Doctor Who: Panic Moon Ch. 08


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She looked down as her hands rested in her lap, fingers curled in towards her palms. A little despairing sound left her as she caught sight of her nipples, red and swollen and wrecked. Pain still gripped her chest, a thousand tiny needles of sore heat that fizzed through her sensitive flesh. The ache was bad enough on its own, without the way it tugged at her mind, made her perfectly, insistently aware of every inch of her tits, of her distended, tender nipples. Absently, experimentally, without any conscious thought, she reached out a finger to brush the tip across one inflamed tip. A string was tugged, right down to her vagina, and a fresh, hot trickle flowed between her legs. Shameful...

Her cheeks flushed hotly as Tsugi swept his gaze up her body. She hoped against hope that he would skip over her spread, glistening pussy lips without noticing; from the way he looked at her, she knew he had.

'One more time, I think,' Tsugi said, nodding. 'Yes. Once more, and we can move on.'

'Please...' Amy whined, eyes welling with tears. Not just for the pain, or the fear of future pain, but for her responses, for the way her body opened up to it. Eagerly, disturbingly; the shame its own dark, disgraceful aphrodisiac.

Wordlessly, Tsugi tugged on her Collar, a single finger traced the curvature of the delicate silver metal. He gave a happy little sigh, 'Collars, man... I swear to god. Sexy, right?'

As his hand dropped, it brushed over her nipples, sending another flush of seductive heat through her. She trembled with it, like a sudden shock, her heart sinking as she felt a single, tiny drop of her juices leak down the crease of her ass. Her mouth felt dry and arid, the dread at what she was being asked to do dominating her mind.

'Go on,' Tsugi said. 'I want to see you do it, Amy.'

Her eyes shut as her hands lifted, once more taking hold of her poor, tortured nipples. Her teeth clenched, she steeled herself for what she knew was coming. One more, one more... She squeezed. Hard.

Already tender, her whole body twisted in agony as it slammed into her, blew through her mind and lifted the blessed fog of dissonance that had taken her for so long. All there was, all that mattered now, was pain, and what it was doing to her. How her body hungered; for it to stop, for there to be more, for things to progress and cease and for Tsugi to get on with it and fuck her already and for her body to stop wanting things!

Her hands flew away from her breasts as though they had been electrically charged. She gasped, her head dropping as the tears overflowed and dripped down her cheeks to the tune of thick, rhythmic sobbing. Her voice trembled as she pleaded, 'Enough, enough!'

There was an almost gentle sigh, from above, and a pressure on her chin lifted her head so she could look in Tsugi's eyes. He held her there, chin tucked between thumb and forefinger, and forced her to maintain eye contact. His free hand slipped back the errant strands of hair on her face, but did nothing to wipe away the tears slowly making tracks down to her neck.

'How does it feel, Amy?'

She stared, wondering what, exactly he wanted from her, here. But if nothing else, the emotional floodgates in her mind had been completely opened by what he was doing, and her mouth twisted hatefully, 'It hurts, you bastard!'

'I bet, beautiful,' Tsugi's head twisted to one side. 'But that's not exactly what I meant. Tell me how you feel. And don't make me use the Collar, because I will. I'll force you to tell the truth, Pond.'


'Come on, Pond,' He drew out the words, teasing her with his cool, in control voice. 'What are you feeling, right now? I want to know.'

'I... I feel,' Her voice broke. 'It hurts. And it's... It's hot,' She finished lamely, wanting to look away, but being unable to.

'Hot?' He asked, patiently. To her, he sounded very much like a teacher trying to draw information from a shy child. This did not help matters, 'You mean temperature, I assume? Because a nice girl like you would never get aroused from something like this, right?'

She froze. He had asked, and she couldn't lie. If she nodded her head, he would ask a follow up question that would sink her; the evidence of her arousal was completely, shamefully present. All he had to do was touch her between her legs to find out, and god knows that was well within his power right now.

'Are you wet, Amy Pond?' Tsugi teased, grinning obscenely. 'Did you like what I made you do?'

She was going to have to answer him sometime... Sitting here with her face all red and hot, her nipples awfully swollen, naked, with her clit fizzing and her pussy aching and almost dripping... It was so, so obvious what the answer was. But he wanted her to say it.

