Discovery of a Cuck Pt. 02

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John learns more about himself and his new friend.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 03/22/2021
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"Holy shit," I said to myself, as I sat there in my car and watched Rick ride off on his motorcycle. My heart was beating just a bit faster than normal and I felt the beginnings of an erection. It's not that this was the first time I had ever imagined my wife with another guy. I had occasionally imagined what it would be like if Rachel cheated on me, but the thoughts were always in the abstract and focused on what it would mean to our relationship and marriage. This was the first time I had thought about a specific guy, someone I know, and pictured them fucking. I took a deep breath and started the drive home. The thought of Rachel giving herself to this young, athletic stud distracted me the whole way home. I'm actually lucky I didn't run a red light on the way.

I arrived home to a normal Monday night scene at our house. Both kids were nowhere to be seen, presumably holed up in their rooms. Rachel was in the kitchen waiting for some water to boil, a mug and tea bag at the ready. "Hey, my love," she said. "There's some chicken and rice in the fridge if you're hungry."

I said nothing, just walked over to her and kissed her on the head. She responded with her beautiful smile. I still had Rick on my mind, even more so now that I was with Rachel. I needed to stop picturing them together or I was in danger of getting more than just the beginnings of an erection, and she'd pick up on my obvious change in behavior as I would try to hide my arousal. "Shit! What the hell is going on with me," I thought to myself.

Mercifully, her water came to a boil. She poured it into her mug and took off in the direction of our bedroom. I distracted myself by heating up the leftovers and eating. Afterwards, I went to the bedroom and noticed she had changed into the usual comfy jogging pants and t-shirt that she prefers as pajamas, and was relaxing on the bed with her tea, watching the drama series she had been into lately. I grabbed some clean underwear and jogging pants myself and ducked into the bathroom for a quick shower. After showering, I jumped into bed next to her and grabbed her remote control. She only jokingly protested as I turned off the TV and proceeded to make love to her. I just knew that some spontaneous sex with the woman I live was the sure-fire way to take my mind off of Rick.

It wasn't.

The sex was great. But my damned brain couldn't stop picturing Rick with his perfect athletic body driving my Rachel to orgasm. Lucky for me, I didn't need to hide it from her. Strangely, the combination of trying trying to fuck my way into forgetting the vision of Rick with Rachel, along with the extra arousal that vision stirred within me, resulted in a perfect storm as far as she was concerned. We were in the missionary position when I finally came hard and stayed inside her as she loves me to do. Her face was deeply flushed as she smiled and looked into my eyes. "Wow! What got into you tonight, love?" she said with a satisfied sigh.

"Just you," I lied. "I love you, Rachel."

"I love you too," she said. "Stay inside me a while."

Eventually we separated, went through our usual post-sex cleanup rituals, layed back down, and kissed each other goodnight. When the lights were out, to my dismay I found myself thinking of Rick again. Just Rick, his tall, muscular, athletic body. The next thing I knew, I had a raging hard-on. I barely slept that night.

All the next day, I couldn't get the conflicting thoughts of Rick out of my mind. I thought about what he told me, that he considered me a cuck. That thought contrasted big time with my own image of myself. I had always considered myself an average, but thoroughly masculine man, sexually attracted to women, into cars and motorbikes, outdoor sports, electronics, etc. You know, typical man stuff. Why did he peg me as a cuck? Yet here I am, unable to get him off my mind, turned on by not only the thought of him with my wife, my love, but also seemingly just turned on by him and his young, strong body and persona. This was troubling. Rachel always saw me as "her man." And I always liked the feeling that gave me. Yet here I was, looking up to a younger, physically superior stud, picturing him with my Rachel.

I didn't know what to do about these thoughts..

Figuring that I could just forget about it, on Wednesday night, I took my son to his soccer practice and just hung out with some of the other dads, skipping my usual gym time.

But avoidance didn't work. I couldn't get these conflicting thoughts of Rick out of my mind. If anything, I found myself obsessing about Rick more and more as the week went by. Was I going crazy? I couldn't confide in my wife, obviously. Did I need to see a psychologist or something?

* * * *

It was Monday. A week had gone by since my trip to the coffee shop with Rick. I had to tell myself, "be a man, get your shit together, and go to the gym like nothing happened." If I didn't do that, I really was some kind of scared little cuck.

I dropped Max off at soccer and asked if he could get a lift home with one of his buddies. He said, "actually I was gonna walk over to the library and meet Jason. We have a biology project we need to get done."

I got to the gym and did my usual 20 minutes on the stationary bike and then moved on to the rowing machine. After a couple minutes rowing, I noticed Rick walk by on his way to the locker room. He made eye contact with me and nodded "hi." I thought I detected the hint of a smirk. I didn't see him again after that. After my 20 minutes on the rowing machine, I gathered up my towel and phone and wandered over to the drinking fountain for some cold water. As I was taking my drink, I noticed someone in my peripheral vision and Rick's voice, "where the fuck were you on Monday?"

