Do You Trust Me?


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Whoa! Phil whipped back around to Veronica. "Oh my God, that was amazing!" he said. "How'd you do that?"

"Oh, I...have a way with people," she coyly shrugged as they got in the car.

"You're telling me!" he concurred. "What'd you say to her?"

"Ah, really, it was nothing Earth-shattering," she said modestly. "You just...have to know how to deal with certain folks."

"Gosh," he said, shaking his head. "Well, tell me, how can I thank you?"

Veronica smiled. "Oh, I'm...sure we can figure something out."


October 30th, 7:38 p.m.

Veronica showed Phil to her house and he parked. Emerging, he noted just how dim it was inside and out. Well, clearly, he reasoned, why would she leave her lights on if she's not home, but in comparison to the other houses around, it still gave off sort of a dark feel.

She took him inside. When she flipped on the first switch, Phil was again slightly taken aback by just how little light was actually offered. It didn't become very bright inside. At all. He could make out where things were, but the wattage was comparable to that of a lava lamp. The design and décor also struck him quite different. It mirrored the aura he'd gotten from the exterior of the house as they arrived. He didn't know much about architecture, but he was picking up something of a gothic vibe from it.

He turned back to Veronica, who smiled at him. "This...this is a beautiful place," he said. He was being honest and truthful, though he wasn't sure if he'd particularly call it "classically" beautiful. "Exotically," maybe.

"Thank you!" she said brightly. He took a second to reabsorb her cheerful pulchritude. If he were to be more honest, her blonde hair, blue eyes, red dress, peach skin and radiant personality all seemed rather sunny and lively—in stark contrast to the atmosphere of her house, anyway. But the last thing he wanted to do was criticize. Instead, he innocuously asked—

"Could we maybe...get some more light in here?"

"Oh, of course!" she said, gladly honoring his request. "And go ahead, sit wherever you like. Get comfy! Make yourself at home!"

They removed their shoes, and Veronica relieved Phil of his jacket and tie. He undid the top button on his shirt and aired out his sleeves. They perched on the sofa, resuming their conversation, now without the impairment of bar noise.

Phil was still very much enjoying this evening. He was beginning to really like her. A lot. She was a fascinating conversationalist—and person in general—she had a delightful—if borderline naughty—sense of humor, and she laughed at his little joke attempts. His courting skills were minimal at best, but she made things easy on him. She told him not to worry, it was going just fine.

"Wow, are you sure you're not married?" he asked her with a chuckle.

They giggled together. He started to loosen up, but as he loosened up a little too much, he ran into a bit of an awkward moment.

She was in the middle of telling him an amusing anecdote when she noticed his eyes were wandering. It was absentminded, and he was listening to her, he'd just inadvertently focused in on a particular section of Veronica's bodily eye candy, she noticed.

"Are you staring at my breasts?"

Startled, he immediately brought his guilty gaze back up to her face. She seemed neither happy nor angry about it.

"Uh..." he stalled, ""

"I mean, I'm not necessarily saying that's not cool, I'd just like to know," she clarified.

"I'm, uh...I'm sorry," he apologized, turning his eyes to the floor. "I guess I was...I guess, it seemed like there was a lot of cleavage going on there, and, uh..." He winced. "...That's even worse, isn't it?"

"Not necessarily," she repeated. "You're a normal human being, you have urges and tendencies. The same with me. So, I mean, if you wanna undo a few more of your shirt buttons for me, I think then we'd be even."

Phil looked back up at her. She was smirking suggestively. Was she asking him to start getting undressed for her?

But just the buttons, he reminded himself. "Well, if that'll make things cool," he acquiesced, granting her a peek at his own chest.

So Veronica continued with her funny little story she was telling, as did their friendly gabbing. At least until the next time his eyes slid down a foot from her face. This time he eventually noticed himself, and covered them with a shake of the head.

"God, I'm sorry," he reiterated. "I-I just...I dunno. I'll be damned if I know why I keep staring at them."

"Phil, I'm telling you, I don't really mind so much," Veronica insisted, "I told you before, it's a natural adult human impulse. And if it makes you feel guilty, you can unbutton the rest of your shirt for me. I understand you're curious about my body, and to tell you the truth, I'm curious about yours too. Hell, if you want to take off your shirt completely, you can look at my boobs all night."

