Discarded and Forsaken - A Reality

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The aftermath of a 'February sucks' style betrayal.
8.6k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 01/21/2024
Created 03/08/2023
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The aftermath of a 'February sucks' style betrayal.

Yes this is another take on the betrayal in George Anderson's famous 'February Sucks' as retold by many other authors. I wrote to him for consent to use his characters but have heard nothing. I understand that broad consent has been granted through the site but I have changed the name of the main characters and omitted names of all places in order to avoid errors or contradictions with the original story. This endeavour begins where the mc finds himself standing outside a Nightclub after his wife has run off with a celebrity. The more I thought about the principle of a wife leaving her husband without a word, the more it seemed to me that it wasn't just a wife having an affair. My contribution has no violence or sex, only reference to the latter. It is not a BTB or RAAC. There are around 8,500 words. By its very nature, this story will inevitably have elements that overlap with other good works, please accept them as an appreciation of the original.

Tags: infidelity, abandonment, celebrity, drugged, errant wife, deserted, forsaken, discarded.



It was one of those horrible nights in February and I was standing outside the Nightclub feeling sorry for myself and trying to make sense of what my life had become in the last hour. To add to my misery it started to rain heavily and I made a dash to my car, I was already drenched by the time I got the door open. I sat there feeling even more miserable wondering what to do next, 'come on man get a hold of yourself' I tried to tell myself but I couldn't make sense of what had happened.

On our special night, my wife had been swept off her feet by some celebrity sportsman. I didn't follow sports that closely so I had no idea who he was. As far as I was concerned she had met some guy and ran off with him. When I tried to do anything his friends stopped me and then the nightclub refused to help. Should I call the police? No that wasn't right, they would just say she left of her own volition. Hell, I thought, he and his mates could be plying her with drink and drugs by now, calling over other teammates to do who knows what to her. Jeeze! That didn't bear thinking about. Then another thought struck me, suppose she divorced me and tried to take my kids. I realised then that she had abandoned her marriage and ran away without any regard for her family. I steeled myself, 'come on man how would you act if she had died, what's the difference between abandoning and dying?' As far as those left behind are concerned they are just gone, often without warning. I started the car and headed to the Hotel.

I tried hard to cancel my reservation for the night but the staff would not relent, it aggravated me that I should have to pay for nothing all because some jerk stole my wife. I went up to my room and contemplated using it anyway but then I thought of the kids, I felt lonely and abused and I needed to be with someone who loved me. I decided to pack the bags. I did so without much regard for her things, they only added to my woes as I thought back to the anticipation before that night that was now dead and gone. In the end I just threw all her fancy stuff in her case then made my way down to reception. I signed out and left her bag with them until she picked it up. As I walked out of the door I felt like I had just drawn a line under the life I had led so far and I took a deep breath before stepping down to my car.

I rang the babysitter and told her I was picking up the children early as the weekend had turned out to be a disaster. I could tell she wanted to ask what had gone wrong but I didn't give her a chance. It was unfair on the children I knew, because they were fast asleep but I told myself that this was a one off exception. It was selfish but sometimes it's the only way to get through one day and into another. At home I put them in my bed with a space in the middle for me to cuddle them.

At about 3 o'clock in the morning I decided that I had to do something, it had been going around and around in my head for hours, humiliation, anger and distress in various combinations. In the end I realised that there was no point hiding from the humiliation, I might as well tell everyone what had happened, at least then people would understand my future actions.

I was also becoming paranoid having realised as I tossed and turned that I must secure our money against anyone who might get into our accounts while she was drugged up to her eyeballs. That became a major consideration as in my imagination I foresaw any number of awful things she might do or be coerced to do. After all she had been easily convinced to leave me on our special night without a bye or leave. I thought that I had known my wife as well as anyone could know another person but I had been shamefully proved wrong. By the time this had gone around in my head a few times I was starting to panic. We aren't wealthy, we managed to meet our mortgage and other payments each month and put a little aside for holidays but if I were to lose what money we had I would surely be up shit street without a paddle.

So by three o'clock I was downstairs in our tiny office, online and phone, trying to make our accounts inaccessible. I reported our cards missing. Opened two new accounts, one in joint names and one in mine. I totalled up all our monthly outgoings and put enough money in the joint account to cover it. I put the remainder in a savings account in my name only. It took me several hours so that I was still at it when the kids came in asking where Mummy was and when they could have breakfast.

I felt that I had done well so far, the only things that I hadn't changed yet were automatic payments to things that only my wife benefited from. Apart from her car payments and insurance there wasn't much else that mattered. The credit card bill would be paid off when it arrived and then I would leave her to make her own arrangements thereafter. It struck me then that when her friends finally dumped her she would have no income whatsoever, she was a stay at home Mum and I had been proud that I could provide a stable homelife for our children; until now. It just added to the sense of loss, and I had to make a supreme effort to be normal around the little ones. I broke one of our rules that morning and took them to breakfast at a famous fast food joint. They were great, I explained that Mummy had had to rush off to see a relative who was seriously ill. I hated that lie, it was so hard to come back from, but I couldn't come up with anything else that might justify a long period missing. They shook it off as kids do sometimes and dug into their 'forbidden food.'

