Dick - The Teen Gym Stud Ch. 09

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Janelle and Carlie Go to Dinner.
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Part 9 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/08/2019
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Even knowing that I would need to figure tonight out somehow, I couldn't help but smile. What an incredible night. I made myself a coffee and sat at the table, still wearing my special lingerie. I tried to focus on my posture, sitting with my shoulders back, back arched and chest forward. I crossed my legs in a feminine fashion and sipped my coffee delicately, images from last night flashing through my head.

My ass was sore as hell and it hurt slightly to sit, but that just made me giggle. It was everything Janelle could have possibly asked for from the first school dance and first night with her muscular stud. No doubt that all the girls at school were jealous of her. And he had asked to see her again!

I was so excited that I wanted to send him something to show it. I had a naughty thought. I grabbed a banana off of the table and peeled back the skin. I grabbed my phone and flipped it around so it aimed at my face. I put the banana into my mouth but instead of biting, I slid it in. I looked at the camera and snapped a few shots, a naughty twinkle in my eye.

I picked the best image and sent it to Ryan with the caption "Refueling after a busy night. Thanks, stud! 🍌😮😘."

I looked at what I sent, smiling to myself. I continued to drink and fantasize while I sat at the table. A message arrived, it was Ryan. I eagerly opened it.


I giggled. Luckily, I hadn't eaten the banana. I grabbed it, peeled it further, and started recording a video. Staring at the camera naughtily, I brought the banana to my lips and slid it as deep as I could, opening my throat as I had done instinctually last night and fighting off my gag reflex. I got almost all of it in! I brought it out and coughed lightly, then smiled at the camera.

I sent the video, grinning to myself. It was so fun to flirt with my stud.

"Not bad, need a bigger banana though."

I laughed out loud. I glanced over to the bananas. Sure enough, there was a much bigger one. I grabbed it and peeled it back quickly. Staring at the camera again, I licked up the long banana, base to tip, then tipped it into my mouth. I got about halfway down before feeling myself choke. I pulled it out and coughed repeatedly. I started a new video, licked up both sides seductively again, and tried again. I got it deeper but not all the way. Luckily, the bananas were underripe otherwise it could snap in half (which I assumed would be dangerous).

It took me about 6 or 7 more tries but finally I took it just about all the way to the opposite tip. I slid it out and managed not to cough. Then I made a kissy face at the camera and clicked end. Perfect. I sent it to Ryan.

"Impressive. Keep practicing with that slutty mouth of yours, Janelle. Can't wait for tonight 🍆🍑"

I grinned. "Mmmmmmmm" I sighed. I couldn't wait either.

Wait...Tonight. Carlie.

Shoot, I needed to figure out this dinner thing or there would be hell to pay - to Ryan, to Carlie, or to both. I focused, pushing aside my thoughts of Ryan. I had to start moving.

First thing first, I needed to change—though she wasn't due for a couple hours, Carlie often arrived home from work early and she couldn't find me like this.

I stripped down and ran my special lingerie under warm water with some soap. I carefully pulled out the hair extensions, hid them in my gym bag, and took another shower. This time, rather than trying to avoid ruining my make up, I scrubbed my face clean aggressively.

I stepped out of the shower and got dressed (in my normal clothing). I looked in the mirror, I was Jerry again. I couldn't deny that I felt a little disappointed not to be wrapped in Janelle's beautiful body, but I was also more relaxed, more myself. I took the elevator to the basement and threw Carlie's lingerie into one of the building's dryers, hoping I wouldn't run into anyone. They would dry quickly and I could put them back without Carlie noticing.

I went back upstairs and As I sat again on the couch and everything felt like it was normalizing a bit. I realized I still wanted to be Jerry and that I didn't want to be Janelle all the time. I was only Janelle for Ryan.

Thinking straight for the first time in over a day, I texted Ryan. "Hey Ryan, by the way I forgot that I actually have plans with Carlie tonight. Sorry about that :("

I was disappointed to have to cancel with Ryan, but there was nothing to do about it. Even if we weren't planning to go to dinner, I couldn't meet up with Ryan tonight with Carlie home.

I walked through the house ensuring everything was in order, folding and tucking. I took the lingerie out of the dryer and put it back in Carlie's closet.

My phone dinged with a message from Ryan. I opened it nervously, hoping he wasn't mad we had to reschedule.

"No problem, babe. You guys can meet me for dinner at our beach house. 6:30 p.m."

