Discovering Amber Ch. 08


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"Oh I want a kiss!" Master Max said giving my ass a firm squeeze.

Cupping the side of his face as Ms. Amy had done, I looked into Master Max's kind eyes, "thank you for buying the shot." I said as sincerely as I could before leaning forward and lightly pressing my lips to his. It was the first time I'd kissed a man on the lips. His lips were firmer than Ms. Allison's or any other girl's I had kissed before. Theirs seemed softer, suppler, I guess. Still, it wasn't horrible.

"Good girl," Ms. Amy said full of pride, "now dismount the same way, nice and slow so you get repeat business."

I did as she instructed, feeling Master Max's breath on my tummy as I stood in front of him. Ms. Allison suggested I practice a few more times to get it right, which Master Max had zero objection to at all. His hands immediately found my bare ass as soon as I sat on his lap the next time and continued to do so until I ran out of test tubes of water to try on him.

"I think that's good for now," Ms. Allison said as I dismounted Master Max for the 6th or 7th time, "amber will need to go potty before this starts as she won't have time after."

Master Max reluctantly agreed, when he got up I could see the obvious bulge in his pants. Ms. Allison led me to the lady's room directing me to a stall. I thought I was too nervous to pee at first, but it turned out that it wasn't the case.

"Before you get dressed," Ms. Allison said from beyond the stall door, "open the door I need to do a few things."

I agreed then finished my business before standing back up with my shorts and thong panties still around my knees. Opening the door, I anxiously awaited as Ms. Allison approached. She pulled a condom from her purse, opening the package she quickly unrolled it putting the end around my cage then securing it in place with a rubber band. She tucked the end of the condom in the loop of my cage that went around my tessies. Then she pulled the eggs free of my sissy pussy.

"I know you'll be a dripping mess before the first hour is up," Ms. Allison teased, "I don't want you leaking all over the customers." She backed up and signaled for me to finish getting dressed. "You're doing very well," she said checking her make up in the mirror as she spoke, "you may just earn the right to cum like a real boy later." I felt a chill go over my body as she said that, a real tessie draining orgasm! "You look amazing as well amber," she said turning to me as I stepped out of the stall with my thong panties and shorts in place, "I mean you look HOT!"

"Thank you, Ms." I replied with a face burning blush.

"I want you to have fun tonight," Ms. Allison said sincerely, "I mean really enjoy it."

"I will Ms. Allison." I replied checking my own make-up then cleaning the eggs.

Ms. Allison tucked the eggs into her purse before we stepped out of the lady's room. For the next half hour or so Ms. Amy and I prepped over 100 test tubes with some blue liquor drink. The shots were $4 but most customers would give us a 5 and the extra buck we would keep. A buck a shot, five bucks every five shots, and a free fondling to boot. What a deal. Ms. Amy had us wait until the club was full before she told the DJ to announce the promo. She had me pull a chair onto dance floor so we could share the proper way to drink the shot. Ms. Amy had me sit in the chair so she could straddle me! I could feel my clitty twitching as she slowly lowered her body onto my lap. There was a chorus of hoots and hollers as I retrieved the test tube from her ample cleavage, they only increased as she retrieved the test tube from my mouth. Somehow my hands ended slowly gliding up her thighs until I reached her oh so soft butt. My clitty was screaming inside the cage as she leaned back practically shoving her chest in my face. Then she leaned forward and kissed me, her lips were so incredibly soft I couldn't help but kiss her back. By the time our presentation was done there was a round of applause.

"Okay!" Ms. Amy shouted pulling me to my feet. "Who wants a shot!?!"

Hands went up everywhere. Ms. Amy pushed me towards a table with 6 guys while she moved to the table next to them which had 6 women. The music started back up as we straddled our first customers. I took a 5 from the first customer and did my best to seductively straddle his lap. His buddies cheered him on as he plucked the test tube from my chest. We went through the entire process until it came time for the kiss.

"Thank you so much for buying a shot tonight," I said softly cupping his face, "can I kiss you?"

"Oh, you bet your sweet ass!" He replied.

