Do I Really Want Some More?


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He got closer. I got closer too. Didn't I just push him away? Why am I thinking, I yelled in my head?

His breath was on my neck. I could smell mint on it. There was something else though. At first, I could not understand what I smelled. Then it hit me, wet male skin. Not sweat, but wet like from a shower.

Sounds of Jackie moving came through at that moment, but I pictured a guy like this on a beach as the life guard. Ready to jump in and save me, and he had already in a way. I didn't want saving really. If he did, he had been reluctant about it. That made it ok, the feeling that he was willing to let me drown. Shit! I am crazy.

Suddenly, his hands gripped my upper arms in a firm but a loose touch. I could move away, but I felt connected to him. I looked up into his blue green eyes. "What are you going to do to me?" I asked meekly.

He paused. "Carry you to your bed, and have my way with you." He said.

"What if I don't let you?" I asked.

"Then I will go home with soaking wet clothes and you will be left untouched." He said jokingly. "Do you want me to carry you to bed?"

"I don't know." I said. Realizing I wanted him to do exactly that. Would he really stop though?

"I can work with that response for now. Later, you will have to be more firm. " He pulled me in for a kiss, and we French kissed a long time. I couldn't think of anything else except how much I wanted this guy. Fuck the bed, let's do it here I thought. Was that too slutty? Argh! I wrapped my arms and finally touched that back of his.

Our tongues intertwined in a sensual manner. He was so playful, teasing me with his teeth and biting lightly on my lips and trying to push my tongue back into my mouth with his. I didn't even consider that was possible for a guy before. Guys before him were so amateurish in kissing.

After time had stopped and finally restarted, he bent down slightly and grabbed my ass firmly and lifted me.

Holy shit. Then he tossed me in the air like I was a little kid to land cradled in his arms. I gasped and grasped. "Careful, no sudden movement or I might drop you." He said calmly, but no man has ever lifted me so easily since I was a kid. I was excited and horrified at the same time. My arms wrapped around his very thick neck. I felt safe. Like being with my Dad, only ten times better.

He walked up the stairs with me in his arms, and pushed through the open doorway of my bedroom. He literally threw me on the bed. I bounced and laughed at the experience.

Jackie was already in the room. Did she go up first?

This was it. He was going to tear my skirt and panties off and fuck my ass off. He was I just knew it. He looked around the room.

Chapter Four

"This stops now Jackie!" He said firmly. He took a few steps back and looked around the room again.

"I can't and won't do this, not here anyway." He said seriously.

He stood there like a massive rock unmoving.

"I knew it as soon as I walked in here. Honestly, it will only take ten minutes to fix."

"You promise, ten minutes. I am walking home just like this if it is eleven." He said seriously.

"I promise, both of us can do it in ten after I explain."

"Ok, but I have to wait at the top of the stairs. I can't look at this disgusting room."

"No problem, Adam, just let me explain to her before your timer starts."

He walked out of the room. Presumably to stand at the top of the stairs, I guess. What the hell happened? Did I do something wrong?

"Hurry Lizzy, we don't have much time. He will walk home naked to prove his point."

"Time, what?"

"Your bedroom is a mess, there are clothes all over and the bed is not made."

"I don't understand, no guy ever cared before." I said.

"Have you ever had Super sex?"

"What's Super sex?"

"If you are asking then the answer is no. Hurry, get some clean sheets as we talk, we can pickup as I explain."

I ran to the laundry closet to get my favorite set of blue paisley print sheets. When I returned the bed was already stripped of coverings.

I tossed half of the fitted sheet to her that I held in my hand.

"Why are we doing this? I just put these on a couple days ago." I asked.

"You are going to get the best sex of your life, and your game has to be tight with this particular man to get it. He will not fuck in a pig's sty as he calls it."

"My bedroom?" I asked. It wasn't that messy. Hell, I just moved in a month ago.

"Yea." The sheets went on fast, and we made the bed in a blink.

"So, how do you fit into this? I mean, I am not into girls, really." I said.

Hahaha. "You have this all wrong. I am not into girls either. This is not for Jack's benefit. He could probably choose any woman he wants if he has enough time to do it. He is going to show you a good time because I asked him to, or rather begged. You probably will even forget I am here once you two get started. You did not make a very good first impression."