I stared at my screen. Oh no. This wasn't good.

"Ummm, Ryan. I'm not sure that's a good idea..." I sent the message.

I waited.

"I'll see you and Carlie at 6:30, Janelle. The address is 1 costal lane. You can come dressed in your Jerry costume."

My Jerry costume? I guess he meant I didn't need to dress as Janelle. That was a relief at least, considering Carlie was going to be there. But part of this was also very frustrating and disappointing to me. I couldn't help but feel angry with Carlie—this was supposed to be time between just me and Ryan and she was intruding!

"Um...Okay. I'll check with her but she'll probably be fine with it. Could we please not tell her...anything...though?"

"We'll only do what you guys want to do, Janelle."

I stared at that text nervously. Just then the front door opened and Carlie stepped in.

"Hey babe!" She said brightly, coming over to give me a soft kiss. The kiss was boring, bland. She continued, "Really rough shift at work, how's it been for you?"

"Umm..." the images of last night flashed through my head again. "Pretty hard and rough actually." I couldn't help but grin slightly. Stupid.

"Oh yeah? Well why don't you tell me about over dinner!? I'm exhausted I have to head to bed."

"Oh...Carlie, about that. Um...You know that teenage kid from the gym, Ryan?"

She replied with a grin "You mean huge Dick?"

I swallowed hard, getting distracted. "Yeah..."

She looked at me expectantly. "Jerry?"

"Sorry, yeah so Di...I mean, Ryan invited us over to his beach house or something for dinner."

Carlie's eyes widened. "Really? Why? I didn't realize you guys were actually that friendly with one another."

I tried to look nonchalant. "Oh yeah...it's no big deal...he just wanted to...thank me for being supportive...anyways, that okay with you?"

She grinned at me wickedly, "a beach house with that stud for dinner? Let's do it."

I looked down, embarrassed. Misunderstanding, she grabbed my hand. "I'm just joking baby. He's just a little kid. Anyways I think it's nice that he's helping you and you seem to be mentoring him. This dinner sounds nice."

I looked at her again. She was looking at me so sweetly. I didn't answer, afraid of what I might say. She just gave me another half-smile and continued. "Alright, bed time. Wake me up when it's time to get ready." She kissed me on the cheek before walking to the bedroom.


Carlie was sleeping as I waited nervously for evening to arrive when I heard a rap on my apartment door. I looked through the peephole and saw Ryan's sister, Kasi. I had almost forgotten Ryan was going to send her over with my car keys. I opened the door quietly and stepped out into the hallway, a caution against any meeting between Carlie and Kasi.

Kasi held out my keys, staring daggers at me. "Hi Kasi...thanks..." I said, embarrassed.

"Yeah, whatever." She looked at me up and down. "I'm also supposed to give you these." She held out an attractive velvet bag. I took it and glanced inside. Oh wow" I said. The bag was filled with Chanel make up. I didn't know much about make up yet but I was pretty sure Chanel was quite fancy. "Thanks..."

"Also, he said you should spend some time today watching youtube videos on applying it. Here's a few good resources." She handed me a note with a few names of youtube makeup people.

I was flushed red in embarrassment now. "Umm...yeah. Thanks."

"Yeah...okay, the next thing. Can we go inside?" she asked.

"Sorry, I'd really rather we not." She huffed angrily and looked from side to side. "Fine." To my shock, she hooked her thumbs around the waistband of her pants and brought them all the way down. Underneath, she wore an incredibly sexy pair of light pink bikini-style panties. As I admired them she proceeded to pull them off as well, revealing her shaved pussy underneath. She held out the panties to me. "Wear these tonight."

I hesitated and she shook them in my face. I took them and quickly put them in the make up bag.

She pulled up her pants, now panty-less. "One more thing."

She brought out her camera and held it up. "You're supposed to thank him to confirm you got the stuff...then..." She paused, sighing, before continuing, "then we're supposed to make out on camera for him."

I looked around, getting very nervous. Still, it was safer to do this in the hallway than in my own apartment with Carlie home! She clicked record and I looked up. Staring at the camera, knowing I was talking to Ryan, I automatically became Janelle again.

"Hi Daddy," I smiled shyly, "thank you so much for the wonderful gifts. I can't wait to wear them for you." I ended with a kissy face then turned to Kasi. After a moment's pause, we began to kiss softly, both of us trying to play it up for the camera. Her tongue darted into my mouth and I sucked on it, opening my eyes and looking at her camera, still held in her hand. We both got into it, the fact that we were doing it for Ryan's entertainment turning us on.

