Disciples of Caine Ch. 01


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Doing as Mel suggested, Erin rolled to her back as Mel then got on top of her. Mel kissed her way down Erin's body, making sure to tease and torment Erin's supple breasts before locking her mouth over Erin's shaved mound. Erin's eyes rolled back into her head and she gurgled out an "Ooohmygawd..." as Mel's tongue expertly attacked her clit. Her head swam with pleasure and her chest felt heavy and flushed as Mel continued to eat her out. "AHhhhh!" Erin cried out as the climax came ever closer. She reached up to cup her own breasts and to pinch her own nipples. "OH GOD!" She shouted as she then orgasmed hard. Her body shook just as hard as Mel's had done in the throes of passion. She let out a final, content sigh of relief as her body hummed with pleasure. "Oh God... That was fucking dirty and amazing all at once..." she breathed.

"Hmph," Mel smirked with pride. "I had to learn a few new tricks while I was a slave. Now come here and let's get some sleep."

"MMmmmmm... yes... sleep..." Erin moaned as she clambered into the same sleeping bag with Mel. Within minutes, both of them were sleeping better than either had in ages.



"So you see, uh... Mister... uh... what was your name again?" Saul asked the bounty hunter in a black, long sleeved cleric's tunic with dark shades over his eyes who was sitting in his office.

"Douglas," Caine supplied with a clipped smile. "Mister Douglas will do just fine for this brief meeting."

"Right... Douglas... so you see, Mister Douglas, this upstart chick calling herself The Huntress has to be the one who broke in here last night, killed some of my guards, and stole away my precious Melanie," he explained in an exasperated voice. He took a handkerchief from his suit pocket to dab at his fat forehead. "She'd been asking around the local towns for my Melanie for a good month now. I think she'd even been here trying to buy her from me now that I think of it but I just wouldn't allow it. No sir! No one buys a slave off of me and no one, and I mean NO ONE, steals one from me. Ever!"

"I see that you're really passionate about the subject," Caine noted. "I just wish I'd gotten here a day earlier to meet this Huntress and Melanie myself. Alas, your summons for a bounty hunter reached to where I was at far too slow and too late, it seems."

"Well, you might not be able to protect my stock anymore," Saul said, now dabbing his pudgy cheeks and fat lips. "But will you be able to find them and return them here to me? I want them both, mind you, I want my Mel back and I want The Huntress as part of my collection."

"Finding them will be no problem," Caine said evenly, looking around the room casually. "It's the second part of returning them to you that I'm going to have an issue with."

"Wha... what?" Saul blinked at him in surprise. "Why? What's the issue? Tabs? I have plenty? Women? I got those too. Sleep with any one of my whores that you want to! Just bring those two back to me so I can make examples of them, you hear me? What's the deal?"

"The deal," Caine said, pulling his pistol and pointing it at Saul once he was satisfied that there were no guards lying in wait or in hidden panels or anything like that, "is that you're trying to lay claim to something that doesn't belong to you to begin with."

"What are you talking about!" Saul asked in outrage at the audacity of someone pointing a weapon his way. "Who the hell do you think you are? Guards? GUARDS! Come here and escort Mister Douglas out at once!"

Caine gave him a tight smile. "The name's Caine and those two already belong to ME." The moment of shock and panic on Saul's face was priceless. Caine pulled the trigger. The single report was muffled in the number of old books in the office. Saul's head snapped back, and his brain matter splattered the window beyond. Caine was already on his feet, heading for the door, as he keyed his mic. "Dipshit is down. Storm the estate," he told the waiting Lincoln Scouts outside. Gunfire and grenade explosions punctuated his orders as the Scouts set about their task. It was something that they've been really good at ever since that first operation at Corning all those years ago.

He casually walked out of the upstairs office, heedless of the chaos and confusion going on around him as Saul's guards were systematically hunted down and killed. Caine walked down to the lowest level and took the back corridors to the slaves' quarters where he found the empty one again that Saul had shown him. He went over to the bed, closed his eyes, and inhaled, willing his scent memory to kick in. The pungent aroma of sex, cum, and sweat wafted up to his nostrils. Saul was an easy rule out. His musk was all over the place. Instead, he focused in on the woman's smell. It was familiar to him and he felt his gord rise. Mmmm... Missus Lawry... Mel... he thought with a lustful groan as the memories of prepper training from so long ago with his parents and the Lawrys came to mind. He remembered the first time he got to fuck Mrs. Lawry... or Mel as she insisted on being called by anyone in bed with her who wasn't her husband... as the initial part of their training...