'It's perfectly alright if you did like it, you know,' Tsugi went on, each word an insult, a fresh humiliation. 'Hardly your fault, hmm? I made you do it. Really...' He paused, grinned wider. She knew what was coming, 'It's my fault, isn't it? Are you wet, little girl?'

'...Yes,' Fresh tears flowed. The admission was barely even audible, her voice shook as she said it and, terribly, her cunt twitched at the shame of it.

'Very nice,' Tsugi nodded. He released her, pushed himself back from her, got a little distance. She could have sworn she saw him shake his head, just a little, 'Well, you don't have to worry, because I'm done with your tits, girl. Let's move on.'

Amy's heart sank further, but at least now she could assume the shape of the rest of this encounter. As if that was a good thing...

'I want to see you masturbate, Amy. Finger yourself for me.'

Yes, of course that was the next thing. It was hardly surprising, despite the unfortunate nature of the order. She knew it was pointless to resist, but that hardly mattered to a mind driven half mad by shame and fear. She knew, deep down, that if she acquiesced she would cum. Her resistance would snap, she would moan and shake and, ultimately, she would orgasm in front of him, as he watched. Because that's what he would want, and she wouldn't be let off the hook until she did.

And at that point it would be impossible to deny that she liked it.

'No... No,' Amy whimpered, shaking her head. 'I won't.'

'You will,' Tsugi said simply. 'Because I told you to.'

He took hold of her wrist with a delicate grip, only two fingers, and slowly, almost tenderly, guided it downwards. Her fingers trembled, her mind awash with confusion and doubt and, above all, recalcitrance. She wanted to fight, to push him away... He was not a tall or overly muscular person, she'd stand a better than average chance of putting him off balance, if only for a moment. But... then what?

Really, it was a question of worth: Would it be worth fighting back and experiencing that singular moment of reclaiming control, despite the fact that it would be a fleeting feeling, soon eclipsed by the punishment that would surely be meted out against her?

The pad of her middle finger swept across her clit under Tsugi's insistent guidance, the sensation awful and wonderful and... it stopped her from thinking. Tsugi pressed her finger there, and the purity of the feeling robbed her of the ability to do anything but shudder and moan. The feeling only intensified as Tsugi drew her hand lower, laying her fingers flat against her scorching pussy. She could feel wetness begin to coat them.

'Go on, put your fingers inside,' Tsugi shrugged, somehow contriving to sound like he was doing her a favor. 'Make yourself feel good, Amy. I'll just, y'know, watch.'

Amy whimpered. At least when Sander took her, or Mara, or even Kanaria, she was always under the power of the Collar. Always being forced to act to pleasure someone else. Right now, although the threat of the Collar was omnipresent, it wasn't in use; this was solely her own actions, directed against herself. She was complicit in the violation of her own body. And, as she sobbed and slid first one, then two fingers inside herself... It felt good.

Unconsciously, she shifted her hips and spread her legs, allowing herself greater access to her hot, wet core. Tsugi's sharp intake of breath indicated that he appreciated the better view himself. Her thighs trembled as her fingers slid deeper; it was pitiful how easy it was, how well lubricated she was. She followed on his leash too damn easily. Weak.

Her thumb found her clit, stroked over it. She shivered, a tiny moan escaping the confines of her throat as pleasure climbed her hips like a bolt of electricity. Her fingers twisted and curved against the walls of her cunt, just the way she liked. She knew what Tsugi wanted; he wanted her to cum, he wanted to watch her cum, and he wanted her to know he was watching. Amy was the kind of girl who was familiar enough with her body to know what she liked... At least, that's what she had thought before meeting Sander... And she figured it was best to give herself that, to make herself cum and get it over with.

The sooner she got herself off, gave the strange, impassive person in front of her what he wanted, the sooner he would leave her alone...

She felt bad about that, but whatever kept happening to her pulled some trigger inside her; her damnable, traitorous physicality couldn't seem to get enough of it. She ached for stimulation, climbed toward the peak of climax all too quickly. She could make herself orgasm, that was a certainty. And it would happen soon. Very, very...

'Stop,' Tsugi's crisp voice sliced through her passion-fogged mind.

'Fuck no...' She moaned, so lost and so, so close. Her nipples throbbed in time with her heartbeat, little lingering darts of pain toeing the line between wonderful and terrible. Her fingers worked, little wet noises filling her mind as her body went into sensory overdrive, so close to the edge.

