Does She Not Know - Angle 04


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Arron nodded and held her face for a supportive and grateful kiss, and then let her go.

Kelly found Nicole laying on her bed, one arm arched over her head and the other straight near her hip. She stared blankly at the ceiling with a wet trail down each cheek.

Kelly climbed across the bed to lay alongside her but spent a moment in silence.

"Tell me," Kelly finally said, "without regard for me or anything else in the world, what it is that you think you can't have. What do you want?"

Nicole was silent and another tear rolled.

"I want to fully experience Arron."

Kelly suspected she knew exactly what that meant, but she wanted to hear it in no uncertain terms from Nicole.

"We spent every day together, for nearly a year, exploring each other; learning each other. I know what every square inch of his body feels like against every square inch of mine. Remember that list of places he wanted to cum on me?"


"Done. I've felt him and his cum in the depths of every hole but one." Nicole offered a pause.

"Wait, you mean..."

"Every hole but one."

"Got it." Kelly paused. "Well, the obvious question here is why you haven't just used some kind of birth control that would do the job."

"It would sully the experience for me. It would make it cheap and disgusting. I'm not looking to just have sex with him, Kelly. And I'm not even looking to do it more than once. I just need it to be pure."

There was another silence as Kelly contemplated the matter.

"When was your last period?" Kelly asked.

"Day before yesterday."

Kelly's eyes widened instantly then she shot up to lean on one elbow to look directly at Nicole's face.

"I already feel like an idiot for asking this, but it's that important. Nicole, are you fucking shitting me?"

Nicole looked at her confused.

"Of course not," she answered. "My last bleed day was yesterday, and I was terrified that it would happen last night, but then it happened around noon, and I was so relieved that I cried for, like, fifteen minutes."

"I bet you did," Kelly said before laying back down. "That actually explains a lot," she mumbled to herself. "You didn't learn much about ovulation, did you?"

"No. Why?"

"The risk is not zero, but it's incredibly low that you will get pregnant if you have sex within a couple of days after your period." Kelly propped herself up again. "How important is this to you? If we can maybe lower the odds a little further by draining him a little more, how much is this worth to you?"

Nicole stared into her eyes but said nothing.

"I'm not going to tell you to do it or not to do it," Kelly continued. "This has to be entirely your choice, but you will have my full support either way."

Nicole's mouth opened filling Kelly with anticipation.

"I... I'm going to cook lunch."

Nicole rolled off the bed and left for the kitchen.

"Fuckin' hell," Kelly sighed. 'I guess now is a good time to break out anniversary gift number two.'

Kelly rolled off the side of the bed to her feet and left to find Arron standing near the hallway entrance looking somewhat confused at Nicole who was in the kitchen beginning her self-assigned task.

Kelly put her palm to his side and walked around him. He turned his body toward her but still looked at his sister.

"Is she okay?" He asked.

"She's got something on her mind, right now," Kelly excused. Arron turned his attention to Kelly, hoping for further details. "We can talk about that later," Kelly informed. "I have a surprise for you."

Kelly jumped up and wrapped herself around Arron who initially held her thighs but then moved one hand at a time to her ass as she kissed him. With kissing steps, she migrated to his earlobe to give it a nibble before offering the shell a quick lick.

"I have a secret that I've never told anyone," she whispered slowly. She wrapped her hand around the back of his head and held it firmly as she tightened the embrace of her arms and legs to intensify the statement to follow. "I've never had a gag reflex."

Her eyes closed with a smile as his fingers suddenly clenched her buttocks.

Over the course of their year together, she had developed a liking for his little displays of force. Not simply as evidence of his strength, but of his willingness to dominate. She'd never appreciated that as a quality until she had experienced it paired with his loving restraint.

She knew, with every fiber of her being, that she could entrust herself to him. He would never try to take her control away, but he would receive it when offered freely.

Whether the moments were as simple as picking her up, or playfully dragging her across the floor when they wrestled, or the more erotic moments when he manipulated her body to study her, she was his possession and his alone. No one else was worthy of her.

Some months ago, she planted a seed in his brain. A certain discussion about a certain topic where certain truths were indirectly revealed to lay the foundation for something that made her wet just thinking about it.

