Disco Nights Ch. 01


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Ft. Polk was a hellhole. It had recently been reactivated as an infantry training post because of Vietnam. Hot, muggy with cockroaches as big as your thumb. But I was working inside in an air-conditioned office, mostly as a glorified clerk-typist and go-fer. My time there went by quickly.

After about six weeks I got orders to report to Germany at the end of my training. I couldn't believe my luck! Most of the guys coming out of AIT were being ordered to 'Nam.

I had a delay in reporting to my new assignment so I was able to spend ten days at home. Lisa was about six months along but still sexy as hell and horny all the time. My plan was to request leave for the birth of the baby as soon as I got to my new unit. Lisa was going to stay with her parents until the last month of her pregnancy and then move to my folk's house. They had a couple of extra bedrooms that could better accommodate her and the baby.

I flew over and was assigned as a maintenance clerk in an armored unit. It was another OJT assignment but looked like it would be easy to learn. We were located on a small base near the East German border. It was the height of the cold war and our unit's primary assignment was to patrol the border which we did about one week out of six.

I spent the next few months mostly trying to stay straight enough not to get into trouble. The hashish available in Germany at that time was the best in the world and cheap. It helped us forget our horniness. If you didn't stay stoned the temptation to visit the legal whorehouses in Wurzburg or Nuremberg was overwhelming.

I flew home a couple of days before Lisa's due date. She was big as a house! She went into labor four days later. The delivery went well and we soon had a beautiful baby girl we named Madelyn. When I first looked at her I could tell my life would never be the same. I hung around for about a week after the birth and enjoyed every minute of it. We made plans for her and the baby to come to Germany as soon as Maddy was old enough to travel.

Everything came together finally and about three months later I was meeting my family at the Frankfurt Airport. Living in Germany as a junior enlisted man with dependents was a struggle. Too junior to be eligible for military housing, we rented an apartment in a little village about ten kilometers from the base. I had bought an old convertible VW beetle whose body was about three different shades of blue and was probably on its fifth or sixth engine.

Our furniture was old beat up rejects from base housing or cast-offs from other soldiers transferring out. We had no television, just a multi-band radio. My pay was just enough to cover basic necessities with a little left over to go to the movies once a month. Gas was cheap so many weekends we would go day tripping through the German countryside.

Our only other entertainment was ourselves. Maddy was a wonder. She was a happy baby almost all the time and she would sleep ten-twelve hours a night. Lisa was a great mom and of course she was with her all day long. But when I got home I would spend almost every minute she was awake playing with her. When she wasn't awake, Lisa and I played with each other.

Our evenings were like the honeymoon we never had. For ten months, interrupted only by the times I had to do a border patrol rotation, we made love nearly every night and in every way possible. I grew to know Lisa's body better than my own. And what a body she had! She had regained her figure quickly after Maddy was born. Her hips were a little fuller, her breasts a little rounder. (But she still complained about how small they were) But not a stretch mark or blemish on her! She could turn on a dead man!

Most times Lisa was as enthusiastic and eager for sex as I was. She loved to tease me until Maddy was asleep. Making love was fantastic. Lisa being multi-orgasmic made sex extraordinary. At least I thought so. Sometimes I would get her off during foreplay, then during oral sex and then a couple of times during vaginal sex. It was such a turn on and inspired me all the more. Some nights we would fall asleep spooning, with me still inside her and then wake up later in the night or in the morning going at it again.

It wasn't just the sex. It seemed like we came to know each other so well we could finish each other's sentences. When we looked at each other we almost always knew what the other was thinking. We never really had a fight, we would disagree at times but never did we get angry. We talked about anything and everything. What we wanted out of life. What we wanted for Maddy. What we wanted to do when we got back home.

We looked out for each other and did our best to make each other happy. The emotional bond we developed convinced me that this was forever. I couldn't imagine being without her. And I was convinced she felt the same way.

