Dirty Little Secret Ch. 05


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He picked-up the phone. I opened my briefcase, grabbed the seven photographs I'd brought with me, and tossed them on his desk where he could see them.

He squinted at the photos-the photos of him and Lane naked on a bed; at first, he couldn't make out what they were. I waited to speak until his eyes bugged-open and his face turned deep red.

"You don't mind giving Hansen money every month to hide your dirty little secret," I said. "Well, all I want is a one-time payment and I won't bother you again!"

He pushed his chair away from the desk and leapt to his feet. I'd never seen him so angry; my entire body began to tremble and shake, but I stood my ground. I asked myself the unthinkable: Would my own father kill me like he'd threatened in the past?

I decided the best defense was a strong offense.

"Dad, SIT DOWN! Do you want your employees to see these? I don't think so-we're going to talk about these whether you like it or not!"

"Those don't prove a thing," he said. "I've never touched a dick in my life...I'm not a cocksucker like you and your brother and I've certainly never taken it up the ass like you two queers..."

I sadly shook my head; his logic was astounding and it wasn't the first time I heard that rationale.

Some men are so mortified by their actions they dismiss it by saying things like "Sure, that's me in the photos, but as you can clearly see-I'm not the one with a cock in my mouth or ass"-"Those boys are obviously queer, but I'm not the one on my knees or bending over!"

I have actually heard a couple men make those statements before, and nothing I could say would change their minds. I darn well knew it would be futile arguing with my dad; he was a hundred-percent convinced his actions were innocent; he would simply say 'I was just getting my rocks-off!'

"Dad, I don't really give a happy, monkey-fuck about these pictures!" I said calmly. "You can talk until you're blue in the face, but all that makes you is a hypocritical liar...I don't give a shit how you get your fun, but I do know one thing: you sure as hell don't want anyone else seeing these photos!"

He slumped in his chair; I waited for him to speak.

"So it's come down to my faggot-son blackmailing me, huh?" he said softly.

I sat in the chair across from him and pulled out more papers from my briefcase.

"Blackmail? Who said anything about blackmail?" I said. "I have a 'business' proposition for you," I smiled at him, "Your company is going to give my company a hundred-thousand dollar loan, that's all."

I saw the anger and rage drain from his face. His eyes cleared, and when he spoke he used his 'business' voice.

He asked the question every good businessman in the world would ask, "So what's in it for me?"

By Friday afternoon, Jeffrey and I found a suitable building we could use as a temporary factory; it sat on sixty acres of undeveloped land which would be perfect for what we envisioned as our 'national headquarters.'

It was on the outskirts of town, but it sat beside an interstate highway and was only a thirty-minute drive from the old place. We signed a short-term lease with an option to purchase the land within a year.

Yes, we had grandiose plans, and yes again, we truly believed we would pull this off; that we would soon be a household name in software and hardware. Our patent hearing was weeks away, and we had a plan to make sure we encountered no problems.

One of the largest banks in the country was interested in financing our new company; Jeffrey and I meticulously planned, and executed a successful conference call with the executives from the bank.

They were so impressed with our presentation, they were flying us to New York City the following Monday for what we hoped would clinch the deal.

Friday night I took Tim and my brother, Jim, to dinner. They had seemed to hit it off as roommates, and Tim's icy demeanor towards me had thawed considerably. I think my work with Jeffrey to consummate the business deal helped Tim see me in a different light.

I think I convinced him we weren't thru with Hansen yet; that we would finish the evil bastard's demise when the opportunity presented itself, but for now, we had to concentrate on our new company; that the next few weeks would be the most important weeks of our lives.

What I left unsaid was I still hadn't figured anything out; I had no idea what to do about Hansen without destroying a whole lot of people's lives.

It didn't hurt also that I'd gotten my brother his job back with our dad's construction company. I think that impressed Tim, as well.

"What do you think?" I asked my brother. "How'd your meeting go today? Are you going to be able to work with dad?"

I saw my brother's jaw clench; he raised his eye-brows and looked away from me. When he spoke his voice was soft and sad.

