Dinner Ch. 05


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She and I had lived a pretty sedate love life after our first couple years together. Until last night, probably the most exciting night we'd had for a long, long time was that night a week ago when Karen had dressed up in that short, sexy, silver-metallic dress; we'd gone to the River Lounge and then the night after. Even that was inspired by Pauli, unbeknown to Karen.

I wondered what was going to be next for us. Real life wasn't like Matt and Adriana or Robert and Michelle. Last night had been pretty damned unreal, but it wasn't going to be repeated, in spite of the fact that Karen was out with Pauli. I couldn't think very well and gave up writing, deciding to go for a drive, instead.

The only place I could think to look for Karen's car was at the mall. I had no idea what I'd do if I found it. I hadn't planned to go looking for it when I got in mine, it just sort of happened. Unfortunately, that mall is big. And the parking lot a lot bigger. It took probably a half-hour to drive up and down every row. And her car wasn't there.

It wasn't in front of Pauli's house, either, so I drove home. You get three guesses where her car was. "Where were you?" she asked when I went inside.

"Just out driving," I told her. I wasn't about to admit that I'd been looking for her. "You find what you were looking for?"

She smiled, "Yeah, I think so."

"You going to show me?" I asked, "have a good time with Pauli?"

"Maybe eventually, but not now, and yeah, we did. It was fun. She's fun... but right now," she told me, "I'm tired. Going to take a nap."

Later that night, it seemed like our lives had returned to normal. After Karen was up from her nap, we went to McDonald's and splurged on dinner, then home, watched a little TV and to bed, pretty much like our Sunday evenings for the last umpteen years.

Monday morning, though, was different. Karen showered for work like she always does, but that was the end of 'normal'. She came out of the bathroom wearing a red thong and matching skimpy, sheer bra. Things she's never worn. Not... ever! I followed her back in the bathroom to take my own shower, watching her out of the corner of my eyes putting on her makeup while I was getting ready to shower. I don't think she'd ever paid quite this much attention to makeup before, either.

After my shower, I went in the other bathroom to shave and brush my teeth while Karen was monopolizing our sink. Karen's underwear had made my cock expand and when I went back in our bedroom, even more. She was slipping a red dress down over her almost naked body, about three or four inches above her knees, but tight, showing her figure. And with that thong and sheer bra underneath it...!

"I have a client meeting today, probably all day," Karen told me, "a new client from Moses Lake."

An explanation is in order here. Karen works at an advertising firm, 'JHP Media and Advertising'. And yes, the 'P' in the name is her, Peterson. She's an account executive, making about triple the money I do. She typically leads the initial ad-design meetings with clients, determining their needs and going over different ad design suggestions.

She has always dressed professionally; attractive, but never 'sexy'. It was making me hot, thinking what her new client would think, not to even mention that her co-workers were predominately men. The fact that a woman as young as her has the confidence of her firm as she does, is a testament to her intelligence and creativity. I'm so damn proud of her!

And now I'm watching her, slipping heels on her stocking-clad feet, confident in her sexuality as well. It makes her even sexier! It excites me, imagining how the client will be drooling over her while she dazzles them with brilliance.

"This going to be your new persona at work?" I asked her, referring to her sexy appearance.

"I like it, you? Makes me feel sexy."

It should!

I was distracted a lot at work thinking about Karen and her new client during the day, remembering that thong and almost not-there bra under her short dress, not quite as bad as my zombie-time from last week, but certainly enough to be sidetracking. I was glad the project I was working on wasn't anything particularly challenging, a new Walmart store. They've built enough of those that building code compliance isn't much of an issue.

Karen called me about three and said she'd be late getting home, anticipating about seven. So when I got home, I thawed some chicken thighs in the microwave and put them in the pellet grill. It makes the best barbecue chicken ever!

She was home about a quarter after seven and still looked spectacular, although tired. We had a simple dinner; the chicken thighs, corn on the cob and sliced, grilled potatoes. Karen complimented me how good the meal was and told me a little about her day; it's a start-up cookware manufacturing company that wanted Facebook, YouTube, and Google ads. "We spent the day brainstorming ideas and sketching, getting some good plans for our final artists."

"The owner's about a forty-year-old guy that's really good looking and I was so wet all day, wearing this... I loved it!"

I thought about that. I know what either Robert or Matt in my stories would be thinking - encourage her, see if she'd lead the guy on, seduce him and eventually get him in her bed, preferably with hubby watching. That thought had my cock stiffening, but no, not gonna happen! Yeah, I enjoyed Saturday, but the real-life me ain't Matt or Robert! A little mild flirting and seduction is one thing, but more... nah.