With my tour coming to an end I was offered a promotion if I would re-enlist. But we both wanted to go back to the 'world.' Be with family and friends, return to school, start a career, get on with our lives. It was a great experience and I was proud of my service but it was time to move on.

What a relief to be home after being gone for two years. We moved in with my parents for a couple of months until we could get back on our feet. I got a temporary second shift job at the local auto plant and enrolled back into college. Between the VA benefits and work we would do all right. We bought a used car and rented a townhouse and scrounged used furniture from family and friends.

Living with my parents had put a serious crimp in our sex lives. But after getting into our own place things picked back up again. It never really got back to the honeymoon fever we had experienced in Germany but it was still pretty great. Two-three times a week was our usual frequency. We continued to enjoy making love in a variety of ways.

We were always affectionate with each other. We held hands when walking together, touched and caressed each other frequently and often cuddled on the couch watching television. From time to time the subject of having another child would come up but neither one of us seemed to want to commit to it.

We had gotten into the habit of going out to the live rock and roll bars near campus with several other couples about twice a month. Now you have to know, in order for me to dance, it required liberal amounts of alcohol and lots of people dancing around me. So after a few drinks, Lisa would get me out on the dance floor and we would really boogie. Slow dancing didn't bother me. Being able to hold Lisa was my inspiration and made me better than I actually was. But fast dancing I was pretty much a typical white boy, few moves and rhythmically challenged. But Lisa could really shake it. Invariably she was dressed to kill and so hot she could make a grown man cry. After a night out I usually couldn't wait to get her home and in bed.

For the next few years I continued to go to college part-time and worked a variety of jobs. Within a couple of terms I finished my requirements for my associate degree and transferred to Michigan State to work toward a B.A.

I held several temporary second shift jobs in the winter months but during the warm season I mostly worked for several construction firms. Strangely enough I found out I liked the construction jobs the most. Working outside, operating heavy equipment and doing physical labor gave me a lot of satisfaction.

I had met a couple of other veterans at school who were doing about the same thing I was. John and Craig were best friends and had even been the best man in each other's weddings. We were all married and had small kids. We started socializing together along with five or six other couples from time to time. Barbecues, pool parties, chili cookouts, mostly family type get togethers.

Craig was working in a residential construction business owned by his wife's father. And John had worked for several heavy construction companies in the area before and after going in the service. So he knew his way around the construction business. One day he came to me with a proposal.

We both would kick in a couple of thousand dollars and incorporate a construction company. We would be combining his experience and mine, along with my college background in business and accounting. He suggested we do mostly landscaping and maybe some underground work to start. We could sub-contract out to several building contractors including Craig's company.

The thought of working for ourselves had a lot of appeal. And the possibility of making some serious money was attractive. Lisa and I talked it over and we decided to go for it. Lisa had done some childcare out of our home until Maddy was about four and ready for pre-school. She then decided to return to hospital work.

But we were pretty much living paycheck to paycheck. We had moved a couple of times and were now living in a nice duplex. We owned our furniture, a three-year-old car and a 4WD pickup truck. That was pretty much it.

The work was interesting and we were busy about eight months of the year. We would hire four or five guys to work for us on projects as needed. Living in the snow-belt pretty much shut down most dirt type construction projects when the frost got in the ground. But we collected unemployment during the down months and did some 'cash under the table' casual work so we were never hurting too bad. And of course I was still collecting some VA education benefits.

Early on John and I had gotten into the habit of going to happy hour at various bars after work on Friday's to pound down a few. We were usual joined by a bunch of other construction types including Craig. Now John and Craig were pretty hard beer drinkers to the point of being alcoholic. I was usually satisfied with a mild buzz from a couple of mixed drinks.

It also turned out that they both were players when given the opportunity. I was kind of shocked to find out John was regularly banging one of the wives in our social circle. And Craig was having an affair with the sister of one of the guys in our same group. His biggest claim to fame was he had bagged his wife's younger sister the first year of their marriage or so he claimed. They both openly admitted they had hit on about every decent looking female they knew; and quite a few who were not so decent. Frequently after a couple of beers or six, they both would brag openly about their exploits.