"Well...he made it very clear it wasn't his idea to hire me back...that I was pretty much on my own...he was an asshole, but he was mainly all business."

"You are a 'Project Manager' right?" I asked.

"Oh yes," he answered, "Monday morning we're breaking ground at 34th and Central for a new office building...the whole project is mine-I have to spend all weekend reviewing the plans-making sure I have everything I need..."

"Oh, that's great!" I said.

"He did say one thing that pissed me off..."

"What's that?" I asked him.

A sad smile crossed his face then he said, "The asshole told me to concentrate on the project and not think about hard dicks all the time."

"The man is absolutely clueless, isn't he?" I remarked, smiling and shaking my head.

"Amen, brother," he chuckled.

"Johnny, I'm going to cook a nice dinner tomorrow night while Jimmy gets up to speed on his project...you're invited to join us," said Tim.

"Oh, uh, well I'm taking Denny out to dinner...we're going to Scarpacci's...he's lost so much weight I'm hoping some Italian food will help fatten him up-thanks anyway!" I said.

It was a very pleasant evening. For the first time in our lives, my brother and I connected in a way we never had before. He had always been my older brother who had his own life; separate from mine; his own secrets, his own hopes and dreams.

Now though, we talked and acted like friends. We shared our private thoughts and laughed at our misadventures. I loved hearing his stories, and he listened when I spoke, too.

By the end of the night, we both had a new-found respect for one another, and genuinely enjoyed each other's company.

"Denny, what are you doing?" I giggled nervously and looked around the restaurant to see if anyone was watching us.

He wouldn't let go of me. In fact, he squeezed and stroked my erection faster and harder. If he didn't stop soon, I was going to cum in my briefs for the second time within the hour.

Thank God I wore black slacks, I'd told myself earlier. But now it wouldn't matter...if I came again, the stain would be too big and wet to hide from prying eyes.

Luckily, it was very dark in the restaurant, and we were in a booth away from the other diners. The main problem was the wait staff...they were so attentive it seemed as though someone was constantly at our table refilling our water, or bringing us more bread.

Denny finally relented, but only after they'd brought us our salads. He lifted his left-hand to his nose and sniffed at it when the server had left the table.

"Mmmmm, you smell SO good!" he exclaimed.

"Oh my God!" I said. I could feel my face flushing a deep red. "I better get you home fast before someone sprays you down with cold water!"

He laughed. It was his old, hearty, happy laugh. The laugh I hadn't heard in a long time; the laugh that made me warm and contented. I turned and smiled at him, and watched him devour the salad in record time.

An hour ago we were sitting on his bed. I was thrilled his cock had returned to normal, that is, he would get hard at even the slightest hint of intimacy.

I'd taken it out and stroked it for him while we kissed. His fingers found my prick inside my slacks and stroked it in time with my hand. Our kissing was intense; mouths pressed hotly together; tongues intertwined, lapping at one another.

My intention was for him to finish in my mouth, but, well, stuff happens...

"Dennis, my man-you look great! How are you feeling?" a voice interrupted my reverie.

I looked up and saw a familiar face, but I didn't know his name.

Denny's face brightened. "Allan-Hi-Haven't seen you in a long time-how have you been?"

"I'm fine," he said. "Pop wanted me to learn the business so here I am! What about you? Are you going to be on the football field in September?"

"I hope so-I'm working hard at it..." replied Denny. "Oh, you've met my friend, John, haven't you?"

"I don't think so," he said. He held out his hand and said, "I'm Allan Scarpacci, any friend of Denny's is a friend of mine!"

I smiled, shook his hand and said, "Nice to meet you, too!"

They briefly chatted, and when he left the table Denny turned and said, "I'm sure you've met him-he was on the swim team with Lane."

"He looks familiar," I said. "Maybe...maybe I met him before."

Just then our entrees arrived.

"You know, we shouldn't be here," said Denny during the meal.

"Huh? Why is that?" I asked him.

