Does She Not Know - Angle 01


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The apparent deadline was starting to feel like a ticking time bomb for me. I could only imagine what it felt like for her.

She said, "Probably just get a job."

I asked her, "Gonna move out?"

She said, "I kinda don't want to. What about you?"

I said to her, "I've tried being interested in the idea of college, but it honestly just sounds like a pain in the ass. I'm glad mom and dad aren't considering it mandatory."

"Same," she agreed.

I said, "Probably do the same as you and get a job. Don't really want to move out either, but having my own place does sound nice." I thought a moment. "You think mom and dad would have a problem with us still living here as long as we had jobs and paid rent, or something?"

She said, "I think that might buy us another year, with some convincing."

"Mmm," I hummed in agreement. "We might as well get an apartment. Get apartments," I said, trying to cover my Freudian slip.

She said, "Seems pointless to get two apartments unless you just want to live alone that badly."

I didn't expect that, but I felt a weird sense of relief.

I said, "No. No. I'm cool with sharing an apartment... with you."

It was another slip of sorts, as I hadn't intended to put so much emphasis on, "with you." I hoped that she didn't notice or possibly attributed it to the fact that I was eating.

She said, "Since I'm the one that actually has some money, I could get the apartment and have you as a roommate."

I didn't hate the idea, but part of me wanted to be the responsible one. The idea felt a bit too much like continuing to be taken care of by my big sister.

On the other hand, we were only a year apart, and she never really did much by way of taking care of me, in the usual familial sense, as we were both fairly self-sufficient. It was a tolerable plan.

"Makes sense," I said.

For us, that was practically shaking hands on a formal agreement. She finished eating before me and put her dishes in the sink. Stopping behind me, she grabbed my right bicep with her right hand, wrapped her left arm under mine to place her palm on my bare stomach, and rested her chin on my left shoulder.

"Game?" she asked.

"Sure," I answered after the initial jolt of electricity finished passing through my body.

She gave me a quick peck on the cheek and then slid away from me to the living room, where she set things up while I washed our dishes.

That night, I was in my boxer briefs, about to turn off my bedroom light, when there was a knock on the door.

Purely out of habit, I called out, "Yeah," but I immediately reached for the knob.

I opened the door in the middle of her saying, "I wanted to ask you something," then she abruptly said, "Oh."

As far as I know, she'd never seen me in just my underwear before, but I wasn't sure if her surprise was to that or just having opened the door so unexpectedly.

I said, "Whatcha need?"

She hesitated before saying, "It can wait until tomorrow." Her ambiguity left me curious as she walked away to go back to her room.

I just said, "Okay," half to myself.

The next day, she wore her new outfit, again, and I gotta say, after the previous day's regular T-shirt and shorts, it was nice getting to see her braless in that snug tank top a second time; a little sexually frustrating, but nice.

When it was time for me to exercise, I found her lounging on the couch looking at her phone.

"Ready?" I asked as I passed her to get into my usual pushup position.

She carefully knelt on my upper back and held my shoulders, but she seemed to be moving a little slower than usual.

She said, "Ready," and then I did as many pushups as I could manage. My count was increasing, even if only by a little, which pleased me. After a short rest, I pushed up one more time and held myself there for her.

She dismounted and took a little longer than usual to get into the piggyback position. Unexpectedly, she put her hands on my ribs and slid them around to my front until I felt the weight of her. I also felt all bare skin against my back.

I completely froze. Not sure if I was mistaken, I double-checked my sense of touch. The texture was uniform, she was adhering more than previously, she was much warmer, and her breasts and nipples felt much more distinct.

She was laying tits-to-back on me topless. Her hands then slipped up my chest and curled over my shoulders from the front, until she'd pulled herself tightly to me. I could feel her heart beating faster than normal.

"I'm ready," she said.

My thoughts were pretty much, 'What. The. Fuck?'

Not knowing what else to do, I stood up as normal and did my squats to my limit. When I would have normally let her know I was done, I was instead silent. When she would have normally climbed down from me, she remained. At that point, I would have normally sat down on the couch to let my legs relax, so I did that on the front edge of the cushion.