"Well, circumstances..." I started to say. She went on like a bull dozer.

"Look, under that makeup you wore earlier, you are a pretty woman. I would still brush my hair if I was you before he comes back. It will get bed head anyway, but still. "

Bed was made, and the clothes on my siting chair were try-on clothes. I just didn't make time to put them away, ever. They went into the closet and hung in mere seconds. After all, the hangers were still on them. Asshole, these are clean clothes.

Jackie had been gathering the clothes on the floor, and went into the bathroom as I finished up. Her perfect hourglass shape was exotic to look at. Her ass wiggled as walked away. I wasn't attracted to her, but she wasn't a turn off either.

I picked up all my shoes on the floor and put them in the closet, and closed the door.

"Five minutes." Adam bellowed.

"Quick, brush your hair." She said, and glided to the bed herself.

I went into the bathroom, brushed my hair, my teeth, and heard.

"That's it. Time's up." He said.

I spit out the toothpaste, wiped my mouth and hurried into the room.

He looked stiff as he looked around the room, then took a deep breath, and like a spring uncoiled.

"My side?" He asked.

"Yes, like always." Jackie volunteered.

Adam sat on the bed, then moved so his upper half was sitting up on the pillows leaning against the wooden headboard.

He held out his left hand to Jackie. She handed him a large square piece of plastic.

"Let's get a couple things straight before we begin." He said. Jackie rolled her eyes. "Adam, you take the fun out of getting started." She whined.

"I don't care." He said.

"What things?" I asked.

"Number one, no anal sex, or rather no anal penetration into my ass or yours. Don't ask me, so I won't disappoint you later."

Huh. He is telling me he won't do anal? Is that a deal breaker? I mean, I enjoyed it with a small dildo in the bath once in a while. Why is he telling me this?

"OK, and the next thing." I asked sarcastically.

"I wear condoms with you, period. Jackie doesn't need them."

That seemed like a no brainer, but now I wasn't as excited. The mood was dead. Maybe it showed on my face?

"I told you that would kill the mood." Jackie said.

"Then we can go home, no problem." He said.

"Yeah, maybe you should", I thought but said nothing.

"Adam, please, I can rekindle the fire." Jackie said.

How? I thought.

He looked serious. "You don't think I can." He asked.

"I know you can, but I want to try. Please, let me try first. "She said. He thought for a while, and then a single nod from him and a smile as big as half a cantaloupe graced her face. Is she going to try to entice me? I told her I wasn't into women earlier. What part of that did she not understand?

Jackie's form got closer to him. I watched as she grazed his skin with her fingers from her left hand. She stroked up his arm and down his chest. His face didn't change, but his toes curled. I saw them.

When she changed positions and stroked his boxers, he brushed her hand away from his crotch. She laughed. Now this was getting interesting. Why would he do that?

Her strokes went down his thigh, and she shivered. He flexed his left thigh, she shivered again. "No fair." She said.

"Who says I play fair?" He stated, but his voice seemed to crack as if holding back laughter.

I saw goose bumps appear on his chest. A chest that was almost bare of hair. Sparse hair started just above his navel and proceeded down in an upside down V shape. A few straggly hairs were around his nipples and seemed to get bumps with each stroking of Jackie's hand. I was so close I could see his belly inhale and exhale.

Holy shit, when did I cross the room? I could clearly see him up close now. Those valleys between his abs muscles just looked yummy. I wanted to feel them, and maybe draw lines in the creases with my fingertips.

His chest flexed, and Jackie backed away. "Done?" he asked. Her breathing increased in speed.

"No, damn you, I can do this. Can I at least bring Mr. Happy out to play?" She asked.

"No, but I will let you touch the material covering him." He said.

Mr. what?

"Lizzy, could you stroke his upper arm for me? He likes his upper thighs and upper arms touched by female hands." Jackie said. My first real touch of his bare skin excited me.

"Uh, I guess." They were good looking arms. Large muscles and I could not get my hand around that upper arm. It looked powerful. Had I gotten even closer to touch?

I stroked his upper right arm, and it moved slowly. The tricep I felt was like a rock. He started playing with my navel of all things. Moving his index finger in a slow circle around the bumpy flesh, I tried to concentrate. I looked to what Jackie was doing, and her left hand was moving the grey material finding something just under it.