The satisfaction of victory filled her as he walked them both into Nicole's bedroom. The seed had grown and now she would feast upon its sweet fruit.

In the space at the foot of the bed, she lowered her feet onto the soft carpet and stood looking into his intense eyes, waiting.

Those x-ray eyes broke her down into component parts not to dehumanize, but to better know and understand. They were the eyes that told her he wanted to know her on every level possible.

His eyes and fingertips moved delicately over her skin, tracing her various features; her flesh, her bone structure. His thumb moved across her lips before parting them and pressing down to open her mouth.

Teeth, tongue, and tonsils. He inserted an index finger and her eyes and mouth closed around it as if on their own. She lightly suckled his digit as it writhed and probed.

She opened her eyes as he pulled down her jaw, but left his finger inside to caress her tongue. She felt saliva building up and he stirred it before transferring that soaked digit to his own mouth for a taste.

Her crotch pulsed, aching to be touched, but she made no move that was not at his command.

So gently, he guided her down to her knees. No force was needed since that was where she wanted to be.

He lifted his firm member and traced the head around her lips, teasing her, before easing in just enough to massage her tongue. An inch further, and then he lifted her chin to signal to her that is was time for her to begin.

She raised her hands to finally take him in her grasp. One hand held him by the root while the other traveled. Her head bobbed back and forth preparing him and herself, and soon his sounds heralded the next stage.

His hands suddenly alighted on her head.

'Yes,' she thought.

Soon his grip began to tighten.

'Yes. That's it.'

She relinquished control to him, and then one slow thrust buried his mass in her throat.

Her light moan vibrated around him as air escaped her nostrils. He held firm until she had achieved breathing through her nose.

Sensations fought for attention. His fullness and taste. His scent. The air cooled the drop of her sticky fluid accumulating along the edge of her labia. She wanted to touch but wanted to not so much more.

He slowly withdrew, leaving only his cap, and then pushed into her throat once more. Again and again, gradually increasing speed. She forced herself to let her hands hang loosely at her sides and to breathe as best she could while he rammed into her.

Then they arrived at the last stage. The time for enjoying the pleasure on his face had come to a close. No longer simply thrusting into her, he shook her head back and forth around him. She stayed relaxed in his trusted hands, relishing his every gasp and grunt until his gripping fingers forced her nose firmly into his trimmed hair.

She felt the pulse flow along her tongue and then the hot sting kissed her throat. His cry of ecstasy filled her ears as more pulses followed pouring more of him into her.

The pulses diminished and then he pulled himself out of her mouth entirely. She swallowed and gasped before practically falling backward to lie down and offer her dripping sex to his mercy.

'Good god, finish me," she thought as her thigh trembled. After but a single look, he dropped and dove into her.

Her orgasm was immediate.

"Hhhnnnnnnnnnggggaaaaaahhhh!" She seized his head with both her hands and thighs, refusing to release until her insides had finished quaking.

Her legs fell away, as did one of her hands, but her left hand continued to clutch a fistful of his hair to pull him up and over until she could force his lips onto hers.

"God damn!" she exclaimed after breaking the flavorful and scent-laden kiss and releasing him. He smiled at her and she returned it in kind. His smile then grew a bit sweeter, and he traced a finger down her cheek.

"Would you mind if I spent the rest of my life with you?" he asked.

She paused to match his smile once more.

"I wouldn't mind that at all," she answered.

"I think I'd like to do that, then." He dropped in for another kiss before helping her up.

She held his hand to guide him as she climbed onto the bed to lie down. He followed but lay on his stomach to slowly lick up the remaining traces of her juices from her thighs and groin.

After and moment of contemplation, she asked, "You know I don't do birth control, right?"

"Yeah," he answered continuing his task.

"So, what were you thinking when I let you cum inside me?

His tongue made two strokes up her inner thigh.

"I was thinking that I trust you," he said.

She felt a little apprehensive, but she continued.

"What if I got pregnant?"

"What if you got pregnant?" he repeated, officially presenting the hypothetical situation.

His tone was casual and he continued attending to her.

"What if I pushed my hard cock into your vagina," he said running his index finger up through her trimmed bush.

"Over and over," he continued, moving his finger back and forth along its path.

