Dirty Business


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I reached for a cigarette and lit it. After taking a long drag I spoke. " What the hell was that? "

It was an honest question. I was a bit confused at this point, but I wasn't blaming Diane so much as I was searching for some kind of rational explanation to make the whole situation clear. But she was offended.

" It was sex Jake. " she responded tartly.

I don't know, for some reason that comment hit the wrong nerve. Angrily, I yelled at her. " Just sex? Like with your brother? "

She didn't say anything, just got dressed and left. I sat on the floor for awhile trying to search through my thoughts… trying to come up with a justification for what we did and to a certain extent, what Jude and Diane did. I was know drawn into this saga as much as they were, and the slow pain of guilt welled up in my stomach.

Over the next week, I had zero contact with either brother or sister. Jude was on a completely different schedule than me and Diane was… well, she was wherever she was. During those days I became depressed. My life had become complicated and I was in serious danger of losing two of my best friends at once. I figured that Diane was just as confused as I was about Jude and about me; she probably needed a break from it all. And Jude, well, I figured for him, he was confused as well. I didn't think he knew what took place between his sister and I but if he found out, there was no telling his reaction.

Finally, after more than eight days, Jude and I were both in the house together with nothing else on our calendars. As Jude watched TV in the living room, I was preparing dinner in the kitchen. We hadn't said two words to each other all day and there was a certain something in the air between us. I broke the tension by offering him some of my meal, which he accepted. We sat on the couch eating, both staring intently on the TV as if to purposely avoid unnecessary contact between us. But a basketball game served to broker at least a modicum of peace and started to discuss sports. As the evening went on, our relationship seemingly returned to normal. We both adopted open stances; facing in other on the couch, activity involved in conversation. Although we hadn't talked I only a weeks time, there was loads of catching up to do. Eventually, we switched off the TV, turned on the music and continued our conversation over beer.

I guess it was the alcohol that loosened Jude up. One minute he was talking about work and the next minute: " I know what happened between you and Diane. No, hold on… let me speak. She told me the other day and I think she is really hurting because of what happened. No, that's not the right way of putting it. Look Jake, she enjoyed what happened, she told me so. But because of recent events… with me… it just threw her into a state. Look, she's really upset and I think we all should talk… to work things out. "

I took a big gulp of beer and lit a cigarette. I wanted to play the whole thing cautiously.

" Well, " I said. " I have been as much as a wreak as she has. I mean, it just happened between us and there didn't seem to be any precursor to it. I guess, what I was most concerned about was what you would think man. I mean, you guys have that thing going on, which I guess, I don't mind. The whole incest thing. "

" Aw Jake, don't say the I-word. "

" Hey, but that's what it is man. "

I could see that Jude was growing a little agitated, so I backed off.

I searched for the right words. " Look, you two are my best friends, we've known each other since we were little kids. You're both like family to me… "

Jude raised his eyebrows at that last part and I realized the joke.

"… I just want us to be cool again. So, let's all get together and work this thing out. "

So, it was decided that I should be the one to give Diane a call and we talked a little bit to sort of establish a speaking relationship again. We set up a night that we would all be free and agreed to have a serious discussion about the current state of things.

I decided to prepare a large meal so we could all eat dinner first and become comfortable with each other; I just wanted the night to go as smoothly as possible. Diane came over during the evening; we all had drink before dinner and it seemed to loosen us up. Over the meal, we discussed politics, weather, school but saved the most important subject for later. It wasn't until after dinner that we got down to business.

With Jude sitting on the floor and Diane and myself on the couch, we finally started to really talk. I don't know who spoke first on this matter but the conversation was going well. Each one of us started out with the preliminary: " I love you guys so much, I don't want to hurt you, it's all my fault. ". But then we started to express our deep down emotions. To my surprise, none of us was deeply hurt about anything. I told them I was cool with the whole brother and sister thing. Jude said he was comfortable with the thing between Diane and I. And Diane was comfortable with seeing both of us, if Jude and I wanted to see her.