He chuckled in embarrassment. He settled for revealing the rest of his chest and stomach for now.

"You still seem a little on edge," she remarked.

"Well, kinda, yeah," he agreed. "I mean, this all seems...just...surreal to me. Believe it or not, I've never had a really serious steady relationship. I've gone on a few dates, but nothing's really ever come of 'em."

"No kidding?"

"Yeah, really. I mean, you're just...look at you, you're gorgeous, and...well, not that I'm a forest troll or anything myself..." he mused, "But I guess I just never expected to even meet someone like you, let alone be asked to your place."

Veronica chuckled. "Well, thank you, Phil, that's really sweet. But you know, you don't have to feel intimidated, or inferior to me—if that's what's going through your mind. And you don't have to be any greater than you are, or try to impress me either. I asked you to come home with me 'cause I wanted to get to know you more. And because you're handsome."

Phil was very charmed by her indeed. He smiled, taking and holding her hand.

"You really think I'm handsome?"

"Yeah," she confirmed, rubbing his cheek. "You have a lovely masculinity about your face and body, and you're easy on the eyes."

Phil felt himself warming up at her touch. Wow, so this is what it feels like to have someone interested in me. He'd harbored plenty of interest in plenty of women in his life, but having a little of it thrown back his way, now that was novel.

"Can I fix you some breakfast?"


"Dinner?" Veronica corrected herself immediately. "Can I fix you some dinner?"


October 30th, 9:14 p.m.

Bellies full, they resumed chatting it up and flirting on the couch. Phil could barely believe how much he seemed to like this girl, and she him. Things just continued to progress more swimmingly than he could've imagined. He couldn't remember the last time he'd felt like this. When he wasn't talking, he just smiled tenderly at her. As the night wore on and on, Veronica inched herself gradually closer. "Phil...let me ask you something," she uttered, smoothing her palm inside his still-open shirt, fondling his chest hair.


"Do you trust me?"

He stopped smiling, his eyes abruptly widening just a bit. "...Why?"

She laughed good-naturedly. "Oh, nothing. I'm-I'm just asking, based on how much you know me so you trust me?"

He shrugged. "Well, I...I guess so, yeah. I trust you."

Her own lips curled up into a lovely grin that was both playful and sexy at the same time. She kissed him. A warm rush settled over him as her velvety lips pressed into his. Her hands slipped inside his shirt and rested on his sides. He returned the gesture.

Lips in contact, Veronica pulled Phil still closer, as they slumped together against the back of the couch. Her hands slid up his torso until reaching his shoulders, and pushed his shirt the rest of the way off. Now very excited, Phil eagerly pulled his arms out of the sleeves and whipped the shirt off, letting it drop to the floor. Veronica surreptitiously slid her foot along the carpet till she found Phil's tie. She picked it up with her toes, retrieved it and stuffed it between her boobs, keeping the passion of the kiss flowing to occupy him. With the other hand she caressed his now naked back and shoulders. A few moments later, tie securely concealed in her tits, they broke from the kiss. Opening her smoky, persuasive eyes, Veronica murmured, "Then come with me, please."

They rose from the couch and she led him by the hand to a different room. When she brought him inside and flipped on the light, Phil looked around to see a large desk, occupied by some electronic devices, a hundred different pens, pencils, brushes and other writing/drawing implements, an inkwell, a dozen different varieties of paper in a dozen different sizes, and a huge bookshelf to the side, overstuffed with so many books some of them were piled on the floor.

" where are we?" he asked.

"My study-slash-office," said Veronica, silently shutting the door behind. "Where I do all my work." She slipped her arm around him, gazing up into his face, permeating the air with irresistible seduction. She leaned to his ear and lowered her voice to a whisper.

" work."

For a moment Phil wasn't too sure what she meant by this. There was no longer any need to be confused in the next few minutes, though, as Veronica took his hands, and again asked him, "You said you trusted me, Phil, yes?"

He nodded, curious as to why this kept coming up. "Yeah...?"

A smile. "Then do just that," said Veronica, soft and low. She pulled out the chair from the middle of the desk and positioned him in its place, right under one of the fixtures on the eight-foot-high ceiling. Holding on to his right wrist with her left hand, she whipped out his tie from her breasts, took his left wrist, crossed one over the other, and started binding them together.

