Doing the Most He Can Pt. 01


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"Yup, let's go. Remember to lock up."

"Oh I don't know, it might be fun to have to come back when the police make their six a.m. check."

When they arrived at her house Todd was still sleeping sitting upright on the couch. Rebecca made sure Lisa was OK then changed into what she normally wore to bed. She came down to the kitchen and threw away the note she had left for the kids. She walked to Gary with open arms and hugging him, she pulled his face down and gave him a serious goodnight kiss. Gary reached down and gave a her a quick bun squeeze and walked to the door. When he looked back, she gave him a little wave and blew him a kiss.

Gary got on his bike and headed for home. He looked at his watch and discovered it was after five a.m. He turned on Harper road and was soon at his favorite diner ordering steak and eggs. As he sat there drinking his second cup of coffee he shook his head thinking, what a night.

Todd called that afternoon and wanted to go out. He picked Gary up and they went looking for some action but didn't really find anything going on. They were both sober when Todd dropped him off at midnight. That was fine with him, he was still tired from his night with Rebecca.

He had a quiet week. Just worked and did his weekly shopping. Friday night Todd called him asked for a huge favor.

"I've got that awards ceremony for work tomorrow afternoon then the banquet, then the dance after that."

"Yeah so what's the favor, I'm losing interest here," Gary said, making him sweat.

"The thing is that, um mom, ah well, she has been on me all week to mow the lawn and I never got around to it and the HOA left a notice about unkept lawns and mom is really mad at me. Would you be a pal and come over tomorrow and mow it?"

"I will never figure out, with all the money your mom has, why she doesn't get a lawn service to do it."

"Yeah well, she says chores build character and make you responsible," he mumbled.

"Right. How is that working out for the two of you?" he laughed.

"Come on, be a pal OK?"

"Yeah, yeah eat me. Is there any gas for the mower?"

"Mower is full and so is the can. Thanks buddy," he said hanging up before Gary could change his mind.

Gary worked at the shop until noon then headed home to eat and change. After he ate, he decided to wear his coveralls over to mow the Strom's lawn. He pulled up in front of the garage and punched in the garage door code. He saw Rebecca's SUV was missing and wondered where she was. He wheeled the mower out then decided to go in and get a water before he started. The door from the garage opened onto a mud room, a laundry room then down a short hall to the den with a small refrigerator.

He opened the door and when he stepped in, he heard the washer going. Closing the door he walked by the laundry room and got the shock of his life. Lisa was standing there naked with her back to him. She had both arms out supporting herself and had her crotch pressed into the corner of the washing machine. She was moaning loudly and about to come from the looks of it. He was going to slip back out when he heard her say, "Oh fuck me Gary, come in my tight little virgin pussy. Only it won't be a virgin pussy any more will it? Come on Gary, fuck me."

He didn't remember moving until he put his arms around her and found her breasts in his hand.

Lisa let out a shriek and jumped back into him. He just made soothing sounds in her ear until she calmed down then turned in his arms to facE him.

"God, I am so embarrassed," she groaned.

"Why? Because you are a healthy young woman with needs? Lisa, everyone has fantasies, everyone masturbates, trust me," he said reasonably.

"No, I jill off all the time, I love it. I'm embarrassed because you heard me using your name. It makes me seem so pathetic."

"Pathetic? I'm honored that you would think of me when you jill. It turns me on. Now that I've seen your luscious body, I will be thinking of you when I do it. It's a lot more intimate than internet porn, don't you think?"

"You like my body? I'm not too skinny for you?"

"You weigh less than your mom, but I think you have bigger boobs than she does," he said honestly.

"Yeah but my nipples don't stick out hard like hers do. But I shave myself and get wax jobs. See how smooth it is? Give it a feel if you want."

"Oh, I definitely want. But I'm not sure you understand what will happen if I start rubbing that smooth kitty of yours."

"Oh my god, would that turn you on?" she said excitedly.

"Of course it would turn me on. It would make me want you."

"Would it really? Would it make you want to stick it in me? I think I would like that, but you heard me, I'm a virgin. An experienced guy like you doesn't want a virgin."

"Oh I would love to take your V card but you have to think long and hard before you just jump in bed with a guy."