One Year prior to The Flare...

Caine could scarcely believe his luck. He couldn't help but lay there butt ass naked on his bed with his dick sticking upright, harder than ever. In the doorway was his next-door neighbor, Mrs. Lawry; the MILF he'd wanted to fuck since puberty. His breath caught and hitched as he was fixated on her slender body, kept in shape from hours of swimming laps in the neighborhood communal pool. How many hours had he lusted after her and how many times had he jerked off, imagining just this occasion? Too many was the easy answer.

Mrs. Lawry gave him a motherly smile. "Hello, Caine, I see that you're more than up for this occasion?" she said wryly. Caine could only sit there and nod like the eighteen-year-old idiot that he was. He'd thought that dad and Mr. Lawry was joking about having an 'icebreaker session' in which that everyone would be sleeping with everyone else. But seeing Mrs. Lawry in his doorway wearing nothing more than a silky white negligee that left very little to the imagination drove home that this was real and that this was going to happen. He'd heard that his parents had wife-swapped last night. Now it looked like they were going all the way with this. Mrs. Lawry let out a light, melodious laugh as she walked into his room and shut the door behind them. "Relax, Caine, I don't bite... well... much, anyway. You look tense, would you like me to take the lead for this first time between us?"

"Uuuhhh... yeah... Yes, Missus Lawry," Caine could only get out, his voice cracking a bit, as he was still fixated on her hot forty-year-old bod.

"Please, while we are alone together, call me Mel, please," she said warmly. "Well, first thing's first as this looks like it's about to blow," Mel said as she slipped out of her negligee and crawled naked onto the bed with him. "Let's take care of this." She lowered her head down to his throbbing cock and took it all the way down her mouth easily. Mel brought her head back up, sucking hard in the process, and then went back down again.

"Oh Goooood..." Caine gurgled, unable to contain himself. His cock blew hard in the worst case of premature ejaculation that he'd ever had in his life. He wasn't even this bad when he lost his virginity with Erin a couple years back at the junior prom. Caine gripped the bedsheets, his body flopping and shuddering hard as his cock erupted like a cannon inside of Mel's hot mouth. Mel moaned and drank him down to the last drop, even sucking him off until his cock was done spurting.

"Now that we have that out of the way, let's take care of all of you," Mel suggested. "Roll over onto your back, we need to work the tension out first to get you to relax." Caine did as he was told and Mel crawled up onto his backside, settling down on top of his firm ass as she then slid her hands up and down his back, massaging him from neck down to his tailbone.

"Mmmm..." Caine groaned, getting hard again from just feeling the tips of her tits brush against his back every so often and feeling her hard nipples. Mel worked on his back for a good hour and when he was ready to go again, this time with more staying power, Mel had him roll to his back and she wasted no time in sinking back down onto his hardness, gasping as she was penetrated. Caine brought his hands up to her hips but she took his hands into hers, interlocking their fingers together. Then she locked eyes with him as she then began to rock slowly against him, moving his cock just a little bit inside of her each time.

As their lovemaking heated up and the pace increased, Caine took more of the lead. He sat up to wrap his arms around her, pressing his athletic chest against her firm tits, and pressing his lips to hers. They made out as she rode him, taking their time. When he finally couldn't contain himself any longer, he shuddered in an intense orgasm. His cock seemed to thunder endlessly inside of her as he buried his face into her cleavage. Mel wrapped her arms around his head to keep him close, shuddering right along with him as she too came just as hard as he did.


Caine let out a lustful sigh at the memory. That had been his first of many times with her in the year leading up to the events of that fateful night when he'd gone into cryo. He'd thought that her, her husband, Mac, and their daughter and his best friend, Erin, had perished the night the infamous Flare hit. Then, a year ago, he'd caught wind of a crazy woman bounty hunter, going by Huntress, who was tearing Montana apart looking for an older woman named Melanie. Both ladies were similar descriptions to Erin and Mel; Red or reddish hair, looked like sisters or a daughter-mother pairing, same blue eyes. It was either one helluva coincidence or it was them. When Caine got news on the bounty out on The Huntress, he knew that was his time to come in and see for himself.

