Do Not Pass Go 04 - Traci's story

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Someone's got to fight for the kids!
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Someone's got to fight for the kids! - my ending to LightontheSound's Do Not Pass Go

LightontheSound started an interesting, well written, but irritating story. We have the classic heartless cheating bitch, and a bumbling, well-meaning loser husband, who lets her walk all over him in a divorce, with hardly a fight at all. He wants us to believe he's going to fight for the kids, but five months later, he's done nothing but screw a 20 year old confused barmaid, and given in to his ex-wife's demands time and time again.

The children were in the dark about the real situation, but when the mother finally explains she was cheating, (while she blames the confession on her wimp husband), the kids start fighting back. It's the only good part of the story after the first chapter.

After the eldest daughter's first act of rebellion, she's prohibited from seeing her father, but the other two make it clear they're still going to be 'the resistance'. They know their mother is nothing but a self-serving selfish cheater, and they want their revenge.

The way it's written, I don't see the father EVER getting off his ass and fighting back. He's too much of a wimp. Those kids however...

BTW - the author, at the end of chapter 2, stated there would be a third and fourth chapter. The third was submitted in May of '06. It took him two weeks to publish the second chapter, and four months to publish the third. It's been nearly nine years since then. I don't know how he expected to pull all the loose ends together in one more chapter, unless it was a dozen Lit pages long. It took me four chapters to come to a conclusion.

There are too damn many intriguing stories that are never completed, or left hanging with disgusting endings. If I find a story that's been abandoned for too long, I'll give you my idea of an ending. Fair warning though, I don't write about total wimps. May not be BTB, all nuclear and shit, but no voluntary cucks, or whiny simpering wimps.

For Information on how I choose which stories to continue, please read my profile.

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Traci's Story

After our meeting with Dad, I had a brief talk with my brother and sister. When Tommy and Jenna had finally filled me in on their plans to form a resistance, I knew I had to get involved. I love my siblings, but this was too much for them. If Dad wasn't going to fight for us, and Mom was going to use us against him, and then ignore us after pretending to be a real mother for a few weeks, I was going to make sure all this BS stopped.

I told them in no uncertain terms, to cool it for 48 hours, so our evil slut-Mom wouldn't get too suspicious. I promised we'd talk about a strategy to fix things, but we couldn't just do whatever came to mind. We had to have a plan. I pleaded with them to let me work on it, and we'd meet again once I had everything figured out. They agreed.

They weren't angels, but at least Jenna's hostility was slightly contained, although she was still sneaking out of the house, and cutting classes. Tommy was sullen, unhappy I guess that I'd take over the planning, but he stayed out of trouble. Me, I started sucking up to the Momster, and did some research.

Tommy had forgotten about Dad's message to us all, to call him on Monday. We'd been home from school for less than half-an-hour, when Jenna got a text on her burner phone. "Tommy? Were we supposed to call Dad?"

He looked unhappy. "I forgot. He said for all of us to go out on the lawn when we got home, and give him a call."

It wasn't hard to ditch the Grandma. She was having a smoke on the front porch, so we headed to the backyard. As soon as we saw we were alone, Jenna called Dad, and put him on speaker-phone.

"Kids? You all there?" he asked.

"All of us," I confirmed, leaning toward the phone.

"It's great to hear your voices, but we can't do this very often. I'm not supposed to talk to you on the phone or via webcam."

Another thing to thank Mom for.

Jenna and Tommy said their greetings, and Jenna whined about not being able to see him and what a selfish bitch our Mom was.

"I know it's hard, Honey," Dad said. "We don't want to get her too upset. She can make things very difficult for me. No more running away, understood? I don't want you causing trouble. I'll deal with your mother. You just have to be patient."

I sighed. "How patient, Dad? It's been over a year since this crap started. You weren't even honest with us about what was going on, and because of that, we didn't get to see you for almost five months. At this rate Tommy will be eighteen before things get any better."

"You have to understand, Traci, things are complicated. The courts move slowly—"

"Yeah, the courts worked so well for all of us last time, didn't they?" I reminded him.

"Dad, Mom's fucking around with our lives. She can't get away with this crap!" Jenna snapped.

"Watch your language, Jenna. Please be patient. I'm working on it."

Yeah. Working on it. Letting Mom walk all over him. Great job, Dad. "We can help, Dad. We don't have to go crazy, but we don't have to let her get away with everything, either."