"But you're not just some guy. I've known you all my life, I've had fantasies about you loving me all my life. It's silly I know, you don't have to love me to make love to me."

"But in my own special way I do love you. I have never thought of you as a sexual person. I mean, not someone I wanted to fool around with. I always thought of you as someone I cared about and wanted to protect."

"I think I'm going to cry. Kiss me Gary, please?"

He started giving her small pecks on her lips, nose, ears and neck. Soon she grabbed his head and buried her tongue in his mouth. After a very long time they broke apart, panting.

"You need to think about giving it up some more. I'm going to mow the lawn." He turned and left her with a grin on her face.

He thought about all the ramifications of fooling around with his best friend's little sister while he mowed. Before he remembered starting, he was finished. He took the hose and washed down the mower before putting it away. When he went in the house this time, it was quiet. He went to the kitchen and downed a bottle of water.

He decided Lisa had come to her senses and was hiding in her room until he left. He turned to go and saw a sock on the floor in the hallway. He picked it up and was going to leave it on the counter when he saw another sock five feet farther on. Puzzled he picked that up then saw a pair of shorts. By the size they could only be Lisa's. He saw something else down the dim hall and picked up a cherry red thong. Smiling to himself he walked down the hall to discover a tank top, at the door to Lisa's room was a pushup bra.

Knocking on the door he politely said, "I have some of your laundry out here if you would like it."

"No thanks," she answered, "just leave it by the door."

"OK," he said playing along, "I'm done mowing now, so I'll be going."

"See you later then," she called through the door.

He made his way to the garage and out the door. He turned to push the garage door button and Lisa was standing there naked with her hands on her hips.

"You massive asshole, where you really going to just get on your bike and leave? Really? When I have been wearing out my privates waiting for you to finish the bloody mowing. Oh," she yelled, starting to cry, "why do you hate me." With that she turned and ran back into the house slamming the door after her.

Gary went after her almost breaking his nose when he hit the locked house door. Shaking his head trying to clear the cobwebs he went around to the front door and used his key to enter. He walked down the hall to Lisa's bedroom and without knocking, opened the door.

She was lying face down, still naked, sprawled acroos the bed. Her face was buried in a pillow, but he could still hear her crying.

"Lisa come on, look at me," he said.

She shook her head and stayed the way she was. Gary walked to the bed and reaching under her he picked her up then swung around so he could sit on her bed. Her body was stiff as a board so he rolled her over by doing an arm curl with her. Slowly she relaxed and her body conformed to his. He held her like that until she stopped crying. She was sniffling so he let go with one hand to get a Kleenex from her nightstand. Holding it under her nose she blew into it. He folded the tissue and swiped her nose and threw the wet tissue into the can next to the bed.

"Feel better now?" he asked quietly.

She nodded her head and snuggled a little deeper into his arms.

"I wasn't rejecting you, I was only teasing. I had no intention of leaving."

"Really? You were going to come back in?" she asked.

"Well yeah, I kind of have this rule about leaving naked women behind."

"Ooh, you called me a woman, do you mean it, like for real?"

Smiling down at her he said, "Anyone with a smoking hot body like yours is definitely a woman. So, I guess you made up your mind about losing your virginity."

"Oh yes, if you really must know I would have given it up a few years ago, if you had wanted it," she told him.

"I'm glad I didn't know that," he said. "It would have been torture waiting for you to turn eighteen."

"So are we going to do this thing or not?"

Gary laughed and said, "Slow down, I have a couple of questions first. Do you have any protection and where is your mother?"

"I am on the pill and mom went to a movie with the girls from work. They were going out to eat after and she said not to look for her until six or seven."

"Well it's already a quarter to six, so we don't have time for the long make out and deflowering session I have in mind. We are going to have to wait until the house is empty to get together."

Lisa asked, "Why can't we go to your place, you live alone."

"Because my place is a dump. You don't want your first time to be in a run-down, paint peeling, boiled cabbage smelling flea bag."

"Yeah, but do you have clean sheets to put on the bed?" she asked.

"Well sure, I do laundry every week, sheets included."

"That's all that really matters isn't it? And why does it smell like boiled cabbage?"

"Because the people on the second floor are immigrants from Russia. I think the only thing they eat is boiled cabbage and sausage," he explained.