" Well, " Jude said, smacking his hands on his lap. " if you two think there's something serious between you, than you have my blessings. I mean Diane, we really couldn't have anything more than a purely physical relationship anyway. "

It was my turn to be humble. " With all do respect… I mean, I'm not exactly looking for anything serious either. So, you guys should continue to do whatever. It's not going to hurt me at all. "

Diane expressed concern on her face. " Look, I love both of you and have enjoyed being with both of you. But I don't want to become merely an object for you guys to offer to each other either. Maybe we should all just call it quits. I mean Jude, for obvious reasons we shouldn't see each other and Jake, I loved what we did but I don't want to compromise friendships just for the sake of a good fuck. "

Well, at least I'm a good fuck I said to myself half jokingly. However, Diane was right at the moment: the ultimate thing that we should all be concerned about is our friendships with one another. Sex would definitely come between us, or at least I thought.

The conversation went on for sometime but we really only echoed what had already been said. As the night continued, things were seemingly getting back to normal; we were at least all comfortable with each other again and were able to talk freely. Jude broke out a bottle of Bourbon and with glasses in hand, we started going around and revealing, very explicitly, some of are more adventurous sexual experiences.

Eventually I ran out of stories to tell and not wanting to be beaten, I leaned over and bumped Jude on the shoulder. " Hey Jude, remember when I brought over that porno and we were both so amazed because it was the first time we saw anyone going at it. "

" Oh shit yea! " He threw his arms up in exclamation. " I remember we were both shaking with anticipation because my parents took for-eeeee-ver to leave. And then I remember we both only had to watch like 30 seconds of the damn thing until we both had to beat-off. "

The three of laughed hysterically and I shouted. " What was it called? Oh, like ' Tijuana Babes ' or something like that, right? "

Jude's face was turning red. " No, no, no. It was something worse like ' Tijuana Tits '! " " ' Tijuana Tits '? " Diane, interjected through laughter. " I can't believe you guys could getoff on trash like that. "

" Oh well Sis, I remember that Jake and I would jack each other off. " Jude said while shooting me a fiery glance.

Diane looked really intrigued by this bit of information. " Really, you two would do that with each other? I had no idea that you guys swing both ways! "

I leaned back and let the memories of Jude and I flood into my mind. " Hey, we were young and in our experimental phase so it was no big deal. And Jude, it only happened once as I remember. "

" Okay, so it only happened once. " Jude modified his position on the floor so that his arm was resting one knee and his shorts crawled up his leg. Looking down at him, I could the tip of his cock poking out and more than that, it was erect. Was it the memory that was making him horny? I asked myself. I shot a glance down at his crotch again and his dick was still there. My own member was stirring inside my pants but rather than be embarrassed about it, I reached under my belt and positioned my penis so that it was parallel to my stomach.

" Okay sis… " Jude got this semi-serious look on his face that was consistent with his storytelling mode. " You see, Jake and me would beat-off together all the time when you guys weren't home. And this one time, " He looked at me and I nodded for him to go on. " this one time, we're sitting next to each other and Jake says ' I saw this porno at Harry Ellis' house where these one guy puts his dick between this other guy's butt cheeks. ' "

Diane giggled and I shrugged my shoulders in guilt. Jude continued. " So Jake gets me to lay on my stomach and he puts his dick between my ass cheeks and starts humping me. I mean, I was turned on but nothing happened. "

Jude's sister giggled again and turned to me. I picked up the story. " Okay, so I turn around and get on my stomach and your brother does the same thing. Nothing happens that time around either so finally…"

" Finally we both stand up and face each other and pull on each other's dicks until we both came in each others hands. " Jake finished.

We all fell back and had a good laugh. There was a silence that I attributed to the three of us letting that memory roll around in our heads. My dick was almost painfully erect and, perhaps out my drunkenly lowered inhibitions, I rubbed it in full view of brother and sister. Neither of them seemed to notice so I gave and excused myself to the bathroom.

When I came back, Jude had moved next to his sister and was whispering something with a shit-eating grin on his face. Diane laughed and shook her head.

" Hey you two, cut it out! " I said jokingly.

Jude turned around. " I was just saying that I thought, since we all have seen and done things with each other, why can't we all just do it together? "

Not a bad thought. I said to myself but trying to maintain a little authority. " Now Jude, I thought we were done with all of this dirty business. "

" Yea, and although the thought of being gang-banged by you guys is not too revolting, we probably shouldn't do this. " Diane added.

