Doing The Right Thing

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Fighting temptation taking a drunk, tall & curvy model home.
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Authors Note, I'm going through a creative spell at the minute, so I've not been able to dedicate the amount of time into polishing this as I'd like. I hope you understand, the alternative is that it would remain unpublished alongside the other 20+ stories that remain on my hard drive.

I'd like to say a huge thanks to AwkwardMD for all of her support. Without her, none of this would have been possible. Also, thank you to voyeur73x for reading and giving a very valued opinion..

Also, please, creating in a vacuum is hard. If you like (Or hate :) ) anything in this story then please let me know. I would love to hear from you and hear your thoughts. Emails or comments are very welcome.

Authors Note 2 - Warning. Please be aware that later in the story, Hannah winds up in a position that some readers might find triggering.

Brett wasn't expecting this shift to be anything more than a mid week D.J shift, he figured he'd spend seven hours playing music to a drunken crowd. Deal with a few requests, and go home to sleep. If he was lucky the manager might give him a beer, or one of the bar girls might flirt with him, but he didn't expect anything interesting to happen. So far D.J'ing for a season in a nightclub in Spain hadn't turned out to be quite the party life that he'd expected.

Brett saw her as soon as she entered the club. She was in a skin-tight pair of shiny black leggings that seemed to be trying to crush her massive thighs. She wore white trainers; even in those, she seemed about six feet tall. She looked as close to an Amazon, albeit with dyed blonde hair, as he thought he'd ever seen.

She had on what appeared to be a shiny halter neck top, but from how tight to her body it was, he guessed it was a bodysuit. Even as he found the next song to play all he could think about was how the shiny fabric would look stretched over her cunt.

She walked in with three other girls. The others looked more sure of themselves more traditionally attractive, but it was the giant kept his attention.

The three pretty girls were with the giant but not with her. He watched them go to the bar, buy drinks, and stand by a poser table, the giant looking uncomfortable.

The music was loud so he couldn't hear the conversations between the girls, but the other girls were doing most of the talking, the giant was just nodding and smiling.

Her head was huge, but her face was pretty. Her breasts were large, and the black top did little to hide the roundness. He wondered how big they were. She must have been a 38E easy, possibly even a G.

More interesting was her enormous biceps clearly she did some gym time, though clearly not much cardio.

After an hour, she excused herself and left the club.

He watched her leave, the others not seeming to care, they were too busy flirting with the guys surrounding them.

"Hey, Tony, can you cover me for twenty minutes?" Brett called to the guy doing the lights.

Tony nodded.

Brett went down to the bar and then out the exit door. He was hoping he'd see where the giant went. He didn't have to look far.

He found her on the side of the building, near the bins.

She was shaking and crying.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. Are you alright?" Brett said, approaching gently.

She jumped as she realised someone was behind her.

She looked at him with huge blue eyes, and tears running down her cheeks. She was prettier than he'd thought, but she was also very drunk.

She stood up, and he realised she was maybe an inch taller than him. She tried to walk and stumbled; he reached out and held her by the arm.

He couldn't help but notice the strength in her arms; he squeezed, and her biceps felt like solid muscle.

She leaned on him.

"I'm... I'm just going to sit for a minute," she said. "I don't feel good."

He thought her accent was from the north of England, maybe Lancashire.

She sat on the ground and he joined her.

"You shouldn't be out here by yourself," he said.

"I'm fine, thank you," she said, "I'm pretty good at looking after myself."

He smiled.

"So what's wrong? Why are you upset? Did you have a row with your friends?"

She took a deep breath, and more tears fell from her eyes.

"Just, just, everything's all wrong; I can't do this."

"Can't do what?" he asked with concern.

She shivered, and her tits wobbled. Brett tried not to look.

"Do you want my jacket?"

She shook her head.

"What's wrong?"

She shrugged and said nothing.

"So, what brings you to the island? On a girls' holiday?"

"I'm working," she said quietly.

"Like a rep or stewardess or something?"

She gave him a look.

"No," she said, "I'm a model."

"For real?" he said.

She winced.

"Hard to believe, right?"

"What, no, not at all."

She shook her head.

"That's the nicest lie anyone has ever told me, thank you."

"No, really, I mean, you are obviously not the usual kind, but yeah, I can believe you are a model."

She looked at him.

"Do you think so?"