He looked around then almost whispered, "This is one of the places the athletes are told to stay away from...this is on the 'banned list'-I should have told you that before you made the reservation, but I really like the food here."

"Why is it 'banned'?" I whispered in return.

"Doesn't the name 'Scarpacci' mean anything to you?" he asked.

I slowly shook my head.

"Well, uh," he hesitated. "...have you ever heard of 'The Scarpacci Family'?"

And suddenly the light went on inside my head.

"You don't mean THAT Scarpacci Family..."

I didn't have to finish my thought as Denny slowly nodded his head.

We were eating dessert when an older man in an expensive suit walked by our table. Denny nudged me and whispered, "THAT is Gino Scarpacci!" And I gazed in awe at our local 'Godfather.'

I experienced the same rush of adrenaline I felt the night Timmy and I went to Hansen's house. Sometimes it's fun to be bad boys-even if we really weren't.

We were flying at 36,000-feet, but my spirits were flying higher than that-I'd never felt such happiness, and relief, at the same time.

It had been a whirlwind week in New York City. Between our meetings with the financial people, and the excitement and dazzle of the city itself, I was exhausted on the flight home.

It all seemed like a dream. I had to focus to remember what had taken place; I convinced myself everything we'd done was real; yes, the executives assured us they could fast-track our patent and we would go into production within two-months; and an even more amazing YES-when we signed the final agreement that made Jeffrey, Tim and myself instant millionaires.

We hadn't so much as produced a single monitor or CPU or any type of software, but we were now three, very wealthy young men!

God Bless America!

Tim would be President of the hardware division; I would become President of the software division; and Jeffrey would oversee everything; he would be CEO of the entire corporation.

I remember smiling when Jeffrey announced the name for our company. I instantly recalled that night not so long ago when I'd made the breakthrough with the operating system-the system that would be the key to our success.

It had been very late, three-o'clock-in-the-morning to be exact when I explained my discovery to them. We had hugged and cried, knowing our lives would never be the same again.

It was with great pride I signed the contract below our corporate name. The three of us would each own thirty-two percent of the corporation; the financial group that bankrolled us would own four percent.

The name of our company, a name that would soon become as familiar as Microsoft and Apple, was 3AMigos Incorporated.

For years to come, whenever we were asked about the name, we fondly reminisced over the early morning beginnings of our company.

On the cab ride from the airport, Jeffrey broached a subject I hadn't considered.

"John, we have so much work to do, I'm not sure where to start...the three of us need to meet tomorrow and chart a plan."

I agreed. Then he added, "How much more can you guys learn if you and Tim stay in school? I know you want to get your degree, but is it necessary now that you'll be gaining so much real-life experience?"

I hadn't thought about it, and now that I did I could see he was absolutely right: I had already learned the advanced theories, the only thing left to study were the practical applications...and what better way to learn than running an actual business?

I felt a brief sadness in my heart. I loved school, but I also understood that for 3AMigos to succeed, we would all have to devote 100% of our time and efforts in building our company.

I shivered when I left the cab. The realization of beginning a new chapter in my life was exciting, but also rather scary. We were about to embark on an adventure in unknown and uncharted waters. It would be the challenge of a lifetime, but a challenge I knew in my heart we were more than ready to face head-on.

The house was dark save for a lone light I guessed to be Tim's bedroom. I went to the side door, unlocked it then entered the house.

My ears immediately pricked-up. I held my breath. What on earth was going on?

I heard the unmistakable sound of an object, maybe some sort of paddle, being applied to someone's buttocks.

SMACK-SMACK-SMACK...followed by a high-pitched squeal.


The hair on my neck stood straight. Icy shivers raced up-and-down my spine.



I was totally overcome with a fear and rage so foreign to me I couldn't think straight. I set-down my bags and crept into the kitchen. In the dark, I found the drawer with our knives.

I took out the big butcher knife and in the dimmest of light, stealthily made my way to the source of the awful noise.

The SMACK-SMACK-SMACK grew louder and more ominous. The high-pitched screaming turned into choking sobs.