She slipped in a word between kisses. "So..." she began to say, before the next kiss. "So...?" I replied at the next momentary break. Between kisses she asked "so...did he...with you...last night?"

At this point our bodies were pressed against one another and I was running my hands through her hair and down her back. I leaned away from her, glancing at the camera still held in her hand. I gave a half grin. "Yes."

She paused. "And...and what was it like?" She was looking at me with a desperate, wanton look on her face.

"It...it was..." I paused trying to think of the right words. Incredible? Like nothing I'd ever felt? He filled me up completely and all I could think about was when would he would do it again? All of it was inadequate. Finally, I settled on the best description I could come up with at that moment.

"It was like being fucked by a god."

She moaned and leaned in to kiss me more. We groped and kissed for a few more minutes, each of us simply vessels for the other's imaginings of Ryan.

We heard the elevator ding around the corner and we abruptly stepped away from one another.

We were both panting. She clicked to end the video. She stared at me aggressively, then her pride seemed to leak away and she deflated in front of me, actually sitting on the ground.

"Kasi? What's wrong?"

She was crying. "I'm just so pathetic." She dropped to a whisper as a neighbor walked down the hallway in the opposite direction as us. "He's my little brother for god's sake, I shouldn't feel this way. But he's so fucking hot - I'm not even attracted to anyone else anymore. He's all that I think about."

"Kasi!" I knelt down beside her. The neighbor entered his apartment. "You're not pathetic. It's nothing about you. It's him. Hell, I'm a thirty-one year old married man who has never had a gay thought in his life. But who could resist his..." I gulped... "his handsome face, his..." Kasi broke in "...massive arms." I smiled lightly, nodding. I kissed her again softly. "His broad muscular back." She kissed me back "mmmm...his perfect teeth." I kissed her passionately, running my hands up her sides and then groping her perky tits, "His hard, massive chest and ripped abs." She kissed me back hard "Yesssssss," she ran her hands up the underside of my legs as kneeled next to her on the floor and cupped my ass. "His firm ass." I reached into her pants and slipped my fingers into her pussy. She gasped. "His massive cock..."

She bucked her hips into my hand as I fingered her frantically, hooking my fingers back. "FUCKK yessssss, fuck me Ryan fuckkkk" she screamed, lost in her own fantasy. I covered her mouth with my free hand and continued to finger her. After only a few seconds I felt her pussy gush into my hand as she moaned into my other. I continued until she stopped rocking her hips.

She looked at me, panting. We separated and I sat next to her. I felt her hand reach out and grab my own. Her fingers interlaced with mine "Thank you for understanding, Janelle."

"Of course. You can call me Jerry though. I'm only Janelle for Ryan."

"No, Ryan said I was to only call you Janelle."


"He's not gay, you know? Far as I know he's only ever been with girls before you. You seem to be a...special project of his or something."

"Oh." I said. I wasn't really sure what to do with this information. It did feel nice to be referred to as "special" to Ryan though.

"Probably because of that nice ass!" she giggled and slapped the edge of my ass peaking up from the floor.

I grinned. We sat there in silence for a minute. Then I asked a question that I'd been wondering for most of the morning. "Do you think he'll fuck Carlie - my wife - tonight?"

Kasi turned to me. "I don't know...do you want him to?"

"I don't know..."

"Guess we'll see then." She leaned over and kissed me on my cheek. Then she stood up and walked away towards the elevator. I watched her ass sway as she walked away. I grinned, definitely not as nice as mine.

I grabbed the bag of makeup and brought it into the house, hiding it for now in the bottom cupboard of the bathroom, behind the spare toilet paper.


I woke up Carlie at five in the afternoon and we both began getting ready. Carlie wore a flowery summer dress made out of a thin material that ended halfway down her thighs and heels and I wore a white long sleeve sweater and my skinny jeans, which even though cut for a man really hugged my ass these days, given its size.

We drove to the address of the beach house. As we pulled up we stared out in wonder. This place was huge. The driveway brought us through a small group of trees and to a secluded space away from the road, the driveway making a loop around a garden in front of the beautiful entrance.

Carlie turned to me. "Holy shit. I guess his family is loaded?" I acted surprised. "I guess so?"

We parked the car and as we got out, to my surprise, Kasi strolled up. I panicked, not knowing what she might reveal. She wore a tight lacy black dress that hugged her curves closely and ended barely below her waist. Her slender long legs were on impressive display.