But Jude seemed to be set on this idea and buried his face in his sister's chest and ran his hands up her shirt. Diane didn't protest at all and grabbed her brother by the back with a sigh. I hung back for a moment and watched the scene unfold. Brother was now making out with his sister and it was really turning me on. Finally, throwing all caution into the wind, I approached the couple and knelt down beside them. With Jude sucking on her neck, Diane pulled me by the ear until our lips met. Perhaps sensing it was a little crowded, Jude's head brushed past my arm as he made his way down to his sister's stomach. I let up from kissing his sibling so that Jude could lift her shirt up. Diane sat forward, and removed her clothing for him, exposing her bra. I pulled a cup over her breast and she pulled the other one down. With our heads rubbing together, Jude and I both took nipple.

Preceded with a devilish laugh, Diane breathed. " Oh my two boys! "

I straightened up, smiled at her and watched her brother work on both tits. I was feeling incredibly sexual, my hole body was alive with pleasure. There was probably no limit to what I would do at that moment and in fact, I made a move. Winking at his sister, I tapped Jude on the shoulder. He looked up at me as if to say: Hey, I'm busy here! But I leaned in and kissed him on the lips. I thought he might pull away but instead he stuck his tongue in my mouth and felt around the back of my teeth. I embraced him with my arms and shifted off of his sister and rolled around on the floor with him. The feeling of his weight on me brought back the memories of our earlier experience so many years ago.

I heard Diane say. " Now this is hot! " and I giggled into Jude's mouth. I shut my eyes tight and let my hand find my way under Jude's pants to his ass. Gripping his butt caused him to buck his hips forward and I felt his hard cock grind into my leg. My own dick was oozing pre-cum and my underwear stuck to my skin. Finally we released each other and Jude rolled over on his back.

We looked up to his sister who, during our make-out session, had stripped down to her panties and was standing up on the couch. I took all my clothes off and got up, gripped her leg and nibbled at her knee. I heard Jude disrobe as well and he joined me in tasting his sisters skin. Getting up on the sofa, behind Diane, I reached around and cupped her tits and sucked on her neck. I peered over for a moment and saw brother kissing sister on the mound of her sex. Playfully, I gave Diane's ass a little bump with a thrust of my hips so that her snatch would be driven up against Jude's mouth.

" Hey guys, " I said. " let's go to someone's bed. " Jude agreed and he led the way to his room.

I sat on the edge of Jude's bed and he reclined against the backboard, both of us staring at Diane as she stepped out of her underwear.

Diane pushed on my chest. " Sit next to my brother. " I obliged and scooted back, giving Jude a excited pat on his lap.

Diane crawled on the bed towards us and winked. I decided this was the point of no return and wanted to give both parties a way out. " Hey, are you guys still in to this? "

Jude just nodded enthusiastically. Diane, on the other hand, took my cock in her hand and used my pre-cum to lube my shaft. After pumping it a few times, I was convinced Diane was in it to the end too. She then took my dick into her mouth and used her other hand to satisfy her brother.

It was either the sight of his sister giving a blow-job to another guy or the hand-job he was receiving that caused Jude to squirm and gasp. " Jeez this is so awesome! " Diane looked up at him and leaned over to take her brother's cock into their mouth, her hand remaining on my cock. Diane must have hit another nerve in her brother because he curled up in pleasure. His sister leaned back, released our dicks and reclined on her back, legs open. Jude and I both went for her crotch at the same time and after several " No, after you " moments I finally began to kiss his sister's snatch. Jude, down but not out, decided to work Diane's tits over with his hands and mouth. The little scene eventually turned into a groping match with the three of us bumping and grinding skin against skin. The thought of so much free flow of sexuality still, to this day, turns me on.

Somehow, Diane ended up on top of her brother with me laying beside them stroking her body while gently nibbling at his neck. Diane reached behind her and guided her brother's dick in her snatch. He grabbed her by the hips and she rocked gently back and forth.

It was a truly erotic scene: Brother and sister, who did look remarkably like one another, coupled in that way. That and the fact that, for me at least, this was the first threesome I ever experienced.