"Guerrilla Warfare," Tommy said. "We're the resistance."

"No more resistance. All it takes is one screw-up and you'll set everything back months. You need to let me take care of this," Dad said. If he would only talk that firmly with Mom, I might have believed him.

"Besides, we don't need any more Gorillas. Your mother says Jenna is already dating one. I hope you're keeping him well stocked in bananas."

Dad's humor. We groaned in harmony, and Jenna defended her hirsute boyfriend, if you could even call him that. It's not like she'd been going out with any one guy steady.

"At least I've got a boyfriend, Dad," Jenna said. "Isn't it about time you found somebody."

When Dad didn't respond immediately, Jenna and I looked at each other. "No way! You got a girl?" I shrieked. "What's she like?"

"Spill Dad. We want details," Jenna laughed.

"It's not like that. I don't have a girlfriend. There's a woman I've seen a couple of times, and maybe a couple more that might be interested. I'm taking things slow. You don't mind, do you? I don't think there's any chance of your mother and me ever getting back together."

No shit. Like that would ever happen. And he had to tell us he was taking things slow? A glacier moves faster. "No Dad. We think it's great, right Jenna?"

"Of course. Heck, Mom's going out getting laid every night of the week probably. She's never home any more. She comes home dressed different than when she goes out. It's about time you got yourself a little," Jenna said.

We talked for a bit, then he and Jenna talked a while longer, to make up for her missing his visit. Before he was done he told us to only call in an emergency. And not a fake one. We agreed, but I knew we'd be working on our own. If we waited for Dad, we'd be in an old folk's home before we could see him without supervision.

After we said our goodbyes, Tommy and Jenna looked unhappy. "I guess there's nothing we can do," Jenna said.

"Trust me, Jenna. We'll do plenty," I said. "We can't wait for Dad, and you know it. I told you, give me a few days and I'll think of something. For now we lay low."

~ * ~ * ~

Wednesday I called my brother and sister together for a meeting to plan our strategy. It's not like we didn't have plenty of time to do it. The Momster was never around, strolling in at all hours of the night, looking like death warmed over, or a well-used street walker, depending on whether she'd actually been working late or not.

It had been hard to swallow (I guess not for our 'loving' Momster Jessibel, and her WhoreMomger boy-toy) that she had cheated on Dad, and lied to us about why they broke up, blaming it all on him. Dad for some reason just rolled over and gave us up without a fight. That hurt. Not-so-GrandMa Barb had sided with her evil offspring, and lied to us as well. So much for all that good Christian crap she keeps slinging around.

Our ostrich Nanny, her head always buried in the sand, went ahead preparing dinner. I noticed the table was set, with no place for Mom. What a surprise, another late night 'working'. Her month of regular hours had evaporated as soon as she got possession of us, and Dad all but disappeared. What a great 'Mom' huh?

The three of us gathered together in the playroom, turned on the TV, and huddled together in front of it.

"What was your original plan?" I asked Jenna and Tommy.

Tommy grinned. "Make Momster's life hell. Treat her like crap same as she treated Dad. Disobey, fight, argue, until she wants to get rid of us, or at least stops screwing around with us."

Jenna nodded in agreement. "I hadn't even started. I'm gonna cut practice, cut school, stay out all night. I'll start dating the worst guys in school, maybe even a grownup. It'll drive her crazy."

I sighed, admiring her enthusiasm, but that was about it. "I see. You're going to get kicked out of soccer, fail your sophomore year, and probably get knocked up. That'll show her. Dad was right to tell you to cool it."

Jenna gave me her pissed off look, the one she stole from She-Who-Must-Not-be-Named.

"I'm just saying, Jenna. We gotta do this smart." I turned to Tommy. "And you, you're gonna be sooo bad, call her names, argue? How very Guy Fawkes! Such a vindictive little terrorist, you are. I thought you were studying up on guerrilla tactics."

He crossed his arms, leaning back. Tommy was too much like our father. He fought like Dad, played by the rules. I had hoped for more. I had to give them this much, they were the first to fight back. They had the heart. But I had the brains. I'm not bragging, just telling it like it is. There's a reason I've been in gifted-and-talented since first grade, and I'm a freshman two years early. I'm almost ashamed to admit I got the brains from Mom. Thank God that's all I got from her.

