Doc and the Porn Star Ch. 11-15


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I held up a hand, "I know, and that's part of the age thing between us. I will always be thirty or so years ahead of where you are. Even as you start working, I'll be thinking more and more about stopping my work and becoming a full-time retiree."

I paused, "Sometime soon, you will have to go and find a hot guy close to your own age - someone that loves you deeply and wants to please you even more than I do; someone that will support your career choices and your past; and someone you can build a family with."

Jasmine started to cry. Tears rolled down her face and she burrowed into my neck. She kept repeating through her tears, "No. No. No."

I knew I was right. We were crazy to think we had a relationship that could last. I had come to face reality, and now I was trying to drive it home to Jasmine. The problem was that I loved her and I believed her when she said that she loved me.

Jasmine got up and ran towards our bedroom. She came back with a hand full of tissues. She walked up and stood in front of me and stamped one foot. She cursed at me, "DAMN YOU. Don't you know that I am hopelessly in love with you? I do NOT want to leave you for some 'buff guy'. I want YOU. I treasure every second we're together, and I feel certain there'll be millions more. I know I'll likely outlast you because of our age difference, but I'll have all our happy memories of the things we did together.

"If our behavior with our friends - the sex - is making you rethink all of this, then it can stop right this instant. If my porn career bothers you, it stops right now. I LOVE YOU, YOU DOLT. I don't want anybody but you as the primary person in my life."

I had started to cry. I had tears streaming down my face, and I could barely see her through them. I coughed out, "And I love you, too - with all my heart. I'm trying to do what's best for you."

Jasmine stomped around some more. "SILLY MAN. You don't know what's good for me. What's good for me is YOU. If I had my way I'd marry you and we'd have children, and I'd be the best god damn fucking wife and mother you've ever known.

"I know you did all that with Edie and that she was the perfect wife. I'm not trying to displace her in your memories or anything. I'm just telling you what I feel and want. I want it ALL, but most of all, however I can get you, I want YOU."

She went on, "You're all concerned about our age difference, but I'm not ... well, the only thing I worry about is giving you a bad reputation because you hang around with me. I'm sure people think I'm a gold digger and that I want you as a sugar daddy. Those that discover our sex life might even think I'm banging other guys just waiting for you to have a coronary so I can inherit. I tell you now; I'll sign any kind of a prenup you put in front of me. I'm sure your sons worry about that, and I'd do it to ease their concerns, too. I just want you - not your house or yacht or money, just YOU."

She sniffled a lot and kept repeating, "I love you. I don't need some 'buff guy' - most of them are hard to take anyway. They're all legends in their own minds."

She fell into my arms sobbing and hugging me like I was about the get up and run away from her. I wasn't.

I said slowly, getting a gripe on my emotional state, "Well, if you're sure that's what you want, then we better get started. Jasmine will you marry me."

Jasmine stopped her hug and jerked out of my arms. She looked me in the eyes as her lips trembled. Her face was probably as big a mess as mine was with tears and snifflings. She said softly, "Seriously?"

I nodded, "Seriously. I've thought about this for a long time before I realized what I thought you should do for your long-term happiness. You think it's with me. I know I can be happy with you. Well, if you're sure then please say yes."

"Yes," Jasmine said softly, and then she turned and screamed, "YES!!" The remark echoed around the house. She sobbed again but this time with an engaging smile on her blotchy face. "I love you. I want you. I want US. Thank you. Yes. Yes. Yes. I want to be your wife, your lover, your everything I can be for you."

I warned, "This won't be easy."

She sniffled, "No relationship is. We'll just have some issues that other people tend not to have, and like everybody else we'll deal with them when they come and solve them ... and I'll love you every second of every day we can be together."

We kissed to seal the deal and then we went to the bedroom and further sealed the deal with some tender lovemaking. After we'd made love we went for a brief swim sans bathing suits/

I said to Jasmine, "You know I loved Edie very much for our marriage. I gave her a diamond ring when we could afford it, but I don't want to offer it to you if in anyway you feel slighted or second class or an also ran. I happen to have it, but you know I can afford another. We can go to the jewelry store tomorrow and ..."

Jasmine got tears in her eyes and interrupted me, "Oh, Doc. I love Edie, through you. I feel I've gotten to know her in so many ways thanks to you and all you've shared and how you've answered my questions about your prior life before I came along. I know we would have loved each other. Heck, we both love you. I wear her clothes and drive her car. I sleep with her husband and live in her house. I would feel privileged to wear her ring. It would make our engagement so special for me because I know how close the two of you were. Yes, please." She sobbed.

I reached beside me to a small case I'd brought outside. "Then, my darling Jasmine, we have pledged our troth to wed to each other. To seal the deal even further than our lovemaking, I ask you to wear this ring as a token of my love for you and our intent to wed."