"Absolutely, you're a good-looking girl."

"I'm not; I'm ugly, even my boyfriend says so."

"He sounds like a dick. You aren't ugly. I clocked you as soon as you walked into the club. I'm the DJ; besides, you wouldn't be a model if you were ugly."

She looked at him.

"Thank you, I needed that."

"You're welcome," he said, "do you want to come back into the club and hang out in the DJ booth until I finish work?"

"Until you finish? And then what? I do have a boyfriend, even if he's a dick."

He grinned.

"Then I'll try and get you back to my room."

She blushed.

"Is that a promise or a threat?"


She smiled.

"You know no one ever hits on me," she said, her voice thick with drink, but he could sense the hurt.

He leaned forward and kissed her.

"Now someone has."

"Why did you do that?"

"Because you're sexy."

"Oh," she said.

He kissed her again. This time, he slid his hand inside her halter top and cupped her breast, feeling how large and heavy it was.

"And because you have incredible tits."

She shivered, and not from the cold.

"They're so big," she slurred.

"Yes, they are," he agreed.

He moved his hand over her nipple, feeling the nub harden.

"But, I'm a model," she said as though that explained everything.

"I know you are," he said, kissing her neck gently.

"I don't even know your name, and you are touching my tit," she said with a sly smile.

"Do you like that idea? Not knowing my name? Getting off with a complete stranger?"

She bit her bottom lip.

He slid his hand out of her top and put his hand on her thigh, then he squeezed and realised she had very thick thighs. He was sure the muscles were thicker than his.

"I've never cheated before," she said.

"So, what's your name?" he asked, rubbing her thigh. He loved how the fabric of her leggings felt.

"Hannah," she said, shivering.

He kissed her again.

He slid his hand over the crotch of her leggings. He could feel how plump her pussy was, trapped in the leggings.

He rubbed her mound.

"You're getting me all excited," she whispered.

He moved his fingers up and down her pussy lips, the material wet with her arousal.

"I know I can feel it," he said and kissed her ear.

She moaned, he knew her cunt must be soaked.

"Oh god, I really shouldn't let you do this," she said.

"You really shouldn't let me have anal sex with you either," he said softly.

Her eyes widened.

"What did you say?"

"I said that I want to fuck you in the ass."

"I've never done that," she said.

"I figured."

He rubbed her harder, then he stopped and put his fingers in his mouth.

"Mmmm, I knew you would taste good."

"Why are you doing this to me?"

"Want to taste?"

He held his fingers out to her.

She looked at them and said nothing, so he slid them into her mouth. She closed her eyes and sucked for a moment.

She made eye contact when he removed the fingers but said nothing.

He kissed her again, and her tongue pushed into his mouth, her hands grabbed his ass.

"You are turning me on," she whispered.

"How else am I going to get you to agree to let me fuck your ass?"

"You could ask nicely."

He grinned.

"Alright, would you please let me fuck your ass?"

She blushed.

"That was a lot worse than when you said you wanted to."

He nodded.

"But will you let me fuck your ass?"

"Do you have a condom?"


She sighed.

"You aren't going to let this go, are you?"

He shook his head.

"Not if I can fuck your ass."

"And that's why you want me?"

He nodded.

"Yeah, I mean, your tits are awesome, but the idea of your fat ass around my cock, that's what I'm dying for."

She smiled, and he couldn't believe the smile was for him.

"If we do this, it doesn't mean anything. It's just a bit of fun."

He nodded.

"That's fine."

"But I have never done anal."

"It's easy, and it's fun."

"It doesn't hurt?"

"It probably will."

"Then why would you want to do it to me?"

He grinned.

"It won't hurt me."

She snorted.

"You aren't even trying to sell this to me!"

"Do I need to?" he laughed.

She giggled.

"Okay, no promises. But I get the feeling I'm going to need a few more drinks to deal with you. Let's go back in."

"You can have all the drinks you want."

She giggled again.

"Are you going to tell me your name?"

"Nope," he said, "not till the morning."

She laughed and shook her head, "I can't believe I'm doing this. This is mental."

He stood up and offered her his hand.

She looked at his hand for a long time.

"Fuck it," she said and grabbed his hand.


"Tony, can you get Hannah whatever she wants to drink? On my tab?" Brett said.

Tony turned to Hannah and blatantly checked out her tits.