'Command-' Tsugi snapped, preparing to forcibly tear her from that edge.

'Oh, okay!' Amy screamed, flinging her hand out from between her legs and up into the air. Her fingers glistened in the light, and her eyes burned angrily, 'Fucking fine! Are you happy now? I won't cum, I can't cum without your permission, is that it?'

'Now she's getting it!' Tsugi said. 'No, you may not cum yet, Amy. You can start again, but don't cum.'

Glaring sharply at Tsugi, Amy returned to her task, fucking herself in what was initially a desultory fashion, but rapidly became more enthusiastic as the familiar heat claimed her. Soon, she had relegated Tsugi's cruel order to the back of her mind, and was working herself off with abandon. She closed her eyes, tipped her head back, and...


'Tsugi, please!' Amy begged, fingers frozen in the depths of her cunt. She was skirting that edge, ready to leap, willing to leap... But to disobey would have been... Not unthinkable. No, Amy thought about that all the time. It would have been severely inadvisable. Possibly even stupidly rebellious.

'What's wrong, Amy?' Tsugi teased, gaze so frustratingly impassive, hiding the fire of lust so well. 'Can't hold it in? Well, fine. I'm not going to, y'know, stop you, or anything. That's not permission, mind, but you do what you gotta do, kiddo.'

There was a baited hook, in that sentence. A trap, just waiting to be sprung. Punishment, implicit in every word. But the pull of the body was too strong. That ache in her flesh needed to be quenched, regardless of the consequences. She needed to jump, to have that moment of completion, even with the shameful weight of Tsugi's gaze upon her. She needed.

Her fingers moved.

She was already so close, so full, so near. Her fingers spread herself, stretched her walls, pushed in deeply. Her thumb pressed her clit, molten pleasure burning through her skin. She lit up, and moaned. Her jaw clenched as she pressed herself to the edge, held herself there, before tumbling over it. Her orgasm began, boiled up over the sides. Her pussy gushed, and...

Iron grip on her wrist, forcing her hand away from where it should be. Her fingers slipped from her pussy as Tsugi dragged her out and up, high in the air. His eyes bored into hers as she cried out in shock, wet, hot walls clenching down on nothing. Robbed of all stimulation, robbed of true satisfaction, robbed of her moment.

Arousal slipped into frustration as she came on nothing. There was no satisfaction in this, only a contraction, a heightening and amplification of her desire, with nothing to show for it, and the idea that a true climax would be out of her reach, after this. She shrieked in mindless agitation as everything was taken from her.

She shuddered as she came down from her ruined orgasm, legs twitching and cunt dripping as she slowly became aware of Tsugi's gaze, still upon her. She collapsed backwards, breasts jiggling as she fell into limp surrender. Whatever happened now, whatever Tsugi was going to do to her... He could do it without her input. Amy was done.

'I told you I didn't want you to cum,' He said flatly. 'I did say that. How are we feeling?'

Amy moaned incoherently in response, screwing her eyes closed and rolling over to one side, away from the constancy of his eyes. She still wanted to cum...

'Well, I guess that's what you get,' He shrugged, hopping to his feet and rolling his shoulders. Amy glared, cast her eyes over the frustrating, frustrating person in front of her. She couldn't help but wonder what, precisely, his deal was; there was truly no indication, one way or another, that Tsugi even had a gender. She had just put on something of a show for him, but there was no sign, down below, that it had had any effect on him at all.

'What are you?' Amy glared balefully, voice breathless and nearly devoid of energy. 'What are you really? What was all this, just now?'

'Me? I'm Tsugi, baby!' He grinned, throwing his arms wide. 'The one and only. And that? That was just fun. I'm gonna enjoy thinking about all this later. I know you're a little confused about why I didn't... y'know. But think about it: if I'd just gone to town on you, Sander could just ask you some rather personal questions about me later. Why would I make it easy on any of you?'

'Easy... Right,' Amy said blankly, unwilling to play Tsugi's games anymore. She turned her back to him, retrieving her clothes and roughly pulling them on. For a moment, Tsugi watched her dress, grinning in amusement; every movement Amy made projected agitation and frustration. Her fingers twitched, her skin had flushed red... Tsugi's grin widened. She was still hot and heavy.