I have to admit that those stories got me interested and I wondered what it would be like to get into something strange. Occasionally during those 'Happy Hours' I met, had a few drinks with, or sometimes even danced with other women. But when I compared them with Lisa they just didn't stack up. I just couldn't see taking the risk when I had something better at home. I always looked forward to going home to my wife.

About the time we started the business, disco had finally made its way into the Midwest. Our rock and roll clubs were slowly changing. Lisa embraced the new music whole- heartedly. It fit in with her dance background and she picked up all the new dances easily. By the second year we were in business many of the rock bars were gone and the discos were in. I had gone out with her a couple of times to some of them but I just couldn't get into it.

Not only did I not have the talent for it, I just didn't feel comfortable in that scene. I was a flannel shirt and blue jeans kind of guy, not silk shirts and John Travolta suits. I had been working construction for several years now and at 6'3" I weighed about 230 lbs. I was big but a lot of muscle. Big arms, shoulders and chest. During the off season, I belonged to the local YMCA and played racquetball and lifted weights to stay in shape. I had long hair and a full beard. Lisa said I resembled Paul Bunyan, but Maddy thought I was just one big cuddly bear.

Now Lisa was another story. Being a few years older and more mature had only improved her looks. She could eat anything she wanted and not gain a pound. She loved nice clothes and was a regular clothes horse. She could wear anything and look sexy in it. One of the few things we argued about was how much she spent on her wardrobe. With her appearance, dance talent and personality, she fit right into the disco scene.

Since I had no interest in disco, Lisa had gotten into the habit of going out one night a week with several other girls from the hospital. They would have a few drinks, enjoy the music and maybe dance a little. That finally developed into a routine that on Fridays I would get home from being at happy hour with the guys around seven or eight. She would then leave to meet the girls at one of the clubs for the rest of the evening and I would stay home with Maddy.

About the time Lisa got interested in the disco scene, she got the idea she wanted breast implants. One of our previous neighbors who was around her age had it done and Lisa was fascinated by how it changed her figure. I didn't think it was necessary and argued with her about it. She insisted she felt she was flat-chested and she would look better and feel better about herself if she had it done.

Our insurance would cover the hospitalization but not the surgeon's fee. And it was not an expense we really could afford. But she beat me down and she got it done. The change wasn't huge, probably a 34B to a 34C in cup size. But she did look good with it and she really filled out a bikini. Lisa was more than pleased with the results.

The construction season was over and it was the end of our second full year in the business. I was working from home closing out the books and preparing balance statements, tax forms and W-2's. We had kept busy for eight of the last twelve months, made a profit, paid all our bills and had some cash in the bank.

But when you figured out all the hours John and I put in during the year it seemed we only made about fifty cents an hour. Certainly not the big money I was hoping for.

Lisa and I had been talking about buying a house. We were tired of renting. Maddy was now six and in first grade. And the subject of giving her a brother or sister came up again. Lisa was doing well at the hospital. Changed jobs a couple of times, got promoted and each time getting an increase in pay. Truth be told her salary would probably exceed my combined wage, unemployment and veterans tuition benefits this year. I couldn't help but wonder where our construction business was going. I only needed a few classes to complete my Bachelors degree. Maybe it was time to consider doing something else?

And then, just after the Thanksgiving holidays, I answered that anonymous phone call that changed everything.

As I sat there trying not to be sick all this flashed through my mind. I just kept mumbling to myself, "what the fuck?"

I did not want to accept that there could be something to this. But something told me I had missed something. That something had changed this past year. I shook my head trying to get the fog out. I needed a plan and I needed to be prepared for when he called back. I grabbed a pad of paper and started making a list of questions I needed answers to.

After a bit I just sat there staring at the sheet of paper, hoping that it would just go away.