"Welcome," she said simply, her face impassive, "Ryan is waiting for you. Please follow me." Her tone was polite and submissive and I was taken aback at the difference between her attitude now and the one I was used to.

She turned around and the wonder of her dress really showed. It was completely backless, with one or two clear thin strips connecting in the back pulling it tight. A small strip of black lace barely covered her ass.

Carlie glanced at me, her eyebrows raised. I just shrugged and followed after Kasi, relieved she hadn't revealed that we knew one another. My heart hammered in my chest.

We followed Kasi's swaying ass through the large beach house. She stopped outside a room and ushered us in. Carlie went in first and as I passed Kasi I felt her pinch my ass hard. I turned around and saw her walking away, grinning at me over her shoulder. I suppressed a grin and entered the room. It was a comfortable living area and Ryan was sitting on a couch, looking at his phone.

He glanced up and saw us. He put his phone away and stood up, spreading his arms wide. "Welcome, welcome, so glad you could make it."

Ryan wore a fitted grey henley shirt that clung tight to his body, the long sleeves pulled up to his forearms, and dark blue jeans. The outfit fit him perfectly and displayed his incredibly muscular physique. The shirt showed off the bulge of his shoulders and biceps and outlined his chest impressively.

I was caught momentarily speechless by the vision of this teenage hunk and I guessed Carlie was too because it took us both a few heartbeats before stammering out our thanks for the invite.

All I wanted to do was to run into Ryan's strong open arms but I held myself back. I glanced at Carlie and found her grinning mischievously at Ryan, biting her lip. Then she seemed to snap out of it and shook her head. She looked at me nervously and found me looking back. She grabbed my arm and pulled me tight. "Thanks so much for having us, Ryan! This place is great!" She said in an overly enthusiastic voice, clearly trying to move on and distract. She felt guilty for checking him out! How little she knew...

"Of course. To have you both here, the pleasure is all mine." He stepped up and grabbed Carlie's right hand and my left and brought them both to his lips, kissing the back of our hands chivalrously. In spite of ourselves we both giggled, each turning beat red.

His smoldering blue eyes looked from one of us to the other and we stared back, transfixed. "Follow me and we can start dinner." He switched our hands in his and turned around smoothly, pulling us into the next room. Carlie glanced at me, her eyebrows raised in question. I just shrugged and tried to look confused.

He walked up to a large table set with three chairs. He held out one end and ushered me to sit. As I sat he helped by guiding my hip to the chair, running his strong hand up my side before pushing me in. I sucked in a breath, strangely pleased at the physical contact and the fact that he helped me first. Then he pulled out the chair on the opposite side and helped Carlie sit. I watched him to the same for her, with a similar reaction. He sat down between us.

"So, ladies, something to drink?"

Carlie again gave me a curious glance. Ladies? Ryan saw. "Oh don't worry, Carlie, it's in good spirit. It's motivation for our workouts. Some good-natured encouragement to continue to developing her physique."

I flushed crimson, looking down. I was surprised he was doing this now.

Carlie giggled. "Oh, I see." I glanced up and she saw my embarrassment.

"Oh, don't worry honey, it's all for a good purpose right?"

Ryan responded for me. "Of course. I also have a pet name for her." Ryan grinned, looking at me and touching my cheek. I returned his look sadly, thinking he was making fun of me.

"Really?" Carlie said, a mischevious grin on her face. "What is it?"

Ryan looked at me, his eyebrows raised. He wanted me to say it.

I cleared my throat. "Umm...Janelle." I hadn't meant for it, but I hadn't cleared my throat fully and it came out high-pitched and feminine.

Carlie giggled again. "I like it, babe. Oh don't be embarrassed," she said, seeing me look down again, "I'm sure the pet name won't be needed when you have muscles like Ryan, here."

"Why thank you, Carlie. Okay, so lets get you ladies some wine." Ryan signaled to the back of the room and a redhead stepped up to the table.

I gaped. Dressed in a tight pink cocktail dress, bringing out the wine, was the young red-haired teacher from school. Her name came to me - Sarah...Ms. Daniels.

Sarah's school clothes hid them well but what was clear to see now was that Sarah had a beautiful, massive set of tits. The cocktail dress dropped low to show plenty of cleavage, especially as she bent to pour us all a glass of red wine.

"Thank you, Sarah. Please prepare the meal."