Well, there was still something he could do to make it worse...

'Now, this probably goes without saying, but you shouldn't be getting yourself off once you're alone,' He said. 'And, I know, it's tempting. But let's keep you frustrated, hmm? If you try, well, Jericho's got my back, don't you, dude?'

'Acknowledged, Master Nakatsukasa,' The A.I's voice suffused the cell momentarily.

'See? HAL's got my back,' Tsugi paused for a moment, then waved. 'Right, well, I'm out. Door's not locked, so come and greet the day, at whatever point. I don't really give a fuck, but I'm sure Sander and Mara want us to take care of you, so hey.'

The door opened, then closed behind him. Amy could hear his footsteps echoing down the hallway. Her lip curled in disgust as the events of the last half hour finally hit home, brows furrowing and teeth grinding together. Her shoulders shook; it was bad enough that Tsugi had taken advantage of her like that at all, but in her own mind it was hard to deny that it had affected her, in ways she would have preferred it hadn't.

That treacherous little voice posed her a question: if Tsugi hadn't specifically forbade it, would she have tried to get herself off properly? Even knowing that Jericho was watching?

Would she try it now, anyway?

All this had taken only a couple of seconds. With an irritated shout, Amy picked up the first object to come to hand- one of the pillows Tsugi had been sitting on moments before- and threw it at the door as hard as she could. Not that it mattered; it was still a pillow.

It made her feel a little better, though.


'You seem on edge.'

Lysithea stopped, going completely still. She was halfway across the base, how was it that she was still within Dulcimer's range? She closed her eyes.

'I am on edge, Dulsie,' She sent back. 'Something doesn't feel right.'

'You're talking about Ren.'

'I am talking about Ren,' The Trine-form stopped, considered the issue for a moment. Then, 'Wait, you know about Ren?'

'She's in the Chorus, and you're wondering why,' Dulsie sent. 'I can't blame you for that.'

Lysithea focused herself, wondering where, exactly, the Dullahan was right now. She had long ago come to terms with the fact that, when it came to sheer psychic aptitude, Dulcimer easily outclassed her. Whether that was innate skill on the part of all Dullahan or a talent Dulcimer had honed over the years remained to be seen; the species itself was reclusive almost to a fault. There were almost no concrete facts about the Dullahan, even down to the existence and location of their homeworld. It was like they didn't even exist until they wanted to show themselves.

Shadowy, headless beings with immense psychic power, hiding away in some dark corner of the universe... Yes, nothing unsettling about that.

And now one of them was... well, somewhere, talking to her over a telepathic link she couldn't quite figure out. It raised a number of very valid questions in her mind; just how much could Dulcimer do with her powers? What was the upper limit of her telepathy? Lysithea knew she could read minds like normal people read books, but refrained from doing so here to be courteous. It begged the question: if Dulsie did read her mind, would she be able to tell?

Dulcimer always seemed to know what was going on, she always understood... Lysithea wasn't distrustful of the other alien, so to speak, but she was... interested. She was a mysterious creature, always so poised and graceful and balanced; she seemed so, so wise. She had once told the group that she was around a thousand years old, although the exact number had long been forgotten. There was no death for the Dullahan, or at least that's how the stories told it. Lysithea had never had the courage to ask whether that was true, and frankly she wasn't entirely sure she wanted to know.

'If you're wondering, I don't know why Ren can access the Song,' The message entered Lysithea's head suddenly, causing her to twitch. There was no voice, in psychic communication, no sound at all, but one could attach an emotional note to a message; a kind of expressive tone that colored the words. Dulcimer's message had a patient, pleasant, languid feel to it; this was her version of helping.

'I don't think it's a problem, however,' She continued, Lysithea could feel the dismissive shake of the head in the message. 'I get the feeling that she isn't connecting on purpose. Of course, you are the expert in this matter, the Chorus has always felt odd to me.'


The Trine-form jumped; sudden intrusions from the physical world would often produce this reaction when she was deep in telepathic communication. It was like being perfectly warm, and suddenly getting doused in ice cold water. Mara grinned at the pronounced response to her presence.

'What ya doin'?' She lilted, shaking out her long blonde hair and leaning against the wall. Lysithea looked her up and down, and couldn't help but smile; it didn't matter how many years she had lived here, Mara in the morning never ceased to be funny.