"Until I fired my semen deep inside you." He quickly ran his finger up to just below her naval.

"And then one of my sperm made its way up," following the estimated line of her fallopian tube, "to one of your eggs," making a small circle on his right side of her abdomen.

"Burrowed its way in," gently pressing his fingertip into her skin, "and let what I am... combine with what you are... to create something that is both of us... and that tiny little thing slowly grew inside of you"

He slid his palm across and around her belly.

"Until one day we could finally get to see what we would look like merged?"

He kissed her belly button.

"I think that sounds pretty cool," he finished, laying his head down.

She wiped her tear away taken completely off guard by his response. She certainly had faith that he would ultimately be fine with it, but she didn't realize that he felt so profoundly about it.

She chose this particular day to celebrate their anniversary specifically because this was the day that she would have the lowest probability of getting pregnant, and she wanted everything about their first time to be perfect. "Pure" as Nicole had put it.

Kelly was not without concern, but she felt everything was well worth the small risk. His revelation only doubled her comfort.

It was practically a miracle when she found out that Nicole had her period at the same time. Granted her risk extended beyond just getting pregnant, but...

"I chose today because today is my lowest probability of getting pregnant," she said.

He crawled to her side and kissed her cheek.

"I trusted you," he said and held her hand resting beneath her breasts.

"Thing is... it just so happens that... it's also Nicole's."

There was only silence until a minute later, Nicole appeared in the doorway.

"Lunch is ready, guys," Nicole announced.

Kelly held Arron's hand as he led the way to the small dining room table to find three plates of eggs and hamburger meat: the same meal that she cooked for him the first time, but there were no drinks out, so he poured three glasses of tea and set one beside each plate.

"Hey, isn't this what you made for him the first time?" Kelly asked after her first bite.

"Yep," Nicole smiled, "and now I've made it for you our first time.

"Aw, thanks," Kelly said.

"You're welcome," Nicole returned.

That was the end of the idle chatter. The silence was not awkward but it did hang heavy with deliberation.

'They must have discussed this,' Arron thought. 'That must be why Nicole was acting a little off. She must be considering it. She wouldn't behave this way if she had truly resigned herself to never...'

Arron had trained himself so well that just the thought of it didn't enter his mind. It was his defense against the desire, for his sake and Nicole's.

'Of course, if she did decide to go through with it, she would never tell me. She set the rule after all, so it would be hypocritical of her to suddenly retract it. I suppose she might tell Kelly, and then Kelly might let me know, somehow. No, that's just being hypocritical indirectly. She's trapped herself.'

Once they'd eventually finished, Kelly quickly offered to clean up, and as she began washing, Arron walked around behind Nicole and bent to give her a firm hug to show his appreciation.

Nicole leaned her head against his until he pulled away, then she stood and joined Kelly to rinse what Kelly washed. Arron decided the mood needed to be lightened so he popped his head in between theirs.

"I wonder if the tub is too small for three people," he said, and then immediately left for the bathroom.

Kelly was caught so off-guard that she nearly sprayed the sink with snot and spit as a laugh burst out, which in turn made Nicole laugh. Their laughing fit lasted about thirty seconds, and then they dried their hands and joined Arron, who had already begun drawing the bath.

"Are you kidding me? This tub is tiny," Kelly said, after a quick appraisal.

"I don't know," Nicole contended. "It could probably technically seat five average-sized people, and we're shorties."

The two girls stepped into the comfortably hot water and sat facing each other. Kelly looked around.

"No bubble bath?"

"Nope. Sorry," Nicole consoled.

"Aw, man." Kelly swiftly moved her submerged hand to fling water into Nicole's face inciting laughter. "What kind of people don't have bubble bath in their bathtub?"

"People who shower," Nicole answered with her own flinging of water.

When the water level was to Arron's satisfaction, he turned off the faucet and slipped in between it and Kelly, offering himself as a barrier so she could comfortably lean back while Nicole sat opposite them.

He carefully placed a heavily folded towel at his back to significantly reduce how much the metal gouged into him. It certainly was not comfortable, but it was a tolerable sacrifice for the cause.

Once he was settled, Kelly backed herself snugly into Arron's chest and crotch, feeling the almost immediate growth of his dick.

