Dion's Boon Pt. 02

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The abandoned wife finds her way into new adventures.
8.3k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/01/2022
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This is part two of the series. If you're a writer or editor and would like to collaborate on future story parts, shoot me a message. Enjoy!


The week had been exhilarating for Rebecca. She was moving forward. She hadn't completely put her failed marriage, rejection and heartbreak behind her. But it was beginning to feel like that heartache belonged to a different person. There were quiet moments in the day or activities with her children where those feelings crept in. She powered through the sadness knowing that she had a greater hand in her fortunes.

For the time being, she had a new young body to enjoy. That body needed clothes. Clothes for work. And clothes for pleasure. Not knowing how long this boon would last also affected other decisions. Do I try to avoid people who know me? Do I pretend to be someone else? What will happen when people see me older again? She pondered a number of things while she shopped.

Her children took the changes better than expected. Luckily she had boys and they barely noticed anything. They noted her weight loss and less wrinkles. Both were easy to explain.

An unexpected windfall of the change was running into Jason, her estranged husband. The look on his face was far better than she expected. It was like he was fighting between indifference and feeling cheated. She quietly enjoyed it while thinking about other reactions he might have. I blew your brother and he has a bigger dick than you.

"How much weight have you lost?!" Jason said as he looked her up and down. His hungry, curious gaze felt intrusive. Although he had seen her naked body more than anyone, he had lost that right.

Rebecca covered her breasts with her hands, but not before pushing them to demonstrate their new-found firmness. "I had a giant tumor removed from my life," she said, trying to be casually mean.

Jason was too taken in by her appearance to perceive the insult. "You look ten years younger at least," he said, continuing to stare.

With their new arrangement, the boys would stay a week with each of them and then switch houses. Jason was picking the boys up for his week. He had also asked to start gathering his belongings. In order to avoid the scene any further, she decided to go to the gym. Wait until that bastard sees my yoga pants, she thought as she went upstairs.

Once in her bedroom, she disrobed and admired herself in the mirror. She had trimmed her pubic hair into a neat landing strip. Rebecca was fortunate that her lady parts only needed minimal shaving. A little attention every few days offered her a smooth, hair-free vulva. She chose one of her new thongs, a sports bra, and a pair of leggings.

Secretly, Rebecca hoped that Jason would walk in on her. She imagined the expression on his face when he saw that she really was a younger woman. She would also be able to express rage at the intrusion. It would be a double win. She carefully arranged her breasts into the top to show the best cleavage. A quick pinch of her nipples and she was ready to go back downstairs.

"Have fun with your Dad, boys." She kissed them each on the head before grabbing her phone and keys. Out of the corner of her eyes, she could see Jason watching her with stunned disbelief. Rebecca had considered herself too old for popular clingy leggings. She didn't understand why they made her look good but it was apparent that men liked them.

She drove to the gym. Technically, she didn't need to work out her temporary body. But it was a good place to meet young people. Rebecca desperately needed a few younger girl friends. After 3 visits, she had potentially found one in Aimie.

Aimie was a cute, curvy brunette with doe eyes and a mediterranean complexion. Their initial introduction had been when Aimie asked her how she got 'such great cake'. After an awkward explanation, Rebecca came to understand that cake meant a shapely ass.

It was one of the interesting cultural changes that had passed Rebecca by. Growing up, she had always been embarrassed by her ass size. She thought it was too big and too round. As Rebecca had aged, the roundness gave way to sagging. Now, girls in their twenties did exercises like squats to try to add bulk. Like so many things, Rebecca didn't need to understand it. She only had a few weeks to worry about it. She decided to enjoy it while her body was in fashion.

Aimie had introduced her to her boyfriend Vince. Vince and Aimie attended the local college. He was a tall gym rat with lots of tattoos and a 'fuck it' attitude. As her circle of acquaintances grew, Rebecca felt like an imposter. It was exciting to be someone else. She felt like she was spying on a world that would have otherwise excluded her.

Rebecca's old circle of friends had dwindled over the years to a small handful. Of those remaining friends, the majority were intertwined with her life with Jason. Since she wanted to avoid divorce sympathy and the attention from her boon, she invested in her relationship with Aimie.

On this particular day, Vince, Aimie, and another friend, Jess, were filming 'cake checks' at the gym. "You've got to be in our video, Becca, you have such a great ass," Aimie begged before giving Rebecca's ass a swat and squeeze. "Please!"