I got up and crawled behind the siblings to get a good view of the action. Jude's nicely sized cock slid in to his sister and when he pulled out, the lips of her sex stretched out ever so slightly. Diane leaned down to kiss her brother, exposing her brown little asshole to me. A brief idea that I could enter her other hole came to me, but I didn't know if Diane was ready to take me in that way. Instead, I leaned and licked her anus, my chin almost brushing up against Jude's working cock. Diane responded positively to my advances, I so I moved in a little closer, working my tongue up her ass. Not wanting her brother to be left out, I reached under and grabbed him gently by the balls giving them a little squeeze. I pulled out of Diane's butt and with a lubricated finger probed her ass again until my there was no finger left.

Again I removed myself and moved my faced into position again so that I was about a inch away from where brother met sister. The couple's fucking increased and Diane's ass was bumping into my face. Suddenly, Jude's dick left his sister's cunt and hit me in the chin with a Slap!. Diane scooted up a bit on her brother and turned around to look at the current situation. I froze at this moment of coitus interuptus, my hand still on my base of my best friends nuts.

" Oh well! " I said and moved my hand so that I could stand Jude's cock straight up. I took the mushroomy head of his cock in my mouth and could taste both Diane's tangy juices and his salty pre-cum. With my mouth as wide as it could be, I fed the rest of his length down my throat. Surprisingly, there was little gag relax I slowly began to move up and down on his dick.

Jude bucked his hips up a little bit and let out a cry. " Hey man, I'm going to cum in a second! "

What are best friends for? I thought, easing up on his dick a little so that his thick spray would not hit the back of my throat. Finally I felt the thump! of this dick and the first orgasmic spasm released the warm, salty goo in my mouth. I wanted to release him but thought leaving him in mid-orgasm was a cold thing to do; the taste wasn't that bad. And so, with a few swallows and a couple more strokes and swirls of the tongue and I let him finish in my mouth. When his dick started to become flaccid, I sat up and wiped the excess jizz from my lips.

Diane bounced up and down and clapped. " That was the hottest thing I've ever seen! "

I took a shallow bow and winked at Jude. In return his wagged his finger for me to come closer and kneeling over him, I gave him a very salty kiss. He reached and tugged my at my dick and I muffled mmmmmm! into his mouth.

"Hey, hey, hey! " Diane protested. " As long I haven't cum and Jake is still hard, we still have some business to attend. Don't worry Jake, my brother got me most of the way there, you just need to finish the job. ". Diane got on her hands and turned around, meaning I should take her from behind.

I looked down at Jude and smiled. " Diane, never send a boy to do a man's job. ". Jude objected by giving my cock a slap.

I positioned myself behind Diane and slid my shaft into her snatch; the position giving me greater depth and a tighter feel. As I rocked rhythmically in and out of his sister's snatch, Jude moved behind my back.

" What were you doing to my sister when I was fucking her? " Jude said. " Oh yea! " I felt thumbs part my ass cheeks and warm tongue flicker over my asshole. I bucked forward as my butt responded to this new pleasure. Slowly, Jude's mouth muscle slid it's way up my ass, and I had to slow my fucking to accommodate him. It felt like there was a big, juicy shit in my butt but in a more pleasurable manner, of course.

Diane protested this interruption in her pleasure by forcing her snatch back onto my dick. I snapped out of my rim job and resumed banging her. Jude got up and kneeled along side me, one arm draped on my shoulder, the other arm forcing a finger inside me.

" Mmmmm, yea! " Diane cried. " It's happening, yea, here it comes! " I hardly had to do anything; rather Diane was bucking back and forth. However, her brother's finger in my ass egged me forward.

Jude leaned in close to my ear and whispered. " You know Jake, I never got to fuck you in the ass when we were kids man. Someday I'm going to fuck you so hard up you butt you're going to scream! "

Well, the dirty talk did if for me; I let my sperm go into Diane's snatch. Although she had finished her orgasm a moment before, my own climax caused her to let out a few more ooohs! and ahs! Finally, I withdrew and fell back onto the bed about the same time Diane collapsed into an exhausted pile.