Doctor's Orders


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The idea behind the video was for them to feel good about their lives, and then relate those feelings to the benefits of my service. That way, they come back. They're better off for the visits, and I rarely have any openings in the appointment calendar. It's a win-win situation."

"I can see that," Steven said. "But then you got greedy."

The doctor gave a slow nod. "My predecessor didn't give me much instruction on the limitations of the video. He said I couldn't force people to do things they didn't want to do, and I haven't really pushed the envelope, so to speak. But I first became tempted with a quite attractive blonde several years ago. Let's just say that it's worked every time so far. But I can only go so far. There's too much disease out there, and, really, I'm quite happy at home. Also, after a patient's first appointment, I usually only schedule fifteen minutes per appointment, so there's no time to use the video."

"But in certain situations, you do."

"Well, yes. The good looking women are a weakness."

"And what do you do with them?"

"I really don't want to go into that."

Steven raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? I have your medical license hanging by a thread." He dangled the Dictaphone in front of him. "Tell me, what have you done with my wife?"

"I've never had sex with her, if that's what you mean. I've never even had her remove her pants. There just isn't enough time, for one thing, plus I have two female assistants who are always about. There's too great a chance I'd get caught. I've seen your wife's breasts, yes, and taken some pictures (see Hayley's tits at I've done that with a lot of women. And rather than make them just feel good about their backs, I've expanded the benefits of Chiropractic to fulfilling sex. They're happy. You should be happy. They feel better. I get to satisfy my libido while filling my bank account. And that's really about it."

Steven gave him a skeptical look. "That all sounds very reasonable, but I have my doubts. You could use your video so that patients forget that they had to wait an extra half hour for their appointment, and you could use it to make your patients think their appointment started late, when in fact, you had liberty with them for as long as you wanted. And as for your staff, you could easily have them watch the video and have them forget what they've seen you do. I can only think of one solution here."

He looked at me, emotions mixed between panic and hope. What hope did he have? "Your office, does it have a VCR?"


"The only way I'll let you out of this is for you to watch your video, and then answer the questions for me. That's your only option, short of being exposed."

The doctor gave a somewhat defeated look. He said, "I know what you're thinking, but the film won't work on me. We've got to find some other terms. I'll be happy to give you your wife's pictures back, and the videotapes she's brought me. This has the potential of too much trouble. How about this? There's two more copies of the videotape in my safe. We can destroy them together. Just to give you some reassurance, I'll give you a few pictures of my wife." He reached into his desk drawer and removed several pictures. I looked. If he was a graying Ken, she was a nude 30ish Barbie. Wow. The face in the picture matched a photo on his desk, a portrait that pictured them together. It seemed legit.

"Keep those under wraps. If she finds out, I've had it. I can't afford a divorce." Dr. Gilliam opened the safe and removed the videotapes. He had a hammer in another desk drawer, and offered it to Steven. They stepped outside through his private door to the rear of the building, and Steven smashed the tapes, pulling the film from them. He then threw them in a dumpster.

Dr. Gilliam looked worried, and he had reason to be. His business was likely to go on the decline. "I'd appreciate it if you left that little tape with me," he said.

"No, I don't think so," Steven said. "I have no way of knowing whether you have more tapes, or more pictures of Hayley and me. We'll call it a draw."

He nodded, reluctantly accepting the terms. "Okay. A draw. Anything else?"

"Yes, this visit was free." He nodded again and escorted Steven to the lobby before taking his next patient, an absolutely gorgeous 20 or so year old that Steven couldn't imagine had any problem with her back. The things he could do with that tape...

Steven figured it was probably best not to tell Hayley about what had happened. No doubt her Chiropractic visits would soon end, without the hypnotic suggestions that it was working so well. He thought about telling her to see another doctor, but that would just arouse suspicion. With any justice, the doctor's practice would be meeting its end in the next several months.

Dr. Gilliam seethed. Steven was smart to figure him out. But he was also gullible. He removed the master copy of his videotape from an unlocked file cabinet...the best place to keep your valuables. He amused himself and laughed shortly. Steven's audiotape was too incriminating, and many of his clients were too distinguished to hear about the "privileges" he allowed himself. If they found out, he'd be in jail. Worse, two were wives of pro football players. He'd be dead.