These young girls touch each other way more than I remember doing, she thought. Being groped like that made Rebecca slightly uncomfortable. Some of this was because it turned her on. A lot of it was that it drew people's attention. Thinking about both, she decided to try to lean into it. While she had the boon, Rebecca resolved to do the opposite of what her previous self would have done.

Rebecca agreed to be in their ridiculous video. The girls each laid on the gym floor. Vince then put weights on a barbell and then rolled it over them, starting at their feet. Starting with the 35 pound weights, it rolled and slapped them in the ass. This meant that they passed the 'test.

Despite her aversion to the size of her own 'booty', Rebecca really enjoyed the fullness of other women's asses. She could see the appeal for men. When the barbell rolled onto them, Jess's ass made a cute jiggle. Aimie's ass was so large and womanly, that it recoiled and pushed the bar back toward Vince. Rebecca wasn't sure how her ass looked but she felt it hit her. Everyone cheered. At least the video doesn't show faces, she thought, as she allowed herself a smile. They also ran the test on Vince and he barely passed.

Next was the 45 pound weights. This added inches of clearance. The bar rolled over Jess's ass. On the petite side, it rolled over her whole body. Jess was cute and sweet. She had a butt that was closest to what Rebecca wanted. Vince failed. Aimie passed the test. It hit her beautiful 'dump truck' and stopped. When it was her turn, Rebecca felt it graze her but it rolled over. Her new friends cheered anyway. She secretly enjoyed the sexual attention. Outwardly, she enjoyed the companionship.

When they were getting ready to shower, Rebecca saw Aimie snapping pictures in the corner of the locker room. That was one line that Rebecca wouldn't cross. She didn't like 'selfies' and was paranoid about embarrassing pictures living on forever on the web. Aimie took a picture of herself cupping her breasts, bending over, and lastly, of her pussy.

"Grabbing some shots for Vince?" Rebecca asked with curiosity.

"No. They're for my OF followers." she said casually. She put the phone in her bag and disrobed. Aimie grabbed a towel and said, "let's go." She slapped Rebecca's ass playfully as she walked by.

The girls showered together. They talked about guys in their class and one cute teacher's assistant at the college. Aimie and Jess were the type of girls that would talk about anything anywhere. Jess showed them her new hood piercing. Rebecca blushed with her forwardness. Aimie admired it like a new earring. She even knelt down to inspect it. She casually reached out and rubbed it back and forth before standing back up.

Rebecca felt her nipples hardening with arousal at the scene. She hid them as she shampooed her hair. A few weeks ago, she would have been the matronly lady rolling her eyes and sighing loudly as she passed the scene. Today she was one of the young girls. It was a thrilling sensation for her. It felt like going through a friend's diary or listening to neighbors having sex.

"Tell us more about you, Becca? You're so quiet!" Aimie said as she conditioned her hair.

"Not much to say. Spending a lot of time with the new job." Although Rebecca had been a member at the gym for a decade, it had been at least a year since she last attended. The girls wouldn't have known her. When Aimie introduced herself, Rebecca had chosen to lie and say that she was new to town. It seemed unlikely that they would run into each other later.

"I forget you're so old," Jess said almost incredulously. "What are you, like 26?"

"Something like that," she said shyly. To girls in their early 20s that was old, she thought. She vaguely remembered being that age. It was getting engaged to Jason that pulled me out of it, Rebecca decided.

The girls chatted for a few more minutes before getting out. Back at the lockers, Aimie and Jess took a few sexy snaps. "Let's send one to Vince," Jess said excitedly. She grabbed Aimie's phone and snapped a selfie of her ass and titled it 'Guess who?'. She added a peach emoji which Rebecca had learned meant the ass.

"Jess!" Aimie squealed as she took the phone back. She then reached out and swatted Jess's firm butt.

A moment later the phone chimed that he had texted back. 'OMG is that Becca?!' They had a similar complexion. He included the star-eye emoji and praying sign. Aimie and Jess broke into laughter. Rebecca felt her cheeks flush.

"Somebody has a crush!", Aimie exclaimed. "I think he gets nervous around you. It's all good though."