I looked up to see him with his infectious, friendly smile. My heart was beating fast, because of his tone of voice, which I only now realized was a playful, mock anger. Relieved, I stammered, "oh, ha, I just, um, I just had some errands to run."

"Hey, just messing with you," he said. "Got time for Starbucks, or do you gotta get home to the wife?"

"No, I can grab a coffee," I replied. "I usually pick up my son from soccer practice after working out, but he's meeting a buddy afterwards to work on some school project. Are you heading out now?"

"Give me a couple minutes," he said. "I gotta stop at the front desk and get a replacement membership card. How about you go grab a table and order coffee. I'll meet you there. Grande Americano for me, half-and-half, and one sugar."

"Sure!" I said. "I'll see you there." I went to the locker room and grabbed my keys and wallet. As I walked out of the gym I couldn't help questioning myself: Did I seem too eager to run over and get him coffee? Why did he just assume he could tell me to get his coffee? Was he testing me? Should I have acted more casual? Jesus, what is going on with me? Why am I analyzing everything like this? Come on, John, grow up and stop acting like some dumb teenage girl trying to get noticed by captain of the football team!

I got to the Starbucks and ordered our coffees, two grande Americanos. I left mine black, fixed his with half-and-half and a sugar just as he requested, and looked around for a table. I chose one with a good view of the door and set our coffees down.

15 minutes went by. 15 long minutes of me questioning myself. It seemed like forever.

Finally Rick walked in. Damn, this guy had a presence. I actually noticed at least two young women that followed him with their eyes all the way to our table. He sat down, took his coffee, and slowly took a drink. "Not very hot," was all he said. Without any apology for taking so long, he just looked at me, like he was expecting a response. It took me a while to register that fact.

"Oh, um, yeah. I didn't know how long you'd be. Sorry about that," I said.

Rick held on to the serious look he was giving me and then suddenly changed his demeanor back to his friendly smile. "So dude, what's up? How's the wife treating you?"

"Oh, not much, just the usual," I replied. "The wife's fine. Same old same-old."

"I thought maybe I scared you away last week, joking around about your wife," Rick said.

"No, no, it's ok," I said.

"So be honest and tell me then, did you think about what I told you? I mean, a lot of guys would get pretty upset at being called a cuck. I was giving you my honest impression as a friend. I wasn't trying to put you down or anything. Well... that's actually not totally true, it is a kind of put-down because I have no fucking idea how any guy could end up being a cuck. It's so far from my point of view, I can't understand it. But I'm telling you, man, you are not alone. There's a lot of guys like you, you know, submissive. I guess they're just born that way. Dominant guys like me just walk all over you, and you give in and accept it. Am I right?"

I could feel my face getting a little hot with embarrassment. He actually was right. Looking back on my life, even though I always saw myself as thoroughly masculine, and I was always comfortable in that role with the women in my life, I always avoided conflict with more aggressive or dominant men. That meant I normally gave in to a bully, or any guy that was more assertive than me. I was always easily intimidated by other guys.

"Why so quiet?" Rick asked. "What are you thinking?"

I'm not sure what came over me at this point, but for some reason I felt compelled to open up to Rick. "It's weird to admit it, but I gotta tell you that I couldn't stop thinking about what you told me all week." I went on, "I kept thinking about you and my wife, and it turned me on. I never had thoughts like that. Man, thinking about her with you is as intense as my own attraction to her. I couldn't believe I kept thinking about it. I didn't know how to deal with it."

"Damn, man, I knew it!" Rick said. "I've always been good at picking out a good cuck! Don't feel bad." He leaned back in his chair, looking totally relaxed. "No, really, it's totally cool. We're friends no matter what, but now that you're aware of the type of guy you are, you gotta decide what you do about it. It's no different than me. I know I'm a dominant bull, and I'm in control of what I do about that. Now you know that you're a cuck. You gotta figure out if you're gonna stay in the closet about it, or act on it. You can keep on kidding yourself and trying to cover it up by acting like a real man, and you might fool your wife and most other people, but bulls like me will always see through you pretty easily."

He was right. I had to admit he was right.

Rick continued, "Sorry man, I didn't mean to lay all this on you too hard. It's not like you gotta decide right now, and run out and tell the world. You just gotta think about what you want long term. Anyway, forget about that for now. Tell me more about your wife. Honestly, you know her and I don't, how do you think she'd react if you told her you were turned on by the idea of a young stud like me fucking her?"

"I'm pretty sure that conversation would not end well," I said. "Rachel has always talked about how she's a one man woman. She's really into monogamy. Obviously, she always told me that, even back when we were dating, to let me know that she would never cheat and she expected the same from me in our relationship. She's always been big on honesty and loyalty in our relationship."

"Gotcha," said Rick. "I see the situation then. Basically, you would never have the guts to bring it up, because you'd be scared of messing up your relationship. Right?"

"That's exactly right," I said.