"Check out her biceps, too," Brett said, joking before Hannah could react.

"Flex them," Brett said to Hannah.

Hannah blushed, but she obediently did what he asked. Tony was impressed.

"You must work out a lot," Brett said.

Hannah nodded, "Four times a week if I can."

"It shows," Tony said.

Hannah smiled, enjoying the attention.

"Drink?" Tony asked.

"Champagne?" Hannah asked sheepishly.

Tony raised an eyebrow and looked at Brett, who nodded.

Tony disappeared.

"Do you do this all the time?" Hannah asked.

"Yep, every time a giant Amazon with huge tits and killer biceps walks in," Brett said with a grin.

"And how often is that?" Hannah asked.

"Once so far."

"And how did that go?"

"It started well. I think I'll get what I want."

Hannah grinned and punched him on the arm.

"Ow," he said.

Hannah laughed, "That's what you get for messing with me."

Tony returned with a whole bottle of champagne in an ice bucket with one champagne flute.

"Lanson Black?" Brett asked, looking at the label.

Tony shrugged, "It's champagne. You can afford it with your wage. Plus, I figured you'd want to impress the lady. You don't wanna come over like a cheap skate."

"Fucking hell," Brett muttered and turned to mix in the next song.

Tony grinned, amused at his shit-houseary and turned back to the lighting desk.

Behind them, Hannah pulled out the bottle and poured herself a full glass of champagne. She downed the glass in one and then refilled the glass and sipped that one.

"That was about fifty quids worth you just necked," Brett teased.

Hannah looked at him and raised her glass before downing it in one.

Brett laughed.

Hannah grinned and refilled the glass.

"Can I pick the next song?" she asked.


She leaned forward, and he smelt her. There was a perfume smell and a slight sweat smell, which wasn't surprising given how hot the club was.

"You've got a minute and a half to put something on," he said, looking at the countdown of the track playing.

"How do I find Charlie XCX?"

"Search bar at the top; just type in the first few letters."

She typed it in and found the track she wanted.

"I love this song," she said with a big smile.

"You want to press play?" he asked, moving close behind her so that he was pressing against her solid ass. He reached around to show her which button to press. It was obvious as it was large and green and had a triangle.

Hannah looked back at him over her shoulder.

"Everyone can see us up here," she said breathlessly.

"They can only see from your chest up 'cause of all the equipment; they can't see me doing this," he said, and he slid his hand around between her legs and onto her plump mound.

He rubbed gently, and she moaned quietly.

"You better get ready to press play," he said, "fifteen seconds left of this song."

She pressed play, and the new song came on. It wasn't a terrible mix; the beats were off momentarily, but then the old song faded out, and then the dancefloor was dancing to Charlie XCX.

He continued to rub her cunt.

She put the flute of champagne down and put her hands on the side of the booth, holding herself steady.

"I've never done anything like this before," she gasped.

"Which bit? Djing or being touched in public?"

"Both," she giggled, "I promise I'm a good girl normally. I'm not like this."

He slipped his hand under the tight waistband of her leggings, then under her bodysuit. The shininess of the bodysuit continued between her legs. She wasn't wearing any underwear, which he found thrilling. Then his fingers were inside of her. She was soaking wet.

"You are clearly enjoying it, though. What song are you putting on next?"

"Oh god, you are making it hard to think," she gasped.

"Well, you'd better decide soon, or else all those people will be looking up here and wondering why the music has stopped."

Hannah's legs quivered slightly at those words, and he thought she liked that idea.

Hannah hesitated for a moment and then typed in a song. Brett was impressed with her choice.

He removed his fingers, and the wet bodysuit snapped back into place, sealing her hole. Then he slid his hands around the side, the waistband of her tight leggings causing his wrist to sink into her fleshy thighs as he moved.

She looked back at him with confusion,

He said nothing as he pressed his hand down again under the tight bodysuit. This time his fingers explored Hannah's deep sweaty ass crack until he found the tight little coil of her anus.

Hannah bit her lip and gasped as his finger pressed her hole. But she didn't look away or make any move to stop him.

He pushed his finger a little and found her hole clenched tight and dry. He smiled and pushed harder.

"That feels so weird," she gasped.

He didn't respond, just pressed harder, and suddenly, his finger slipped inside her.

Hannah gasped, and her ass pushed back against him. She was pushing his finger in deeper.