In a way, Steven had answered a question that he'd been tantalizing himself with. As a recent widower, the prospect of using his tape to get more than a titty grab HAD occurred to him, and Hayley was a fine piece of ass. It was finding an opportunity that he had been careful with, and with Hayley, he now had an opportunity and a purpose. Sweet.

If Steven had just made him watch the tape, he would have revealed everything. Sucker. He had no idea how the thing worked, but if he could suggest to a woman that she couldn't see "Fuck Me" written on her body, his personal signature of sorts, it seemed like the tape could be used for about anything. It was time to push the envelope.

Hayley arrived on time for her Chiropractic appointment the following Tuesday, after her part-time work. Dr. Gilliam's assistant had called and asked if a later afternoon appointment would be okay, as something had come up, and she found that she was the last appointment for the day.

When she got to the patient room, Dr. Gilliam held up a video and asked if she had seen it. It looked familiar, but for the life of her, she couldn't remember anything about it. The doctor started the tape and left the room while she watched.

They chatted a bit, he made an adjustment to her back, and she headed home. Her van clock said 7:00. She looked at her watch. 7:00. What? Where had the time gone? The video must have been longer than she thought, although, thinking about it, she didn't seem to remember much about it. She wondered if she was having a problem with her memory. She hurried as best she could through traffic to get home. She was surprisingly tired, so she fixed sandwiches, ate and then went upstairs to shower. Steven seemed to accept that she got hung up in traffic.

She felt unusually sticky. In the bathroom, she started the shower water, undressed, then looked in the mirror and saw what she recognized as cum, dried on her cunt, and a trail of small dried drops leading up to her breasts as well. This panicked her. She looked again in the mirror. She had what Steven referred to as her "just fucked look," red splotches on her skin with a healthy glow. But she hadn't had sex with Steven in a couple of days, and she had showered since then, at least twice, and just this morning, in fact! The time lapse occurred to her. She couldn't remember anything, but the only possible answer was that Dr. Gilliam had...

Just then, Steven opened the bathroom door, naked, with a raging hard-on, and pushed her into the shower. She was being taken, all over again, just like her Viking story. How many times had she been taken lately? Dr. Gilliam! She didn't remember telling him about her favorite book, but somehow she knew she had! Steven engulfed a breast with his mouth, then sucked her nipple fiercely, just short of biting it with his teeth. The pleasure almost became pain when he lowered himself to her cunt, and horrified thoughts of "NO! NO! NOOOOOO!" raged through her mind. He didn't stop the licking. Couldn't he taste...? Maybe the shower water would wash it away in time... The pressure of his tongue on her clit and the thought of her husband slurping another man's cum from her cunt sent her pulse racing. And the realization that she had been fucked without knowing it was a taboo far beyond a rape by a conquering Viking. She screamed in her orgasm. Loud.

The following week, Hayley received another call from the Chiropractor, requesting another appointment change, and again, it was for the last appointment of the day. Fine. While she had shared in a fantasy she didn't even know she had, a confrontation was at hand.

Dr. Gilliam almost couldn't concentrate on his patients through the day. Hayley had been a great fuck, and he would fuck her again, but he had a purpose to achieve. And while Hayley had been quite a willing participant under his spell, the next time, and from now on, he would have her of her own will. Sweet.

He finished with his last patient, and told his receptionist she could go ahead and leave, for which she gave him a disapproving look. Time for her to watch a video... It wouldn't do to have his receptionist suspect he was getting intimate with a married patient. He locked up.

He opened the door to the room in which his forthcoming fuck awaited, and, ...what a mixed signal! Hayley stood, fury on her face, but her nipples were rock hard, poking through the fabric of her blouse, apparently without the restriction of a bra. As he stared at her breasts, she raced forward, slapped him hard across the face and yelled "Bastard! You bastard!" Yeah, he thought, I am. But you're turned on. Otherwise, why no bra? And a skirt? She always wore slacks or shorts. How much did she know?