An idea had been going around in my mind, I needed to let people know. At first I thought that it would be embarrassing but in my most angry moments I asked myself, 'why should I be the only one to be humiliated,' why not the so-called celebrity and my ex-wife. So I decided to write an open letter that set out the facts and implications. Back at the house I bolted the front door and attached the security chain. I wasn't going to be able to change locks on a Sunday but I could use the garden door at the rear to come and go. Neither of us usually carried the rear door key so this seemed like a good temporary solution. Once back in my study with the door open and one ear listening out for the children who were watching a film on TV, I began my letter.

Dear Relatives, Friends and anyone who knew Sarah.

I have to tell the story of how she disappeared on Saturday night when we were supposed to be celebrating a special weekend away with friends. Until that night I thought that we had a loving and faithful marriage. I have done everything I can to make her happy, perhaps that was a mistake. Is it that women get tired of a steady home life and are looking for a new thrill? I found out tonight.

I went on then to describe how she had been spirited away by the celebrity with the help of his friends. I named the friends who helped the abduction and those of my so-called friends who prevented me from stopping it because it was a famous person. I also told how the Nightclub had prevented me from doing anything about it and forcibly evicted me when I made a fuss. I speculated what might happen to her, how celebrities thought themselves above the law and how drugs such as date rape might lower her inhibitions, I also wondered what might happen when they tired of her and threw her out.

What I wrote was probably a little over the top but I didn't accuse, just put the ideas out there and then ran with all the awful things that could happen because some rich people thought they were untouchable and didn't have a moral code. Then I let my words and mind wander over the possible impact on myself and the children. It wasn't hard to tear at the heart strings on this because it was regurgitating worries that I really had.

This led me very nicely on to the things that I would have to do to protect my family. When I finished I began by sending to our relatives and friends. We had never been secretive from each other so it didn't take long to get into her social media contacts and send to all. My mind started to widen the circle and having posted the letter on my own Facebook I began to search out anything to do with the celebrity, a copy went to every email I could find connected with him and his club. Next I searched out the TV, Radio, Newspapers, the Scandal Mags and the Sports Publications. I knew that most would ignore my story if they even read it but it would only take one to take notice, I even emailed podcasters for what that was worth. Having exhausted every option I could think of, I decided to call my Dad. I realised that there was nothing left for me in this town, but where to go?

Dad had already read my letter and must have taken the phone somewhere Mum couldn't hear. He went straight to the point of asking what I needed, he was brilliant in that way of being supportive no matter what. I said, "Long term I want to go somewhere else, but I don't want to make it difficult for you and Mum to see the kids. If you were to retire early, where would you like to live?" For a minute he thought I was suggesting he should retire straight away, I knew he wanted to, he always said he wanted to quit in his fifties while he was still relatively young and fit. Once he twigged what I was getting at I heard a smile come back to his voice and he asked, "So what's the short term plan?"

I plan to get away from the fallout for a while. I am going to be a joke in this town and the kids will feel it badly at school. So, I am going to try and wangle enough holidays in the sun to give me a chance to assess the job situation and the cost of living. Hence I want to start my search in a place where you would want to retire. At least we will get away from the February weather for a while.

"I think I need to bring your Mum in on this." Dad said matter of factually. "I'll call back in a while." That was good enough for me and we disconnected.

It soon became apparent from phone, email and message services that my letter had been read by more people than I expected, perhaps because it was a Sunday. Sarah's parents were the first number I recognised and I thought I better get it over with, I had no idea how they would react. I was in for a surprise, they were shocked and couldn't believe what Sarah had done but what seemed to be their underlying worry was the grandchildren, and I was grateful for that. I changed my original intention and was honest about my plans, then surprised them about choosing somewhere they might like.

My heart warmed at the number of well-wishers and sympathisers who responded to my letter and I even had two publications calling to verify who I was. I guess they were checking whether it was a spoof or not. Soon I was conscious of giving the children my time and decided that since Sarah hadn't made any contact, then it was time to leave. I told the kids that we were going on holiday, gave them a bunch of trash bags and told them to fill them with all their clothes and toys. Meanwhile I was doing the same for my stuff and Sarah's. My Dad rang back and he offered to come around the next day with a couple of his workers who could empty the place except for furnishings and anything necessary to rent the place out.

By early evening we were ready to go and the kids were hungry. So we packed everything we could get into the car and Sarah's stuff in the garage ready for whoever came to collect. I rang Dad again on the way to yet another unsuitable (for kids diets) restaurant, to say we would drop around on the way. We were headed for the sunshine. Mum of course was close at hand and would have none of it, we were to go straight to their house for dinner and stay over before heading out in the morning. She is a force of nature, is Mum, and so we dutifully changed directions, the kids were disappointed of course but a few bribe promises soon had them on side and to them the whole thing was an adventure.

