"Do Me"


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I took her blossoming as affirmation, anyway. "Yesterday, after she gave me this massage as a gift. I licked her and it was... wonderful."

"No porn?"

"Not a jot. We were in her favourite position; stood over my lap?" I mimed an 'A' across me with an apex at my mouth. Tabitha's eyes hooded. I mimed the grip I had on Jemima's buttocks, just for the tease, which was unfair, now I look back on it. "She came very quickly, but she's like you, she often has lots of..."

"Littlies." Tabitha toyed with her pudgy folds, patting them just to make them wobble it seemed.

"That's right. She even calls them that, too. I used fingers, with my mouth, to release her again, you know diggling them inside? Dabbing that spongey area?" I have no idea why I provided all that gynaecological detail, or why I made up the word 'diggling', except that I was probably getting off on it. Too.

"Like this?" Tabitha slid her middle two fingers inside herself, palm upward. She was flushed from cheeks to the top of her breasts.

"Mm... Anyway, when she came again I expected her to pull out her iPad. But she didn't. I think the reason she loves this position is because she likes to look down and see me hard and usually I'm like..." Universe, forgive me, I rubbed myself. Tabitha's mouth opened. I stopped. "But also, whenever she wants, she can just crouch down on to me. Up and down as much as she likes, in fact, between mouth and manhood."

"Manhood." Tabitha suppressed a smile.

I ignored her mockery. "It is delicious for both of us, I have to say. We made proper love for the first time in months. I lost count of how many littlies she had, and when it came to her biggie. It was so big she couldn't even co-ordinate kissing me. So big, actual tears rolled down her cheeks."

"Some... fight." Tabitha's fingers swirled.

"She couldn't move. I got very carried away, hefting her up and down on my rod, on the brink of release. I mean it was pulsing in my balls. But she begged me not to cum, because I wasn't rubbered up, and then - just as I cried out - she jumped off me."

"Fair enough. I hope you blasted hot cum over her... clit- F-fuuck..." Tabitha jerked violently at her plundering fingers, bleating obscenities in a mad, wobbly voice. Her hand all but chewed the orgasm from her sex. I waited until she'd juddered out her dregs, and composed herself.

"No, I didn't. She dropped between my legs to finish me off with her mouth."

"Lucky boy."

"Except that I pushed her off me."

"You did what?"

"I didn't need more pornographic sex. I wanted us to climax together. Her over me, me into her. That's not wrong, is it? And if we got pregnant. Great."

"But I guess she doesn't want kids."


"So, you have to respect that."


"And you pushed her away. When she was giving herself to you so completely."


Tabitha sat so still I could make out the quick thump of her heartbeat quivering her breast.

"She was so gleeful as well," I said to the floor. "So happy that we had connected properly for the first time in months and that she was going to do me. But the child thing? It's like a crack in us. Always there." I thumped fists to my thighs. "I am such an arsehole."

"You're not an asshole." Tabitha slid off her massage table, and sat next to me. "But that was an assholey thing to do to Jemima." Her heat was magnetic, her dry lemon scent mesmerising. She slid her thigh tight to mine. The touch of her skin charged my aching member with even more blood, and she watched it flex, but we both knew I had it under control. And that this was not the same as having control over myself.

"It's ironic," she said, clasping my hand. "It was the same for us but reversed. I wanted kids, but it just never happened with Paul. And though we joked we had double the chance of conceiving when Jeff joined us, he always managed to avoid cumming in my direction." She dropped her head onto my shoulder. "Then they went. And took my hope with them."

She dragged my hand onto her lap and held it in both hers. Her fluff tickled my wrist. In Jemima's dainty doll's fingers, mine were gigantic. But Tabitha's were thick little versions of mine; we fit together like jigsaw pieces.

"You know what it's like, being dumped by two lovers at the same time?" She whispered to our naked legs. "How worthless you feel? Think of the most crushing rejection you've ever had. And double it."

"Tabitha, I'm so sorry." I squeezed her hand. "You know, in another world, we-"

Her grip tightened on me, like a warning. "I haven't properly given myself to anyone in months, for fear of rejection. Please don't do it to me again."

I grunted at another sting, this one a hot blade in my chest. She pressed her lips to my cheek.

"Kiss me," she whispered. "Just a kiss. Then whatever you want. Do me. Or I'll do you. Or we can do each other. Whatever you want. Don't say no. Please. Do me."

Jemima's mantra clanged my head like a bell. Like a fire alarm:

"How can anyone resist women? They're delicious!"

