping her tits, squeezing them gently.

"Mmm, god, I fucking love when you do that to me, Josie..." Sarah groaned.

"Well, I fucking love doing it to you," I said, running my fingertips lightly down her sides before hooking them into her underwear.

I stretched the elastic of the waistband just so, before pulling it over her tight ass and dropping her panties around her ankles.

Now, except for her glasses, I had Sarah Kent completely and utterly naked in front of me.

"Fuck, you're hot..." I murmured, appreciating the beauty of the girl before me. I continued running my fingers over her lightly, partly in awe, and partly because I loved making her squirm.

"You really think so?" Sarah asked, turning her head to look over her shoulder at me.

Leaning in to kiss her, pressing my body against hers as I pinned her to the wall, I answered, "I know so."

Her body heat radiated into me, and I swear I could feel her heart pounding. Sarah looked at me with such hopeful, intense eyes, biting her lip and looking about as nervous as I'd ever seen her as she leaned in to kiss me again.

"I love you, Josie," she said, quickly, before looking down and away from me.

I almost returned her words as quickly, and playfully, before I realized just what she meant. I gulped, thinking about what I wanted to say next, no, what I *had* to say next. There was only one real, obvious answer, wasn't there? Only one way this could go when I felt the pounding in my own heart and the slight shake of my hands as I continued to caress her.

"I love you too, Sarah," I answered.

Sarah beamed, nervous. "Yeah?"

Slowly, I nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, I do."

If possible, her smile broadened even more impressively as she pushed me away from her, spinning around to face me as she practically attacked me.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she exclaimed, punctuating each exclamation with a kiss, wrapping her arms around me and trying to pin me to the nearest wall. "I didn't know what you'd think, and I didn't want to mess anything up, but I love you so much... it was so confusing at first, I thought it was like, loving you as a friend, but then when I saw you and Ryan and Brooke become a thing, the feelings felt strange in me... because I think I love all of you too, and..."

This was a longer conversation for another time, and rather than go into insane detail, I kissed her again, wrapping my arms around to hold her in close as she did the same for me. Her quick hands easily found and undid my bra, dropping it and freeing my boobs.

If we were systematically stripping down before use of some glory holes, we were doing a shitty job of it, but for two girls who just admitted they were in love with each other, mixed up in all the politics that would come with managing poly relationships and high school, I think we were doing great. We grappled with each other, groping and kissing, my hands squeezing her ass as she leaned down to suckle at my tits (with her tongue paying particular attention to the bar piercing my left nipple, which she was always great at), murmuring between kisses how much we loved each other... fuck, it was nice.

It was so nice, that we barely even heard the door open, and our third partner enter.

"What's this I hear about love?" Tori said, sarcastic as she locked the door behind her. "This shit ain't getting girly in here, is it?"

Sarah and I disengaged from each other, allowing me to turn toward Tori and retort, "You're dating a super-femme lesbian, and you got a problem with things getting too girly in here?"

As usual, Sarah was much more diplomatic. "April said it'd be okay?"

"Oh, yeah, definitely," Tori responded, laughing as she ogled a very naked Sarah. "So long as I basically use the cocks as toys, and promise not to fall in love with you two, I'm golden to do anything I want in here. Now, remember, I promise not to fall in love with you, and you better promise you won't fall in love with me, alright?"

"That won't be a problem," Sarah laughed, clearly having fun with the way Tori's eyes fell on Sarah's shaved pussy.