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Little sister calls Dips on sister's boyfriend.
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This is my version of the "Little sister saves the day" theme that has been done many times on LW. Actually, this might not be in the right category. No BTB, no RAAC. This is just meant to be some light entertainment and not to be taken too seriously.

I met Terri at the wedding of one of my frat brothers. She was there as the crew leader for the caterers. She was wearing a tailored white blouse with enough buttons undone to show a hint of impressive cleavage, a short black skirt, dark hose and, surprisingly, 4 inch heels. I'll never understand how women can work in heels, but Terri moved about quickly and gracefully, directing her staffers.

Bradly, another frat brother, was the "Best Man" and he seemed to think that made him an authority figure of some type - well, that and the several glasses of wine he had consumed. He took it upon himself to yell at some of the wait staff when they failed to jump at his commands. He was loud enough that he was attracting a good bit of attention as he berated a cute little gal trying to remove some soiled dishes from his table. The poor young lady had no idea how to deal with the asshole and was visibly upset. She turned to flee back to the kitchen and Bradly smacked her on the ass and then laughed obnoxiously as she dropped the small tray of dishes she was carrying.

I got up from my seat and went over to assist the young lady. She was quietly crying and her hands were shaking. I spoke softly to her as I stooped to help her pick up the broken dishes.

"I'm sorry, he's an asshole and he's drunk. Normally he's just an asshole, but being drunk seems to have taken him to a whole new level of asshole."

She sniffed and tried to smile at me as she gathered up the tray we had loaded with broken dishes. She stood and I realized she was a tiny little thing, maybe a bit shy of five feet tall and no more than 100 lbs. As I stood, she tilted her head back to look up at my face, "Thank you," she said and scurried off.

I had to smile as I watched her walk away, damn, she was cute! I turned towards Bradly's table as a blond blur brushed past me. Terri had witnessed the abuse of her young staffer and she had stormed up to Bradly and was in his face, finger wagging, letting him know what an ass he was. Bradly was too drunk, or too stupid, to handle the small hurricane that was blowing in his face. He stood up and made to move toward Terri. I was on him in an instant.

At 6'2"- 225, I'm still in pretty good shape. The smaller Bradly had gotten soft in the three years since we had graduated. I wrapped an arm around him and easily drug him backwards through a nearby doorway. Seconds later, the groom appeared. John thanked me for the assist, grabbed Bradly and marched him down the hall. I returned to the ballroom and headed back to my seat.

After things wound down from dinner and the guest began to move to the dance floor, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and Terri was standing by my chair, I stood.

"I just wanted to thank you for coming to my baby sister's aid earlier. Amy is young and just doesn't know how to deal with drunken assholes."

"Well, it was grossly inappropriate of Bradly to treat her that way. I'm sorry she had to go through that." I stuck out my hand. "I'm Tim Ryan."

"Terri, Terri Long. I'm very glad to make your acquaintance, Tim Ryan."

It was in that moment, her hand in mine, with that dazzling smile and her bright blue eyes staring up at me, that I knew I had to get to know this remarkable woman.

"Listen, Terri, not that you owe me anything, and I swear I'm not trying to press my advantage as your sister's knight in shining armor, - but could I get your number?" I still had hold of her hand and gave her a sheepish grin.

That earned me a laugh as she freed her hand and dug into a small pocket in her skirt. She produced a business card in her right hand. "My cell number is listed there." She leaned towards me and lightly touched my chest with her left hand. "I'll be expecting your call, please don't keep me waiting." And with that, she turned and walked back to the kitchen. I stood there and brazenly watched her sweet ass sway as she walked away.

I decided I didn't really want to hang around for the dancing when I noticed a somewhat subdued Bradly had returned to the ballroom. John waved at me as he saw me heading out. I know it's bad manners to not speak to the bride and groom before leaving, but I wanted to avoid a possible confrontation with Bradly. I think John understood.

I waited three days to call Terri and ask her out. The date went well and we began to see each other regularly. After about our fifth date, she invited me to her parents house for her Mother's birthday. I was a little nervous about "meeting the family," but I shouldn't have been. Terri's parents were delighted to meet me and her older brothers didn't even try to threaten me. When Terri formally introduced me to Amy, she grabbed me and hugged me to her tiny frame.