When the phone rang, it startled me. I grabbed it and said "hello?"

"Are you alone now?"


"Your wife Lisa goes to the 'Extra Point' most Friday nights doesn't she?" The caller asked.

"Yes, she does". I dreaded to hear the next words.

"She has been having an affair down there with a man named Dan Burris for several months now."

Shit, putting a name to him somehow made it more real. "How do you know?"

He laughed, "They don't exactly keep it a secret. Everyone in that crowd knows what's going on."

Damn! Damn! My thoughts kept bouncing between disbelief, anger, panic and denial.

"Why are you telling me this? Are you making this up because you are pissed at this guy? Or did you hit on Lisa and she shut you down?"

He got angry with that, "I'm not making anything up. And never mind why! I just thought you ought to know!"

"Oh sure you do," I thought for a moment. "So when and where is this happening?"

"Most nights they head out to his custom van between eleven and twelve. He's got it set up as a real bedroom on wheels. They don't usually come back to the club."

With a sick feeling I remembered waking up and hearing Lisa come in after two AM a couple of Friday nights and then I went right back to sleep. Later when I asked her about it she just shrugged and said she stayed for the last set the band played.

"How long has this been going on?"

"I heard it had started about mid-summer, maybe earlier."

"Is this Dan married?"

"Yep, but he says his old lady doesn't care."

"They get together any other times or places?"

"A couple of times they didn't stay in the parking lot after they left the club. I heard him say they went to his house one time and he said they met for lunch a few times," he paused for a second and said, "then there was the sailing weekend they had."

"Sailing weekend? What the hell are you talking about?"

"I guess one weekend last August, Dan, Lisa and two other couples went out on a big sailboat on Lake Michigan. I heard they had quite a time."

Shit! It was like a big puzzle. One piece would fall into place making a fit for several others.

My Mom and Dad had asked me to come up to their lake cottage last August and help build a deck. Lisa's department had to cover Sundays at the hospital so usually one Sunday out of the month she had to work. That weekend happened to fall on her Sunday.

I left Friday night and took Maddy with me. Mom and Dad never missed a chance to see one their grandkids. Lisa said she thought she would go to the beach at Grand Haven on Saturday with Connie, one of her friends from the hospital. In fact she said she just might decide to stay the night with her and leave from her house to go to work on Sunday morning.

"I can't believe that! Lisa is scared to be on the water. She can barely stand to set foot on a pontoon boat!"

"Maybe they never left the marina. But whatever they did, I heard it was a hell of a party."

The implications of this story started to sink in. If it was true then Lisa had actually lied to me! And if she had lied about this, what else had she lied about?

"Where does this Dan Burris live?"

"Oh no, I'm not going to be responsible for you doing something stupid! Besides he's listed in the phone book."

"What does he look like?"

"He's about 6'1" or 6'2." Probably about 180 lbs. He's 32, has blond hair, combed back. Good physical condition, good dancer, decent looking guy, quite a smooth operator and makes a lot of money."

"Anything else you know about them?"

"Well from what I heard I have the feeling he isn't the first that got his fingers into her pie! She's pretty popular down there but Dan monopolizes her time now. And she's not the first he has gotten into his van that's for sure. But she is the first that he has ever talked about like he was in love with her."

Shit, he is talking about my wife! I wanted to puke!

Angrily I said, "I can't believe this. Lisa isn't like that!"

"Hey man, I'm sorry about this but if it was me I would want to know!" And he actually said it with some sympathy, which just made me feel worse.

"Yeah, right" and I slammed the phone down.

I don't know how long I sat there but the next thing I knew Maddy was coming in the door from school. I pulled myself out of my funk long enough to give her a desperate hug and admire the schoolwork she had brought home. Eventually I got her settled down with a snack and some cartoons on television. As I watched her I felt my eyes tear up as I thought about what might happen to us. Is it possible that Lisa could be involved in something like this?