I slipped the ring on Jasmine's ring finger and she looked at it and wept in happiness. She tried to say 'Thank you' through her blubbering, but it came out 'Tfssyciklloo'. We kissed and we each had an official fiancée.

We spent the rest of the day mostly in each other's arms beside the pool. We talked and talked and talked. We discussed how we wanted our marriage to function. I explained how I did not want to dominate or control her. She was my 'butterfly' and I wanted her free to go from flower to flower as she saw fit.

We talked about our friends and the group sex we'd embroiled ourselves in. We concluded that we both liked the people and the fun times we had with everybody. I had always wanted Edie to loosen up and perhaps take on other men. I talked about my cuckold tendencies and how I loved to watch Jasmine with someone else's cock inside her or her making out with somebody else. She understood and even felt the same way about some of the things she watched me do with the other women.

We talked about children and agreed to continue to involve my sons and wives in our sex games. That ship had already sailed. Jasmine liked all of them, and with a laugh promised to be a good step-mom to my sons, a point that made me laugh since Phil and Ryan were both a few years older than Jasmine.

On that note, we did a conference call to my sons. Once everyone was on the line I announced that I had proposed to Jasmine and that she had accepted. I was pleased that they and their wives all cheered and made a huge fuss about welcoming Jasmine to the family as a member and not just as a girlfriend.

Jasmine wanted to wait until she saw Beth at work the next day to tell her, and anybody else we'd let them find out when they did. We cleaned house a little, put on clothes, and Jasmine hosted the chemistry study group. Barry and Haley were there, but had exams so rushed away right after the group ended its session. Jasmine didn't say anything to the group about her new status.

When dinnertime came, we went to the Yacht Club. Jasmine dressed up more than usual for the casual fare they offered that night in the lounge. We took our table and as usual, some of my old friends intentionally wandered by the table to say hello and that they were glad to see me. I knew the men really wanted to see Jasmine up close and to try to look down her cleavage to see what they could see.

Herb and Marion Wallace had met Jasmine and even heard me introduce her as my girlfriend. They came by the table on their way out of the pub. They were pleasant, asked about any boat trips I'd taken recently, and of Jasmine how her nursing education was coming. Marion had a keen memory.

Marion was the one that spotted the diamond rock on Jasmine's left finger, aided I'm sure by the way my fiancée held her hand on the table next to her place setting. Her eyes flared. She finally said, "That's quite a ring. It's beautiful. I love the setting."

I commented, "Nothing but the best for my fiancée."

I think a feather would have toppled Marion. Herb was looking around to figure out what was happening that he'd missed.

Marion instantly hugged me and offered congratulations, and then hugged Jasmine with very nice words about hoping we could spend time together and maybe even take a day cruise somewhere. I'd never cruised with them before, so I doubted that was a serious invitation, but took it as a gesture of good will and thanked them.

Marion was one of the club gossips. Short of an announcement over the PA system when everyone was in the club, I felt certain that by the end of the evening everyone that was anyone would know of my change of status, as well as what a young, hot, sexy, stacked, and beautiful fiancée I had snagged. I'm sure the size of the engagement ring would feature prominently in the stories, possibly with some mention of Jasmine's magnificent breasts. I worried about the 'gold digger' labels, but there was little I could do other than prove through longevity and familiarity that that moniker was outright wrong.

I welcomed the change in status from single and available to engaged and taken, since many of the women in the club felt I should not retain the widower status. I just had to have a wife. I do think they were thinking it should be one of their single, likely divorced, female members or friends. Instead, I'd upset those apple carts by picking someone thirty years younger, and a relative unknown. I wondered what an Internet search would show up when someone got overly curious and tried to figure out Jasmine's lineage. As far as I knew, no one had every heard her real last name.

I got a call at the clinic the next morning from Beth. She apologized for interrupting my day, but then crowed her happiness for Jasmine and me getting engaged. It was a short conversation, and she promised to see us after work. Later in the day Jake called and a half-hour later Alan, all with congratulations and best wishes for Jasmine and me. Jason and Robin texted me just after lunch; the word was going out.

When I got home about five-thirty, I opened up the house and changed into a bathing suit and t-shirt. I'd just come from the bedroom wing when Jasmine arrived with Beth in hot pursuit. Beth threw herself into my arms before Jasmine had a chance to get her kiss. Beth kissed me all over my face extolling my virtues as her best friend's future husband.

I slowly stripped away Beth's yellow scrubs as she talked enthusiastically about our future. Soon, Beth was naked and I started to kiss some of her erogenous zones, and finger he slit. Her talking slowed down and became moans of pleasure as I stroked her towards an orgasm.