OMG, his hand was under my breast now, and not grabbing at my tit. He was just massaging the flesh near my stomach. Why is he taking so long to touch my tits? Every guy touches them within seconds of them being exposed. What is taking so long?

I shook them a little. He laughed a little, but it didn't move his hand any more North.

"There is Mr. Happy." Jackie said happily.

I looked down at his tented boxers. At least they were tented close to the edge of his right leg opening.

That could not be right. Didn't body builders have small dicks because of steroids? I mean, in college, the steroid guys had a lot of acme too. This guy's skin was slightly tan and flawless. This object didn't look particularly small even though still mostly hidden. It bulged. Why hide it? Shouldn't a guy flaunt something like that? What was I missing?

Was I turned on knowing it was bigger than I expected? No. I wasn't, I was just curious.

Something else was turning me on. Jackie's response and movements started the fire. Her hand sensually moving up and down the shaft through the material and her face was showing pure bliss.

This was hot. Her black hand was going up and down his legs and caused his bulge to jump. The head poked out the leg hole and Adam covered it up and I screamed inside. "Set Mr. Happy free!"

After he adjusted himself, I felt him tug at my waist. I eased forward, and he reached in between my legs. Holy shit, his hand was a mere inch below my pussy and sawing between my legs. I went to move his hand closer, trying to pull it into my panty clad sex, and he refused to move it. I could not force that solid steel of bone and muscle up into me. I tried twice more, and finally gave up. "Please, Jack, touch me there." The slut inside me had won. It galled how much I wanted him to touch me.

"Put a condom on me first." He said, like it was no big deal.

Jackie slithered away, but she was panting, and her ass was literally shaking. What was going on with her?

"Ok." I said. Then he quickly pulled my skirt down, exposing my panties. Did it show I was wet? I felt like I was wet. What if he doesn't like my panties?

Was that the first move? Everything else seemed slow, this seemed unplanned and deliberate.

"You have nice looking legs." He said simply, and I wondered how come he didn't mention the panties until, "I love the color of your panties too." He said finally. That had to be his third compliment. Why was I keeping track of fucking compliments coming from him? Did his mention that I had almost solved my own problem in the kitchen count as one? It couldn't have, it seemed so back handed at the time. It had to count as number four though I think.

I placed my fingers in the band of my panties on each side and he stopped me.

"Not yet. I want you to savor the moment for a little longer. Trust me. I will take them off eventually."

"OK." I said a little unsure. Thoughts of weird things went through my mind. He doesn't like pussies? Is he just going to cum on the outside of my panties? Is he going to get me all hot, and then not follow through? This seemed weird since it has never happened to me before. Guys just go to town when the panties come off.

I glanced over at Jackie. She was sitting up at the foot of the bed, with her panties still on. She was teasing the outside of them. Her black skin perfectly melded with her nipples on her chest. Her breasts were smaller than mine, but fit her frame. I had never seen skin so black. She was smiling. Like a crazed cat she was smiling. When she saw me looking she nodded her head.

It must mean something, but what?

Adam got out of bed. He pulled his boxers down, freeing his dick to plop out straight ahead parallel to the ground.

I felt him place something in my hand, but I was looking at his crotch. He had trimmed the pubic area so his pubes were not curly and long like my last lover's area. That is not what had my attention. His dick, although enormous, looked like it was circumcised. It didn't hold my attention either. His nut sack wasn't essentially appealing either. They were not especially big compared to his dick. Not small, just normal, proportional.

The problem was the crease between his legs and crotch. I had never in my life seen such a perfect fit for some reason. He had a cut look, but the muscles were bold at the creases. There was no fat there, or I guess on his whole body. The black short hairs stood out against his flesh. Is this how a man is supposed to look like there? It seemed more natural and elegant at the same time. Masculinity oozed from him in every potential body part I had seen. I wondered what his ass looked like.

I tried to focus on his dick. "Wow, it's a big dick." I said.

I heard some scratching noise from Jackie, and then the tempo of it increased. I didn't give it much thought though with this man standing in front of me, naked.

"It's just a dick. It is nothing special." He said humbly. "Now, put the condom on!" He said firmly.