Unlike the soft kiss I'd shared with Ms. Amy or even Master Max this one was definitely firmer. My head was spinning as I dismounted him then moved to the next customer. The suspenders held 15 shots per side, within ten minutes I'd run out completely and had to return to the bar for a refill. Within the half hour Ms. Allison was refilling test tubes for Ms. Amy and I as we made our second trip around the room. During these quick breaks Ms. Allison allowed me a quick shot as well then had me reapply my lipstick. After my second trip around the room just about every guy in the room had touched my ass and kissed me. I had no idea how many shots I'd "slung" at that point or how many drinks I'd sold but it seemed to be endless. When things finally slowed down Ms. Amy did what she could to keep up the interest, which meant her and I bumping and grinding on the dance floor either together or with other customers until someone waved a five in the air.

"That one is all you baby!" She pointed to the five waving in the crowd beyond the dance floor.

I did my best to run to the customer who turned out to very attractive. As I went to take the five from his hand he stopped me, instead preferring to slip it into the waist band of my thong which still stuck above my shorts. When I straddled him, his hands quickly grasped the backs of my legs roaming their way upward until he cupped my butt holding me in place. As I tried to lower myself, he held me so that his nose stayed in close contact with my skin to the point I had to crane my neck upward, which he then kissed! I was shocked by his brazenness. Plucking the shot and tucking it in my boobs, he smiled wide squeezing my ass firmly, as he pulled it from my chest. Finally, we got to the point where I had to thank him, I knew I wouldn't need to ask if he wanted a kiss!

"Thank you for buying a shot." I said feeling my excitement burning inside me.

My right hand, which had been cupping his face now slipped further along his head until my thumb was by his ear and fingers coiled to the nape of his neck. The kiss, my first real one with a man, was soft and sensual with just a hint of tongue. As I climbed slowly back off him, standing to his side with one hand on the back of his chair, my new favorite customer kept one hand inside my shorts on my bare ass. As I went to try to move away he presented me another $5.

"Ready for another already?" I said with a mischievous smile.

"You know it!" Was his cocky reply. "Now swing that sexy leg back over me so I can put this where it belongs!"

I did as told and was straddling his lap again while his nose pressed against my tummy. Without moving his face, he tucked another 5 into the side of my thong. We went through the same routine as before with another sensual kiss. As I climbed off him the next time, with his hand still gripping my ass, he presented a third $5! This went on until he purchased my last 6 shots.

"As much as I hate to say this," I said dismounting him for the 6th time, "but I'm out of shots."

"Well that is disappointing," he said reluctantly taking his hand off my ass for the first time in about twenty minutes, "but I know you'll be back!"

As I turned to walk back to the bar my new friend gave my butt a firm pinch making me squeal. I walked through the crowd back to the bar feeling Ms. Allison's raised eyebrow look on me as I approached her. As I went to remove the fives tucked into my bottoms Ms. Allison stopped me.

"Leave a couple of them in there," she said stopping my hand, "I don't want you taking money by hand anymore tonight unless the customer insists!"

Ms. Allison refilled my suspenders with another 30 shots and sent me back on my way. The crowd was already feeling good, they didn't really need more reason to touch me, the bills tucked into my thong panties made it all the more acceptable for them. Some of the customers managed to tuck their cash in one side of my shorts, under the strap of the thong, then tug it downward so it stuck out from under my shorts. As horny as I was, I didn't want the night to end but eventually it did. Ms. Amy pulled me into Master Max's office so we could go through our money. Her helping me get the cash out of my outfit did not help at all!

"I think I got all of them," she said gliding her hands over my bottom, "nope, I missed one!"

She slowly tugged the bill back and forth working it up my butt to the top of my butt until she pulled it out like she was starting a lawnmower.

"Someone put some effort into getting that one down there!" She laughed. "You did a wonderful job here tonight sweetie,"

"Thank you, Ms. Amy!" I replied.

I received a very welcome, yet unexpected hug from Ms. Amy as well. My clitty certainly did not need that kind of contact. Her skin was soft, and she smelled amazing, even if her scent was a mix of sweat, booze and the last of her perfume. Ms. Amy led me out to the bar where Master Max and Ms. Allison waited.

"Well Max," Ms. Amy started as we approached, "we will definitely do more of these, particularly if this little girl is available!" I smiled at her praise and calling me little girl.

"She was quite popular after all," Ms. Amy continued while squeezing my hand, "and I am almost positive she made more than me!"

"That is good to hear," Ms. Allison replied, "I knew she would do well."

A few minutes later we were leaving the bar behind, Master Max was kind enough to give me soft peck on the lips and pinch my butt on the way out the door, wearing just my light overcoat over the outfit I'd worn all night. The cool air felt nice against my skin and the sounds of my heels across the parking lot reinforced my position. Ms. Allison held the car door for me giving my coat covered butt a pat as I slid past her.