"I don't see you doing anything, Traci," he snapped. "Besides, Dad said we couldn't make the evil-one mad. We have to behave."

I laughed. "You wouldn't catch me doing anything, would you? That's the idea. We fight smarter. Don't get me wrong, I love that you two fought back. It almost worked, and it certainly sent the right message." I took a breath. "That stuff about making Mom mad? You know that CPS lady was there. Dad had to say that, or he could get in trouble. We all love Dad, but he's a wimp. He follows the rules, and gets run over by them. No, he's going to go by the book, so we've got to be the resistance. Teach her that cheating and lying, and using us as pawns is wrong. Funny, you'd think it would be her job to teach us stuff like that."

Jenna sneered. "I think you're all talk. Where's your big plan? What are you gonna do, an oboe solo?"

I ignored her barb. "It's a little more complicated. And it's different for each of us. You, Jenna, have already made your statement. I don't think we want to change that. So you'll be the in-your-face part of our rebellion. No more cutting soccer or school, though. Not in your sophomore year! You need to go back to your coach and explain your situation, I imagine he'll cut you some slack."

"So what am I supposed to do?" Jenna asked.

"Disrespect, open, outward, insulting. You're going to act like a little slut, and tell her you learned it from her. Like mother like daughter. Let her see her slutty influence. There's lots of things we can do going down that road, and it's your job to make her life pure hell."

Jenna grinned. "Act like a slut?"

"Act," I told her firmly. "Or do you really want to be just like Mom, since you're already well on your way there?"

She glared at me, but that shut her up nicely. I turned to my little brother. He really did have some good ideas, but I needed to take control of this before the two of them screwed everything up.

"You, Tommy, will be the visible evidence of the unplanned effects of her actions. You won't talk back, you won't argue. You'll shut down, hardly talking at all. We'll get you acting depressed, sullen, broken, and show lots of scary warning signs."

"Signs like what?"

"I haven't figured them all out yet. I've got some ideas. Why don't you think about it, and see what you can come up with? What do little psychopaths and sociopaths do at your age?"

Tommy grinned evilly, and I hoped I'd be able to keep the reins on him.

"What are you gonna do?" Jenna asked.

"Fifth column work. I'm the good kid, on Momster's side, listening to her, comforting her, all while getting the goods on her. I'll sabotage her life and work, and dating, all while making it look like I'm trying to help. I'll be the one to warn her about Tommy's new behavior, and make her see what's happening with you. It's also my job to try to get Dad off his wimpy ass, and actually fighting for us."

"Fifth column?" was all Jenna asked. I love my older sister, but you'd think she could read a book now and then.

I pulled out my note pad. "Jenna, you need to make an appointment at Planned Parenthood, as soon as possible. Don't tell them your parent's names. Tell them you are sexually active, and your parents can't know. Get birth control pills, and condoms. As many as you can. Heck, pick up some pamphlets on abortion while you're there."

I glanced at my notes. "Tommy, dark clothing. Stop talking. Sulk. Walk out of the room when Mom comes in. If she's at the table with us, don't eat. I'll make sure we save something for you. That's your start. In the mean time, do your research. Think young Hannibal Lecter."

I closed my notepad. "As for me, it's time to become Mom's little confidante. I'll play up to her, act like I'm supporting her. I'm also going to see if I can 'redistribute' some of her money, to pay for our activities. That, and get access to her computer and phone. I'll do a little intelligence work."

"What about Dad?" Jenna asked. "If he hears about this he's gonna get mad at us."

"What about him? You know how he is. He won't go along. He wants to play by the same rules that have screwed him over so far. No, he stays out of it, unless we absolutely have to tell him." I couldn't be too firm about this. We'd already seen how he handled Jenna's first rebellion. Rolled over, risked jail, and then let our evil slut-Mom punish him and Jenna. When it came to resisting, Dad just sucked. "If he catches wind of what we're up to, we deny everything. Remember that. Nothing was planned. None of it is an act. Momster is driving us to do this. Deny everything!"

It was too bad that everyone in the family had bigger balls than Dad. It was a good thing that other than that, he was pretty awesome. Who knows, perhaps with a little guidance we could get him on the right side, and off the fence. Maybe he could even grow a pair.

Naw, who am I kidding?

~ * ~ * ~

Jenna's an animal. There's no two ways about it. She might not be great at coming up with new ideas, but when it came to actual tactics and performance, wow! I'm really amazed. God's truth, I never knew she had it in her.

