Dollar Here, Dollar There

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Working the game.
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I normally write about things that happen, and yes, I make some of it up. But there is always something that starts the tale off, which is why I have gone a few months without writing.

Basically my life has been just that, normal with nothing going on that hasn't happened before and already posted.

And I ramble, at my age, I get to. This is a simple little tale and about as close to truth as I ever get.

This short story isn't really erotic as I read it, but it was to me. I think you all needed to be there.


Driving isn't really my thing, but sometimes there just is no other way.

I glanced down at the odometer, it showed that I had logged almost 600 miles since I left the meeting north of Seattle. That mean about another 600 miles to go, I was halfway.

My butt was getting sore, 9 hours at roughly 65 MPH with only a brief stop to fuel up is hard on the old bones.

Traffic was light on the freeway thankfully, at least so far. But it was coming up on 4 PM on a Friday, so I knew it was going to get one hell of a lot worse in short order.

This particular stretch of highway is notorious for people taking advantage of the near lack of enforcement, already a few had slipped by me pushing 90 and more.

The rest stop sign ahead was a welcome sight, I could get out and stretch the old legs, relax for a bit. The next town I knew had a fuel station just off the freeway but that was another 30-40 miles and my legs were seriously beginning to ache.

My butt didn't have another hour or so left either without getting out and moving around. Not something one can just pull off to the side of the freeway and hop out, doing that can get a person killed.

That rest stop sign was welcome.

By the way, my name is Dan. I am now 70 years old, although I bet you would think I was closer to my late 50's.

Like I said, "I think." LOL.

Yeah, doing pretty good for myself, considering.


I saw her as I was pulling into the rest area. She was sitting on a small hill right where people had to walk back and forth to use the rest rooms.

Except instead of sitting right by the steps, which would seem logical to me, she was on the grass several feet away from where people would pass, and about 4 feet or so higher.

I also saw the obligatory cardboard sign nearly all street beggars use.

"Low on gas, no Money. Please help!" Simple and to the point.

As I got out, I looked over at her again. The picture was not quite right, this woman appeared to be in her early 20's, she had on a pretty multicolored blouse that had a simple peasant look to it, and a skirt that not only didn't match but it was on the short side.

Pleats in fact, the kind one might see on high school cheer leaders. She sat with the skirt tucked coyly between her legs, knees apart which made for an inviting appearence but no one could see anything except her knees and lower legs.

Her hair was not out of place, in fact it was nicely styled and shoulder length, a common sandy brown color.

Yes, not quite right and I noticed that.

"Do you have any change, mister?" She spoke to me just as I reached the bottom of the cement steps leading to the restrooms.

Normally I ignore beggars, for some reason as she smiled at me hopefully I reached for my pocket. I had no change but I did have a few single bills in my money clip.

Smiling broadly, she got up.

I guess I have to describe that for it to make sense. She didn't shift sideways and lady like get up, she lifted her feet in the air and pulled them down quickly, which sat her forward, sort of throwing herself to her feet.

Since she opened her legs even more at the same time, and she was sitting perhaps six feet away from the steps, plus 3 or 4 feet higher than where I was?

Yes, it gave me a perfect view all the way to her crotch, something down there caught the light and flashed. A diamond perhaps, a silver ring, it was hard to tell since the whole thing was just a slightly long moment.

It was completely clear she did not shave down there. Hell, I saw the whole thing, she was less than five feet away. Now females are all completely aware of their skirts, and normally very careful.

There was nothing careful about how she got up, it had to be deliberate, she had to know. But nothing showed that gave any indication at all that she had just given a complete stranger a very nice look at her hairless pussy.

Her breasts appeared larger since she was now standing up, and they moved under the cloth.

It was also obvious she wore no bra or other undergarment. The motion was simply delicious, yet she showed no sign at all of being aware of that, either. My 70 year old stuff did a small bounce in my pants, hell, I always have been on the voyeuristic side and stuff like this sets me off.

At my age, I don't see any teasing much any more although my wife Debs does it to me all the time.

"Thanks, mister!" She took what I realized too late was not a single but a $5 bill, walked back to her spot and sat down, in the process managing to carefully flash me the second time.

I suppose startled, surprised might best describe my reaction.

This young lady had just flashed me and it had to be deliberate.

I had handed her a $5 bill when I had intended to give her just a single.

OK, OK. Spending five bucks for a peek at some strange pussy? Kind of dumb, but I will bet one heck of a lot of you guys out there have either done that, or would.