"Okay Amy, hands off! He's mine and you can't have him!" Terri said and then joined the others in laughing at a deeply blushing Amy as she reluctantly released me.

Amy beamed at me and said, "okay sis, but don't screw this up, 'cause if you do, I've got first dibs!"

"Amy! Her mother smacked her lightly on the arm, that's enough, you're embarrassing poor Tim."

The birthday party went well and when we said our goodbyes I got hearty handshakes from the brothers and another bone crushing hug from tiny Amy.

In the car, Terri chuckled, "I'm going to have to keep my eye on that little minx. She seems to have quite the crush on my handsome man."

I guess Terri might have been a tiny bit effected by another female expressing interest in her guy. When we got back to her place, she pushed me down onto the couch and crawled up into my lap. She stroked my face and then kissed me deeply. My hand found one of her breasts and she moaned into my mouth, she broke the kiss, stood and pulled me towards her bedroom.

This wasn't the first time for us, but there seemed to be some new urgency as Terri tore at my clothes. I quickly joined her in the near frantic effort to get naked. We tumbled onto the bed, Terri clutching at me and burying her tongue in my mouth.

"Please baby, I need you so badly, please baby, please."

I buried my face in her neck and sucked the spot just below her ear that always made her moan. My hands found her ample breast and squeezed causing her to moan louder. I lightly pinched and pulled her erect nipples as she humped against me.

"Oh god, Baby, please fuck me, I need you in me now! Please baby, please."

I slid up her body, her strong legs wrapping around me and locking on to the back of mine. My rock hard cock spread her wet lips and I slid into her in one long slow stroke. Terri moaned deeply and clutched at my triceps as I held myself above her.

"Oh fuck yes! That's what I wanted! You feel so good inside me."

I groaned and began to slowly stroke deeply in and out of her grasping pussy. I rocked forward a little to put a bit more pressure on her clit and she grunted her pleasure. I picked up the pace and began to pound into her, our bodies slapping together.

"Ugh,.. ugh,.." she grunting each time we slammed together. I moaned as I felt my climax building.

"Harder! Harder! Fuck me harder! I'm almost there!"

I pounded her hard and fast while she humped up against my every thrust.

"I can't hold it baby, I'm going to cum!"

"Yes! Cum in me! Oh god yes! Give it to me! Ugh, ugh, oh fuck yes! I'm cuuumming! Oh my god!"

Her pussy clamped down on my dick as I roughly buried it inside of her. I roared as I erupted, blasting rope after rope into her depths.

Slowly, I lowered my upper body down, my elbows and forearms taking my weight. I kissed her face, her eyes still closed as she basked in the afterglow and she moaned softly. She opened her eyes and smiled up at me purring sweetly. Our arms wrapped around each other as she pulled me down onto her damp body. I kissed her deeply then slid to her side, still holding her in my arms.

"I think I could stay here forever, no one has ever loved me the way you do, baby. Please God, please just let me spend the rest of my life here in your arms." Terri crushed herself to me and I held her. We lay there for several minutes before I drifted off to a blissful sleep.

A few months later, I had just finished mowing my small lawn and was putting my mower away when a small red Miata pulled into my driveway. I wiped my hands on my jeans and walked out of the garage to greet my visitor.

Amy hopped out and waved to me as she walked toward me.

"Well, what a pleasant surprise! What brings my gorgeous little sister-in-law out to see me?"

"Hello Tim, I,... I... I need to talk with you. Can we sit somewhere?"

"Sure, come around back, we can sit on the deck. I made some ice tea earlier, would you like a glass?"

"Yes, that would be great."

I brought out the tea and handed a glass to a nervous looking Amy. "So what can I do for you, Amy?"

Amy paused for a moment then looked me square in the face, "Tim, I think you know how I feel about you, so I just have to ask you... are you planning to marry my sister?"

"Whoa, what the hell Amy, why would to come here and ask me something like that?"

"A couple of reasons. But first, let me ask you, did she tell you about Michael?"

"Michael?... The guy she was engaged to a few years back? Yeah, she told me they broke up when he took a job overseas and told her wasn't coming back. What does that have to do with anything?"

"Has she spoken to you about him, recently?"

"No, why would she? Amy, is there something you need to tell me?"

