Distraction Techniques

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Neil keeps Saoirse's mind off work.
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The aroma of spicy rice and chicken fajitas greeted Saoirse as she opened the front door and walked up the stairs into Neil's apartment. "Hiiiii" she called out. She hung up her coat and left her handbag and shoes in the hall and padded into the kitchen in her socks, smart black trousers and black and white polka dot blouse. The TV was on at low volume showing a late afternoon quiz show. Neil was cooking at the hob, barefoot and wearing his denim jeans and navy t-shirt. The food sizzled in the pan as he chopped the vegetables, threw them in the pan and stirred it.

He turned his head to see her coming in and then turned back to the hob. "Oh there she is!" he said in a sing-song, smiling to himself. Saoirse smiled as she approached him and stood up on her tip toes beside him as he turned his head again to kiss her. The bristles of his neat, ginger beard brushed against her pale skin. "Hi Saoirse, how are you?" Neil asked in his gentle, low tone, looking in her eyes. "That's cute." he said, nodding towards her outfit. She moved round behind him to press the front of her body against his back and slid her arms around his waist, squeezing him in a hug, kissing his back and then resting her head against it. The heat from his body and feeling his back muscles against her made her sigh with a tired relief. Neil leaned his head back and stroked her hands on his waist. "Saoirse...What's up?" he asked, laughing softly.

"No, nothing. Thank you for making dinner." Saoirse sighed and smiled. Neil nodded. She released her grip on him and moved to stand beside him again, leaning against the counter. "I'm all good. Just glad to be home. You're making dinner and you've lit candles, so nice. How are you?" she said.

"Yeah, I can be a bit romantic!" Neil said, leaning in to kiss her. "I'm OK. Busy day? I didn't see you at all in work." he said, looking around the counter top and moving around the kitchen as he continued preparing their meal.

"Yeah, busy but fine. Just the usual. I thought you must've been busy too cos I didn't see you either." she said.

He shrugged with one shoulder and made a face. "Are you tired?" he asked as she yawned. She nodded and smiled and stepped towards him, wrapping her arms around his waist and cuddling against him. He slipped his arms around her shoulders and looked down at her, pursing his lips before leaning down to kiss her head and running his fingers through her auburn hair. She tilted her body back and looked up at him, he looked down at her and laughed. "Did you spill your lunch down yourself again?" he asked.

She let go of his waist and smoothed down her blouse, looking at the orange stain. "Yeah, again. I remember when I was a child, thinking 'I can't wait to be a grown up so I don't drop food on myself' but now I realise this is just me for life. It's kinda embarrassing!" she said, leaning against the counter again.

"Why?" he asked, distracted while he prepared the food.

"Cos I'm an adult and I can't eat food without dropping it on myself!" she reiterated. "People at work must wonder 'What is she doing?', hardly makes me look professional!" she exclaimed.

Neil moved over, standing at the bin with his back to her. "Tell them to fuck off! Who gives a shit if you've spilled food on your clothes!" he said sharply as he turned back round to the hob.

"Bit harsh, Neil!" Saoirse laughed. "I was just thinking because I've got that meeting tomorrow afternoon so I need to be careful not to spill anything on my clothes then. I'm nervous enough as it is!" she laughed nervously and shook her head.

Neil turned to face Saoirse and looked her in the eye. "You'll be great, I told you. I don't know what you're worrying about, Saoirse! I'll get you a bib." he said, with a light-hearted laugh.

She stood up straight and put her left hand on her hip. "Says you who nearly had heart failure when you had to do that presentation!" she exclaimed, smiling.

Neil looked hurt. "You know I hate doing those things." he said quietly, turning away to the table.

"Sorry, I was jesting, Neil." Saoirse said, stepping forward to touch his arm. "I'm really nervous about this meeting and it feels like you're dismissing it." she said softly, looking at him as he carried on setting the table.

"Let me guess... was it my tone?!" he rolled his eyes. "I'm just trying to put you at ease." he said, turning round and approaching her. "You're taking it the wrong way!" He bounced awkwardly on the balls of his feet and looked her in the eye. She reached out to him, wrapping her arms around his waist again. Neil laughed softly. "Right, go and get your comfies on while I finish this otherwise we'll never get eating dinner tonight!"

Saoirse stepped back, kissed him then turned around to leave the kitchen. He smacked her on the ass playfully. "Take your bra off too so I don't have to do it later!" he said with a chuckle.

