Divorce Lawyer Pt. 03

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The adventures of a divorce lawyer - Part 3
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Part 3 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/02/2024
Created 05/17/2024
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They caught a flight to San Francisco, then had a 3-hour wait before boarding the 171/2-hour flight to Singapore, arriving just before 6am Singapore local time. They checked into the Marina Bay Sands hotel, three 57-story towers topped and connected by a huge platform that looked like a large ship, containing restaurants, shops, and a rooftop, infinity swimming pool.

"Wow, this is what I call luxury," Penny said as she explored the large, 2-bedroom suite on the 54th floor.

"Our body clocks are going to be totally out of whack," Grant said. "I suggest trying to sleep for a few hours, then I'll give Mrs. Wang a call at a more civilized hour.

Even though she had slept for a great portion of the flight from San Francisco, Penny managed to fall asleep, waking when Grant knocked on her door.

"It's 10am local time," Grant informed her as she sat up, the sheet falling away to reveal her naked breasts. "I called Mrs. Wang and we're going to meet her at 2:00. Hungry?" he asked.

"Starved," Penny replied, getting out of bed and stretching, Grant shaking his head as he looked at her. "Let me take a shower and wake up first."

They went up to the Spago Bar & Lounge restaurant on the roof next to the infinity swimming pool where Penny found that she wasn't just hungry, but ravenous, delighting in the buttermilk pancakes with fresh maple syrup and honey butter, along with two glasses of carrot, pineapple, celery, ginger, and lime juice.

"I cannot believe this view," Penny marveled, looking out over Singapore and the Straits of Molucca as they drank coffee.

"It doesn't get any better than this," Grant agreed.

Going back to their suite, Grant suggested that she dress in something less revealing, explaining that Singapore was very conservative in that regards. They took a taxi to the Bank of Singapore Centre at Market Street, which was located in the heart of Raffles Place, practically in the center of the central business district. When Grant presented his business card at the reception desk, they were escorted to a conference room and offered coffee, with an explanation that Mrs. Wang would be with them shortly.

When a tiny Chinese woman wearing a body-hugging black cheongsam entered, slit up one side to her upper thigh, Penny almost gasped at her beauty, her sloe eyes exotic and her long black hair hanging down almost to her knees.

"Mr. Studder, welcome to Singapore," she said, looking up at him towering over her at 6'5" as they shook hands. "I'm Mai Li Wang."

"This is my co-counsel, Penny Lane, Mrs. Wang," Grant introduced, Penny smiling as they shook hands.

"If you don't mind, I prefer Mai Li," she said, taking a seat. "Thank you for coming all this way. I felt that we needed to speak in person, as any form of electronic communication is susceptible to eavesdropping. You received the retainer?" she asked.

"I did," Grant replied. "Thank you."

"I know that it sounds paranoid, but in certain matters, paranoid is your best bet," Mai Li explained. "We are meeting here at the bank so that your presence won't be immediately noticed, though it will shortly be noted by anyone curious about new arrivals, especially one as renowned as yourself. I'd like to avoid our being connected in any way for as long as possible, for your safety and mine."

"Are we in any danger?" Penny asked.

"Not necessarily, but once things start progressing, you certainly could be," Mai Li replied. "My husband and those that I suspect are behind him are extremely ruthless. For the purposes of this visit, I don't think that you need to worry. You are staying at the Marina Bay Sands as I suggested?" she asked.

"That's correct," Grant replied.

"You'll be fine there," Mai Li said. "It's also a wonderful place. It's possible to have an entire vacation here and never leave the resort."

"What can you tell me about the situation?" Grant asked.

"I recently noticed that $120 million was transferred from my family trust account," Mai Li explained. "It appears to have been sent to an account at the Bank of China in Hong Kong. We have long suspected that the Chinese government is secretly behind certain triad activities and they own the Bank of China. Nobody but me should be able to make a transfer of that sort and I certainly didn't. The only possible suspect is my husband, I'm afraid," she said, frowning. "Ours is mostly a marriage of convenience; I have money, he has political connections. Now I suspect that his connections go beyond Singapore to one of the Hong Kong triads, and that is extremely worrisome. I have my own political connection here and have privately discussed the matter with the Minister of Security, who advised me that they had been keeping an eye on my husband for some time. The Minister of Security and myself are both interested in finding out about the transfer and what ramifications that it might portend."