If only I'd been a day earlier... dammit... Caine mentally cursed himself.

It was all water under the proverbial bridge now. Now all he could do was track them down. He thought back to his escape and evasion training and put himself into Erin's shoes. "Alright..." he muttered to himself as he stood at the door of Melanie's slave quarters. "I'm Erin, I just snuck in from the outside and broke my mom out... I want to get a potentially indoctrinated woman out... possibly against her will... don't want to make a scene... how would I do it?" As he talked, he walked the corridors, taking twists and turns here and there so that he could stay away from the main action outside. The fact that the Lincoln Scouts were engaged with Saul's estate guards added to the realism.

He found himself exiting out of an eastern service door into the well-manicured gardens. His sharp, bio-enhanced eyesight caught smudges on the east wall. He walked over to it and observed footprints in the grass and mud stains on the wall as if someone had planted their feet and walked up. "Or pulled themselves up..." he mused. Caine found a nearby access ladder to get him up to the old castle-like ramparts where he then located a rope dangling over the outer end. He jumped down, bending his knees when he landed and found the impressions of a bag that had been sitting at the base of the wall for some time. Two pairs of boot footprints led off into the nearby woods.

Caine radioed his location, direction, and intent to the Scouts. Then he used his wrist computer to remote dial his bike to home in on his location and follow him. It was a new feature that the geeks back in Lincoln came up for him. The wrist computer he'd gotten from the President out on the east coast as a 'please don't assassinate me' present... well... former president now as Sullivan was currently hunkered down in Lincoln, fearing for his life from the man who usurped him. Caine followed the trail through the woods and found it easier the further he got away from the estate. Whoever did this had been just a little bit sloppy... or they figured that no one would be pursuing them for a while. He found an old, small, crossroad town that had been burned to the ground at some point. The tracks disappeared near a building that had a cellar door that was wide open.

Drawing his pistol again, Caine went down into the old cellar. Years of dust and dirt had accumulated but he saw signs that someone had used it recently; impressions in the dirt where bedrolls had been placed, scorch marks of a recent fire that had been lit not too long ago, and discarded ration cans. "Yeeeeeah... you wouldn't be coming back here after using this place... this was a burn safe house..." he noted, using the old slang for a one-time use item. "No, you're making tracks fast so you're not bothering to cover things up, are you?" You're in a hurry to get out of here."

He went over to where the bedrolls had been. The sharp tang of sex assaulted his nostrils. Mel's scent again. This time it was mingled with someone else's. Someone feminine. Caine hunched down, closed his eyes, and circled his hand in the air to fan the smells up to him. Erin... he thought. He was sure of it. He'd dated her for the longest time. Hell, they'd lost their virginity to each other back in the day. Even though they'd dated other people, they still came back to each other for 'friends with benefits' sessions and that was even before their prepper training together. He'd know her naked body and know her scent anywhere. They said that your first time always left an imprint on you. Thus far it seems like they were right.

Caine straightened up and walked back upstairs where he then picked up their trail. It went straight southeast. "Scouts, once you're done mopping up and liberating the slaves, proceed home at best speed. If you encounter a dark redheaded woman, early to mid-forties, with smoldering blue eyes and a younger, brunette woman, early twenties, with equally bright blue eyes that looks like a younger version of the older woman, notify me immediately. Do not approach. Repeat: DO NOT APPROACH. She will kill you. Call me in and allow me to make contact first," he instructed. "If you encounter anyone who is out looking for The Huntress to claim the bounty on her, you are to deter them first by letting them know I'm looking for her, detain them next if they persist, kill if need be."

"You got it, boss," the lead Scout called back. "Happy Hunting."



"Fuuuuuuuck..." Erin shouted in anger as she adjusted her binoculars. Every so often when they came to an old ruin or some place that she could get high enough to get a good, long view of the area, she would look back for signs of pursuit. Now she was in the steeple of an old church looking back the way they'd come from.

"What's wrong, honey?" Melanie called up to her. Erin was glad that they were back to mother-daughter now that they were up and about. Thankfully, things weren't weird this morning when they'd gotten up. Melanie was all business as she got dressed in the jumpsuit that Erin had stashed for her while Erin dressed herself and got breakfast going.