I could just do it. My truly liberated wife, my manic-pixie-dream-girl, of all people, would understand.

I clamped my jaw shut and turned to face Tabitha. Her lips were slightly parted and offered up. I dipped a slow kiss in to their squishy resilience. Fireworks popped and flashed, my rocket-fuse fizzed.

"No," I said.

Of all the reactions I anticipated - tears, marching out, a punch in the face - laughter was not one of them.

Nor was a tiny, tinny cheer.

"You get all that?" Tabitha jumped off the massage table and grabbed her phone. On instinct, I covered my manhood. I don't know why, but I expected a police raid.

"Yep!" The phone shouted. "Tabby you are such a good bad girl!"


Tabitha thrust the phone screen at me, and a trick of perspective - or my genuinely overwhelmed senses - had both my wife and Tabitha filling my vision. What kind of woman-hell was this?

Tabitha backed between my knees, angling the phone so Jemima could see us both. My bewilderment grabbed at the screen for clues: By the thin beams of light over our big old mirror and the brickwork behind her, my wife appeared to be at the table in our flat with the blinds down. Her hair was up. She was dressed in a black silk tee; that must mean something? Her cheeks were red and eyeliner smudged but she clapped, grinning. "Well done, Sweetpea," she said. "Tabby said no man could resist if she really went for it, but I knew you could."

"What's this?" I growled. "Some silly bet?" Jemima might have lost yesterday's anger, but mine had flared up at the thought of being ridiculed. And, worse, that Tabitha had fabricated her flattering infatuation with me.

"You passed my 'do me' test," Tabitha said, pushing her bottom against my stiffness. The mixed messages made me want to yank my manhood off and fling it out the window.

Jemima laughed. "Tabby was the girlfriend I told you about, in Thailand, before I met you. She's changed a lot, don't you think? She wanted me to help her out after... Oh you tell it, babe."

Tabitha picked up the thread. "When I was dumped, I went on a bit of a rampage. I set up a porn site for women - 'Tabbycat's Purr' - and serviced all our friends—"

"And some random folk she just liked the look of!" Jemima chimed in. Tabitha shrugged.

"- to prove my desirability to my cheating husbands. And to myself, if I'm honest. I even told myself the quicker I got them off, these strangers, the better. Like that would really show my bastard exes what they'd lost. And prove I wasn't worthless."

"That's why you contacted me, isn't it, babe? You wanted to do me, too. That's how I discovered 'The Purr'."

Tabitha twisted to face me. "She didn't do it, obviously." She waved up and down my body, as if that explained everything. "And obviously I wasn't proving my desirability, either, only the weakness and desperation of others."

I held my head to stop it whirling. "So 'Tabbycat's Purr', Jemima, that's the porn site you've been watching all this time?"

"Yes," both women said.

"And Tabitha is both your ex-girlfriend and ..."

Tabitha made a cat mask of her fingers.

"Thing is," Jemima's fiddling fingers appeared on the wooden table. "I knew you'd love Tabby. And I knew she needed love. So, I suggested that she come and stay with us for a bit. See if the three of us might..."

Two sets of eyes filled the room. One bedazzling blue, the other sultry black. Night and day.

"A threesome?"

"No," Tabitha said. "Well, yes. But not just a sex threesome. A throuple."

"A relationship," Jemima said. "But only if you agree."

"A need shared over a need denied," I murmured.

"Exactamundo. So I thought you and Tabby should meet and, Y'know, get to know each other. Hence... the massage."

Tabitha settled against me, her entire back against my front, nestling my rod between her cheeks. "But I wasn't interested in a married man who'd fuck a stranger; not again. I wanted to test you like I tested everybody else, albeit without my mask. Most caved in as soon as I begged them to do me. Then they came in seconds flat when I did them. Jemima promised me you wouldn't, no matter how much you wanted to. Looks like she was right. So Jem..." She leant forward and propped the little screen on the table, proffering her delightful hips firmly to mine as she did so. "I'm game, if your hubby is up for it."

"I bet he is." Jemima beamed.

"You were watching us all this time?" I said as it just occurred to me why Tabitha put on such a show.

"She was filming your reflection in the ceiling," Jemima said. "That's how Tabby records all her scenes. You didn't see her phone there on the shelf, pointing up? Fucking hell, I tell you what, it doesn't get better than watching your two favourite people get naked and horny talking about you. I came with you every time, Tabby. And Sweetpea you made me cry. I am so proud of you and in love with you and so I'm sorry I've been... weird."