"It's going to have to do because I'm not waiting who knows how long for mom and my brother to both we gone at the same time," Lisa told him.

He hugged her close and gave her a nice long kiss before he stood up with her still in his arms. He turned and put her down in the bed and bent to kiss her again.

"Let me know when you want to come over so I can spruce the place up a little."

"How about Tuesday night, I can miss drama club one time,' she suggested.

Smiling he nodded and walked out. He was sitting on his bike putting on his helmet when the garage door went up and Rebecca pulled in. Gary shut off the engine and went in to say hi.

Rebecca closed the door as soon as he was inside and got out of the SUV. It was the first time they had seen each other since their night in the office and both were a little nervous. They both said hi then stood there awkwardly.

Finally, Rebecca laughed and held her arms open saying, "Kiss me you fool."

"I'd have to be a fool not to," was his reply.

While they kissed their hands were exploring each other's bodies rather thoroughly. They came up for air and looked into each other's eyes.

Rebecca broke the silence by saying, "It's too bad Lisa is home, we could have some fun."

"I would like nothing better, but she is here so I'm going to head out before she catches us with my tongue down your throat."

She laughed and said, "I wish it was something other than your tongue down my throat."

"I'm sure we'll get a chance for that soon. See you around," he said as he turned to leave.

Monday night Gary vacuumed, washed the dishes, changed the sheets and generally tidied up his small apartment. He wanted to be sure it was as pleasant as possible for Lisa the next night.

Work on Tuesday took forever to get over. Every time he looked at the clock he thought it had moved backward. He chuckled to himself thinking, I feel like I'm the virgin waiting to get laid. At four o'clock Randy had had enough and told him to get the hell out before he blew up him and the shop. Gary just grinned and didn't argue.

He pulled up at his apartment and retrieved the fresh flowers from one of his saddle bags and a bottle of Jack from the other. He wasn't going to feed any of the booze to Lisa, but he thought he might need it while he waited for her to show up.

He opened his door and came to a halt. What the hell was that smell? Then it came to him, it was lavender probably from a candle. He stepped in and closed the door and saw three candles burning. He set the flowers and the Jack on the table and stuck his head in the bedroom door, the sight that greeted with would stick in his mind forever. Lisa was lying naked on the bed with one knee up and her legs spread.

"How did you get in here," he asked.

"Hello to you too. You have a key to our house so it figures that Todd would have a key to yours. I borrowed it yesterday and had a copy made then put his key back on his ring early this morning. Pretty sneaky, huh?"

"Pretty sneaky is right. I should spank you for breaking and entering," he teased her.

"Oh come on, I entered but I never broke anything. Be glad I did, lavender makes me horny and it does a good job of masking the cabbage. Now quit procrastinating and strip."

"I am going to strip but then I'm going to shower, I've been working all day," he told her.

"I like it when a guy smells of honest work, besides we're going to smell a lot worse before we get done, I think."

"You're right about that. It's like the old joke. The guy asks do you smoke after sex and she replied, only if we do it right."

She laughed and said, "Well get your clothes off and make me smoke."

Gary stripped off his clothes as Lisa eagerly watched. When he was naked, he did a classic bodybuilder pose than reduced Lisa to giggles and tears. After recovering she held her arms open and Gary climbed in from the foot of the bed and moved up until his face was right in front of her vagina.

"Oh man, are you going to like, um, lick me there?" she asked.

"Lick you where Lisa?"

"My um, you know, my ah privates."

"Your privates? I don't know what privates are. Tell me more," he said blowing his breath out against her wet labia."

Lisa jumped and moaned at the feel of his breath.

"You know what I mean. Are you going to make me say more? Oh Jesus, of course you are. I bet you like it when a girl talks dirty to you, don't you? OK then, lick my vagina," she said blushing.

Gary reached out his tongue and barely touched her lips. Pulling back he asked, "Is that the best you can do?"

"No, I can do better. Stick your tongue in my tight little virgin pussy. Suck my clitoris into your mouth and make me come. I was hoping you would do it without me asking for it, but begging for it, saying it out loud is so hot."

"You are hot Lisa, I am going to enjoy this," he said leaning in and teasing her lips open with his tongue. He worked on her until she let out a squeal and came on his tongue.