Unaware what was going on, but not suspecting anything in particular just yet, Phil asked, "Um...what's...the deal?"

"Oh, you're gonna see, in just a minute..." smiled Veronica. She stepped atop the chair and gingerly brought his arms up. "Now please stand on your tippy-toes for me if you would, Phil..."

With her holding onto him now, there wasn't much point in trying to go anywhere, so he did as she said.

"There's a good fellow. Now don't worry your pretty little head about this..." she went on, tugging on the tie till she got just all the slack she needed, double-knotting the other end to the ceiling fixture. "This is extra sturdy. You can't do anything to break it."

Satisfied he was now secured, she lowered herself to the floor.

"...Are we...doing something kinda kinky?" he guessed, a tiny bit weirded-out, yet undeniably intrigued by her initiative.

"Mm, you might say that," she replied, a little unsettlingly, caressing his torso. The next thing she did was unbutton and unzip his trousers. His expression intensified, but he didn't attempt to stop her in any way. There wasn't any point for Veronica to hold back at this point. Once they were unzipped, she reached around the back, took hold of both the pants and underwear, and zhoop! He was instantly naked in front of her. Phil was very startled, but definitely not turned off, not in the least.

"And, step out, please." Again, he obeyed, and she tossed them on her desk. Her next stop was the shelves, where she moved some books to reveal a couple sets of fuzzy, oversized cuffs. Returning to Phil's right, she knelt on the floor beside him.

"Leg, s'ilvous plaît." She secured his right leg to the desk at the ankle. She crossed around him and did the same with his left. Once she was done, she took a step back and smiled. "Beautiful," she commented. She glanced down to see him beginning to react to the kinkiness. Ooh, how flattering, she thought. He likes me. And he likes me too.

"Now, Phil, at this point, I must ask you you still trust me?"

He wasn't totally sure anymore. "Why exactly do you keep asking?" His tone was timid.

She slipped her arms around his sides and looked up into his eyes with an expression cleverly disguised as benevolence. "Because if you still do..." she explained, her lips curling up—

"Then I must be even more cunning than I thought."

Phil's eyes widened a little. His brows rose. "...Huh?"

"Well, either that, or you really are overly trusting. And innocent, and naïve. But it's okay, sweetheart; that's very endearing."

Eh...ruh-roh, he thought. "...What do you mean, Veronica?"

"Phil, I have a confession to make...remember that meter maid who stopped you when we got to your car tonight?"


" were right. You didn't go over the limit."


"She's a friend of mine."


"Yeah, we, uh...kinda set the whole thing up."

"Wha— mean she's not a real meter maid?"

"Oh, no, she's definitely a real meter maid. We wouldn't have been able to do this if she wasn't. You know when I said I needed to go to the ladies' room? I was in there for a while, right? Well, while I was in there I gave her a call. We usually keep an eye out for cute guys who come in, so we spotted your car, and I told her to open the parking meter where you parked, and turn it to 'expired.'"


"...Yyyyyyeah, so..." she hesitated, feigning embarrassment, "...Y'see, you weren't crazy or anything. You still had time on there."

"But h—..." Phil tried to process this. "But...w—...why would you do that?"

"Well, so I could come to your rescue, and get you out of the ticket, and earn your trust, my dear."

" order to...gain my trust??"

She nodded. "Mm-hm! And as you see, it worked perfectly!"

"Bu—..." He reflexively struggled with the bonds, even though he knew he couldn't go anywhere. He was about to ask her why she would think he wouldn't trust her, but he was beginning to figure that out. "S— what is this, you're just...kidnapping me?"

"Well...essentially, yeah, that's one way of putting it," cooed Veronica, stroking her way down his midsection and petting his bush. "But perhaps only temporarily."

"'Perhaps only temporarily'?"

"Right. Allow me to enlighten you as to what's gonna happen, Phil," said Veronica, a sweet smirk on her face. "We're gonna play a game. It's fun; you'll like it." She held her hands behind her back and rocked on her heels, smirk graduating to a saccharine smile.

"Wanna hear the rules?"

His face was now a little scared and nervous. " I have a choice?"

She chuckled. "That's a good point. Not really you don't, no.