She raised her eyebrows at Nicole and made an exaggerated surprised "oh" face.

"Somebody's suddenly very happy," Kelly said wiggling her hips.

Nicole grinned, then thought, but not said, 'Been there. Done that,' and then eased a foot in between Kelly's thighs. When the sole of her foot pressed against Kelly's pussy, Kelly gasped and instinctively grabbed the intruding foot.

Kelly smiled and bit her lower lip while returning the favor. Both began waggling their feet side to side in a sort of battle, then the mutual assault on each other's clits started taking a turn.

'That didn't take long,' Arron thought as he watched the battle ensue. "First to cum loses," he said, and both eagerly accepted the condition.

The two girls stared at each other moaning and grunting in their physically awkward efforts. Both wished they had more room the stretch their legs and were torn between pleasure and discomfort.

Arron slipped his left hand around Kelly's ribcage, found her hardened nipple, and began playing with it.

"Hey," Kelly said with a heavy breath. "Nnnnggh. Who's side are you on? Fuck."

Arron leaned into her ear.

"I'm on the side of making you cum," he said.

Kelly winced.

"I just like making you cum," he whispered to Kelly while staring at Nicole.

"Uh huh," Nicole encourage with her mouth continuously hanging open, although she did manage to whine, "Make her cum."

Hearing that pushed Kelly right over the edge.

"Fuuuck," Kelly squeaked as she lost control of her legs. Her seizure caused her foot to jamb harder into Nicole's clit.

Nicole's eyes and mouth shot open wide as her guts convulsed periodically driving her even harder into Kelly's foot.

"Oh, my god," Nicole exclaimed, tensing her body trying to keep from hurting herself despite the intense orgasm. "Oh, my god," she repeated, trying to ride the wave down carefully.

When Kelly had regained enough control, she grabbed Arron's hand and put the first knuckle of his index finger between her teeth, and bit down, holding securely as she groaned in a mixture of gratitude and frustration.

Arron let out a little laugh and shook her head side to side as she repeated her disapproving growl. Kelly released him and turned.

"Stand up, mister," she said and attempted to lift him. He complied and then she roughly took him into her mouth. Her hand quickly twisted as it jacked his base in opposition to her mouth.

Nicole smiled as she watched a moment before easing forward to reach a hand through to cradle his balls.

In a short time, he braced himself against the walls as he approached his limit. His vocalizations told Kelly that his end was mere seconds away. She pulled her mouth away and continued jacking him.

"Gaaaaahhh," he grunted as his cum shot over Kelly's shoulder and landed on Nicole's face and chest.

Nicole flinched and laughed, and when nothing more from him gained any distance, Kelly left him dripping to turn and face Nicole.

Kelly lowered to lick up the white globs from Nicole's chest, and when it was cleaned, she raised to her face and began licking and slurping it clean as well. Nicole was endlessly amused by the tickling sensations on her cheeks, nose, and forehead and just the very idea of what was happening.

Her giggling was cut short by the unexpected kiss and subsequent intrusion of Kelly's tongue.

Arron watched in awe as his sister and his girlfriend deeply kissed in front of him for about a whole minute before Kelly finally backed off and rested her forehead against Nicole's.

"I remember what you did for me, last night," Kelly said between breaths. "Let's go to Arron's room."

Arron triggered the drain and they all stepped out to dry each other off until what was left had to be left to each to dry for themselves. Kelly lead Nicole by the hand into Arron's bedroom and then guided her to lie down in the middle on the blanket.

Arron's light musk seeped into Nicole's lungs as she watched Kelly crawl up her body and descend into another kiss.

Before last night, Nicole had never so much as kissed a girl, and she felt no sexual attraction to females, but Kelly's pussy was dripping with Arron's cum, and she wanted that. A combination of curiosity and gratitude kept her there wanting to taste and explore while bringing a rewarding pleasure to Kelly.

The kiss was a further show of gratitude before settling into a peaceful slumber to the metronome of her best friend's heartbeat.

Nicole still did not consider herself sexually attracted to women, however, she was always happy to see Kelly enjoying the throes of pleasure and was more than willing to be the cause.

Similarly, Kelly sought only happiness and satisfaction for Nicole, and she would do whatever was necessary to see that it was achieved.