Now understand I have my wife Debra at home, I have written a few stories about our life together.

She is a Registered Nurse, still working at the clinic over on the coast where we live in Oregon. Normally she would be with me on any trip but I had to make a run to Seattle to deal with a shipment that was hung up due to something going on with the longshoremen's union. I tipped the union boss a couple of hundred dollar bills (yeah, I know) but that got my shipment onto a truck and on the road.

Then I had to run down to Henderson in Nevada which is near Vegas.

I buy stuff, then sell it online. Been doing that for 3-4 years now, it might amaze a person just how much money can be made doing that. Let's just say I have to pay taxes on some of my Social Security which hurts since last year I hit the 35% bracket. But when I do quit selling stuff, they tell me I will get that back.

I guess anyway, the fact is I don't care.

This was not a trip I could take a flight for really, well I could have but I checked the prices online and decided to drive my Debra's Camaro since it gets 27 miles per gallon. Nice car, little V-6, hell it goes like a cut Cat and has all of the toys.

It does ride about like an unloaded hay wagon but good lord is it stuck to the road! Part of why my ass was sore.


Anyway, I was standing there probably looking stupid, no knowing what to say or do.

"Got any loose change, mister?" She asked, just like she had before when I walked up. For a second I thought she meant me but she was looking past me, that silly mischievious smile on her face again.

Glancing back, there stood a guy in his 40's, T-shirt, blue jeans, hat on backwards. He also had the belly that comes from a few extra beers a bit too often.

"Uh, yeah." I saw him reach for his pocket, I glanced at the girl and once again she did that toss her legs up, spread her legs out and sort of flip herself to her feet thing.

"Thanks, honey. That helps a lot, you are so sweet!" I saw he had handed her a pair of dollar bills. With that she turned and went back to her spot. This time the two of us were treated to the view, I had to admit she was showing everything.

"Damn!" He muttered, then stepped past me towards the rest rooms. I reluctantly followed along, although my instinct was to stand there and wait for her to do that again.

She was taking a bill from a middle aged man's hand when I came back out, he stood there mildly redfaced so I was reasonably sure he had just gotten the same show.

Instead of walking back to the Camaro, I headed over to a path that led down to what would best be described as a creek, in fact it wasn't even exactly that, it was damp but mostly plants where water should be.

But then the entire area has been in a prolonged drought, part of why there were so many fires going on. That one down in California was a big one, I could see the smoke from out on the freeway as I drove, I had even searched online to make sure none were going to get me stuck somewhere with the road closed.

I still remember heading out on vacation as a kid, running into the Santiam burn and finding myself spending that vacation carrying drinking water to fire fighters for four days. So I checked before I left. Different story, long time ago.

There was a stand of medium size trees, sort of fir trees but not like the Douglas Fir we have near home, Ponderosa Pines I think the ones there were. Further South they become some kind of scrub Pine, and some Sequoias, I think they are called.

I sat down at the base of one of them. Roughly 150 yards or so away, I could see the girl still sitting there, working the people as they came and went.

It was interesting the way she was doing it. She was using a combination of bright smile and good looks, easy manner and a flash of sex to get some money, and damn was she getting some!

I saw her do her thing getting up to take the cash at least 25 times, almost all of it from males but several times it was women and she did exactly the same thing. Whatever she wore at her crotch caught light a few times, causing a little flash even as far away as I was.

I also realized why she was sitting a few feet away from the walkway and up hill from it, the young woman knew exactly what she was doing.

During one slow period when no one was close, she looked over my way and waved, so I knew that she knew I was watching her.

I fished out the 2nd half of my one cigar a day I allow myself, lit it up. The first half is the best and I would prefer to just light a fresh one, but I have myself trained, or I should say my Debs back home has me trained.

One cigar a day, smoke it in halves, thirds, anything I want but just one.

So I sat and watched the gal work, finally I put out the now tiny stub of my cigar, thinking it was time to hit the road.

The Sun was warm, the breeze was slight.

I fell asleep.


"You OK, mister?" A voice woke me up.

I woke up with a start, realized the Sun was very low in the sky. That meant I had been asleep for at least and hour and a half, maybe 2 hours.

The young woman stood here, the Sun was behind her and she might as well have been naked.

"Yes, I am fine. I sat down to rest and I guess I dozed off."

"I saw you here for a long time so I just wanted to check. Here, have some of my water." She handed me a water bottle, I took it gratefully.

"You seem to be very good at what you are doing." I told her with a knowing grin.