"I'm a divorce attorney, Mai Li," Grant said. "This sounds to be far outside my scope of expertise."

"Don't sell yourself short, Mr. Studder," Mai Li said, laughing. "I've had you extensively checked out and I believe that you are uniquely qualified to look into this, as well as helping me obtain a divorce. The convenience of my marriage is no longer and I wish it to end. Because you are known as a divorce attorney, you are less likely to arouse suspicions about matters unconnected to divorce."

"If I'm to call you Mai Li, my name is Grant," he said, smiling, "and this is Penny. How would you like me to proceed?" he asked.

"Just as you would with any other divorce," Mai Li replied, "and under that guise to look into other matters. Using anyone local is a non-starter. We have no idea how deeply the triads have penetrated our banking or governmental systems. As an outsider, you're less likely to raise any red flags. I'll be arranging a meeting for you with the Minister of Security, probably tomorrow, and he'll fill you in as he sees appropriate. I have total faith and trust in him, but if I'm wrong, then Singapore is already doomed and there's nothing to be done for it."

"It sounds like a bad spy movie," Penny said.

"Indeed," Mai Li agreed, smiling. "You will help me?" she asked.

"We will," Grant replied firmly.

"Thank you," she said, exhaling deeply. "I'm not afraid to admit that my wa, Chinese for harmony, has been disturbed by everything. It's a great relief to me to know that you'll be helping. How do you imagine that you'll proceed?" she asked.

"I won't really know until I meet with the Minister of Security," Grant replied, "but I'll start by having my research staff look into things as unobtrusively as possible. If it's possible, I'd like a detailed transaction history of the $120 million. That's the best place to start."

"I can arrange for you to have that before you leave the bank today," Mai Li agreed. "In fact, let me arrange that now," she said, picking up the phone on the table and speaking rapidly in Chinese before hanging up.

"Any thoughts, Penny?" Grant asked.

"Is your husband involved with anyone?" Penny asked.

"It wouldn't surprise me in the least," Mai Li replied. "Perhaps more than just one. Ours is not a relationship based on intimacy, so I don't begrudge him finding that elsewhere. As a member of the government, some degree of discretion is required on his part in that regard."

"Are you in any personal danger?" Penny asked.

"Always, though not necessarily because of this particular situation," Mai Li replied. "Any person of great wealth in Singapore is always in danger, primarily from kidnappers, but also from those trying to get their hands on said wealth. I pay a small fortune for a world-class security team, which will be extended to you. Some of the protection will be overt, but most of it you won't even notice."

"Wow!" Penny said, shaking her head.

"Anything else you'd like to know?" Mai Li asked.

"I don't mean to be rude, but are you involved with anyone other than your husband?" Grant asked.

"Not as such," Mai Li replied. "I take my pleasure as I see fit, but it is only that, nothing involved."

"Just so that you understand, I need to know that you will always be totally honest with me and not withhold any information that I need to know," Grant said. "I can't protect you or your interests in the dark."

"I understand," Mai Li said, nodding.

Just then the door opened and a man entered, bowing slightly as he approached and handed Mai Li some papers before turning to leave.

"Here are the financial records you requested," she said, passing them to Grant after quickly glancing at them.

"Thank you," Grant said, slipping them into his briefcase.

"Anything else?" Mai Li asked.

"I can't think of anything," Grant replied. "Penny?" he asked.

"Me, either," Penny said.

"Then I suggest you go back to the resort," Mai Li said. "Someone will contact you there with the necessary information about meeting the Minister of Security."

"Can we find a taxi in front of the bank?" Grant asked.

"It's not allowed in the CBD, Central Business District," Mai Li replied, "only those you call on a smartphone app. But I have something for you," she said, once again picking up the phone and having a quick conversation in Chinese. "If you go downstairs, you will see a blue ComfortDelGro taxi with the license number 5088. It's part of my security team. It will be at your disposal while you're here. Just for your information, it has bulletproofed windows and doors."

"Jesus," Penny muttered.

"It's a necessary sad fact of life," Mai Li said, smiling. "Don't let it bother you. If anything, take comfort from the fact. Remember, 5088. Never get into any other car unless I specifically tell you to. Enjoy the resort. You'll only be staying there for a couple of nights, then I'll be moving you to a more secure place that my security team controls."

"Jesus, Dad," Penny said as they made their way from the bank.

"Pretty crazy, huh?" Grant asked.