Saoirse went into the bedroom, changed her clothes and returned to the kitchen just as Neil put the plates on the table. "Mm mm it smells delicious." Saoirse said as she sat down at the table. "You changed the bed clothes as well I see. I love a fresh bed." she smiled. "Dinner made, candles lit and fresh bed clothes, lucky me!" she chuckled, smiling at him.

"Yes, I know." Neil smiled, sitting down. "It's worked out even better since you're tired tonight." he said, lifting his cutlery. "Tuck in."

Saoirse laughed softly. "Hmm Neil, is this your way of telling me you're going to be out all weekend on the bike?" she asked, coyly. Neil frowned. "Butter me up then let me know?" she said.

Neil's forehead relaxed and his mouth stretched into a wide smile as he laughed but he still looked down at his plate. "No, it's not. But it can be?" he said, looking up. Saoirse's eyes stared at him and her mouth twitched in a smile thinking of a quip to return but he interrupted. "Oh, that's a look!" he said, locking eyes with her.

She smiled and raised her eyebrows. "What? No, do whatever you want! Deborah is coming over for me to paint her nails on Saturday afternoon." she said.

"You spend more time with my sister than with me!" Neil said in mock jealousy.

"She's got a date." Saoirse informed him.

Neil pursed his lips. "Good for her." he said as he put another fork full of rice into his mouth.

Saoirse shrugged. "Apart from that I have no plans, so I'm free if you want to do something or nothing."

"Ok, cool." Neil replied, nodding.

They finished their dinner and Neil cleared the table and filled the dishwasher. Saoirse boiled the kettle and set out cups for tea then made herself comfy on the sofa before Neil brought her a cup of tea.

They settled on the sofa to watch TV. Neil sat in the corner with his legs stretched out along the L shape of the sofa and his arm around Saoirse's shoulders and Saoirse sat beside him with her legs curled underneath her as they drank their tea. Then Saoirse lay down with her legs bent down the length sofa and her head on Neil's lap as they watched TV. He rested his arm across her chest, holding her right shoulder with his hand and Saoirse stroked his pale, freckled skin. The heat from Neil's body and waves of tiredness lulled Saoirse into a light sleep, she stirred briefly only when Neil moved or laughed at the TV. She woke with a start and tried to sit up, apologising for falling asleep. Neil held her firmly in his arm, his voice low and soothing. "You're OK there, don't panic." he said, stroking her shoulder and collar bone over her sweater. She rested for a moment, waking herself up gently and focusing on the TV then she sat up. "Alright Saoirse?" Neil asked softly, looking in her eyes as she turned towards him. She nodded and he kissed her. "Do you want something to drink?" he asked. She nodded and he got up and brought her a glass of water, handing it to her and sitting back down on the sofa. She sat up on her knees and rested her elbow on the back of the sofa, stroking his neck with her hand. He moved his head and looked at her.

"Can I play with your hair?" Saoirse asked softly. Neil kissed her then slid his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. She gently stroked her fingers up his neck, through the shaved sides of his hair and into his tight ginger curls. She sipped her water and watched his hair as she gently pulled it, unwinding a curl and watching it spring back. "I love your hair. It's so cute!" she said softly. Neil tipped his head down and looked at her. "You know what I mean. I love the feel of it, so soft and scrunchy." Saoirse said. Neil sighed softly and turned his body towards her as she stroked his scalp. "Thank you for dinner, it was lovely. And for changing the bed." she said.

"You don't have to thank me, Saoirse!" Neil said, quietly.

"I know but still." Saoirse said, smiling at him. She stroked her hand down his face, rubbing his beard and kissed him.

Neil held her tight around the waist with his left arm as she gently slid her tongue into his mouth and they kissed in long, slow kisses. Neil's right hand found her thigh and grasped it, their breathing getting more shallow as they kissed. Saoirse broke their kiss and reached down to set her glass on the table, as she sat back on the sofa Neil's mouth teased her neck and his beard tickled her skin as he kissed her in slow, wet kisses down her neck. She gasped and panted with pleasure and her knees felt weak. Neil's arms grasped her round the waist and his right hand slid up under her sweater, stroking the soft, warm skin on her back. Saoirse grasped at his hair with her right hand, feeling his curls between her fingers and holding his head against her neck. She ran her left hand up his right leg, feeling his taut thigh and squeezing it. Neil was really into outdoor sports and his body reflected this, Saoirse felt weak thinking about grasping his naked thighs as he fucked her and a low moan escaped from her mouth as she moved her hand further up his thigh and felt his cock, hard and straining against his jeans. He sighed and pulled away from her neck, looking her in the eye as she straddled him. He ran his hands up her thighs and grabbed her ass, pulling her against him. Saoirse pressed her palms on his chest and leaned in, kissing him softly before pulling back and looking in his eyes.