"I'm very proud of the job you did tonight amber," she said as she slid into the driver's seat, "you seemed to take it all in stride." I thanked her as my mind ran through all the touching and groping, I'd been subjected to during the night. "So, who was that boy you were kissing?" She continued. "He seemed quite enamored with you!"

"I don't know Ms.," I replied feeling a chill run up my spine as I thought about him and how we kissed, I don't know his name."

"So, you made out with some strange man," Ms. Allison teased while stroking my leg with her fingernails, "while he caressed your ass?"

"Yes Ms." I replied feeling my clitty straining at the cage.

"Well I guess that covers you," her fingers traced over the front of my tiny shorts, "for being able to jerk off like a real boy tonight!"

My body trembled with excitement again at the thought. My tessies were so swollen they ached, the tight shorts and thong didn't help with that at all either. Getting to the apartment was a blur. Soon I was upstairs removing my jacket and wondering how quickly Ms. Allison could get my cage off! I couldn't wait to wrap my fingers around my rock hard clitty and pound it into submission!

"Shorts and thong off slutty girl!" She said reentering the living room swinging the cage key in front of her.

Ms. walked directly toward me, I recognized her look and pace, she was an apex predator stalking its prey. She quickly undid the lock while pushing me back against the corner of the couch. Ms. Allison's lips brushed lightly against mine, she didn't kiss me, but stayed close enough where I thought a kiss was possible while moving me where she wanted. I was like a dog when they hear the cheese wrapper, she could get me to do anything she wanted so long as I got the slice of cheese! The cage slipped from my clitty, which quickly grew to full size. I groaned loudly as Ms. Allison's fingers wrapped around my clitty, softly stroking me.

"Just relax," she said as she pushed me backwards, "this position will seem awkward but with pleasure comes pain!"

I was about to ask what she meant but she pushed me over the corner of the couch then quickly grabbed my legs as they started to fly into the air. Ending up essentially with my shoulders and upper back on the seat portion of the couch my legs ended up above me. Looking up, my rock hard clitty was now pointed almost directly at my face. My hand went to it immediately but a swift although not as hard as it could have been slap to my tessies stopped me in my tracks.

"Hands off," Ms. Allison hissed, "that piece of flesh is still MINE!"

"Yes Ms.," I groaned as my swollen tessies ached from her slap, "I'm so sorry."

"It's been so long since you've been allowed to do this," Ms. Allison teased as she rubbed my tessies again, "you're going to rush and ruin it!"

Ms. Allison held up the cage, removing the condom I'd had attached to it all night and holding it up.

"Looks like you were a horny little slut all night," Ms. Allison chuckled as she held up the condom, "that's a lot of sissy drippings!" I blushed in response then watched as Ms. Allison slowly poured most of the contents over my tessies and clit. "A little lube is always a good thing isn't it muffin?" She asked causing me to nod rapidly. "Open wide!"

Ms. Allison let the last of my precum drip into my mouth and over my face making me feel deliciously slutty. Tossing the condom aside Ms. Allison rubbed my sore tessies with her finger in order to coat it with my precum then used it to tease my sissy pussy. It didn't take long for her finger to penetrate me causing me to moan loudly and beg to be allowed to start stroking myself.

"Soon muffin," Ms. Allison said as she started to rub a dildo between my ass cheeks, "you just need one thing first." She poured some lube over my tessies, letting it slowly seep between my ass cheeks before sliding the unseen dildo through it. "Now take a deep breath," she said pressing the head against the opening to my sissy pussy, "and relax."

My sissy pussy was well trained at this point, so it was odd that she was telling me to relax. She had certainly used a strapon, butt plugs and dildos on me numerous times. The head began to push inside me, I quickly realized I did need to relax as this dildo was big, bigger than she'd used on me before. My breathing was quick and shallow as she penetrated me, stretching my opening like never before. It was almost a relief when I felt the defined ridge slip past the rings of my hole. Almost. Ms. Allison gave me a moment to adjust to the fat invader before pushing it further inside me. It wasn't just thick, it was long too! Very long! I moaned loudly, mewling at the size of the phallus filling me so completely.

"How do you feel amber?" Ms. Allison asked softly.

"So full Ms.!" I exclaimed loudly.