"Is it worth it?" Penny asked.

"Actually, this sounds like fun," Grant replied, laughing. "Most divorce cases are boring as hell and mostly the same. At least this one is really different, a new challenge."

"You are nuts," Penny laughed. "Oh, there it is," she said, pointing to the blue ComfortDelGro taxi with the license number 5088.

"Mr. Studder, Miss Lane, I am Chang, your driver," the young man said when they approached his car, opening the rear door for them. "Where would you like to go?" he asked.

"Back to the Marina Bay Sands," Grant replied.

"Very good," Chang said. "I will be here if you have need of a ride," he informed them after the 20-minute ride to the resort.

"Thank you," Grant replied.

"Dad, I want to go try that incredible swimming pool," Penny said, "but I don't have a suit and I don't think that they're going to let me swim naked."

"No, I doubt that they would," Grant laughed. "I need to call the office, so why don't you go shopping. Figure on being here for a while, so don't scrimp. It's all for business, so the office will pick up the tab."

Penny returned to the room almost two hours later, laden with bags.

"Did you leave anything for anyone else?" Grant laughed.

"The clothes here are just out of this world," Penny said. "I even bought a bra."

"God forbid!" Grant laughed.

"And I got you a bathing suit, too," Penny said, tossing him a colorful pair of surfing baggies. "I'm sure that you don't have one with you. Come up to the pool with me."

"Why not?" Grant agreed.

"What do you think?" Penny asked several minutes later when she appeared in his bedroom wearing her new bikini and a thin white beach jacket to cover herself, opening it to show the tube top that just barely contained her full breasts and the almost non-existent bottom, just a small piece of material that didn't do much to hide her pussy, a simple thong going up the crack of her ass.

"That should be illegal," Grant said, shaking his head when he saw her prominent camel-toe, her huge clit visible pressing against the material.

They went up to the roof and ordered mai-tai cocktails at the rooftop bar, then found chaise lounge chairs by the pool.

"This is the life," Penny sighed as she sat back, sucking her drink through a straw.

"We could do worse," Grant allowed.

"So, what's up with the office?" Penny asked.

"I told Amy to be on the next plane out," Grant replied.

"Amy? The frizzy redhead with the big glasses?" Penny asked. "Why her?"

"Besides being one of our best lawyers, she's got a PhD in computer science and is a world-class hacker," Grant replied. "If anyone can figure this mess out, it's Amy."

"I don't really know her," Penny said.

"Now you'll get your chance," Grant said.

"Let's go for a swim," Penny said, getting to her feet. "Come on!" she urged, Grant reluctantly getting to his feet.

"Hey!" he shouted when Penny pushed him into the water, then jumped in after.

"Oh, this feels good," Penny said, moving to the edge of the pool so that she could look out over Singapore. "I could get used to this," she said.

"You'd never want to work," Grant groused, though he enjoyed the view.

After spending half an hour in the water, they got out and lay back on their chaise lounges, Penny wearing a new pair of sunglasses as much to shield her eyes from the sun as to afford her some privacy.

"I like the way people are looking at me," she said, turning to smile at her father.

"They're only checking to see if you're actually wearing anything," Grant said. "Maybe you should close your legs," he suggested, seeing how she was sitting with her feet flat on the chaise lounge as wide apart as it would allow.

"Well, you're the first guy who ever said that to me," Penny laughed.

"Why don't we go take a nap, then see about dinner?" Grant suggested. "I'm feeling my body clock."

"I wouldn't mind a nap myself," Penny agreed.

They returned to their suite and showered, Penny falling asleep within minutes of hitting her bed. When she woke up, it was dark outside. Going to her father's room, she gently shook his shoulder to wake him.

"Wha...Jesus, Penny," Grant gasped when he awoke, looking up to see her standing naked next to his bed, the long inner lips of her pussy pouting apart beneath her huge clit right above his face.

"I'm hungry," she said, smiling at the look on his face.

"Maybe you should get dressed," he suggested.

"How about an appetizer first?" she asked.

"Go get dressed," Grant said as he sat up, reaching for her and spinning her around and slapping her on her naked ass. "Christ on a crutch," he muttered, shaking his head as she left the room.

"You like?" Penny asked when they met in the living room. "I got it this afternoon when I went shopping," she explained turning around so that he could see her new dress, a pale green strapless dress that hugged her breasts just above her nipples and came down to her upper thighs.