"I thought you were tired?" Neil asked, in his low tone. "Did that disco nap sort you out?" he laughed. Saoirse nodded and laughed and kissed him in deep tongue strokes. She ran her hands up his arms, over his muscular biceps and along his shoulders and started grinding against him in his lap. They both moaned softly. Saoirse stopped and bit her lip, Neil looked at her lustfully and they looked into each other's eyes without speaking.

She sat back on his lap to unbuckle his belt and Neil stroked her face. She turned her head and kissed his hand, looking at him as she unzipped his jeans. They both giggled softly and looked at each other. Saoirse pulled Neil's hard, throbbing cock out of his boxers. "Mmm." she moaned, licking her bottom lip instinctively. Neil watched her grasp his cock and pull his boxers down just far enough to expose his balls. With his hand still on her face, he gestured for her to kiss him. Saoirse leaned up over him on her knees and kissed him passionately. He moaned into her mouth as her hand started stroking his cock slowly and firmly and his hands ran up her back. Saoirse kissed down his neck before moving down his body again and straddling his lower legs. She placed her lips gently over the tip of his cock and slowly slid her tongue down over it until his whole cock was enveloped by her mouth.

Neil's face creased and he exhaled as he felt the warmth of her mouth on him. He reached down and ran his hand through her hair as she worked her way up and down his cock, swirling her tongue in light strokes around the tip. He breathed heavily and nodded at her when she looked up at him, smiling and humming with satisfaction. Neil's hands roamed under her sweater, across her back and round to squeeze her soft, round breasts that swung, braless as she sucked his cock. She moaned in agreement and the vibrations shook through him.

Neil moaned quietly and slid his hand inside her leggings, sitting forward to grab her bare ass cheeks in his hands when he realised she wasn't wearing underwear either. She continued to stroke his cock and she leaned down, gently sucking the skin on his balls. Then Saoirse sat up, lapping the head of his cock gently as she looked at him. He tried to pull her leggings down but she was too far from his reach. She stopped and he groaned as he watched a long string of precum stretch from the tip of his cock to her tongue as she let his cock fall back against his stomach. She licked her lips and stood up to take off her leggings then she stood closer beside him as she pulled his jeans and boxers off him. He slid his left hand round to her bare ass and grasped it and his right hand between her legs.

He brushed gently down her groomed bush and spread her pussy with his long, powerful fingers, dipping one inside her and then up to his lips as he licked his finger tips. They both sighed. She leaned down to kiss him and they looked at each other intensely. He moved his body into the corner of the sofa so he was in a seated position and his feet were flat on the floor. Saoirse straddled him, Neil held her hips and they only broke eye contact while she looked down to lift his cock and position herself over it. She held herself open with her other hand and slowly lowered herself down onto his cock until he was completely inside her. They both groaned and Saoirse gasped as he adjusted their bodies on the sofa. "Don't move for a moment." she whispered, taking a deep breath and closing her eyes briefly. When she opened her eyes, he was gazing at her. His mouth slightly open and his green eyes wild with anticipation.

"OK?" he asked, stroking her thighs and leaning in to kiss her neck in soft slow kisses. She nodded and sighed a long, slow breath. "Mmm!" he sighed as she started slowly riding his cock. She stroked his neck and kissed him in slow, disjointed kisses as her pace increased. "How does it feel?" he whispered.

"Good...I feel full." she sighed. "Does it feel good to you?" she panted.

"Mmmm yeah." he said. "Especially knowing you feel full of me." he groaned.

She smiled wryly and stroked down his face, neck and chest as she kept a steady pace. Neil stroked his hands through her hair, down her neck and back, grabbed her ass and ran his hands up her thighs. "I love that feeling. Your cock stretches me and I can't get enough of the feeling of fullness." she moaned. Neil gasped and sighed. "I just want you further inside me." Saoirse panted. She rocked faster on him, looking at him as they both breathed heavily. His eyes half closed as he watched her start to lose herself. "Ooh yes!" she moaned softly, her forehead furrowing as the pressure rose in her pelvis.