"Hmmm," Rick responded. "Well, let me ask you this then, and think about it before you answer. I know you're turned on by the idea of me fucking her. I know deep down you want it. The cuck inside you wants to submit and let me fuck your wife. So if I had a way to get her on board that didn't implicate you, so she had no idea you were involved, would you agree to it?"

"How?" I asked.

"No specifics in mind, but we'll figure a way to introduce me to her, as your friend, and then I get her to "cheat" on you with me," he replied, giving the air-quotes sign with his fingers as he said "cheat."

"Man, I seriously doubt that she'd cheat on me. I'm telling you, she has really strong feelings about people lying and cheating. She'd never do it," I told him.

Rick laughed. "I know you think that. I bet she thinks that too. But I'm telling you man, I found out at a young age, that I could get any woman I wanted to fuck me. And once I do, they'll come back any time I tell them to. Trust me on that."

Somehow I believed him. I was in awe of this young, confident bull. Damn, I wanted him to take my wife.

"Hey, I know what you're thinking," Rick said. "But I told you before, I'm your friend. I could seriously fuck your wife whether you wanted me to or not, any time, and as often as I want. But I have strict ethics, man. I would never take a friend's wife or girlfriend without their permission."

Rick looked me directly in the eyes and said, "Now, what's your answer?"

I had forgotten the question. I was sitting there at the coffee shop talking with this stud, a raging erection making me uncomfortable. I gave him a look indicating I didn't understand."

"Pay attention dude," Rick laughed. "Since you will never bring it up with her, are you willing to try a Plan B? Introduce me to her, and let me get to her. She'll think she's cheating on you. I will never let on that you are in on it, you can trust me absolutely on that. You're my friend, and I'll protect you from any implications. It'll probably take a while, because she'll have to deal with her feelings about cheating on you. But there's no question, she will willingly fuck me. And once she does, she will continue to want it. It's a win-win-win. I'm a dominant bull, you're a submissive little cuck, and she needs to experience a young dominant bull, so this fulfills all of our needs. But I need you to answer, would you agree to it?"

My heart was beating like crazy. Why did I want this? I could hardly speak, but I found myself saying, "yes, I'd let you try."

"You really want this, don't you?" Rick asked.

"Fuck man, I don't know why, but I do," I replied.

"Perfect," Rick said. "Trust me, you made the right decision. We'll make this happen and you won't regret it."

Rick reached out his hand, and we shook on it. I couldn't believe this was actually going to happen. I still doubted that he would be able to convince Rachel to cheat. He didn't know her like I did. She really was a thoughtful, loyal partner who was not that kind of person.

"Saying yes was the easy part though," Rick continued. "For this to work out, you're gonna have to learn all about what it really means to be my cuck. To do this right, you have to follow my instructions exactly, or it won't work. It's getting kinda late and we should get going, so we can get into all that later. But the first rule is our Monday and Wednesday coffee after the gym. This is going to be a regular meeting so I can start your training to be my cuck, and we can plan out everything leading up to me fucking your wife. If you can't make it to the gym or whatever, you need to let me know ahead of time. I need that kind of respect from you on this if we're going to make this work. Okay?"

"Yes, of course, totally," I said, trying not to seem too eager.

"Great," said Rick with a big friendly smile. "Trust me, you're doing the right thing, man. Let's get going. You need to get home to your wife and keep her happy. Just remember our first rule. You need to know that once we agree on something, it's final, no turning back. I'm going to think about a few things, and we'll discuss our plans on Wednesday."

"Sounds great," I said as we got up from our table. We walked out and across to the gym parking lot. Thankfully, the erection that I had gotten through most of our conversation had subsided and I was able to act somewhat casual. I turned to head toward my car and said, "see you Wednesday!"

"Better be here," Rick replied with a smile.

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me_in_sv_azme_in_sv_azover 2 years ago

Yeah, Rick's being a bully, but a friendly bully, and it's hot. It's fiction, not a news story.

MatureandkinkyMatureandkinkyalmost 3 years ago

Warming nicely ........ !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

ShadowRosie is right. Ricks just a bully. Most bulls are respectful of the Husband/boyfriend. especially at first before they've developed a dynamic. When he first asked to fuck his wife, John should have responded by saying, sure when your girlfriend comes along and I fuck her at the same time.

Bald_Jason74Bald_Jason74about 3 years ago

Hot. I love how Rick is manipulating John.

ShadowRosieShadowRosieabout 3 years ago

What an ass. Rick's not a bull. He's an asshat, a bullshiter, not a bull, but a fucking bully. If John doesn't tell Rachel about the entire deal, he's dumber than the ox which Rick has him thinking he is. The thing is, tell Rachel so she can be prepared and kick Rick to the curb, not let him get into her thinking. You guys don't get all this help which is waiting for you because we love you but you never tell us when you have a need for your life partner. Rick just wants to fuck Rachel, making John look bad and getting getting in Rachel's pants. Rachel wants to be John's woman. Not Rick's but she needs to know the trouble that's on its way.

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