After dinner, Karen asked me to clean up while she changed. I was actually a little disappointed (a lot?) I'd kind of wanted to watch her undress... maybe even help. Instead, I put leftovers away, loaded the dishwasher and washed off counters and the table, leaving the kitchen and dining room good as new, then turned on the TV, waiting for Karen. Later, I heard her from the bedroom, "Hon, can you come here, please? I need your help."

I got up, wondering what was in the top of the closet that she needed down. When I opened the door, I stopped, looking, shocked and speechless, at the center of our bed. There was my wife, naked except for the thong, a blindfold over her eyes and four sets of fur-covered handcuffs and straps.

Once the blood came back into my head, at least the limited blood that was left over from that in my lower extremity, I walked around the bed, not saying anything, wondering how best to take advantage of the situation that had been presented to me.

I'd written about situations similar to this, with Matt and Adriana and I think with Robert and Michelle a long time ago, but that was fiction; this was my real wife, not make-believe.

Karen was laying on her back, like I said, naked except the tiny little thong she'd put on that morning. I sat down beside her and ran my hand up the inside of her leg. She'd shaved Saturday and, since then, the only time I'd felt her pussy was those few seconds during the strip poker game. I ran my hand up and down her thigh, teasing both of us, bringing it a little closer each time. Karen's body was reacting, squirming, her legs spread apart. I'd never seen my wife in a thong and I liked it, especially knowing that's what she'd worn all day under a short skirt, the people she was with having no idea.

I must have teased us for a minute or two. I've written several times about time and how it loses meaning; how in the right circumstances, you can't tell a minute from half-an-hour. But I'd never experienced it, at least not like this.

I remembered the handcuffs she'd laid on the bed. Obviously, Karen wanted them used, so I got up, leaving her writhing, wanting my hand to move that extra inch to her thong-covered pussy. I went around the other side of the bed, picked up one of the handcuffs and fastened it around Karen's left wrist, then the strap to the corner bedpost and the other end of the handcuff, pulling the strap tight; then the same on the other side of the bed, making sure it was nice and tight so she wouldn't be able to move.

Karen didn't object, not that it would have mattered, because now I was in charge. And I wanted to savor this, so far in our lives, a once-in-a-lifetime situation. Object? Heck, she was making little cooing sounds, like she was loving what was happening. Heck, I thought, maybe I'll even write about this sometime.

Then I had another thought, something, I joked to myself that was quite rare. We have a foam cushion, thick, probably a foot, lots thicker than a pillow. I don't remember what we bought it for or, for that matter, even where it was. But I wanted it. I left my goddess, handcuffed and squirming on the bed, and went in search of the cushion. I thought maybe it was on a shelf in the garage and I was right. I could see it, but not reach it. I found the step-stool, climbed to the top step and carefully moved the stuff off the cushion so I could get it down, thinking it'd be just my luck to fall and break a leg, unable to move while Karen is handcuffed to the bed.

It could be a long night waiting for someone to wonder why neither of us were at work tomorrow and finally discovering us. Maybe a bit embarrassing for her, too. Yeah, I know, I'd still be able to crawl, but it was still a gruesome thought.

Not gruesome enough, though, to keep me from getting the damn cushion down!

I dusted my prize off, took it in the house and found a sheet in the hall closet to wrap around the dirty thing. It was way too big for a pillowcase.

Karen was still right there, laying quietly, arms spread-eagled on the bed when I went back in the bedroom. I was sure I could smell girl-odor, I'd noticed it before a few times when Karen was really turned on from our lovemaking. Like, I'm sure, she could likely smell my pre-cum on some of those times when she'd gotten me overly excited. And there had been a few times, but I didn't think quite like this. And not for a long time, discounting Saturday, of course.

She jumped when I touched her bottom, as I'd tried to be quiet entering the room. "Push your bottom up, I have something for you," I told her. She propped her legs under her as best she could and pushed up, probably expecting a pillow. "Little higher," I told her, then, "more... more..." with her leg muscles straining, I finally managed to squeeze the cushion underneath her butt, up far enough to give me clear access to between her legs.

"It's too high, this isn't comfortable," she complained.

I had my plans. "It'll only be a little while, just relax." I thought that in a bit she likely wouldn't mind so much, anyway.