She unwrapped her arms and legs but kept a hand on me to let me know not to move. Soon, she was against me again, but higher with her arms over my shoulders, as her hands appeared before my eyes holding her phone sideways.

I was looking at my picture of her sleeping with her breast exposed; specifically, the one that showed her face.

I was like, 'Fuuuuuuuuuuck.'

Right next to my ear, and in a startling calm voice, she said, "I think what surprised me the most was that this is actually the most beautiful picture anyone has ever taken of me." She paused then said, "Part of me wants to frame it and hang it on the wall."

We were not much of a picture-taking family, but we tolerated it at family gatherings when relatives wanted it. She kept very few pictures of herself, and those were on her phone and computer, so her saying that part of her wanted to frame it and hang it on the wall meant something.

"I was awake for these, by the way. Not the first two," she said swiping back to those and then the third one that was just her breast as she lay on her side. "...but this one," she said. "It took everything in my power to not react when you touched me."

That was a subtly frightening statement, to me, because there are two very different ways that can be taken.

And then she said, "I'm going to remember that for a very long time," which was not any better.

She started slowly swiping through them, back and forth.

Only then did I think to question how they got on her phone, but then I remembered that I often left my phone lying on the couch while I was away. She must have snuck a peek to see if her suspicion was true.

She hugged me a little tighter and moved her mouth slightly closer to my ear, sending a tingle down my spine.

"Did you touch yourself looking at these?" she asked.

It felt like a trap, but I was vehemently opposed to lying to my sister about anything; to anyone really, but especially to her. Remaining silent was certainly not a good option, either, so I bit the bullet.

As neutrally as I could, I said, "Yes."

She stopped at the first picture, withdrew her hand, and then said, "Which one did you find... most effective?"

I couldn't believe my ears.

"Show me," she said.

Hesitantly, I swiped to the fourth picture, which ended up being my finisher both times, and I wasn't sure if the sound she made was a "Hmm" or a moan.

Then, almost sweetly, she said, "Do it again."

'What?' was my singular thought.

"Right now," she said.

There were several reasons why I was not horny at that moment, so I was not sure what to tell her as the reason why I couldn't. I was of two minds about the idea of whipping my dick out for my sister, as it was.

"I'll hold the phone," she said and then slid her left arm under mine. "You choose the pictures as you like," she continued as she caressed my chest and stomach, which successfully got a rise out of me.

Her hand moved non-stop but slowly, occasionally brushing a fingertip deliberately over the very tip of my nipple. I raised off the couch, lifting her with me, just enough to slip my shorts and underwear down to my ankles, and then stepped a foot out so I could spread my legs.

As hard as I was, I probably didn't even need the pictures, but I swiped through them as I stroked and massaged myself. It was working fairly well, but I was not in a good sitting position to accomplish much more.

Needing to get more comfortable, I told her, "I... I need to lean back."

"Go ahead," she said.

I thought she would have moved, but she stayed in place, so I carefully leaned backward at a speed that would let her adjust her position, if necessary. The skin of her front pulled lightly against that of my back as we moved until I settled into a position of laying against her as if she were a pillow between me and the couch.

What was once her lighter pressure against me was now my heavier pressure against her. I felt more of her body and more tightly, which spurred me on despite my increasing desire to turn around to have her against my front.

I tried to focus more on the pictures, as they were letting me see what was pressed into my back. When precum spilled out, I licked my hand and took things to the next stage.

Every other factor at play was making the pictures less important to the end goal, but I felt that it was important that I be looking at the fourth picture when I came, so when I got close, I stopped there.

"I'm gonna cum," I said with tortured breath. I guess part of me wanted to warn her, but I also didn't want to cum all over myself without something nearby to clean up with.

Her left hand withdrew and then returned holding a pair of her panties.

"Use these," she said.

'She's not wearing any right now?', I asked myself.

I took them, gratefully, cupped the inside ass around the head of my dick, and then unloaded into them, grunting, while going through my mind was, 'I'm cumming into her panties, and she's watching. She volunteered them for me. God, this is so good.'

