Distribution Ch. 08


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Strange, I thought before I slipped into slumber. I almost never sleep on my stomach. I was still on my stomach when I awoke. Sunshine was streaming through the window; Paige was not there. Neither was her dress, panties, or shoes. I picked up my own clothes and went downstairs.

"Good morning," she said, as I passed by the kitchen.

"Good morning," I said, wondering if my naked body offended her. Apparently, it did not.

"I hope the smell of coffee brewing didn't wake you."

I assured her that this was my normal time to wake up and headed for the bathroom where I shaved and took a quick shower.

We talked very little while having breakfast, mostly grinning at each other across the table.

"What would you like to do today?" I asked, as she took the dishes to the sink. She turned, grinned at me and shook her head, as if she was admonishing herself for the thought that was invading her mind.

"I don't know. What would you like to do?"

"Let's go to the beach."

She put up a small argument, saying that she didn't have a swimsuit, but I persisted, saying that we could pack a lunch and eventually won out. We raided the cookie jar, went shopping for swimwear, and found a relatively secluded beach. There was a sign indicating that a beach sticker was required and another one stating that there would be no lifeguard on duty after Labor Day. We spread beach towels on the sand and ran to the water, screaming at the top of our voices as soon as we discovered the temperature of the water. No wonder the beach was practically empty. It wasn't so bad when we got used to it, but we only stayed in the water for a few minutes.

"This was your idea," Paige said as I patted her dry. We lay down facing each other.

The swimsuit Paige had chosen was two-piece, conservative, but revealing at the same time. I spread sunscreen on her back, beginning with her shoulders and down to the waistband of her bottoms. Along the way, we began kissing, and when I rolled her onto her back I accidentally dropped the sunscreen bottle and gave her tongue my full attention. That's when she happened to discover my hard-on.

"Let's go back to the house," she suggested and I didn't lodge an argument. We picked everything up and made a dash for my truck.

"I didn't get to do the front or your legs," I lamented.

"I didn't get to do any of you. What do you say we go upstairs and pretend to spread sunscreen on each other?"

"That sounds like a good plan, but I hope you're talking about doing it with our swimsuits off."

She gave me a, 'you-silly-boy' look. "Do you like having sex with me, Brian?"

Was she being serious? "Of course, I like having sex with you. What made you ask that?"

"I thought we would go back upstairs after breakfast this morning, but you wanted to go to the beach."

"Did you take my wanting to go to the beach as a rejection, Paige?"

"I'm not as liberated as I led you to believe. I didn't mean it when I said I will try anything once. There are some things I won't do."

"I know that, I mean, its something I feel about you. Don't think that I wouldn't have liked to go back upstairs this morning. I guess I was being cautious. I didn't want to push things too far."

"Don't ask me why I want this, but I know one thing and that is that we have a limited amount of time. We're going to get the estate wrapped up so you can be home for Thanksgiving. That gives us most of October and three weeks in November. By then, you'll be tired of me because I'm going to be here every weekend until it's over."

Paige settled back on her seat, having said everything she wanted me to know. Why she was doing this, having what could only be short-term sex with me was just as puzzling to me as it was to her. All I knew was that I didn't want it to stop.

"You know that you can trust me, don't you?" I asked as we pulled into the driveway.

"With my life," she said, solemnly as she got out of the truck.

While she showered to get the sunscreen off I straightened the sleeping blankets and looked at the framed photos that were placed upright next to each one. Last night, it had been dark in the room. Did I want my family watching me make love to a strange woman? Did I want Patrick, Mona and young Pat Junior watching me make love to their wife and mother? What the hell if Paige didn't mind, I didn't either. After all, it wasn't like our families were in the room with us.

If Paige thought of the pictures the same as me, she didn't show it. We spread imaginary sunscreen on each other's bodies, paying attention to the hard to reach crevices. She closed her eyes and let my hands roam, but when her turn came, she opened her eyes and inspected every inch of my body.

"What's this? Is it painful?" she asked.

I opened my eyes to see her lips not two inches from my cock. It was standing proud, weaving back and forth, like a swinging pendulum. Her eyes were following the movement. I tried to accelerate the swing to throw her off, but she was too fast for me. Her tongue snaked out and brought the pendulum to a sudden stop. She had the head between her lips before I could react.

I waited for her to engulf more of my cock, but she didn't. Her lips were holding the head motionless and her tongue was doing a tap dance. I was sure I was going to lose it when she pulled off and grinned at me.