"No I'm sorry," I said. "I treated you disrespectfully. I love you. I'll make it up to you later... Actually, no I won't." I wrapped my arms around Tabitha's stomach, and pulled her tight. "We will."

Jemima smiles easily. It's her default expression, in fact. But when she's most excited - as she was at that moment-she sucks her lips in and tilts her head away, as if to spare you from an emotion too big to express. How could I deny my wife that scale of happiness? And it did occur to me to deny it, I won't lie. Knowing that Jemima wanted another did hurt. But it wasn't instead of me, it was with me. And the other was Tabitha. And yes, Tabitha was physically 'my type', but - as her belly shook with laughter under my palms - it was clear she loved Jemima's inexpressible joy as much as I did.

I could love someone who loved like that.

Jemima hopped to her feet and literally jumped with joy, dancing a crazy pirouette, every bit the sprite. Except that, and I should have guessed, she was naked from the waist down. "I can't wait," she said. "But I think you two might need some time first? I've done you both loads. You have catching up to do."

"Sure?" Tabitha didn't argue the point, or indeed wait for a response before she jiggled her bottom against my erection. Even while Jemima reminded us how much she liked to watch, I was already stroking Tabitha's belly and ribs and my new lover caught a breath so violently she hiccupped. While Jemima leered at us, I caressed Tabitha's breasts and teased nipples stiff until her head lolled back against my chest, exposing her long neck to my lips. Her heart hammered quick as a rabbit and hard as a horse, trembling her in my embrace; to my mind exactly like a purring cat.

The entire time I played over Tabitha's writhing front, I gazed levelly at my lovely wife. I had the sense of suddenly inhabiting one of her videos. As if I might snap out of it any second and be sat beside her at the table watching strangers on the iPad. By the rapidity of her blinking and the twitching in her smile I wondered if she felt the same. But was this a dream come true for her, or a nightmare? Then the idea that she might be upset flipped my stomach. I winked at her, while nuzzling kisses under her ex's ear and - mercifully - Jemima smirked lasciviously and bent over the table, her face filling most of the frame. I wondered if she'd planned that entrancing view in the mirror behind her, too.

When I dropped my needy fingers down Tabitha's front, over her abdomen, I expected to come across her curls but found her hands instead, already busy underneath. I pulled them away, tucking my own between her legs to relish the hot buttered marshmallow of her sex. Tabitha breathed, "Yes." Or was that Jemima as she curled her fingers under herself? Both I think. Tabitha was already slippery from her own fingers but I still dipped into her before stirring at her fleshy hood, just to enjoy the lubriciousness of her excitement. Almost instantly, she gripped me in place and tremored so hard against my cock I almost erupted over her bottom cheeks.

Tabitha jerked her orgasm out on my fingers and even as she panted it out, squirmed in my embrace to face me. She pecked pillowy kisses to my lips - not like Jemima's eel attack at all - they nipped and padded coyly, her tongue tentatively touching mine, breathing each other in. She kneaded at my arms and cat-clawed my chest, as if testing I was flesh and blood.

Then - at last - she wrapped her fingers around my clamouring rod. I got to finally squeeze the globes of her (surprisingly firm) rear, also, while she watched herself squeeze me until my bulb throbbed livid with blood. She smiled like a vampire.

I cupped fingers under her bottom, and swirled again. She trembled and faltered, then tugged her soft fists along my length as if delighting in it as much as I. She tipped her lips up to me again, and I lost myself in the combination of her yielding kiss, her gently insistent tongue and her urgency of her rubbing. She sucked my moans into her, joggling her fist and squeezing my balls. I had clamped down hard behind them - to hold back from exploding at her first kiss — and her fingers probed underneath as if seeking some secret release button. I clenched harder. I could not have Jemima watching her friend burst me so quickly, after all this time of being unable to herself.

"Don't you dare hold back," Jemima muttered as I made fists against her friend's bottom. "Let go. I want to see it. She wants to see it."

In an almost Pavlovian response, my hips shuddered. Tabitha broke our kiss, craning to watch the quick plunge of my purple cock-head in her pale fist. I arched at her rubbing, my orgasm welling up, balling, locking me rigid, hoisting me up onto my toes.

