Divisional Rivals Ch. 01

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Evan makes a move on the quiet girl on the treadmill.
9.4k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/21/2021
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Hi, everyone. This is a commission series that I'm working on. It's a bit different from what I've written in the past. Most of this first chapter is plot and exposition, FYI.

This is my first foray into these themes so I would appreciate any feedback. Definitely not my normal cup of tea and would love any suggestions/advice.

But anyway, I hope you all like it.

Warning: Contains Male on Futa content. If that's not your thing, here's your heads up.




'After this last set, I'll go talk to her.' Evan said to himself, stepping into the squat rack for his final reps.

He was, of course, referring to the girl currently on a treadmill that he had been staring at in one of the several campus gyms for the past couple months. She was almost always in the gym around the same time he was because their schedules lined up for whatever reason, but he had never spoken a word to her and, from what he had seen, she had never spoken a word to anyone. Still, that didn't dissuade him from finally deciding to try to get to know her.

She was very pretty and cute in a way that seemed effortless. Her long hair was pitch black and always done up in a ponytail, bouncing around freely as she moved. He hadn't seen much of her body since, unlike most of the girls in gyms who wore yoga pants and tank tops, she always opted for somewhat baggy sweatpants and loose-fitting t-shirts. But from what he could see, she was fairly short at only a little over five foot one or so and she definitely had an athletic body under there, her pants unable to completely hide her toned rear end. But that wasn't what really drew his attention. There were plenty of beautiful girls at any time in any gym on campus. There was just something different about her that made him want to stop and watch from the corner of his eye.

Pressing back up, his legs straining, he racked the bar and let out a long breath. It had taken him four months, but he was finally back into acceptable shape. Coming out of high school, he had been pretty athletic, despite eating plenty of junk food around the clock. Sports and physical activity had helped to balance that out. However, since he wasn't good enough to play at the division 1 level that his college competed at, even in his best sport of Football, his fitness had fallen off a cliff after high school. But his high calorie intake had not. Add in the high quantity of alcohol, specifically beer, that came along with college parties, and the 'Freshman Fifteen' had turned into more like twenty pounds in only a year. As soon as he returned home for the summer after that freshman year, it had been immediately noticed and commented on by his family and friends that he had put on some weight.

After a month of hearing that, Evan had finally had enough and started to watch himself that June. Now, at the end of September, he had dropped the twenty pounds he had gained and even managed to put on a little muscle to his surprise, even though he didn't do any crazy workouts. And now that he was finally in shape, he had been able to relax his strict diet and still maintain his body weight. But that was all an afterthought right now. It was time to go introduce himself to....oh, she left.

Cursing himself for missing her, Evan snatched his water bottle off the nearby bench and gulped down the remainder of the liquid before tossing it into the recycling bin and heading into the locker room to change out of his sweaty clothes.

Leaving the gym and into the campus, Evan heard his stomach growl, reminding him he had forgotten to eat lunch that day. At least there was a food court nearby so he could grab something before heading to his last class of the day.

There were a bunch of food spots scattered around. This one was more of a cafeteria style with a bunch of different options and types of food. Lately, Evan had found himself hooked on turkey sandwiches since they were quick and easy and could be taken with him if he didn't finish eating there. So, he made his way to the sandwich bar and fixed up the usual. Turkey on a roll with pepper jack cheese, onions, mayo, and every kind of pepper they had in stock from sweet to jalapeno. Humming absentmindedly, he turned and exited toward the seating area, suddenly stopping in place. He recognized the ponytail over in the corner. It was her. The treadmill girl. She had changed her clothes, like him, but it was definitely her. Well, it was now or never.

Casually walking over to the table that she was alone at towards the back of the sitting area, he slid into a chair across from her, smiling at her as she looked up from her tuna wrap.

"Hi, do you mind if I sit here?" he asked.

The girl just shrugged and took another bite of her wrap, uncaring.

"My name's Evan." Evan continued. "We actually work out at the same time most days. I figured I would introduce myself."

The girl looked back up and stared at him, her gorgeous, green eyes very piercing now that he saw them up close, but she still didn't say a word. After a few seconds of silence, Evan dug into his sandwich, taking a mouthful of turkey and veggies.

"Oh, yeah, you're the yank."