"Don't stop, oh please don't stop. That was incredible, that was the first time anyone has made me orgasm. Suck on my clit some more. Can you stick a finger in me while you suck me?"

Gary answered her question by inserting a thumb in her then attacking her love button with his teeth, lips and tongue. She started coming in under a minute and kept having orgasm after orgasm.

Finally she pushed his head away saying, "You have to s-stop n-now, I can't take anymore."

Gary stopped licking her and started kissing her smooth mound then left a trail of kisses up her thin body until he reached her breasts. He kissed, licked sucked and nibbled on one breast while teasing the nipple of the other firm mound.

"It's time to put it in me Gary," she moaned.

He agreed and knelt between her legs and ran his hard cock up and down her wet slit then leaning over her with his arms straight he told her to put it in.

Lisa reached a hand down and lined him up as he gently pushed. He expected some resistance but as he pushed her vagina opened up taking its first ever cock.

As his pubic hair hit her vulva she groaned and brought her knees up to her chest. This let his cock sink even deeper and made her groan again. Gary held still to let her get used to having a cock in her, but she was having none of it and started rolling her hips. He took the hint and started slowly stroking in and out.

"That feels so much better than my dildo," Lisa moaned. "I am glad I use it so much, it made it easy to take your thing in me, even though you are much bigger and longer. Now start pumping it harder."

"I'm glad you have a little experience with something inside you because I am going to try to pound you through the mattress," he growled as he lengthened his stroke and increased the speed of his thrusts.

Lisa was enthusiastic and urged him to do it harder.

"Do what harder?" he asked slowly down slightly and looking into her eyes.

'I'm not playing that game again. Fuck me, fuck me harder you stud, see if you can make me come on your hard cock. Is that what you wanted to hear?"

"Yes, it is," Gary grunted as he rammed her hard. "I'm going to shoot soon Lisa, are you ready?"

"Shoot inside me, don't pull out, I want to feel it fill me up."

That was all he needed to hear, he heard Lisa screaming his name as he emptied himself into her spasming pussy.

Gary held himself inside her as their breathing slowly returned to normal.

"I have to straighten my legs before they cramp," Lisa told him.

As he pulled out of her he said, "And I have to bend my arms before they give out and I crush you."

He pulled out slowly and looked down to see his cum slowly start to drip from her vagina. It was one of the sexiest sights he had ever seen and he told her so.

"Quick, get my phone," she told him. He reached to the nightstand and handed her the phone. "No you idiot, make a video of it leaking out of me." He pointed the phone and took a thirty second video. He handed her the phone and moved to lie next to her. She watched the video while he was getting comfortable then put the phone down and climbed on top of him gently kissing him. He wrapped his arms around her while they laid there enjoying the feeling.

"Now I wish I would have seduced you years ago," she quipped.

"I'm glad you didn't, I don't have any guilt feelings this way," he said seriously.

"Huh, I don't feel guilty now and I wouldn't have earlier either. Can you get hard again soon, I want to suck your cock and take a load in my mouth."

"Well aren't you the experienced woman all of a sudden."

"I think what I am is a cum slut, who knew?" she said laughing.

"I could get it up fairly quickly, but what time are you supposed to be home from drama class?"

She looked at her phone and moaned, "In like fifteen minutes. Is that enough time?"

"Nope, I want you to slobber over my cock for longer than that before I fill your stomach."

"Aren't you getting ahead of yourself?" she asked. "I never said anything about you coming in my mouth or swallowing."

"No you didn't, but isn't that what cum sluts do?"

She laughed and said, "You've got me there. I suppose I will have to take it and swallow then."

She kissed him then jumped out of bed. She grimaced and felt between her legs, "Sex is a messy business isn't it."

"Yes," he laughed, "if you do it right."

She laughed and disappeared into the bathroom to clean up.

Gary was dressed and fixing himself a drink when she came out.

"You celebrating or drowning your sorrows?" she asked.

"Definitely celebrating. Also looking forward to the next time."

"Oh yeah, me too. I'm not sure I can wait a whole week to do this again."

"Well, we'll have to see what transpires," he said kissing her and walking her to the door.

Gary sat on the couch sipping his drink and wondering if he had done the right thing and if he wanted to get involved with his best friend's sister. Especially when he was involved with her mother also. One thing he did know, they were both incredible in the sack.