"Mmm I can feel you getting wetter." Neil whispered, his hands on her hips guiding her. He watched her pale, freckled skin deepen in a pink flush up her neck abs cheeks. Her eyes closed and her head tilted back slightly. She wrapped her left arm around his neck and held his left shoulder with her right hand. Neil slid down slightly in the seat and spread his knees further apart to support her as she let the pleasure overcome her. Neil panted and sighed as he felt her pussy getting tighter. "Oh fuck, Saoirse!" he breathed as he felt her pussy tighten around his cock. He held her tight around the waist with his left arm and moved his right hand to hold her back, his right arm pressed diagonally against her back and he held her tight with his right hand cupping her right shoulder. He watched as her brow furrowed and then her face creased into a frown.

The pleasure teased Saoirse until finally she rocked her hips against Neil in an uncontrollable release of moaning, gasping spasms as she came with his cock deep inside her. In that moment, he still didn't feel far enough inside her. "Oooh yes!" she cried. "Oooh!" as she slapped herself down on him again and again, reaching that sweet spot against her clit. Her ears whooshed and rang as the aftershocks shot through her. "Oh fuck yes!" she breathed as she came down. Neil had been holding her tight and was now kissing her neck gently, her skin tingled with delight and she smiled and gasped, clutching his curls in her hand and grinding slowly to satisfy the end of her orgasm without the intense stimulation of her now very sensitive clit. She shuddered as Neil stroked her back softly and kissed down her neck. His beard tickled her skin and she jolted and gasped. Finally she opened her eyes and sat back with a wince, her arms round his neck.

Neil smiled, stroked her face and kissed her again. "How was that?" he asked, laughing quietly. She nodded and smiled, half closing her eyes. "Good." he said. "Are you ticklish?" he asked with a coy look in his eye.

Saoirse stiffened up and gave him a pained look. "You know I am. I'm all tingly!" she shuddered and sighed with a relieved satisfaction. "You make me weak." she mumbled.

He smiled at her from the corner of his mouth. "Hmmm." he said before quickly lifting her sweater up and over her head. He ran his fingertips lightly down her arms as she held them in the air and then down the sides of her torso. She squealed and squirmed, quickly holding her arms tight against her body. Neil laughed and pulled her into a passionate kiss. "Hold on 'til I move. I'm going to lie you down." he grunted as he sat her up, withdrew his cock and Saoirse grasped his shoulders. He grunted as he lay her down on her back awkwardly along the length of the sofa. Saoirse gripped him and gasped as if she was falling. "It's OK, I've got you. You're not going to fall." he said, steadying her.

"Even if I did fall, you wouldn't help! You'd just carry on fucking me!" she said, adjusting herself on the sofa.

"NO I WOULDN'T!..." he said, laughing. "I'd laugh then take a picture THEN carry on fucking you!" he said, sticking his tongue out at her. She tutted and then giggled.

Neil sat up on his knees, between her legs and pulled his t-shirt off. "Twit twoo!" said Saoirse, exaggeratedly as she reached up to stroke his chest, taking in his pale, freckled chest, neatly groomed ginger chest hair, taut abs and toned stomach. He chuckled and stroked up her inner thighs, up her stomach and took a breast in each hand, thumbing her nipples before sliding his hands back down her body again and then easing his cock inside her. She adjusted her legs, putting her right leg up against the back of the sofa and her left calf on Neil's right shoulder. Neil placed his right foot on the floor as he slid into her wet pussy and fucked her in steady, shallow thrusts. He held her left leg against his chest and her right thigh against the sofa and she breathed quickly against his rhythm in a rolling wave of low, breathy moans as she looked in his eyes. "Mmmmm yeah. Oh yes. Ohhh." she moaned as she stroked his chest with one hand and grasped his thigh with the other. His thigh was warm, thick and muscular and it flexed as he slid further inside her, fucking her in deep strokes and his breathing became heavier. He let go of her legs, letting them bow outwards and he grabbed her waist as he fucked her faster. "Yes Neil, fuck me." she moaned, grasping his thigh and with her other hand holding her leg up and out. She watched his face flush and frown, his eyes closed and his mouth dropped open as he fucked her harder.

His breathing became heavier, his brow furrowed, he grimaced and thrust hard into her as he came inside her with loud exhalations. "Oh fuck!" he groaned in a low whisper as Saoirse felt his cock throb inside her with the last of his load. Saoirse moved her legs round his waist, pulling him down on top of her and she kissed his face, stroked his beard and ran her hands up and down his back. "Ohhhh." he breathed in a low groan. He opened his eyes, still breathing heavily and looked into her eyes. She smiled at him with an adoring look in her eyes and he kissed her in soft, slow kisses as he leaned on his elbows, gently stroking her hair. "Mmm you're amazing." he said, as he stopped kissing her.