"Hmm?" Evan glanced up from his food, confused by the first words she had said to him.

"The Yankee." She repeated, pointing to his head. "The New Yorker."

Evan was stumped for a moment until it finally clicked in his brain that he always wore the same hat, which was a blue, New York Giants snapback.

"Ah, yep I'm from New York." Evan laughed, taking note of the subtle twangy accent she had. "I take it you aren't, then?"

Without a word, the girl reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone to show him the case, which was emblazoned with a familiar navy star on a silver-grey background. Oh, boy. A Cowboys fan.

"That answer your question?" she asked, an eyebrow raised, challengingly, before putting the phone back.

"Yikes. Guess you probably don't like me too much, then." Evan replied.

"Don't judge people so quickly." The girl said back, taking another bite of her food as the silence grew once again while she chewed. "My name is Alex."

"Nice to meet you, Alex. So, is that phone cover just for show or are you actually a fan?"

Alex narrowed her glittering eyes at him, taking a sip from her iced tea.

"Oh, I'm a fan all right. It brings me great joy every time your Giants get pummeled by someone."

"Ouch!" Evan chuckled. "Those are fighting words where I come from."

"Just wearing that hat is liable to start a fight where I'm from." Alex quipped.

"Want to watch the games this weekend? I have Sundays free and a pretty nice setup in my room."

Alex's eyes narrowed again even more severely.

"What, you lookin' to get laid or something?" she sniffed. "Forget it, playboy. I'm not that easy."

She finished her statement by staring pointedly at his shirt, which was emblazoned by his fraternity's letters, Kappa Rho Alpha.

"Huh. Now who's the one that's quick to judge?" Evan commented. "Not all fraternities are like the ones you see on TV, you know."

He held her gaze for a good fifteen seconds until she relented and looked away.

"Maybe." She sighed, seemingly unconvinced. "Sorry about that. Anyways, I've got to go. My class starts soon."

Before he could say anything else, she had scooped up her plate and backpack and was headed for the exit. Evan shook his head and went back to work on his sandwich. To most men, that conversation probably would have put them off chasing after her any further, but to Evan, it only intrigued him that much more. The fact that she had a sharp tongue and was cautious was all positive in his book. He wasn't ready to give up just yet.


The next day was Evan's major cardio day so he didn't see Alex in the gym. He preferred to run outside, as opposed to using the treadmills. To his surprise, though, as he finished up his three mile loop of the lower campus and popped in the cafeteria to grab a cold drink, he spotted her right where she had been yesterday at the same table. He snagged a Gatorade from the beverage cooler and checked out in a hurry before heading over to where she was.

"Tuna again, huh?" he said, noticing her wrap.

Alex stared at him with those emerald eyes, her expression very reminiscent of a cat that had been pet for too long and was slightly annoyed.

"You again, huh?" she copied his tone. "Thought you had given up when I didn't see you in the gym."

"Nah, I just like running outside instead of using the machines."

He sat down at the table, taking a long swig from his Gatorade.

"So, you're from Texas."




"Lived there your whole life?"


Evan paused, her short, crisp answers making him smile despite himself.

"I get the feeling you don't like me, Alex." He laughed.

"More like I find you weird. Why are you talking to me?"

"Well, that's how you get to know people, right?" he shrugged. "You're the one who told me not to judge people too quickly. Can't get to know someone without talking to them."

Alex rolled her eyes but relented and sat back from her food, crossing her arms over her chest.

"All right, I'll bite." She said. "What do you want to know about me."

"Oh..." Evan's brain froze up on him. "Actually, I'm not sure."

To his surprise, Alex finally cracked a smile, her plush lips curving upwards.

"I was right. You are weird."

"Wait, wait! You put me on the spot too quick. Okay, I'm ready. What year are you?"

"I'm a freshman." She answered. "What about you?"

"Sophomore. Your major?"


"Yikes, science." Evan shuddered. "Not my strong suite."

"Oh, yeah? What exactly is your strong suite?"

"Annoying girls from Texas named Alex."

That actually made her laugh, a clear and beautiful sound that Evan loved to listen to, even though it was short lived.

"Finally, something we agree on." She smiled. "But I was referring to your major."


"Okay, Evan. You get one more question and then I have to head to class. Better make it good."