"We got company! He's been following us for some time now." Erin replied, lowering the binoculars and scanning the horizon. Like most of the old, pre-Flare towns this far west, this one had pretty much been flattened. Someone at some point had decided that rebuilding this church had been worth it but it'd then fell into disuse and disrepair. "Get my bag and my gun and get up here! NOW!"

While Melanie scrambled to comply, Erin looked back in the direction they'd come from. That lone biker had first appeared a couple of hours ago, just past noon, and had been dogging their trail ever since. She knew the type since she was that type now; bounty hunter. Saul must've put a hit out on her. Fuck... that was quick too... I didn't think that fat old geezer would've been that connected. I knew I shoulda brought my bike with me rather than leave it in Billings. However, and whatever, the reason was didn't matter now. All that mattered was that she had a fight on her hands and she'd be damned if she was going down without a fight.

Melanie made it up into the bell tower steeple with her, plopping the backpack down. Erin thanked her while she got her rifle out. Then she handed her mom the binoculars. "These are rangefinders, spot for me," Erin said. Melanie took them and nodded. They both lay down onto the floor on their bellies. Erin set her rifle up onto its tripod and inched forward to rest the stock of the rifle snugly against her shoulder as she sighted in on the lone biker.

"Doesn't Caine... our Caine... supposedly have a sleek black bike like that?" Melanie asked as she sighted in as well. "Looks to be a half mile out."

"I hope to hell it's our Caine. Fuck my life if that is the Caine that took our Caine's name...." Erin grumbled. "I'm not even going to ask how the hell he found me. The man is supposedly mythical."

"You're not going to kill him, are you?" Melanie asked. "Weren't we going to find him?"

"If he's taken a contract out on me, we're as good as dead...." Erin's voice trailed off. "Or captured... guess it was a good thing we slept together last night. We might be doing it more as slaves."

"Well, I don't think we're discounted out yet," Melanie said with grim determination as she pulled the bolt on her own rifle that Erin had given her and slammed it back home to chamber her fist shot.


As Caine slowed as he got to the intersection of another desolate town with only a couple of structures up, a single shot rang out and pinged off of the pavement beside him. Warning shot...he figured. If they were serious about killing me, they'd've gone for my chest or helmet. He looked up at the tallest feature of the town. Yeah, that's where I'd be, he thought. Caine pulled his bike to a stop, got off, and removed his helmet. Facing the old steeple, he put out his hands wide. "I don't want a fight!" he called out while walking slowly towards the old church.

"Then leave!" a familiar woman's voice shouted back from the bell tower.

"I can't. There's a bounty out on you but..." Caine didn't get to finish his sentence as the next shot hit him square in the chest right below the sternum. He let out a "whuuf!" as the air was driven from his lungs and his body thrown backwards from the kinetic energy of the bullet. "Ow..." he grumbled as he picked himself up from the grass and dirt where he'd landed ten feet away. His cleric suit absorbed most of the impact. He was thankful that he was pretty much immortal now that he'd undergone every single super soldier enhancement procedure at the old bunkers all around the continent. Had he not, he figured that his sternum would've been crushed from the impact of the bullet and he'd be dead. "Fucking, hell, woman!" He shouted. Then he got to his feet and cast a disdainful look up at the bell tower. "Really?" he called back. "Are ya gonna let me finish, Erin?" he asked, putting emphasis on her real name.

"How..." a tiny voice breathed. His new superior hearing picked up the whispered word.

"Erin... Mel..." Caine said carefully, clearly, and slowly as he walked back, keeping his arms out to the side again. "It's me; Caine... Caine Douglas."

"Impossible!" That was Melanie this time. "The Douglas' are dead in their cryo pods!"

"I can explain. I just wanna talk. I have no interest in collecting the bounty. I just want to collect you two." He heard the bolt action chamber another round. "NOT LIKE THAT, you homicidal bitch!" Caine put his hands up high, waving them frantically to forestall the next shot. "I want to take you two back home with me, to Lincoln, where you'll be safe! Saul... the guy who put the bounty out on you two... is dead. I killed him myself. My Scouts... the Lincoln Scouts... have cleaned out his estate and liberated his slaves. They're all on the way to Lincoln as we speak!" he said quickly. "Yeah, my parents died in cryo, but I got out and got away. I'm telling you, it's me."