Aimie handed her phone to Rebecca and asked her to take a shot of her and Jess. They embraced and did a few sexual poses. The girls laughed. Then they took turns posing next to each other's bare asses. Each text sent was returned with an increasing string of sexually charged excitement from Vince. She was beginning to understand why they liked this. It was a form of teasing. And they got almost instant feedback.

"Can we get a pic with you, Becca? Please!" Jess begged. Aimie joined in.

"I can't have pictures getting out there. I have a job and-" She cut herself off.

"We won't include your face. You don't have any tattoos, it's completely anonymous. Please? Come on, you're a ten!" Jess fell to her knees.

The flattery made Rebecca feel confident. The idea of showing herself to Vince was thrilling. She thought of the rush of flashing the Home Depot guy.

"OK. But don't even put my name!" She sighed. "And I want to see it before it goes out"

Rebecca had already started to get dressed. She pulled her new boy shorts down to mid thigh. Jess and Aimie went to either side and got on their knees. They each put their hands on her hip. Aimie's fingers were dangerously close to her new landing strip. They tried out a few poses while fondling her ample ass. Rebecca felt a building of sexual energy. I'm getting turned on by this. In the end, they settled on Jess cupping her ass and Aimie pretending to bite it. She heard two clicks. Before getting up Aimie ran her hand along her pubic hair.

"I love your landing strip." she said very cutely before standing again.

Rebecca, flushed from the attention, looked at the two photos. I do have a sexy ass, she thought. She had never looked at it from that angle.

They sent the photo. Rebecca's heart raced waiting for feedback. She quickly got dressed.

"OH MY GOD!" They heard Vince's booming voice through the walls from the men's locker room. A moment later a string of emojis came through with hearts, eyes, a peach, and now an eggplant. That means hard-on, she realized. The girls squealed in laughter. Rebecca felt sexy. She worried for a moment that Aimie would be jealous but she showed none. Their relationship was either not serious or she was open-minded about it. A moment later, a text came in saying "Babe, we need to get home right now! Hurry!" It was followed by an emoji of two rabbits humping.

The girls had a long laugh. They said their goodbyes and agreed to text later. Vince was still blushing when they reached the lobby. He had a huge smile on his face. Rebecca drove home feeling horny. When she got home she masturbated for almost an hour.

Two days later, Aimie texted to ask if Rebecca wanted to meet up for coffee and shopping. They met up at Starbucks. Aimie was just as vivacious outside of the gym. They made small talk. Like many girls of that age, Aimie's phone delivered a slew of dings, alerts, and distractions in their 30 minutes together. To her credit, she kept most of her attention on Rebecca.

"So what's your deal, Becca? Are you single?" Aimie had an endearing bluntness.

"I was with someone for a long time but we're done." she said soberly. A long time.

"So you're having some fun before getting back into it?" A coy expression crossed her face.

"Yeah. You could say that. My situation is weird. I may have to move soon." Or rather, I'll stop coming to the gym and start looking old. Rebecca had thought about what this friendship would mean if she was a 40 year old mom. She didn't see it working out.

"You better not move away," Aimie said with a performative sadness. "Want to go shopping? I'll drive"

Rebecca was relieved to not have to explain the minivan. They went to a few clothing stores together. Aimie had some great clothing suggestions for her. She had great body confidence and wasn't shy about following Rebecca into the changing area. Rebecca played it cool when Aimie would reach into her bra to adjust her breasts for an outfit.

Throughout the tour of changing rooms, Aimie continued to send pictures of herself changing.

"Sorry. Got to send a few out for my OF, again," she said mid pose.

There was that term again. "What's OF?" Rebecca had gotten more comfortable with asking about the youth world.

"Onlyfans!" Aimie took a final shot of her cupped breast before getting dressed.

"I don't know what that is."

"It's where horny guys send me money for pictures and videos. I make 3 thousand a month!" Aimie said casually. "You've never heard of onlyfans?"

Rebecca was stunned. "Wow" was all she was able to get out. "Does Vince know?"

"Of course. We work together sometimes. He doesn't make as much as me. It's harder for guys." Aimie had a sweet earnestness about it. "He does have some gay fans that pay for dick pics."

Her head was spinning. They seemed so normal. Well, for young kids. "Wow." Rebecca could feel her face turning red.

"Are you religious or something?" Aimie asked. She was starting to show apprehension at the prospect of judgment.