"Yes, sir!" I said sarcastically, yet he took it for his due. It was odd. I opened the package and pulled out the latex covering. The diameter seemed bigger than I remembered, and I couldn't help but nibble at his cock a little before I put it on. It had almost no taste, and I smelled a hint of soap. I got a lick on the tip, and then he tapped me on the head with a finger. "The Condom, now." He said even more firmly.

Was I doing it wrong?

Yea, I know, guys love it when a girl sucks their dick. It is not that I don't like, it is just that I don't think I am that good at it. They haven't complained, but I really hope this guy does not expect me to gobble up this thing. It was too intimidating. With it encased in the plastic, I would probably gag on it.

I stroked the shaft after the plastic was fully covering it. It didn't go all the way down, and my mind could not understand why. I tried to stretch it more, and Adam laughed.

"Lizzy, its ok, it is on all the way." He said. I looked to my side and Jackie had her mouth open and was not moving her hand on her crotch anymore. She didn't move. Did I do something wrong? Why do I feel unsure of myself around this guy?

I wonder if Adam sensed my unease. "She is fine. She won't touch you, unless you ask her."

"Touch me?" I asked.

He took it for a statement. He pulled me to stand on my feet. He whispered in my ear. "She likes your neck. She is especially fond of necks."

"Huh?" I said, but he moved my hair away from my neck facing Jackie. I was looking at her like a doofus.

He didn't wait to explain. He sat on the bed eye level to my tits. I watched Jackie, and felt him caress my boobs one at a time, then together. He felt them for long time before starting to kiss the skin above and below my nipples. My brain couldn't figure out what he was going to do next. I kept asking inside what is he going to do next? That feels nice.

I felt his face rub against my left nipple, and his right hand mashed my left ass cheek. Never in my life did I hate a piece of material so much as I did my blue panties at that moment. I wanted nothing between me and those magical fingers.

To say I was turned on was an understatement. I knew with every fiber in my body if he didn't place his dick in me soon I would kill him. Literally, I would kill him. I mewed. I trembled. My knees shook. Then the kisses started on my nipples. Asshole, I was too sensitive.

"I don't want to kill you!" I said trembling in his touches.

I had to sit, or something. I knew I had to sit. I moved, and he did something to push me lying face down on my bed. The bed made my breasts tingle. I was so close. I could feel it coming.

His deep voice penetrated my pending climax. "I am going to bite your neck."

What? Huh? Then he did. He didn't break the skin on the back of my neck. He just moved my long blonde hair out of the way, and lightly bit. I stayed at some weird plateau of bliss. I felt his hand move between my legs.

He pressed firmly on my pussy through my panties. I came. Fuck everyone, I enjoyed it. I don't know how long it lasted. It just was so intense.

What would it have felt like without my panties on? The smell of sex permeated the air. How come he didn't put a finger in?

Jackie was laughing musically. "That was sooner than I expected, was it for you?" She said I guess to Jack.

"Jackie, I told you before, every woman is different. It is not a set formula to make a girl cum. This one has sensitive nipples is all." Adam said.

"Is it because she has big tits?" Jackie asked.

"No. I think it's a mind connection to her body. I have theories." Adam said.

"Later, Jack, I want you to finish."

"I don't need to. " He said.

I turned over onto my back. My whole body felt heavy.

"That was great." I said, and meant it. "Why do I feel so weak?" I asked.

"Lack of protein calories I imagine. Maybe you should sleep." He said seriously.

"I could, but I want more." I told the room.

"See, Jack, she wants more, give her the real sleeping shot."

"Shot?" I asked a little afraid.

"Figure of speech, Dear." Jackie said.

"Ok, well..." I said firmly.

"Well, what?" Adam said.

"Give me the shot, and don't be an asshole about it." I said.

He smirked. Jackie laughed.

He crossed his arms. "What's in it for me?" He asked.


"Dear, I told you your game has to be tight." Jackie said.

"I don't understand." Really, I didn't.

He rolled his eyes. "I guess I could give you a freebie, but this is the last charity work I do for you."

"Charity?" I was furious. He just implied fucking me was doing me a favor. I sat up.

He stood up. "Jackie, I must love you to put up with this." He said. He reached and ripped off my panties so fast I didn't know it was happening.

"I know you do, Sweetheart." She said.

"Now, look here..." I said.

His hands grasped around my ankles and he pulled me towards the edge of the bed.