But first, the rest of the cuffs. When I'd done the first ones, I'd noticed that the others were much bigger, like made for ankles instead of wrists. I clipped them on, like I had on her arms and made sure all were pulled tight so that Karen was totally spread-eagled on the bed, with her butt over a foot off the bed and unable to move.

When I stood back to admire my handiwork... and my sexy woman, I realized that something was definitely wrong. She still had the thong on. How in hell was I going to get it off with her legs spread like they were.

"Oops," I told her, "think we forgot something."

I know, 'we' was a bit of a misnomer, but nothing wrong with spreading blame when you can. And the way Karen was tied down, I could.

Nothing to do but undo, then redo. Slipping that thong down her legs, uncovering the real 'prize' was fun. The tiny, little triangle over her pussy was sheer satin, not hiding anything, everything else was nothing but string. No damned wonder she said she'd been horny all day.

Her pussy was wet, her thong was wet, and when I slipped my hand underneath it the first time, my hand was wet. Ahh, but her bare skin felt so good. I couldn't resist myself running a couple fingers just inside her pussy lips, getting a loud moan for my efforts. "Little less uncomfortable, sweet?"

"Uhuh," was all the answer I got.

And I savored pulling it down off her smooth, sexy legs, then redid the cuffs, spreading her legs wide apart.

I don't know why, I guess I just wanted to make her suffer a bit, kind of sweet agony, I hoped. I checked her blindfold, making sure it was tight, then spent a little time sucking on her titties and ran my hand over her smooth pussy lips, just inside them. God, she felt good and what I had planned was going to be hard to do, but I was, anyway.

Once I had Karen groaning to my satisfaction, I stood up and tiptoed out of the room, being careful to not make any sound at all. I wondered about some of the things Matt had done to Addie, what it'd be like in real life to torment a woman sexually.

So I just sat and waited... and waited... and waited. I wondered what it was really like, not knowing, being blindfolded. I guess that in reality, it should have been the other way around. I'm the one who threw the wrench in Karen's life, who shocked her with my Lush admission, brought Pauli into our life and so on. But, damn, she'd seemed to enjoy it the consequences every bit as much as me - maybe even more. I think she and Connor fucked way more than Pauli and me. Of course, he's ten-twelve years younger so a lot more... virile. Maybe recuperative is the word I'm looking for.

I hoped she'd enjoy what I had planned, maybe even the torment of having to wait, building up her yearning. I know for damn sure that I was, just thinking about it. My cock was so damned hard!

But at least I knew what was coming or at least that I could control it. Karen didn't know what, when, or anything. That had to be a torment. I thought about taking my clothes off, but knew that if I did, I wouldn't be able to control myself so just took off my shirt, shoes, and socks, leaving my pants with the flagpole in the front.

Speaking of torment, I couldn't take my own any longer. I got up and snuck back in the bedroom and stood at the foot of the bed, looking at my Karen. I reached out, touching her inner thigh just inches from her slit that I so desperately wanted. Like before, Karen jumped, moaning in her frustration. I'd never seen my wife quite like this.

I carefully leaned over, trying hard to not give myself away until the last instant and touched my tongue to her pussy. That brought a loud groan from Karen, then my lips were kissing her there, tasting her and feeling her bare smoothness for the first time on my lips. Ahh, it was a damned good thing I hadn't taken my pants off. I know I'd have been inside her in an instant if I had.

As it was, I let my tongue do the work, pressing as deep inside her as I could, my lips moving up, finding her little nubbin and sucking it in. Karen's hips were bucking as much as her restraints would allow and I backed off just enough to admonish her, "Don't come, I'll have to punish you if you do," then dug back in, enjoying her sweet, sexy, tanginess... and especially enjoying her groans of pleasure, jerking her arms and legs at the cuffs... that she'd bought and laid out for me to use.

I ground my lips and my tongue into her core as deep as they could get, paying special attention to her little nubbin of a clit, trying hard to force an orgasm out of her... then stopping just when it was, from past experience, on the verge of being imminent.

"Oh God, you bastard, don't stop... please..." she begged. Maybe I should have done like, I don't remember who bought the ball-gag, Matt or Adriana. Something that when I wrote it, never contemplated I'd ever want for my Karen. But now...

But I didn't have one so had to listen to Karen's expletives at my stopping when I did. And you know damn good and well that I enjoyed listening to every one!

I waited for her to quiet down from her ranting and asked her, "Did Connor taste you there?" She nodded and I went on, "You like it?" Another nod, a vigorous nod.