My hands shook violently; my head was exploding with a rage and hatred I'd never known in my life. I gripped the knife tightly-I knew I was going to use it-the time had come to put an end to that evil bastard!

From the darkened living room, I was able to spy into Timmy's bedroom. I shook my head to try and clear my eyes.

WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? My mind screamed.

Timmy was naked, sitting on the edge of the bed. Who the hell is that between his legs?

When my brain was finally able to process what my eyes were seeing, I realized my brother was on his knees slurping and sucking Tim's hard-on.

My older brother, Jim, was wearing pink, translucent panties, and his asscheeks glowed bright red thru the sheer material.

I stood there frozen in place; I waited for my nerves to calm and my breathing to return to normal. I watched them longer than I should have.

I quietly returned the knife to the drawer then took my bags downstairs. I stripped naked, took a piss, and decided against flushing the toilet so they wouldn't know I was home.

I lay in the darkness listening to their muted moans and groans. My hand moving furiously up-and-down my prick. When their moans turned into cries of joy, I pressed a finger to my anus and felt my balls explode. It was all I could do to keep them from hearing my orgasm.

I fell asleep not knowing how I should feel about what I had witnessed.

The next morning I was awakened by footsteps coming down the basement stairs. I recognized Tim's clomp-clomp-clomp.

I heard him fumbling with the washing machine, and when the washer started, and he took one step up on the stairs, he must have seen me in bed.

"Johnny?" he whispered. I could tell he was surprised to see me.

I groaned and rolled over to face him.

"Oh...hi...good morning," I said thru a yawn.

"When did you get home?" he asked innocently.

It was then I remembered Jeffrey and I had been scheduled to come back tomorrow, Sunday, but we had wrapped-up our business early, and wanted to get home.

"Oh..." I said, "...it was late...I didn't want to wake-up anyone..."

"Well, uh...Jimmy and I are making breakfast-want to join us?" he asked.

"That would be great," I said with a slight smile. "After a night like that I'm always famished!"

I thought I saw Timmy blush.

On Monday, Tim and I officially quit school. Our professors were shocked, but when we explained our reasoning, they understood completely. A couple of them even hinted around for positions in our company.

In the next few weeks, life took on a momentum all its own...


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

I know it’s been years so this comment is pointless but this story is wildly upsetting. Too many reasons to name but here’s

Denny’s going through the worst thing of his life and Johns messing around with Timmy??

Then denny basically says “I’m sorry for what that creep is putting you through but I wanna play football so suck it up?”

Lane said John was the second guy he’s ever been with. But then the next chapter he explains his book up with Deny freshman year and then the video with a Johns dad...

And those are only the three that bug me the most.

Oh...and the ending. I guess it’s best to just end it anyway.

WittePietWittePietover 8 years ago
Too hastily "finished off"

Your resolution of the desperate situation at the end of Ch. 04 does not ring true. The situation with Hanson is not properly resolved: maybe there is to be another Chapter? After a slow and steady development up to Ch 04, you rush headlong into trying to resolve the horror scenario and wrap up the development of Jeffrey's business. You do not explain how John's father's money was employed. John, Jeffrey and Tim all seem different people from the previous chapter. I agree with the comment about rewriting. You need about three chapters to deal with all the material crammed into this chapter, and you need to sort out the Hanson issue definitively. It was pretty unforgivable for you to have John telling Tim about his suck-session with Denny in his hospital bed. True lovers do not kiss and tell. But it was a gripping and enjoyable story, even though it does not do justice to John and Denny's relationship. I give it three stars, in contrast to the five that Chapters 1 to 4 each got.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

I liked your story, how he overcame all things, still I feel your story was incomplete. I hope there's sequels..... And that story you mentioned in the beginning, I couldn't find it anywhere. Could you upload it here....

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

You ruined your story... This made absolutely no sense to the previous chapters .. His personality has changed, everything about John has changed ... Did you even look back at the chapters you written.. This is sad, it was such a wonderful compelling story, and you fucked it up ... You need to re write this ASAP!!!

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