"In that case, what's your phone number?" Evan asked, without hesitating.

To his delight, she laughed again and then held out her hand, palm up.

"Give me your phone."

Evan passed it over to her and when she handed it back, she had entered her contact in it.

"That's all for today, playboy."

She stood up from the table.

"Just so you know, the offer's still open." Evan called, as she was about to walk away. "You can come watch the games with me if you want."

Alex paused for a moment.

"I'll think about it."

And then she was gone.

Well, he hadn't exactly gotten a date with her yet, but this was definitely major progress. Two days ago, he had never spoken to her. Yesterday, she had seemed to think pretty little of him. Today, he had gotten her number. Big progress. Hopefully he could keep that trend going. Definitely ending the week on a high. Add that to the fact that he didn't have any late classes on Fridays, and Evan was feeling good going into the weekend, so he quickly finished his drink and headed over to where he had parked his truck, driving the couple minutes back to his fraternity house.

The Kappa Rho Alpha house wasn't actually a house. It was one of the old dormitory buildings that had been rendered obsolete when the new complexes were built about ten years ago. The fraternity being an old one that had been around nearly as long as the college, it had lots of alumni members and that meant plenty of funding for the chapter. The alumni association had purchased the building from the school and converted it into the new residence for the fraternity.

It was an ideal housing arrangement. Just off the edge of the campus, far enough away from the school to draw any attention and close enough to be within walking distance of everything. It had sixty rooms total across four floors, more than enough to house the current forty-three active brothers. The bottom floor was great for everything else that the fraternity needed, too. A huge, main open space made up most of the ground floor which had been refurbished into an event hall for hosting parties and stuff. There was also a conference room off to one side and a couple offices for all the paperwork and business side of things that had to be done. Even better, the older rooms in the building were nearly twice the size of the tiny, cramped new dorm rooms on campus and every brother got their own to themselves. Rent was paid directly to the alumni association and was cheaper than the cost of living on campus. Perfect.

Evan knew that many of his brothers would be heading out that evening to hit up the other Greek houses and the bars, but he wasn't really feeling it that night, preferring to stay in instead and play some videogames. Going to the bars wouldn't be any good since he was still only nineteen and the bars in town were super strict on catching fake ID's. Besides, Kappa always hosted their own parties on Saturday nights instead, so there would be plenty of drinking and music to be had tomorrow. When Saturday did roll around, he was well rested and ready to have a good time while also making sure everyone enjoyed themselves at the party.

As per usual, Evan was on bar shift. That was his favorite thing to do during parties. The main room had a large, U-shaped bar at the back with a few kegerators and there was always a brother or two on duty behind there, pouring drinks from stacks of solo cups. Evan loved it because he could just sit there all night pouring and drinking beer while chatting everyone up. Nearly everyone came to him at some point in the night to get a drink, so it was super easy to start conversations and do some subtle recruitment to the males at the same time. It also meant he wasn't packed in the crowd.

Sometime around eleven o'clock, about an hour after they had opened their doors at ten, one of Evan's brothers, Shane, came behind the bar and tapped him on the shoulder.

"What's up, bro?" Evan called over the loud music emanating from the DJ booth on the other side of the room.

"Some girls at the front door." Shane shouted back. "One of them doesn't have her ID. Asked for the brother named Evan from New York. Figured she must be talking about you."

"Can you watch the bar for a minute?"

"Sure, I got you."

Confused about who was asking for him, Evan made his way around the bar and squeezed his way through the room. It was pretty packed with about a hundred and fifty or so people having a good time, so it was no easy feat making it through without bumping any drinks or anything, but he made it, sliding out of the crowd and out to the front door. Three more of his brothers, Mike, Allen, and Zack were out there on shift as well. They always had three guys manning the front door just to check everyone's student ID and do a quick bag search if they had a backpack with them. Sure enough, there were four girls standing out front. To his surprise, Alex was one of them.

He almost didn't recognize her in her different clothes. She had forgone the loose-fitting sweatpants and t-shirts he always saw her in for a much more party-friendly pair of skinny jeans and a tight tank top that showed off her athletic mid-riff. The jeans hugged every curve on her incredible legs and proved his theory about her having a great ass under those sweatpants. It was perfect. Her black hair was still up in a ponytail, but she had done up her makeup and looked fantastic.