"I can just see some woman slapping her husband when he drools when he sees you," Grant said. "You look wonderful."

"Thanks," she said, smiling. "I checked and there's a seafood restaurant here, DB Bistro & Oyster Bar. It looks scrumptious."

"Lead the way," Grant said.

"We should have champagne," Penny suggested when they were seated and the server came to take their drink order.

"A bottle of Krug Grand Cuvée," Grant ordered.

"Mmm, delicious," Penny said when it was served. "You order for both of us. Impress me."

Grant ordered Beluga caviar, blue crab salad with avocado, cucumber and sauce Louie, and a Royal seafood platter that contained a dozen raw oysters, Maine lobster, giant prawns, and tuna tartare.

"God, that was without a doubt the best meal I've ever had," Penny said when they finished. "I wish I had room for more."

Returning to their suite, they found a sealed envelope that had been pushed under the door containing an invitation to meet with Minister of Security Freddy Chung the following morning at 10:00, informing them that a car was being sent for them.

Grant said good-night and went to his room to undress. He was just getting into bed when Penny appeared, naked.

"Penny!" Grant said, shaking his head in exasperation.

"We didn't have any dessert and I thought that you'd let me suck your cock," Penny said, smiling.

"We've been over this already, Penny," Grant said.

"I know, but you've let me suck your cock twice," Penny said. "What does it matter now that I've done it? If I wasn't your daughter, would you let me suck you?" she asked.

"But you are my daughter," Grant pointed out as she approached him, one hand between her legs rubbing circles around her huge clit.

"And I want to suck your cock," Penny said, reaching out and grabbing it through his boxer shorts, feeling it immediately begin to harden in her hand, the head sticking up out of the waistband of his boxers.

"Penny," Grant sighed as she sank to her knees in front of him, pulling his boxers down and releasing his cock.

"Why can't you just enjoy it?" she asked, taking the head of his cock into her mouth.

"Jesus!" Grant gasped as she went all the way down on him, her nose pressing against his belly as his cock throbbed deep in her throat.

Penny didn't waste the opportunity, voraciously attacking his cock, determined to get him off as quickly as possible. Groaning, Grant sat down on the bed and watched as his daughter devoured his cock, constantly taking all of it into her mouth and down her throat. It wasn't long before he erupted in her mouth, blasting cum as she gulped it down, siphoning his cock, slurping at the slit as the last bits oozed from it before once again going all the way down on him and milking him dry with her mouth and throat before finally sitting back licking her lips, a big smile on her face.

"That was great!" she gasped, smiling up at him, her tongue darting out to probe the slit of his cock for the bubble of cum that appeared there. "Do you like my cocksucking?" she asked, rolling her tongue around the head of his cock.

"You're every bit as good as your mother, and she's the best," Grant replied, shaking his head in disbelief as he watched her softly sucking on the head of his cock.

"Mom sucks cock?" Penny asked.

"Your mother was born to suck cock," Grant replied.

"That's what I always felt about myself, ever since I sucked my first one," Penny said, smiling. "I can't explain it, but I love the feel of a cock in my mouth, and nothing is better than when it cums. God, I love cum, and you cum buckets."

"Maybe you'll go to bed now?" Grant suggested as she got to her feet, unable to avoid staring at her pussy right in front of him, seeing the moisture riming her long inner lips and dripping down onto the floor.

"Can I suck you whenever I like now?" Penny asked.

"Will I be able to stop you?" Grant asked.

"I'll let you figure that out," Penny laughed, turning and leaving the room.

"Christ on a crutch," Grant muttered as he got into bed.

After enjoying breakfast once again the next morning at Spago Bar & Lounge restaurant on the roof next to the infinity swimming pool where Penny gorged herself on the delicious buttermilk pancakes, they returned to their suite to dress to go meet Minister of Security Freddy Chung.

"Well?" Penny asked, turning in a circle so that her father could see her new outfit, a black, mid-thigh-length skirt and a black blouse.

"Are you actually wearing a bra?" Grant asked, smiling.

"Well, I didn't think that it would be a good idea to meet the Minister of Security with my nipples sticking out," Penny replied.

"There's hope for you yet," Grant said.

"I'm not totally crazy," Penny said with a laugh, flipping her skirt up to show that she wasn't wearing any panties.

"I hope that you won't be showing him that," Grant said, sighing as he looked at her pussy.