I loosely folded them, managing to keep everything contained, and held them up to her in my open hand. She set her phone aside and then picked up the panties with her left hand and rested the edge of her palm on my chest.

Still ambiguous in her tone, she asked me, "What would you like me to do with these?"

Several things sprang to mind, but I said to her, "That's a dangerous thing to ask me, right now."

She tightened her hug a little more and said, "I want to know what you have in mind."

I hesitated. "Are you sure?" I asked.

She moved her mouth closer to my ear and spoke in more of a whisper, "I want to know what you have in mind."

Another tingle went down my spine. I was still in recovery, but I could feel the slightest hint of my erection trying to return, so I closed my eyes and decided to not hold back.

I told her, "I want you to put them on and wear them the rest of the day and night." I waited to let that sink in for her and then told her my second idea. "I want you to lick them clean."

After a slightly unnerving silence, she asked, "You want your cum on my body and in my mouth?"

My heart was pounding. "Yes," I said in a more guttural voice.

"Where on my body do you want your cum?" she asked.

"Everywhere," I said. There wasn't an inch of skin on her that I didn't want to see covered in my cum.

She brushed her face against the shell of my ear. "Be specific. Where on my body?" she insisted.

I slowly listed every individual place I could imagine in my current state of mind.

"Your stomach. Your face. Your back. Your tits. Your ass. Your hands. Your..." I had trouble bringing myself to say the last one.

"Where else?" she prodded.

It took me a few seconds to work up the courage. "Your pussy."

She was quiet, and a few seconds later, slowly brushed a fold of her panties back and forth across my upper lip as if it were a feather.

"Tomorrow, at ten in the morning, you're going to lay back on the couch and watch a movie; whatever movie you want, and it's going to be so interesting that you can't take your eyes off it. So riveting that you won't move an inch."

Those were the instructions she gave me.

After a moment, she slid her hands to my back and pushed me upright. The cushion moved under her feet as she stood, and eventually, she climbed over the back of the couch.

I wanted to turn my head to look, but I took her instructions as a sign that I shouldn't. I just sat staring down at my shorts and underwear for a few minutes before pulling them back on and going to the bathroom. I did not see her out of her room for the rest of the day.

That night, I lay in bed with scenarios swimming through my mind. What was she going to do? I thought about masturbating just to calm down and clear my mind, but I didn't want to spend myself again before tomorrow, just in case. It took a few hours, but I did eventually fall asleep, probably from mental exhaustion.

I slept surprisingly well and woke up naturally just before 9 am. I kept my head down when I went to the bathroom, just in case I happened across her, but she remained elsewhere. I dressed in my standard boxer briefs and loose shorts, and when it was nearly ten, I went to the living room to do as I had been instructed.

I lay flat on my back with my head on a small pillow on the left side of the couch, turned my face to the TV, and cemented it into my mind that I was to not move from the position I chose or even look away from the screen.

I settled in with my fingers laced on my chest, trying to get as comfortable as possible, and then I watched the movie. I considered the possibility that nothing was going to happen, so I put effort into genuinely paying attention to it, even going so far as to pretend it was the first time I'd watched it.

Maybe ten minutes in, it became evident that she climbed over the back of the couch at my legs and sat on her feet between my calves. With my eyes trained on the screen, all I could see of her in my peripheral was a vague movement of shadow, so I was pretty much left with only touch and sound as being of any use, and the movie was monopolizing my ears.

My heart was already pounding, and she seemed to be doing nothing for a minute, but a jolt shot through me when I finally felt her hands on me near my knees. Her small caressing gave me the impression that she was contemplating what she wanted to do or was possibly making an initial test of my resolve.

Soon, her hands moved over my shorts, up my thighs, back down, then back up again and massaged below my hips, near my groin. I genuinely was trying to focus on the movie, but doing so with 100% success was not within my ability.

She continued rubbing near my dick without ever actually contacting it. It took a little while, but I eventually got hard, which I imagine became evident, since she grabbed the material of my shorts legs soon after and pulled them down.