Mum and Dad were fired up, I guess it was a bit of excitement for them too, even though the whole affair was unhappy and potentially worse was yet to come. Far from being difficult I found Mum was full of plans, she had already convinced Dad to retire next year, a year earlier than he'd planned. He winked at me and mumbled something about keeping busy with something or other. I had a feeling he would soon find some cronies to play golf with.

I was worried though because for some unfathomable reason I feared Sarah would turn up at our house then head to my parents' house. Why did I fear? Because something told me she would find a way to stop me taking the kids. I know she was their mother but I felt strongly that she had foregone her rights by abandoning them. However as everyone knows, the law is an ass and something worried me that she could find a way to get the law behind her despite what she had done.

I became more worried later that evening when I was called to watch a news item. My letter had stirred up public interest and reporters were camped outside the scumbags mansion with cameras tracking every twitch of a curtain. The TV reporter was saying that a car with a man and woman had tried to leave the house but had turned around upon seeing the army of press waiting for anyone to exit. Police were present to ensure that there was no violence after the scumbag complained that he was virtually shut into his own home. The pictures cut to interviews with the coach and then the club owners asking whether they condoned the behaviour of their players and whether drug tests would be carried out.

Mum and Dad looked solemn as every moment seemed to drive a further wedge into my marital partnership. A call soon after from Sarah's parents elucidated that they had been trying to call Sarah but calls were going straight to her answering service, the tone of their conversation with my Mum seemed to imply that they had lost hope and were now mostly worried about Sarah's state of health.

We decided to move my car into their garage and Dad moved his car out. It would at least prevent casual visitors from making assumptions. After the kids went to bed, we talked long into the evening about plans and contingencies. My parents were so supportive that I couldn't thank them enough. They wanted to come with us but Dad had commitments that he had to keep. I myself had a job that I wouldn't be going to but that could wait until the morning when hopefully we would be on our way. After a further TV news update brought nothing but gossip on comings and goings plus further comments from just about anyone they could find connected with the club and the views of pundits, we decided that I should leave before first light when the paparazzi were sure to track me down.

Before daylight the next morning Dad woke me looking as bright as always, "Mums got the coffee on and something cooking, you get your stuff together and the car loaded and then we can wake the little ones."

"Your amazing Dad, did you even sleep?"

"There will be plenty of time for sleeping when this is all over," he replied.

I slid out of bed reluctantly even though I knew it had to be but was welcomed by the heavenly smells of coffee and fresh baking. True to our plans we were on our way just after 5am heading for the sunshine, the sounds of promises to keep in touch sending us on our way. As we left the town behind us and joined the interstate I felt another wave of sadness at leaving my past behind me, only the children kept me together through their constant banter interspersed with bickering. Three hours into our journey I decided it was enough and we looked for somewhere to stop, grab something for brunch and stretch our legs. Since 8 am or maybe it was earlier, there had been a constant flow of sounds from my phone suggesting messages coming in. I had plugged my phone into the car charger at the first opportunity and then ignored it.

Sitting in the cafe my conscience got the better of me and I checked who was messaging me. My face must have gone white because my kids asked, "what's up Dad?" But there was a message from Sarah and only one. This didn't seem logical to me, whether she was angry, sad or whatever, she was bound to let off a string of vitriol claiming something or other. What it said was, "Honey, I know I have treated you badly but I am being held against my will, please help me." For a moment I was stunned and couldn't answer my kids. Was this real or was it a trick to avoid my ire? After what I had been going through I was going with the latter and anyway what the hell could I do nearly two hundred miles away, I certainly wasn't going to turn back for any number of reasons. Guilt hit me as I realised that I was going to have to involve my parents again, it didn't seem right.

I decided to immediately forward a copy to my Dad, meanwhile I was being brought out of my musings by two worried children who were getting louder and louder. "I'm sorry," I said, "Something serious has come up at work and I haven't told them yet I am going away. You two finish your brunch while I make a couple of calls." I went to the front window as if I was looking for better reception and called my Dad. Bless him he was all over it, I suggested that it ought to be her parents that called the police. I also told him we were almost 200 miles away, just to give them reason not to ask why I wasn't dealing with it. "Leave it to me," he said in a no nonsense voice and then he was gone. I sighed, pleased to have one issue out of the way and not looking forward to the next.

The response to my call to the office astounded me even after the shocks I had already received. My boss sounded envious that I had become famous overnight and I could almost read his mind trying to work up an angle to get the firm's name mentioned. "I'm going to go away for a while," I said. "Why don't you mosey on past the scumbags place, tell the press you have sent me away to recover and have come along to act as a go between, might get the company into the limelight." I suggested with a smirk on my face he would never know.

"Good idea, good idea, I was thinking along the same lines myself. Listen, you get where you're going and I will touch base with you as and when, ok?" He said, as if it was all his idea. I almost laughed down the phone.

"Right, I'll leave it in your hands." I said, the relief washing over me.

I returned to my seat and found the kids missing but easily found, they were as close to the TV as they could get and trying to listen above the cacophony of sounds from voices in the room. I rushed over, they were showing news items. "But Daddy," I was regaled. "I am sure they mentioned Mummy's name."