Beth turned to Jasmine who'd also stripped and asked, "Are you still going to be able to have sex with us? Doc? Are you going to retrench into a more traditional relationship? Can we still be intimate friends? Are you going to change your lifestyle? What about Jake and Alan; will Jasmine still have sex with them? Oh, and Robin and Jason and the new kids? Will you have a big wedding? Did you set a date?" She had more questions and couldn't stop chattering at us in her excitement. I got a finger inside her, but she didn't slow down.

Jasmine and I laughed as we led Beth towards our bedroom. She got some simple one-word answers but could only match them up to some of her questions. Two minutes later we'd introduced Beth to the sex swing, and a minute after that she was in the swing with my cock snuggly buried to the hilt in her gushing pussy as Jasmine kissed her friend and suckled on her breasts.

Chloe came by an hour later to also join us for dinner, and suitably reacted when she learned of our engagement. Beth had not communicated about the event to her daughter so that we could see her reaction. Chloe made both of us feel so good in her own joy at our happy event and change of relationship.

Chloe also liked the new sex swing and became its fourth 'victim' with my help along with two of the first beneficiaries. Beth decided that a large dildo should also be part of the sex swing play toy set. She worked over Chloe right after I was finished, bringing her to two more massive orgasms. After that, Beth and I both cleaned up Chloe with our mouths, even snowballing what we discovered inside the teen with each other and then with her.

The four of us went out for dinner, and both Jasmine and I talked about what we thought the future would be like. I explained to the women that others in the restaurant no doubt perceived me as being the 'daddy' with a much younger wife - Beth, and two hot daughters - Chloe and Jasmine.

Jasmine got incensed and explained that if she thought somebody was 'wrong' about our relationship that she'd have to go and straighten them out. I told her that it wasn't that important, and to save her energy for when she really needed it. She re-raised the gold digger and sugar daddy perceptions, but we blew them away as inconsequential to our own reality.

We stopped by the Yacht Club after dinner for another glass of wine, since we'd had iced tea with our dinners. The bartender ignored Chloe's underage status and got her a Chardonnay along with the rest of us. We took a table on the small patio that looked out over the marina. My boat, theParadigm Shift sat almost opposite us in one of the larger slips. I always admired the lines of her.

Herb and Dot Quimby stopped by the table to offer their congratulations on my engagement. True to my predictions, they looked at Beth - the oldest of the three women - as my potential fiancée. Dot about dropped her eyeteeth when Jasmine stood and held out her ring finger and responded to her congratulatory speech. Herb especially reacted, looking from me to Jasmine and back a dozen times trying to think about what my life must be like with such a gorgeous sexpot. I could almost read his mind about the fabulous sex life I must be enjoying with such a hot young woman. If he'd known that Beth and Chloe were part of that sex life, he'd have fainted.

Jennifer Hardesty came by the table to say hello and congratulate us. She did not make the mistake that Dot had, and while congratulating Jasmine, she was also sizing her up. I felt she made a final judgment of acceptability, and that the short conversation took a turn for the better. One of my pleasant surprises about Jasmine was that in spite of growing up nearly abandoned and with few lessons passed along as a normal parent might, she'd somehow learned all the manners and social graces anyone could ever expect from someone, especially the upper-crust broads at the Yacht Club. Jasmine did fit right in when she wanted to.

We got several other congratulatory visits during our drinks. Eventually, the club manager came out with a small layer cake with a sparkler on top of it. He'd written 'Congratulations' on top of the cake with icing. Plates, napkins, and forks arrived, and we had the cake as dessert. Some of the waiters and waitresses even came out and mangled a congratulatory song as Jasmine and I stood and someone took pictures.

We went home after that and I made love to three women. We went to sleep in my king-size bed. It was close with four of us and I wondered whether I could buy a larger bed somewhere.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Oh so hedonistic and depraved

Oh what would I not give to be able to join a group like this, so many beautiful sex crazed women and girls with hot insatiable cunts. Everyone getting absolutely drunk on cock cream and cunt juice. Fucking and sucking till we all pass out from the insane level sex of pure unadulterated sex pleasure we induce in each other, total exhaustion, just to start over as soon as we recover. Fabulous, cunt lapping sex maniac Lanc’s UK.W5ex86

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110almost 5 years ago
Oh Goody!

I get to make the first comment. This is a really great story. I liked the sex imagery. I particularly like the conversations as to what it takes to make a polyamory relationship work. I liked it alot. I gave it a 4* rating.

As for all of the negative anons out there who will think Doc is a cuck wimp for letting his girl do other men then maybe you are the ones with a problem. If you are unable to do what Doc and Jasmined does maybe you are too insecure in your own relationship. It takes a special relationship to do what they do. Besides, it sounds like a ton of fun. Don't knock other's kink unless you've been there.

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