She slapped him again. He apparently wasn't paying enough attention. "How could you? You fucked me! I found your cum all over me when I got home!" Huh? Hell. He had forgotten to make her oblivious to any signs of sex. He had only made her forget about having sex and to suspect the video for being longer than she remembered. Well, it really didn't matter if she knew. He was about to tell her anyway. But something about it turned her on...of, course! Her rape fantasy. Her favorite book. He had drawn that out from her about two months ago, and he had used it subtly in his suggestions. Subtlety was at an end.

"Hayley, we need to talk. Step into my office and I'll show you a couple things."

She followed him in, and sat in one of his chairs. He opened his safe and retrieved a video. The best lies are mixed with truth.

"Your husband is a smart man, Hayley. He visited me a couple of weeks ago and confronted me with an audio tape, from a recorder he had placed in your purse." Hayley looked intrigued. This likely wasn't at all the conversation she had been expecting.

"The tape proves that I use a videotape about Chiropractic terms to hypnotize some of my patients,... in this case, you." He could see that Hayley seemed to register understanding about how she had been fucked, as well as the loss of an hour and a half or so. He explained how the particular audiotape suggested that she make an ice dildo, and exhibit herself to whatever world was beyond the door or window she had stood by. "The tape also, I might add, unfortunately, included me suggesting that your breasts were uneven and that you should display them to me in hope of an adjustment." Hayley looked down at her breasts briefly, again understanding. "That's right, they're perfectly matched."

"Bastard," Hayley snarled in a low voice.

"Steven asked me if I had done anything further than that. I told him 'no.' There wasn't time during normal appointment schedules for anything beyond, basically, teenage petting. I gave him all the photographs of your breasts I had taken. As he thought about it, I think the potential power of the videotape got to his head. He demanded a copy. I refused, for which you should be grateful. And I'll show you why."

He placed his video in the VCR and hit 'play.' He saw the mistrust on her eyes.

"Don't watch the video until you're confident that it's not the hypnotic one. Go ahead. Look away." He started the movie. He stifled a chuckle as Hayley's voice filled the room, from the TV. It was soft. Submissive. "Fuck me. Please? I've been admiring...wanting you for weeks."

Hayley's eyes opened wide and turned her head to watch, so Dr. Gilliam, knowing his fish was hooked and all but pulled on board, watched with her. It showed her walking on her knees, to his crotch, unfastening his belt, unfastening his pants, reaching in his underwear to pull out his cock. My 8" cock, Dr. Gilliam thought. Bigger than your husband, aren't I? You aren't used to that, are you? He had to control another chuckle. He had watched the video repeatedly the night before, but now, he was enjoying watching Hayley, shock on her face, her mouth open, paralyzed in stunned silence. Her face was a magnificent glowing red. Her nipples hard. Sweet. He would enjoy her. He let the video continue. There wouldn't be any more dialogue in the video, he knew. He started talking after the movie showed his first orgasm, into HER pussy.

"It goes on for another 30 minutes or so. You sucked my cock back to life, and we had another go. I had mixed feelings about doing this, Hayley, and here's why." She looked at him, skepticism mixed with fury, fury mixed with passion. Or so he hoped. Soon now...

"That audio tape threatens my business, you understand. Steven threatened my medical license, newspaper exposure, that kind of thing. Although I had given him pictures of my wife, naked..." He sounded downcast. "You know she died several months ago." Hayley was watching the video, which showed her sucking his cock like a porn star. "So he took those pictures of my wife, and I gave him the pictures I had taken of you. He wins, you know? I asked him what it would take for me to get the tape back from him. You're not going to like his answer." Hayley turned to look at him. Her nipples were still hard nubs. Sweet. Worth lying for. He tried what he hoped was his most sincere voice. "He said he would trade it for a video of me fucking you."

With that, the color draining from her face. "He didn't!" She looked distant, her thoughts unfathomable.