"Good, Pauli seemed to like it, too... so did I!" I told her.

What I mentioned earlier in the day, about not being Matt or Robert and not wanting another guy to fuck my wife - that was out the window at that moment. I'd have loved for her new client she'd been with all day in that sexy dress and nearly non-existent undies to be there and watch him strip them off her and fuck her... right before I did! It's a pretty safe bet that he'd thought about it during the day.

"I'm going to let your arms and legs loose. Want you to roll over, should be more comfortable. You won't hit me or anything, will you?"

Karen grunted out a 'no' and I wasn't sure whether to believe her or not. She didn't seem the least bit sedate. But before I did, I kissed her, long and deep, letting her taste herself on my lips, rolling a nipple between my thumb and forefinger.

Then I couldn't resist giving little more attention to those tits while I had the chance, sucking first one, then the other in my mouth; rolling her nipples between my lips and sucking them in deep, my hand enjoying the soft dampness of her pussy at the same time.

What I'd thought about a moment earlier... I couldn't help but ask her, "Bet you thought about your client doing this to you, didn't you?"

I waited and she finally nodded that she had.

"Say it, did you want him to fuck you?"

She hesitated and I pressed two fingers against her pussy and bit down gently on a nipple, "Answer me."

It finally burst out of her, "Yes, dammit, I was so horny! I wanted him!"

"To fuck you?"

"... wanted him to fuck me!"

"Naughty girl!" I told her, then proceeded to unlock the cuffs from her wrists and ankles.

"Roll over," I said when she was free. She spent a moment rubbing her wrists and flexing her legs before she did what I told her. While she struggled to roll over on her tummy across the cushion, I slipped my pants and underpants down, letting my hard cock jump out of its confinement.

Once she was comfortably laying across the cushion and it was situated where I wanted, I told her to stretch her arms and legs out again and refastened the cuffs, stretching the straps tight. I know what she was anticipating, but I wasn't quite ready to give it to her just yet.

I sat beside her and ran my hand over her sexy butt, much like I'd watched Connor do Saturday night.

"You wanted to fuck a stranger," and raised my hand and forced it back down in a hard slap against Karen's bare bottom.

She jerked in surprise with a loud 'Ow!'

"I didn't know that you'd like this..." a second hard smack.

"... or that I would, too," a third, harder.

Karen's butt was starting to get red and she'd begun to whimper, whether it was in pain or lust, I wasn't sure. Probably both.

"You..." smack, "tried..." smack, "to..." smack, My hand stung! "seduce..." smack, "a stranger..." smack - hard!

I couldn't take this any longer. I climbed up on the bed behind my wife and rammed my cock inside her. Karen's head jerked up and she let out a long, low wail. I held her hips and fucked in and out of her.

"Just... never... " fucking in and out between every word, "go... further..." sweat coming off my brow, Karen moaning at her full volume, "without me..." and exploded inside her, not believing the last two words that had come out of my mouth!

Karen's body, too, began shuddering in her orgasm, the two of us climaxing and screaming together in one incredible, ongoing moment of the most unbelievable bliss I'd ever experienced. From Karen's reaction and her slick, sweaty body, her too.

I rolled off Karen, laying flat on my back beside her, trying to catch my breath from my orgasm.

"I... can't believe I said that," I told her.

"It's okay," she told me, "I know you didn't mean it." Except, I wasn't so sure that I didn't. In fact, I was pretty damn sure that I had. Maybe later would be different, but right then, I meant every word.

Karen turned her head toward me, the blindfold still over her eyes, arms and legs still cuffed to the bed, and smiled, "Maybe this would be a good time to tell you... I invited Pauli and Connor to dinner Saturday night."

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gpetagpetaalmost 3 years ago

a special word reunite, they only fucking again and with special support

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 3 years ago

I love the whole back and forth form being the author to being the character and back. It’s fun.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

I'm infatuated with Karen.

I really do hope you don't drive our hero to throw away Karen's respect. Please tread gently and don't treat our hero poorly.


tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110about 4 years ago
Sexually arousing!

As with most of robertl's stories it is sexually arousing. This is erotica at its finest. This is a provocative story that draws the reader in. This couple is embarking on a journey of sexual fulfillment that they didn't know they wanted. What great fun they are going to have. *****

LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 4 years ago

I like the how open this couple is with (finally) being upfront with each other. The sensuality is palpable ... and plausible!

Easy 5*

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