I wasn' until two weeks ago, Rebecca thought. She had gone to church on holidays or when people died. But then she was crying in a park and an ancient deity showed up. "Sort of. I had a pretty sheltered upbringing."

Rebecca felt pretty uneasy about all of it. But she reminded herself that she has the rest of her life to be old and judgey. Today she was young and adventurous. "That's a way better college job than I had," she joked. "I scooped ice cream for minimum wage."

"Speaking of work, mind if we stop for some stuff?"


They left the clothing store and twenty minutes later they pulled into The Lovesmith. It was a stale smelling head shop that doubled as an adult toy store. There were also a few shelves of DVDs. The girls wandered the rows of dildos, vibrators, nipple clamps, cock rings, and masturbators. Rebecca was still pretty uneasy about being in the place. Being with Aimie made it feel fun and safe.

"I wish I had nipples like yours so I could wear these," Aimie said as she held up a package of nipple clamps.

Rebecca flushed with embarrassment and her nipples hardened from the unwanted attention.The old man behind the counter didn't even look up from his magazine.

Aimie noticed her discomfort and decided to make a game of it. "I wish I enjoyed DP as much as you so I could use this double dildo." Rebecca wanted to crawl out of her skin. "I wish I had as much extreme butt sex as you so I could use this 14 inch dildo."

The push was exactly what Rebecca needed. She burst into laughter which led Aimie to join too. The cashier still hadn't looked up.

"What do you use at home, Becca?" Aimie asked with sincerity.

"I'm between devices at the moment."

"What?!? We have to get you something!"

Aimie proceeded to ask her very personal questions about how she masturbated. Rebecca wasn't comfortable talking about it but knew Aimie wouldn't let up. Despite her insistence, Aimie bought her a vibrator. Also on the receipt was a 10 inch dildo for Aimie's videos.

Later that night, Rebecca unboxed her new vibrator. She sent a thank you text to Aimie with a picture of it laying on the bed.

A moment later she received a text back with a string of emojis and a request to send a pic of her using it. Rebecca blushed but was slightly turned on by it.

She turned the device on and ran it over her panty-clad vulva. As she closed her eyes, she imagined sending a picture to Aimie. Little ripples of excitement coursed through her. She danced the vibrator by her clit without touching it. She imagined Vince looking at her imaginary pussy picture while Aimie sucked his cock.

Rebecca fondled her breasts and teased her swelling lips as she thought about Aimie and Vince sending back pictures to her. She imagined Vince sucking on Aimie's large puffy nipples and fingering her.

Her breasts heaved as she now focused the vibrator on her aching clit. She pulled her panties to the side to be able to feel the direct contact. The occasional lick of cool air found her labia as her wetness grew. Rebecca reached for her phone. As she found it, she could feel her orgasm drawing near.

A final image of Aimie and Vince having sex while both looking at her photo was all Rebecca needed to bring herself to a powerful clitoral orgasm. Her new device helped send powerful waves through her as she held it to her.

Her orgasm was intense. While she didn't feel completely satisfied, she did enjoy her new toy. As she drifted off to sleep, she felt a small pang of regret that she hadn't been brave enough to text a sexy picture to Aimie. She resolved to do it if she ever asked again.

The days later, Rebecca drove her van to the park. Dionysus stood in his usual spot.

"How goes your journey, young acolyte?" He spoke in his usual godly tone.

"I am exploring life with your boon, Lord Dionysus," she offered reverently.

"And what debauchery and desire will you honor me with?"

"I hope to have a new lover soon." Rebecca tried to sound assertive but she feared that he would detect her fear of a lack of progress.

"A new lover? Is that what my gift of lost years is worth?" His voice boomed with incredulity.

Rebecca felt the grip of fear. She could have been more aggressive but was happy with her progress. "I will try harder, my lord." She lowered her head.

"You have one more week," he commanded before getting out of the car. "There are many who would do truly remarkable things for this gift." He then turned and walked towards the woods.

She sat in the van for several minutes feeling a sense of dread. Rebecca was beginning to like who she was becoming. She didn't want to go back to the sadness and regret. Think, Rebecca. What does Lord Dionysis want? What do I want? She had texted Keith after their date but he was shy about meeting again. He explained that he had connected with Jason over the pending divorce and wanted to try to focus on making Jason save the marriage. Always the hero, she thought.