"Oh fuck, that's so wrong, I can't believe we're doing this," she gasped.

Her hips pushed back again, then rotated and twisted slightly, moving her anus around on his finger.

"God, that feels amazing," she whispered. Her head was thrown back, her mouth was wide open, and her eyes were closed.

At that moment, she seemed even taller and more free of herself and her worries.

His cock ached, and he needed her ass.

He didn't remove his finger. He kept it buried in her hole as she moved and danced, twisting her hips and ass around. To anyone watching, it would look like she was dancing up in the DJ booth, her huge round tits rolling around on her chest. Only he would know that she was fucking her ass on his finger. He was shocked by how into it she was.

As the song ended, Hannah started the next one without Brett even reminding her. The beat was different; the crowd cheered, and she stopped moving. He took his finger out of her asshole. She stood and turned around; her face was red, and her lips were moist.

"I think I like djing. And anal," she said, reaching for the champagne.

He laughed. "You seem different, more comfortable."

"I'm very drunk," she said, reaching for the champagne flute.

She poured a full glass, held it to her chest, and looked at him.

"I think I really like you, Mr Mystery DJ."

"I think I like you too."

She took a sip.

"How long do you have left before you finish?"

"Three hours or so. Think you can pace yourself that long?" he asked, looking at the champagne flute.

She laughed.

"What do you mean? Oh, you mean this," she said and drank the glass of champagne down in one.

She refilled the glass, then leaned forward.

"You can fuck my ass all night, I'm up for it, so long as no one finds out and you are clean," she slurred.

Then she spotted the girls she'd come in with on the dancefloor. She waved.

They looked up and noticed her; they were surprised, then impressed.

Brett was surprised too, not at the girls, but that Hannah seemed to have forgotten her inhibitions.

The three girls on the dancefloor were now waving Hannah over.

"Looks like I'm wanted," she said. "I'll be back."

She kissed him on the cheek and left the booth, the flute in one hand and the bottle of champagne in the other dripping condensation on the floor.

She returned to the group and hugged them; the dynamic was different now. Hannah was more outgoing, and the girls treated her more like an equal. Hannah was also standing taller, no longer slouching. She was now towering over almost everyone, even most of the men.

Then Hannah looked up at him and gave him a thumbs-up. The girls also looked and smiled at him.

Brett felt a thrill but also blushed. He waved and made himself look busy on the mixing desk.

The three girls looked away and danced and chatted, but Hannah continued to look at him almost constantly as the evening continued.

Hannah shared the champagne with her friends, passing around the bottle for them to drink out of. Then, one of the girls went to the bar and returned with a tray of pink shots. Brett watched as the girls did two each.

After an hour, Hannah and another girl left to go to the bathroom, which was when the other two headed up to the DJ booth.

Tony intercepted them, but they beckoned Brett over.

Brett went down and met the girls. They were both stunning with incredible, perfect figures. What you'd expect a model to look like.

"We're going to be going soon, but Hannah says she wants to stay here with you," the one on the right said.

"Did you know she has a boyfriend?" The one on the left said.

"She's told me, yeah, he seems a dick."

The girls laughed.

"She's very drunk, though, okay? We've tried to talk her out of it, but she won't listen," the one on the right said.

"Just look out for her, and don't try anything. This is where we are staying," the one on the left said and handed over a small slip of paper.

It had the hotel's name, address and room number. Beneath it was another address.

"She has a photo call with us at 11 am tomorrow; she needs to be there, okay? Hungover or not. This is her big break, and she can't fuck this up."

"She's got potential," the other nodded, "just needs more confidence. Being the plus size is always the toughest on the ego. She's not ugly, but the photographer is making her feel ugly. She's not, but it's hard on her; just be nice to her, okay?"

Brett nodded.

Hannah appeared at the far end of the club from the long corridor that led to the toilets. She was still with the third girl, who had her arm around Hannah and laughed loudly. As she laughed, Hannah's enormous tits seemed to shake and bounce inside the shiny top.

"Behave," the girl next to him said.

He looked at them and smiled, "what?"

"Just look after her, don't take advantage. Okay?"

"This is a bad idea," the one on the right said to the other.

"Yeah, but what can we do?"

The two girls looked at Brett, their eyes telling him not to fuck up.

"Her boyfriend is back in the UK, right?" Brett asked.