With no warning, she straddled my waist, spreading her legs enough for me to see that her pussy was open and glistening. She looked into my eyes as she aimed my cock, and sank down on it until she had it in as far as it would go.

I filed the look on her face in the back of my mind for future reference. It was a mixture of awe, ecstasy and extreme intensity. Her small breasts jiggled on her chest as she lifted her ass and came down hard. She was soon breathing deeply, and there were beads of sweat forming on her brow. I wanted to help, but she grabbed my hand and moved them away from her ass.

I came with a jolt, spewing my cum inside her, but she continued bouncing, pretending not to notice the lubricant that had invaded her tunnel. Her persistence was invigorating, so much so that my erection returned. Paige felt it, and increased the speed of her bounces, only to become exhausted. She slowed to a snail's pace, admitting that she was spent.

I flipped her over and gave her a minute to realize that I'd turned the tables on her. She looked up at me, blinked her eyes and took in giant loads of air, preparing to accept whatever fate I had in store for her. My first inclination was to give her some of the same treatment, but her doe eyes made me weaken. I fucked her slowly, alternating short and long strokes until I felt her tense. That's when I increased my speed, becoming a human jackhammer. When I unloaded my sperm, I discovered that her body was attached to mine, hanging on to my neck with her hands and my ass with her legs.

I became concerned when I saw how she was trembling, too weak to speak. I rolled off her, wanting to give us space to breathe. We lay staring at the ceiling for several minutes.

When I was somewhat recovered, I turned on my side, resting my head on my hand. She turned on her side to face me. She smiled at me and I smiled back.

"What are you thinking?"

I wasn't prepared for the question, but I answered honestly. "I'm thinking how beautiful you are."

She frowned, disbelievingly. Her hair was soaked with sweat; droplets covered her forehead and rolled down her nose. An explanation was in order.

"There's beauty in the way you look at me, accept me for what I am, the way you pick me out in the crowd when you get off of the bus, the way you smile at me from across the table. There's beauty in the way you fill out a swimsuit or the dress you wore last night. Now that I've seen what's under the clothes you wear, I see beauty in your breasts and the way my cum oozes from your pussy."

Paige looked down to see the white glob clinging between her lips.

"Hold that thought," she said, running from the room.

"I meant it in a good way. You have a beautiful pussy," I called after her.

She came back a minute later with a washcloth, which she used to clean the juices from my cock. "Please continue," she said, getting back into position, only this time she was next to me, with her nipples touching my chest and her lips an inch from mine.

"Did you hear me say that you have a beautiful pussy?"

"Yes, I heard you and I agree. Tell me more."

"There's beauty in your voice and the things you say to me, in person, when we're on the phone or when you call to me from another room. Your facial expressions are beautiful. I like to picture how you look when you call me," I said, stopping, wondering what she wanted to hear.

"You skipped right over my lips," she scolded, pressing her lips to mine for a few seconds.

"You have beautiful lips. There's beauty in the way you kiss me."

"You didn't mention my legs."

"Your entire body is beautiful. I especially like your legs."

"You didn't say anything about the way my legs were wrapped around you when you were fucking me just now?"

"I was very much aware of the way you were hanging on to me with your arms and your legs. Was that too much for you?"

"It was beautiful," she said, pushing me onto my back and falling on top of me. I held her until we drifted off to sleep. It was mid-afternoon when we awoke, both starving.

The things I'd said about her being beautiful must have been convincing. Paige didn't seem to mind that her hair was in tangles and sweat was dried to her skin as we wolfed down the sandwiches we had taken to the beach.

"What would you like to do now?" she asked, holding up an apple and a pear for me to choose which one I wanted. I picked the pear.

"I would like to take some pictures of you in the swimsuit."

She was noncommittal; making me wonder what was going through her mind. Was an explanation in order? Should I tell her that I wanted to save something for tonight, our last night together for five days? Should I offer to take her back upstairs and fuck her silly?

"Give me time to make myself pretty," she said, looking sexy as she took a bite out of her apple. She avoided me and ran up the stairs when she saw my cock jump to attention.

I used the time to take a shower and put on my new swim trunks. When she returned, her hair was groomed and her face was made up to be photographed. As said before, the swimsuit was two-piece and conservative, but her natural curves stood out.

We started in the gazebo, taking shot after shot of her in provocative poses. Next, I opened the barn door and asked her to stand next to the Studebaker.