Two days later, she was dressed like a slut for school. Momster made her change, and once sis got to school, she put on her slut outfit again, which she'd hidden in her backpack. She got called into the office, and Mom had to take off work and pick her up.

When they got home to change, things got even better. While she was getting dressed, and Mom was dressing her down, Jenna casually tossed some condoms on the bed. The way she tells it, Mom shut up, then went ballistic.

"You don't use condom's with your boyfriends, Mom?" my sister had asked. "You gonna give us a little bastard black baby brother?"

Jenna couldn't stop laughing when she told me. She'd gotten the condoms from one of her friends. Extra large. Such an evil girl, my big sis is turning out to be. God, I love her. The fact that she's already got tits and looks 18, like a younger, hotter, prettier Mom, makes it work that much better.

She also assured me that she had a long talk with her soccer coach, and had sucked up nicely. Sucked up figuratively that is. No more cutting practice. She was back in his good graces, but that was one strike against her. She says she took off her bra before seeing him, and his gaze never made it above her neck. I'm getting worried that Mom's already rubbing off on her.

Tommy did his part. I gotta admit, if I didn't know it was an act, I'd be worried. His video games were scary, all blood, guts and gore. I don't know who he borrowed them from, but he was playing Grand Theft Auto, Postal 2, God of War, anything that had lots of death and destruction. The things he said out loud, geez! I didn't think he knew half those words. Heaven forbid a woman showed up on screen - as soon as breasts appeared he went nuts, cursing the entire gender.

The worst thing was his new penchant for fire. Whenever Mom went looking for him, if he wasn't killing something on screen, he was burning something out back. Mom took away the matches and lighters, but he always found new ones. Thank God for Grandma and her smoking. She probably was wondering why her lighters disappeared anytime she was around.

Me, I was Mom's buddy. Talking to her. Echoing her concerns about my siblings. Badmouthing Dad to her. Telling her she deserved to find time for herself. She worked so hard for us. Asking her opinion about anything, clothing, makeup, boys. How to flirt, and get a boy's attention. She was eating it up. Bitch shouldn't even have known how to flirt, she's been married 17 years, damn it! She pissed me off, but I didn't let it show.

Yeah, the plan was starting to come together. We were developing our personae. We'd give it a few days, and then start the havoc.

I managed to liberate a few twenties from her wallet. We needed a lot more, but I was starting our war chest. I was thinking that one afternoon with her ATM card should do the trick. I'd been shopping with her enough to know that her birthday is her passcode. Dad's is the date of each of our birthdays in order, Jenna's 23rd, my 7th, Tommy's 2nd. I guess that tells you everything you need to know right there, huh?

~ * ~ * ~

Sunday was epic! We killed it. Totally.

I had convinced Mom to take me and Jenna shopping. Jenna was mouthy, acting her part. When we got to the clothing store. Mom found out that Jenna wasn't wearing panties. She nearly lost her mind.

Jenna told her she wasn't going to wear 'little girl' underwear. She wanted stuff like Mom had. When Mom started to argue, Jenna said if Mom could wear that stuff to work, why couldn't she wear them to school?

The whole "I'm an adult" thing flew about as far as you would expect with Jenna. "You're not an adult! You're a cheap slut-whore who cheated on our father! A lying adulteress!" Jenna screamed loud enough to alert the entire mall.

As you can imagine that killed the shopping, or would have if Jenna hadn't taken off running through the crowd. Mom lost her, and made me wait in the center rotunda, in case she came back. Well, it just so happened that the ATM machine was there, and since I was watching her purse while she talked to security, it wasn't hard for me to liberate $500 from her account. She had more than enough in there. Thousands. I didn't think she'd even notice. Since it looked like I had time, and ready access to Mom's wallet, I also wrote down the information from her credit cards. Number, name, expiration date, security code, everything. I was disturbed to see that one of her well used cards had her maiden name on it.

Jenna showed up, and we had a talk, strategizing. Big sis is good, scary good. When Mom finally arrived, there was a teary scene, fake tears on both sides I imagine. Some apologies. Jenna argued tha she wasn't a little girl anymore. All her friends wore grown-up panties and bras. She was being made fun of. Mom surrendered, and bought her some sluttier stuff. Some weren't much more than scraps of cloth. That's our Mom.