"Okay, so it's pretty simple," she explained. "It's a bet. Right now it's..." She checked the time. "...Exactly 11:00. Now, Phil, honey, I'm gonna start...teasing you...y'know, 'down there'...and, I'm gonna bet you...that I can make you cum..." She paused for effect, looking slyly down at his twitching cock. It reacted to the saucy way she laid it all out, and especially the way she said, "cum."

"...And I mean really cum..." It reacted again. "...A full-fledged midnight. Here..."

She moved her digital desk clock to the bookcases where they could clearly see the glowing numbers.

"But the twist is..." she went on, returning to the desk to retrieve one particular item, "...I have to make you cum..."

His cock was already a little more than half-erect as she ambled back and finished, "...Using nothing but this."

She showed him the little prop she'd fetched: a long, stiff feather quill. He grew both stimulated and intimidated at the sight.

Veronica smiled, letting the feather blade glide down his face to his neck and continue on its way. "And, eh..." she went on, "As to the results...if I win—i.e., force you to cum, in the next fifty-nine minutes..." She leaned up to whisper the rest in his ear.

"I get to keep you as my sex slave."

Phil whirled on her in a mixture of fright and intense arousal. Her shady smile helped his dick the rest of the way to a full erection.

"Uh..." he said with a gulp, "And what, um...what happens if...?"

"I'm so glad you asked. If I can't make you cum by midnight with my little friend here..." said Veronica, wiggling the feather, "...Or, if I have to use my hand, or mouth, or anything else to do it...then you get to keep me as your sex slave."

Phil's heart starting pounding wildly through his chest. "...Really?" he asked, both skeptic and fascinated.

"Well, if you see fit. Actually, Phil, if you win, you can have absolutely anything you want from me. Literally, anything your innocent heart desires. That, my lovely gent, is the bet," confirmed Veronica. She stood up on the chair again. "So, is it a deal?"

Without waiting for him to say anything, she clasped his tied right hand, and shook it. "Good!"

She giggled and hopped back down off the chair again. He was looking at her with a "Come on, that's not fair" expression. But he rather doubted a mere feather held the power to suck an entire orgasm out of him. Still, Veronica was grinning with satisfaction.

"All right, big guy," she purred, leering at him as she twirled the feather, "Let's see how much you can take."

And so it began. She swirled, stroked, waved and slid the feather from the head, slowly to the bottom, culling an initial, raspy "Oh, God," out of Phil. His head went back till he could see his hands in the ceiling fixture. He could already hear her chuckling. He felt the overwhelming sensation ride him up and down, up and down, over and over, giving the balls their share of attention. After five minutes, it would seem he'd underestimated this feather. It was already driving him crazy. The feather was eight inches, weighed two ounces, and was making him go insane. After another minute, he was begging her to please stop just so he could catch his breath.

"'Please stop'?!" she teasingly parroted with a laugh. "How's that gonna help me win?"

At 11:09, she finally paused. "Okay, dude, you get a little break," she decided. She put the quill down, so she could proceed to take each of her own articles of clothing off. As Phil and his manhood watched her strip, he felt himself becoming even more turned on.

"Ah," sighed Veronica, now as naked as he. "That's better, huh?" Her back to him, she stretched, giving him a little show before returning to the audience participation. "Oh, gosh, I think I left something down here..." she mused, spreading her legs, bending to the floor, giving him an exquisite view of her pussy. It was getting to be too much. He was inclined to say, "Hey, that's cheating!" But, she'd made the rules, and said nothing about stacking them in her favor with her own nudity. And he still had fifty, go.

"Oh, nope, my mistake," she corrected herself, standing up and clapping dust off her hands. "All righty, my friend, let's get back to it..." She picked up the quill. "By the way, Phil, just out of curiosity, what's your last name? I don't think I ever caught it."

He swallowed, taking a deep breath, figuring he'd need it. "Dixon."

"Dixon?" she repeated.


"Huh!" she smiled. "Well, y'know, that's a bit of a coincidence...'cause right now...your 'dick's in' trouble, babe..." she said, once more sadistically twirling the feather between her fingers. "...Aaaaaand back to the torture."

On went the bet. This time Veronica guided the feather just a little further back, so as not to leave out his taint and ass as well. Phil was starting to lose it. He lifted his feet off the floor the inch or two he was allowed. OHMYGOD, he reiterated in his mind. How much time was left...he tried to focus his eyes and look at the clock. Still forty minutes?! Oh, he didn't think he was going to make it.