"He did. And I don't know if I can trust a man who would have his wife fucked by another man. I have a business and my reputation to protect. Unfortunately, that's going to make things more difficult for you." He could tell Hayley was sensing an impending doom. "Step over to my computer." This was going to be fun. Hayley sat in a rolling chair, still showing some spirit in that she wasn't afraid to look. He logged onto the internet, and went to his own website, Tears formed in Hayley's eyes. In bold capital yellow letters across the screen was her name. "H A Y L E Y." And underneath, in slightly smaller print, "Slut wife." As he scrolled down the screen, he revealed that the website included the photos of her breasts he had taken, stills from the video she had just been watching, and stills from a video of her fucking Steven. He clicked on a thumbnail picture. A picture of Steven's cock in her cunt filled the screen. He hit the "back" button, and then clicked on a link for effect. A small square appeared on the screen and a video began of Steven cumming on her face, audio included, with her giggling after he was done.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you about those. I had you bring me all your sex tapes and nude photos a couple months or so ago. Steven took them back, but not before I digitized them. See? Here's a Polaroid of you posing naked. I believe you said that was 12 years ago. Look how young you look. It's too bad the color is fading. But I digress. Here's the point. Your sister is a client. She even sent me a joke e-mail that went out to all her friends, including their e-mail addresses. She told me who your friends are. Who your pastor is. I have clients that go to your church. I know where your husband works. All of them are going to get an anonymous note that lists this website." He let that sink in. Hayley hunched over in her seat, placing her hands over her face. "UNLESS, you do what I want." Hayley looked frozen, probably just beginning to imagine what things he would do with her. "Hey, look, the counter shows 18 people have been to the site already, and I haven't even registered it with the search engines."

Hayley had searched all over the damn house before finding the cursed audiotape, hidden in one of Steven's jacket pockets in his closet. She had searched his closet first, but hadn't thought of checking the pockets until she came up empty everywhere else. She had played it, and it said exactly what the good Doctor had said it did. Damn him! She didn't have the means to copy a micro-cassette, so she played it next to an old cassette recorder, and got a poor copy as a backup, at least, if things didn't work out the way she hoped. And it was only hope. She had no plan. She could try blackmailing him with the audio, but he could likely hypnotize her all over again and make her forget she even had it. She was stuck.

The good doctor had known that Steven was away on a fishing trip this weekend, which she somewhat remembered telling him a few weeks earlier. As she approached his house, she felt, simply, ruined. The website would be disastrous. She didn't think that the video had been Steven's idea, but she couldn't be sure, especially the way he had charged in on her before she showered, just after she had been fucked by the doctor. He hadn't been at all curious or upset that she was so late. Did he know? In any case, the video didn't show the doctor's face, but the body was obviously not her husbands. If her friends or family saw it, they would have to move. Or worse, even if it was his idea, Steven could divorce her, blaming her for cheating on him. The evidence would show it. But he loved her. She knew he did.

And she loved him. Yet, here she was, at the Doctor's house, knowing that she would have sex with some number of guys. She had no bags, although she knew she would be there two nights until midday Sunday, so that she would be home in time for Steven's return. She parked the van, noticing that others' cars were already there. She walked to the front door, feeling a mild, cool breeze blow through her blouse and hair, across her flesh. Which, in contrast to the ruin that lay beyond the door, made her feel surprisingly sensuous. She rang the doorbell.

Dr. Gilliam opened the door, all smiles. "Super! You're here, right on time. I knew you would be. You look fantastic." She smiled at the compliment; she had worked on her looks all day it seemed, in a dreamy nightmare of sensual pleasures and utter humiliation. But here she was, and she would go through with it. She didn't have a choice. Her hair was placed perfectly, well brushed and pulled back to fall below her shoulders. Steven liked it loose during sex. She wore high heeled spaghetti strap sandals, an olive skirt, and a very light beige sweater vest, which hinted at a lacy bra beneath. It was something she had worn on a night out with Steven. Alluring, but not trampy. "Do you have the...?" She cut his question short by handing him the audiotape. He looked delighted.

She followed Dr. Gilliam to his entertainment room. It included a pool table, a card table, a wide screen TV, two recliners, and a couch. There were two men seated at the card table, both good looking, which, frankly, disappointed her. She was hoping they would be ugly so that she could just hate them and the entire experience, rather than herself. They looked at her quizzically, however. Not the eyes of sex-starved maniacs. Late 30's, early 40's. Marriage rings.