"Yes!" Jemima hissed, as if straight from the middle of my head. I roared and erupted, a single gush flung right up to Tabitha's breasts. She squeaked and dropped to her knees, quickly sinking her head over my jetting cock, holding me steady as I shook violently and shot the remainder of my frantic pulses into the welcoming hollow of her mouth. She suckled out my climax with such explicit care, and with such an irresistible drinking pull of her tongue that a second wave of ecstasy rolled over me, bunching me rigid. I roared again, clawing my buttocks while she hummed and licked and kissed me through my final judders, glittering up at me with a playful 'innocence' at my dripping from her lips. On the phone, Jemima's eyes were huge, rapt. She sucked the inside of her cheek. For good or for bad remained to be seen.

Tabitha attentively sucked me dry, squeezing my balls rhythmically as if for every last pulse of my orgasm. I shook and twitched as her soft lips and tongue became unbearable - even her breast as she used my end to clean herself - and still she gently sucked on, the heat of her chuckles billowing over my hypersensitive flesh.

I was profoundly empty. I think I might have glowed with it. A bark of laugher kicked off in my belly then rumbled through me like an orgasmic aftershock. I slapped my thighs and laughed uncontrollably. At Tabitha, at Jemima, at my reflection. I laughed until I couldn't breathe.

Jemima smiled nostalgically - it was a long time since I had laughed like that for her - and I worried again I had hurt her, but she winked this time, and blew me a kiss. This was all going to take some getting used to.

Tabitha tittered along with me, but was still on her knees and still busy at work against my penis's urge to curl up and go to sleep; licking and rubbing me against those ridiculously cushiony kisses. In these stretched out, melted moments, I don't know how long she played. Just that by the time she unsuckered I was cleaned out, rock hard and ready again.

"Th-thank you." I muttered.

She surveyed her handiwork, sucking her flushed lips and inspecting her hand with a grimace. "My pleasure," she said, flicking a cat-lap across her wrist. "But you owe— Oh!"

I swept her up and kissed her deeply, twirling her round with a flourish before settling her on the massage table. While Jemima shouted, "Lucky fuckers!" I laid her out our new lover, dropping my kisses over her neck and nipples, and then plucking down her ribs and belly and around the front of her hips.

I planted one kiss at the top of the crease splitting her prominent mound, and in response to the hungry shove of her hips, stood over her. I teased us all. And yes, I was highly proud of my post-orgasmic erection, too, even though I could not really take the credit for it.

Tabitha slid one shin along the other. This woman loved an objectifying gaze. But then don't we all, from the right person? My head flip-flopped that only an hour ago I was taking her in surreptitiously. Now her fidgety fingers twirled a loose strand of that raven hair and she flittered those long black eyelashes up and down my body. Obsidian smoked, alabaster pinked, and she bit that voluptuous overbite almost apprehensively. The latter no doubt because, for a clutch of speeding heartbeats, I was overwhelmed by the need to explore this delightful creature with fingers, lips, tongue and cock all at once. Goodness knows what kind of wild expression distorted my face.

I grasped her feet and pushed her legs apart and back. Her juices strung and looped between her thighs, drawing an involuntary groan from my lips. All that from doing me? Tabitha squirmed under my devouring eyes as I settled between her legs and stretched the moment as taut as I could. Until my mouth watered. Until her fingers delicately spread her lips. Until she breathed, "Please."

I am afraid the details become hazy from here, moments dissolved into each other like the girls' orgasms, their beginnings and ends impossible to determine, apparently lost in one perpetual climax.

When I nuzzled for my first kiss to Tabitha's nub, laughed at her whimper and tasted her on my lips, I made out a tattoo under her tuft. It said 'Drink me'. I guessed she'd had it done with Jemima and probably never waxed that part when they split. And fair enough. It made 'Eat me' look positively classy; I would cover it too. Then I licked deeper and Tabitha spilled over my tongue and I realised, actually, it was rather appropriate.

I became so lost in the sensation of her liquid, swollen flesh that I could not tell who was humming loudly. Tabitha, Jemima or me. Then in another blink, sucking her fat bud like a nipple, I became possessed of doing both women at once. As if through some secret internet connection - 'loveband', perhaps - linking nerves to nerves, clitoris to clitoris. Tabitha held the phone close so our partner could see and hear me work clearly, and when I slipped two fingers inside her - and 'diggled at the spongy place' - all of us moaned.

I ate Tabitha for either a minute or an hour, I can't remember, but we couldn't keep still, and she couldn't stop cumming. Whether she rested the pads of her feet on my shoulders or locked them behind my neck or pulled her legs back by the knee or quaked as I lifted her by her bottom to my mouth, she seemed caught in an ongoing swell of orgasm that had her eventually flipped onto her front, dragged to the edge of the table and bent her over it so I could do her from behind.