"Goood!" she replied laughing. "Now, you can start jerking off in time with how I fuck you!" I groaned in response.

Ms. Allison started to slowly fuck me with the dildo, I dutifully followed suit, while she watched me closely. As I neared orgasm, which didn't take that much time, she abruptly stopped.

"No cumming yet," she hissed, "I'm not done!"

She did this three separate times. Once she gave my tessies a light slap to suppress my orgasm, another time she gave them a hard squeeze. Both were effective. I was soon begging to be allowed to release.

"Okay muffin," she said pulling the big dildo out until only about half the head was still inside me, "you get to cum this time, but you'll hold that release as long as you can, until I say you can!" I rapidly nodded yes and agreed. "I wonder if your new friend has a cock this big!?!" She said shoving it back into me almost violently. "Think he'd fuck you this hard?" She said as she withdrew it and slammed it back inside me. "He looked fit," she said plunging it into me again, "I bet he'd grab your hips and fuck you like a slut!"

I groaned loudly, hissing my response, "Yessss!"

"Would you be his slut?" She pressed still pounding into me.

"YES!" I moaned feeling my body tense. "Ohhhh I need to cum!"

"Not yet!" she said sternly still pounding away.


"Not yet slut!"

This seemed to go back and forth forever until she finally said yes. As she did, she plunged the dildo into me as far as she could. Then the unexpected happened, the dildo started to shoot spurts of hot fluid into my sissy pussy!

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!" I all but screamed as the first spurts of my sissy seed shot from my body.

My entire body spasmed as rope after rope of white hot cum shot over my face and into my mouth. I couldn't stop stroking as the dildo seemed to have an unlimited supply of warmth that was filling my sissy pussy. I felt my tessies physically drain until my clitty eventually went limp in my hand. Spent wasn't even the correct word for how I felt. My body went limp in its awkward position.

"You are quite the mess amber," Ms. Allison chuckled, "I'd say I'd let you do that more often, but I was a bit afraid you were going to drown yourself."

"Thank you, Ms." I panted feeling the thick globs of sissy juice on my face.

"I take it by your reaction," she said letting the dildo slowly slide out of me, "that you enjoyed the added bonus of an ejaculating dildo inside you?"

"Oh, Ms.," my body shuddered as she mentioned ejaculating dildo, "it was such a surprise, it took me completely off guard."

Ms. Allison gave me a few minutes to catch my breath before helping me somersault off the couch and onto my hands and knees. As I lay there, I could feel the globs starting to dry and tighten on my skin. It was such a deliciously slutty feeling, knowing my face was cum covered, and I was too exhausted to clean it up. Ms. Allison led me to the kitchen where I cleaned up the phallus she'd used on me as well as cleaned out the pump and bladder that had shot hot jets into me. I could feel whatever had been squirted inside me leaking out of my sore sissy pussy and down my legs. It only added to my overwhelming feeling of sluttiness. With the toy in the dish rack I followed Ms. Allison to my bedroom. Before the night could continue, she put my cage back on me, then laid out my nightie and bottoms for bed.

"I selected something a little more plain," she said laying out the satin panties and nightie, "the way that pretend cum is dripping out of you I don't want to see that mess in the morning."

"Yes, Ms. Allison." I replied blushing deeply as I stepped into the hipster panties.

"In the morning you'll need to wash that wig too," she smirked as she spoke, "someone got quite sloppy with her sissy orgasm after all." If possible, I blushed deeper. "Go ahead and go potty amber," Ms. Allison said waving her hand toward my bathroom, "but wait until morning to brush your teeth, little sluts go to bed with the taste of cum in their mouth's after all."

I agree and quickly went to the bathroom realizing that my bladder was beyond full. More fluid seeped out of me as I sat on the toilet and the back of the panties I'd just put on where already wet. It was such a humiliating and exciting feeling. When I stood up, I got the first glimpse of myself in the mirror. My make-up was smeared with white globs, I'd managed spray myself from my sternum up to my forehead as well as land several heaping globs in my hair. Somehow, I'd managed to miss both eyes but not by much. I was amazed by the volume that was left on my face knowing how much had actually landed in my mouth! I was quite the sight. Ms. Allison cleared her throat from the other room, meaning I needed to hurry along. I was finally able to remove my heels and socks as I climbed into bed, feeling the wetness seeping from me press against my sore bottom as I did.