I tried to raise my hips at least a little without letting her notice so the waistband could more easily pass under my ass. She completely remove my shorts and then sat back into place and similarly repeated her previous administerings until it felt like she might have dragged her nose up the material of my boxer briefs and rested her head near my groin.

I think I heard her inhale deeply, but I may have been mistaken.

After her head left me, I felt her fingers curl into the waistband of my underwear and she slowly pulled them down. I raised slightly again, and soon my dick sprung free. She removed my underwear entirely and then returned.

I could feel only light massaging near my groin for a while, but then another jolt went through me with her fingertip ever so lightly tracing up my shaft and over my cap. My dick twitched a few different times, and it took a lot of effort to neither look nor move.

For the next minute or two, she seemed to simply explore my dick and balls with one finger, but then it was her thumb and index finger lightly clasping me. Still so gently she moved up and down the length of me slow enough to be only exploratory.

That was my guess, at least. She didn't seem to be trying to accomplish something.

Soon her entire hand wrapped around and squeezed lightly. She held still, for what reason I could only speculate, and then released enough to do a slow mimic of a handjob.

After a short period of that, she let go and I felt her nose grazing my balls. She pressed in and I felt the air pass as she inhaled deeply.

I loved that she wanted to know what I smelled like and that she liked it enough to do it twice.

The tip of her tongue followed, slowly tracing up the bottom center from scrotum to tip. She ran along the edge of one side of my cap, and then explored more with her lips.

I fought back a groan when those lips parted and encircled my head and continued down an inch or two beyond.

I had trouble keeping my eyes open as she explored with her tongue and mouth, and I do mean explored. It didn't feel like she was trying to do anything for me. It was like she was studying how I felt in her mouth. She even very gently chewed me like an animal with a toy.

That was another thing I loved; that she wanted to know me so precisely.

In time, she began progressing down, and I felt the further reaches of her mouth. She seemed to stop before reaching her uvula, apparently having found the limit of her comfort zone.

It took me a while to realize it, but she had begun to do what felt like a blowjob, before pulling off and sort of milking me until it felt like precum drooled down my cap.

She licked it up, sucked a few more times, and then repeated it until there was another small eruption. She spread that one with her hand and added a little speed to her pumping and twisting.

Her mouth was back on me and then she sped up a bit more. I escalated enough that I was starting to moan and sigh, eventually closing my eyes to concentrate on the feel of her hot, wet pressure.

I'm not sure if closing my eyes was against her rules, but she continued. My breathing changed, and I was nearing my climax, but I said nothing despite wanting to warn her.

My balls tightened and my hips rose involuntarily a little as I shot streams into her mouth. She paused her movement but remained in place taking all of it. When I finally stopped, she slowly milked me for all she could get.

Her lips were sealed tight enough to keep everything contained and eventually pulled off without even a drop escaping.

To my surprise, she started crawling up my body. My eyes were fixed on the screen, uncertain and slightly afraid. One hand softly grabbed my chin and directed my face to hers. I stared into her eyes above mine, and my heart pounded faster as she pulled down my chin.

I wondered if she was about to cum-swap me with my cum. Initially, the idea revolted me, but it wasn't like I hadn't tasted it before. Also, it was her doing it, so that made the idea much less objectionable. Part of me admired her for the fact that she had the idea at all.

I lay there with open mouth, just waiting for her lips to part, but after what was probably fewer seconds than it felt had passed, she swallowed and let go of my chin.

A wave of relief washed over me for not having to take it, but the fact that she was willing to swallow it just went straight to my heart.

It was something that I hadn't told her that I wanted her to do. It wasn't a suitable answer to any of the questions she'd asked, so I never gave it as one, even though I was thinking it.

She swallowed my cum entirely voluntarily and with neither request nor suggestion. She wanted to do it all on her own.

If I had thought about it too much, I might have teared up, but my attention was drawn to the fact that she was still hovering over me, staring into my eyes.

After a moment, she shifted her weight and her thumbs suddenly guided my eyelids down. There was a brief pause, and then she lightly kissed my lips.