"Fuck! I can't believe she hasn't told you!"

"Told me WHAT?... What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Tim... Michael is back. He called the house last week and told mom he was back and wanted to talk with Terri. He didn't have her current cell number and asked mom for it. She wasn't sure what to do, so told him she would give his number to Terri and leave it up to her to return his call, or not. I'm pretty sure she called Terri right away and told her.... She hasn't mentioned any of this to you?"

The shock on my face must have been enough of an answer for her.

"That stupid bitch! When she told me she had talked to Michael, I told her she had to be straight with you about this. She said she was just very confused, but she'd tell you what was happening. I hoped she'd already told you, but I suspected she had chickened out. I'm so sorry to have dumped this on you like this."

"Fuck Amy, I'm glad you did. I mean what the hell, is she still in love with this guy?... I've got to talk to her, I've got to know what the hell is going on. Thank you for caring enough to come and talk to me."

"Tim, I'm sure nothing has,... you know... happened, but you deserve to know what she's thinking. Please don't tell her I told you about Michael. She's my sister, I love her, but what she's doing is not fair to you."

After Amy left I took a few minutes to gather my thoughts. Things had been really great with Terri. I was always thinking about our future together and we had even talked about her moving in with me. Now this? I shook my head. As I thought more about it, I realized I had not actually spoken to Terri in several days. My work had been keeping me busy. We had exchanged voice mails, but never actually connected. I just assumed she'd also been busy with work because her job could be like that at times. But now I had to wonder if maybe she was avoiding me because she didn't want to tell me about Michael.

Well, fuck that, I'm not a guy who waits around. I called her. The phone rang several times then went to voicemail, shit! I got cleaned up and then tried her number again - voicemail. I hopped in my car and headed to her apartment.

Each unit in Terri's complex has two parking spaces, each stamped with the unit's address. Terri's little suv was parked in her usual spot and the extra space was occupied by a small sedan with a rental car company logo in the rear window.

I pulled into someone else's space and turned off my car. I fumed as I realized the rental car likely meant Michael was visiting Terri. My rational brain said the car could have belonged to someone visiting a neighbor and, just like my car, was parked in the wrong space, but I was angry.

I was just about to open my door when Terri's door opened. A short, thin, dark haired guy stood in the door for just a second and then stepped out onto her stoop. Terri appeared in the doorway and my heart sank as I realized she was wearing a robe. She clutched the robe to her chest and the guy leaned in and kissed her lightly on the lips.

The guy turned away and started down the walk as Terri closed her door. I hopped out of my car and quickly walked toward the guy. When I was about 10 feet from him I called out, "Michael?"

Michael's head snapped up and he stared at me in confusion. Then he seemed to grasp what was happening.

"You must be Tim, Terri's new guy?"

"Well, I thought I was her guy, but now I'm not so sure. Care to tell me what the fuck you're doing here?"

"Obviously, I'm trying to win my girl back from her new lover, but it appears that's going to be much more difficult than I had hoped."

I didn't care for his glib attitude. I balled my fist and took a step towards him. He quickly realized he'd be no match for me and jumped into his rental and locked the doors. I moved to the drivers window and glared at him as he started the car. Just as he was about to reverse out of the space, Terri called out to me. "Tim! Please just let him go."

I turned to face her, she was still in her robe. She looked at me pleadingly, holding her door open in invitation and said, "please come in inside."

I stared at her for several seconds,... "fuck this!" I turned and headed back to my car with Terri pleading for me to stop and come back. I drove back home while my phone blew up with calls and texts from Terri.

I'd been home about an hour when Terri roared into my driveway, tires screeching. She jumped out of her car and ran up onto my porch. She pounded on the door, yelling my name.

I opened the door and she tried to push past me. Well, I'm a big guy and hard to move when I don't want to be moved. She finally stepped back and said, "Please Tim, please let me come in and talk to you."

"Oh, now you want to talk to me? But you were much too busy to talk to me for the last several days and now, suddenly, when I catch you with an old lover, you just HAVE to talk to me?"

Terri hung her head, "You have every right to be angry with me. I have treated you badly, I'm so sorry. I just didn't know what to do. I didn't know what I wanted and didn't know how to tell you that. Honey, I'm so sorry I've hurt you. I'm just a mess right now, I need time to sort things out."