"Hey, what a surprise." He greeted Alex. "I didn't expect to see you here."

"What's the point of exchanging phone numbers if you aren't going to answer when I text you?" Alex complained, rolling her eyes. "Your boys here won't let me in without a student ID."

"Sorry, it's loud in there." Evan apologized. "I must not have heard my phone. Yeah, we require student ID to come in. You don't have your wallet with you?"

"No, I didn't want to lose it. Why the ID, though?"

"So, we don't end up letting undercover cops in. They can't legally present themselves as students, so as long as everyone shows a college ID, we're all good."

"Well, I don't have it."

"Are you a cop?"

Alex gave him one of her signature pissed-off-cat looks, making him smile.

"I happen to have some connections around here. I'll see what I can do."

Turning to Zack, who was the most senior brother on door shift, Evan stepped in so he didn't have to raise his voice too much.

"I know that girl." He explained. "She's clean. Can we let her in without her ID?"

"Okay, just make sure she knows for next time." Zack replied.

Evan returned to the girls, giving them a thumbs up.

"You're all set to go inside. If you do have an ID, show it to him."

He pointed towards Mike.

"If you have a bag, give it to him for a quick search."

He pointed towards Allen.

"If you're drinking from our bar, it's five bucks. You can pay him..."

He pointed to Zack.

"And he'll put a stamp on your hand that will be your ticket for drinks all night."

Alex made a face at that.

"Beer? No, thanks. We brought some liquor. What's with the bag searches?"

"We don't allow any drugs on our premises. If people want to smoke or get high, they gotta do it off the property."

"Wow, that's surprisingly responsible for a fraternity." Alex raised an eyebrow. "Oh, yeah, this is Mandy, Kim, and Jessica. Girls, this is Evan."

Evan greeted the three of them and then turned back to Alex.

"I'll be behind the bar all night if you need anything. Have a good time and enjoy yourselves."

With that, he headed back in and retook his shift spot from Shane, very pleased that Alex had showed up unexpectedly.

He didn't see her for a while after that as she was somewhere in the crowd and he was behind the bar, engrossed in his job and having a good time himself. Sometime just after one in the morning, though, she slid up to the bar and flagged him down. He could tell right away that she had indeed been drinking the liquor she had brought. Her face was slightly flushed and there was the distinct smell of vodka coming from her breath.

"It's pretty loud and hot in here." She called over the bar top. "Is there somewhere quiet I can sit down for a little bit?"

"Yeah, just a second."

Evan waved over a nearby brother who was roving the room and asked him to watch his post for a minute, then told Alex to follow him. He led her to the back of the room and through a black curtain that closed off the stairs to the public and to his room on the third floor, unlocking it and ushering her inside.

"Is this your room?" she asked, a slight slur in her speech. "It's pretty nice actually."

Evan definitely agreed to that. With the large amount of space, he was able to fit a queen-sized bed, a futon, a couple dressers for clothes, and a huge flatscreen TV he had gotten secondhand from a pawn shop on one wall. Also, as his only roommate was himself, he had put posters and signs on the walls. Alex probably wouldn't have reacted to well to the Giants' posters and Lawrence Taylor jersey, but she was tipsy enough not to notice and took a seat on his bed, sighing contentedly.

"Are your friends all right?"

"Yeah, they're still downstairs. They ain't drank quite as much as me."

Evan noted that her Texas accent became more prevalent when she had been drinking. Cute.

"Stay here as long as you want. I'm locking the door behind me so when you leave, just make sure it's locked, okay?"


Locking his room in case any stray partygoers made it upstairs, Evan hustled back down to the bar and took his spot once again, taking a sip from his beer. It was only his fifth of the night, but he wasn't looking to get hammered today so he maintained a steady pace drinking as the party carried on.

Closing time came at three in the morning. Anthony, their resident DJ brother, made the announcement from the DJ booth and the lights came on as all of the active brothers helped to shepherd people out in an orderly fashion, making sure they had all their belonging with them and were able to get home safely. If anyone was ever too drunk to get back to the dorms, there was always a sober brother available to drive people to avoid them being picked up by the cops, who regularly patrolled on weekends looking for publicly intoxicated teens. Luckily, there were no such cases that night and the ending went smoothly.