"You're not going to use my picture to advertise these cars," she said in absolute seriousness.

"These pictures are strictly to refresh my memory when you're not here," I assured her.

She came near me, so near that I dropped the camera to my side and watched to see what she would do.

"Brian, do you need pictures to remember what I look like? I'll never forget the expression on your face or the feeling it gave me when you were pounding me."

Concerned, I took her in my arms. "Did I hurt you?"

"You didn't hurt me. I told you before that it was beautiful. You made me a new woman. I'd never felt anything like that before."

"Are you sure, Paige?"

"I trust you, Brian."

I closed the barn door, deciding that I didn't need pictures of her posing with the antique automobiles. She grabbed the camera and took several pictures of me before running toward the house. When I caught up with her, she was punching a number into the phone.

"Nadine, we've decided to take you up on your offer to loan us a bed," Paige said into the mouthpiece, glancing mischievously at me. There was a pause while she listened and before she spoke again.

"I didn't say there is anything wrong with the floor. It fact, we may still do it on the floor. The bed is for sleeping. I need my rest and I'm sure Brian does too, if he would just admit it."

Paige blew me a kiss while she listened.

"We'll be right over," she said before placing the receiver in its cradle.

Nadine held her tongue when we showed up in our swimwear to collect the bed. Fred helped me load the bulky pieces in my truck and offered to come to the house to help carry them up the stairs, but Paige said it wasn't necessary. We thanked the Meriwethers for their generosity and left them on their front steps, grinning smugly as we drove away.

Getting the heavy pieces up the stairs was a struggle, but Paige was determined, saying it would be worth our efforts. I suppose it was. We launched the bed on its maiden voyage, liked the results and took our ship for two more cruises, once that night and again the following morning.

Nadine arrived early, wanting to know if the bed had been 'comfortable' and 'restful.' We assured her that it was to our liking.

The Monday morning meeting went per plan. All votes passed, ninety-one to zero. The contractors were to be awarded their contracts and I was to order the auto magazine's mailing list.

As we adjourned the meeting, I saw Mr. McMahan drive by the house. It looked like someone else was sitting in the passenger's seat.

Moments later, Paige was ready to go. I could tell that she had something on her mind as we drove to the bus station.

"You seem reticent to talk about our sexual encounters. Personally, I've never felt more alive. I'm constantly titillated, looking forward to our next time. I don't know what's come over me."

Was she being serious? We'd talked about nothing else all weekend. I'd apologized for being rough, and she'd said it was beautiful. I decided she needed to be reassured that it was good for me.

"Paige, we had one hell of a good weekend. You keep me constantly titillated, too, and I'm already looking forward to next weekend. I wouldn't change a thing, except make it longer if I could."

"Would you like it if I came on Thursday instead of Friday?"

"Of course I would, but we know you're committed to Fridays."

"What if I stayed until Tuesday next weekend?"

"You'd probably kill me, but I'd die happy."

"Do you think I'm oversexed?"

"I think that once you decided to have sex with me, thinking that it would be a short-term fling with no strings attached, you found that you liked it more than you ever imagined, and now you're fighting the Thanksgiving deadline. No, I don't think you're oversexed."

She looked sad, and I was afraid that I'd hurt her feelings for telling her what I thought.

"It doesn't have to be a short-term fling," she said in a soft voice.

We'd arrived at the bus station and were waiting for her bus to pull in.

"Paige, we've only had one weekend together. Next week could be completely different. It may not match our expectations. Anyway, it was your idea that I finish by Thanksgiving."

"It doesn't have to be Thanksgiving. You could come back."

The bus arrived and passengers were getting on. We walked together, holding each other and exchanging kisses.

"Call me tonight. We'll discuss it then," I said, releasing her.

"I don't want to discuss it tonight. I want you to say you'll come back."

"I'll come back," I said, and got a teary smile in return.

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bruce22bruce22over 14 years ago
Pleasant Story

Interesting how Paige withdrew so much in the first few chapters. I know that I would have gotten angry with her tendency to hang up the telephone. In a way she would be too controling for my tastes. But it is a beautiful story and to each his own!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

This story is growing on me, it is well crafted drawing the reader into the plot and making the reader empathise with the main characters.

For me Bryan and Paige seem to have a great future and futher stories could be developed.

many thanks for this great story

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Looking forward to each chapter

Liked the dialogue between the lovers, as it reinforced how comfortable they have become with each other. The last lines were very well done.

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