"Sort things out? You mean like decide if you want to continue to be with me or to go back to your ex fiancé? Is that what you need to sort out?"

"Well, yes...Tim I love you, but I loved Michael for years before he went away. I have all these mixed up emotions, I just don't know what I want now."

"I know we haven't talked about being exclusive, but I sure as hell thought we were. From what I saw today, you in your robe, the goodbye kiss, I'm guessing that's not the case now, is it?"

Terri hung her head, "Tim honey, I just don't know what to do, I love you both! Oh God, I'm so confused."

I took a deep breath and sighed. "Well, I guess I have my answer. We may have never said the words, but you knew, your sister knew, your entire family knew, and all our friends knew, we were supposed to be a couple!"

"I know,... fuck why is this so hard? Baby, I love you so much, but I still love him too. We were just talking, he grabbed me and kissed me and all the old feelings came flooding back.... I'm so confused!"

"Confused? You have deliberately tried to avoid talking to me so you could fuck around with him behind my back!

"I'm sorry, I was just afraid of losing you! Oh god, how can I make you understand how this is tearing me apart. I love you both!... It's like my brothers - I love them both, I could never choose one over the other, I love them both the same. When Michael left, I thought I'd never really love anyone else, but then I found you. Now he's back and I know I still love him, but I'm also in love with you."

"So what the hell do you expect from me? You're already fucking the guy! When things got serious between us, you OWED it to me to tell me you were still carrying a torch for him! You were not honest with me, or your self. You let me believe I was your only love, just as I loved you and no one else!... I'm out! It's time for you to leave. Goodbye, Terri."

Terri dropped to her knees, "No, No, No! I don't want this! Please Tim, I DO love you, every bit as much as I love him! I need you in my life, please, baby don't do this! I love you!"

I shook my head. "You know, I actually believe you truly love both of us, but that's just not good enough for me." I closed the door and left her on the porch. Several long minutes later I heard her car pull out of the driveway.

I sat on the couch, my head in my hands. How the fuck did this happen? Two weeks ago I was rehearsing my proposal and now it's over!

I shed a few tears for the love I had lost, but I knew I had done the right thing. It took me a while to see it, but I was glad it happened before we'd gotten married.

A few months later I saw a posting on line saying Terri and Michael were engaged and would be married within a few months. I have to admit, that tugged at my heart a bit, I had loved her deeply.

I dated some, but never felt that special connection with any of the ladies. My work kept me occupied and I reconnected with some of my old buddies and enjoyed hanging out with them.

It had been about two years since Terri and Michael had married. I was at a sports bar/pub with a few of my buddies when all of a sudden they all stopped talking and were staring over my shoulder. I looked around and saw Terri, Amy, her two brothers, and Michael being shown to a table. They were smiling and joking. I had loved being around the Long family, they were good people. I especially missed teasing Amy, she was such a sweet little thing. Ah well,... I turned back to my pals who were all kinda frozen in place.

"Ancient history, dudes! So who has the next round?" That seemed to unfreeze the guys as they all tried to say it was the other guys turn to buy. Finally, I told them I'd buy and signaled the barmaid with a twirl of my hand. She nodded and a few minutes later arrived with a fresh round.

We had been playing darts and I was doing well. I had beaten three challengers and was strutting around when I heard, "care to try your luck with me big guy?" My buddies did that freeze thing again as I turned to the little imp who had dared challenge today's master of the dart board. I smiled at Amy. She launched herself into me! Her legs wrapped around my waist and her arms looped around my neck! (I had no idea she could jump that high!) the next thing I knew, she had her tongue down my throat. My buddies just gapped at us as she sucked my face. Finally, she came up for air and then slapped me.

"Hey, what's that for?"

"That's for not calling me, you bastard! I've been waiting for over two years for you to call me! Two fucking years waisted!"

"Oh, so your phone only RECEIVES calls? Really Amy?"

"Yes really!... I promised mom I would not cause trouble by chasing after you. But if you had called me,... well, I did call dibs! I kept my word, but you never called! Damn you Tim, why didn't you call me?"

I looked at my buddies who were all grinning at me as I held this tiny beauty in my arms. "I, well I,... I guess I thought it would have been awkward."