"Yeah, I made almost $400 today. Usually it's $200-$300 but a couple of guys handed me a twenty." She giggled softly.

"They know I...slow down when they do that." She tipped her head back and laughed, it was almost musical.

"Enough for gas then?" I laughed.

She giggled at that.

I got up to head for my car, she walked along beside me to the paved parking lot.

"Well, se you later, mister." She told me with a smile. Then she walked over to where a few vehicles were parked, reached in her purse and pulled out a key fob.

My jaw probably was well open when she reached out and opened the door of a gold colored Mercedes.

Not one of those average ones either, this was easily an $80K machine, perhaps more. She started the car and drove away, offering me a final wave.


I had planned on driving all the way to Henderson but losing a couple of hours at the rest stop meant it would be very late for me getting in.

It was also going to be dark soon, and I don't do well driving at night.

I found a motel, rented a room. Later on after I woke up, I stopped and asked the clerk about places to eat.

He mentioned a restaurant down the street, told me after glancing at his watch that I had time, they closed at 10 PM.

I went down there, got a table and a menu from what was clearly the busboy.

I was thinking of having the Ribeye for just $16.95 since I was hungry. Back home, meat is a rare thing around our house, my Debs leans toward salads. Fish, Turkey and things like that.

I will admit I do like to dig into a T-bone, perhaps a nice New York steak, Ribeye once in awhile.

"Decided what you would like, Mister?" I knew it was her the instant I heard her voice!

"Hi!" I said, she was looking at me with no sign at all of recognition. She got a slightly puzzled look on her face.

"Are you ready to...?" Then her expression changed as she recognized me.

"I saw you the rest stop, didn't I?" Her face flushed.

"Yes, that was me." I grinned.

"Hey, please don't tell anyone? I just do that to make some extra cash, there isn't much else around here."

"No problem, miss...?"

"I'm Sally. Thanks, Mister." She sounded relieved. Perhaps she thought I was going to say something, but hell, why should I care?


The meal was good, the steak tender. Instead of normal french fries, they had cut up the Potatos into large chunks and deep fried them with Onions which was nice.

Sally made sure everything was taken care of, my Coffee cup never was empty. The service was excellent, a dish of Vanilla ice cream with whole Strawberries and some Strawberry syrup appeared which I hadn't ordered.

"On me, honey." Sally gave me that same wicked grin. Then she sat down across from me in the booth I was sitting at.

She was very easy to talk to, she told me about how she worked the 6 PM to closing at the restaurant, then with one of her giggles, she explained that she went to the rest stops when the weather was nice and worked the travelers.

I told her what I did, and a bit about my life back on the Oregon coast. But finally it was time to go, so I reached for the check. She took it and brought me my change.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked her.

"Sure, honey, anything."

"That piece of jewelry you have...what is that?" I gave her a smile.

"It's..." Sally looked over her shoulder, then back at me. Someone was in the kitchen rattling things around, otherwise the place was empty.

Her face broke into that mischievious smirk again, she reached down and lifted the hem of her skirt.

There was nothing underneath, the flash of light I had seen was a silver colored ring just above where her clitoris would be. She held the pose for several long seconds, then dropped the hem back down.

"OK?" She asked.

I nodded.

Sally started to walk away, then she looked back at me.

"Hey, on your drive back, be sure and stop off at the other rest area on the northbound side."


"Yeah, my sister Sarah works that side." She laughed and headed for the kitchen.

I reached into my pocket to leave a tip, the meal with Coffee was almost $20.

I dropped two $5 bills on the table and headed back to my room.

I made a mental note to check out the northbound rest stop on my way home.

I did, too. I pulled in and parked, but it was raining. There was no one there except people using the place.

But who knows? Perhaps someday I will make the drive, or when Debs and I do a Reno run, maybe we will drive instead of fly down. I told her what happened, I am not sure she believes me.

It was all rather simple, just some gal working the game, making a few bucks.

I found it kind of fun.

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magmamanmagmamanover 9 years agoAuthor
Yep. Happened.

Plus I still want to take another trip, maybe check out that Heck, I could just drive up the coast, they have a nudie bar about 25 miles away.

But this was WAY more fun! Funny, but I am not sure exactly why?


fanfarefanfareover 9 years ago
Bemused... hates to be too gullible butt I'll bite and accept that this was a real life experience. Well written and very amusing as I imagine the scene.

tazz317tazz317over 9 years ago

Beggars cant be choosers. TK U MLJ LV NV

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