Domestic Privileges

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Couple arranges a deal with a sperm donor to start a family.
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My wife and I left the doctor's office and walked across the parking lot to our car. I'd put my arm around her to comfort her. She couldn't hold back her emotions and burst into tears.

The doctor meeting could not have gone worse. My wife and I had decided -- after six years of marriage -- that we wanted to have a child. After a year of trying, we'd had no success and tensions at our house had grown. The doctor we'd just left was a fertility specialist and had just delivered the news that my sperm count was so low that we'd most likely not have kids unless they harvested my sperm and did IVF. We were good with that until he told us that it generally takes three tries with IVF to get pregnant, and, each attempt cost $10,000. To make it still worse, IVF was not covered by my insurance.

We'd reached the car and we stood there. She was balling and I was holding her tight.

On the ride home Linda, my wife, and I talked. We weren't poor, but we didn't have an extra $30,000 handy to pay for the procedures.

"Joe," she said, "I just can't stand this. I want a child. We have to figure out something!"

When we arrived home, it was 4:30 and she just walked to the bedroom, lay on the bed and cried some more. I decided to give her some time.

She didn't get up for dinner and was still in bed when I turned out the lights and joined her in bed. We were laying on our sides facing each other and I stroked her upper arm.

"What are we going to do," she asked.

"I don't know. And, I'm really sorry that it seems to be me. It's my low sperm count that's the problem. Honestly, I never had any idea about this. If I had, I would have told you before we got married. That would have only been fair."

"Don't blame yourself," she said.

"I know we can't afford IVF, but maybe we can find another way. Maybe we can find our own sperm donor. While you were sleeping, I checked online and they have insemination kits you can buy."

"I'd have to think about that. We can talk later."

The next day was Saturday and we both slept late. Over breakfast, I asked Linda if she'd thought more about getting a sperm donor. She said that she'd let another man's sperm get her pregnant if I'd be willing to raise a child that I knew wasn't mine. I told her that while we'd both make some accommodations, I would be good with that if we had a child.

"So, what do we do first?"

"Make a list, I guess!"

After breakfast, we sat together at the kitchen table with an empty page and a pen. We were ready to make our list of possible sperm donors. It was awkward getting started. She didn't want to name any men fearing that I'd think she'd been eying them and I was reluctant to suggest men that I wouldn't mind having their spunk inside her.

We did agree that strangers were out and that it should be someone that we both generally liked but no one too close to us. We also agreed that it should be someone that generally looked like me. We thought that it would keep down any questions going forward.

I was thirty-one, six-foot-three with a good build. I had light brown hair, a moderately hairy chest from my collar bone to my navel and generally hairy legs. I was trying to keep fit and had a flat abdomen, strong legs, and pretty well-defined pecs.

With that as an outline for the donor, we sat staring at the blank sheet of paper.

Several names had come up and been rejected by one or the other.

"How about Dave from my office? He's the one in the marketing department."

"Who," she asked.

"You know Dave, we've met at several office things. The last time was at the Duncan's pool party. You know, he came over flirting and asking if you had a single twin sister."

"Oh, that Dave." Linda was thinking. "Well, you two do look a lot alike. Same height, hair color, both fit. If you were both in silhouette, I'd have a hard time telling you apart." Linda continued pondering the option. "Do you think he'd do it?"

"I could ask. I'll see him Monday at the office."

"Okay," she said. "We've been working on this for over an hour and he's the only prospect we have. Sure. Ask him."

The discussion continued as we spoke of details. Linda got on the computer and ordered an insemination kit online. It was due for deliver the next Thursday.

Monday, I passed Dave in the hall told him I wanted to talk about something and suggested lunch. He accepted. I really wasn't sure how one asks another guy for his sperm. It would be an interesting lunch.

I'd picked a small Italian place. It was mostly a dinner place and never had much of a crowd for lunch. I thought it would give us some privacy for this weird conversation. I even asked for a corner booth for added privacy.

We were waiting for our meals when Dave plowed ahead, "So what's this thing you want to talk about?"

I decided to start from the beginning. The story ended with our search for a sperm donor.

"So," Dave said, "you want me to supply the baby batter? Sure, I'm in."

I explained that we'd be having an attorney draw up a contract to protect all of us. It would give him no rights to the child unless we both died and he wanted to adopt the child. We were willing to pay him $1,000 a month for the term of the contract but there was nothing beyond that.

"Well," Dave said, "I have some terms to write into the contract. The term will be from the date we sign until there's a baby. You'll pay me by check from your joint checking account and both of you will sign the check. And, on the memo line you'll write "for stud services." That way, if you try to fuck me, I'll be able to show people checks showing that you hire me to get Linda pregnant."

"Is that all," I asked.

"No. Fuck that insemination kit, if you want me to do this the contract will say that we all agree to using traditional intercourse for the process and that during the term of the contract, I'm to have full conjugal and household privileges."

"So, you want to fuck my wife?"

"Hey, the two of you are getting the child you want and what I want in return is to fuck your wife. I've always had the hots for her. This is a dream come true for me!"

"Linda and I hadn't considered this. I'll have to talk to her."

Our meals arrived while I was still in deep thought. I had no idea if Linda would consider letting Dave fuck her just to have a baby. I kind of doubted it. And, the thought of Dave using our situation to get the opportunity to fuck my wife was offensive. We'd asked for his help and all he wanted was to have my permission to fuck my wife.

I was staring at the meal in front of me trying to imagine, or not imagine, Dave sticking his cock into my wife and fucking her. Dave on the other hand was very upbeat.

"Hey, buddy, this is going to be great! You'll see."

I arrived home at the usual time. Linda was there and excited to hear about my talk with Dave. We hugged and shared a juicy kiss. This was the first time in months that I'd seen her this happy. The prospect of Dave offering us the help we wanted had given her hope and a big smile.

"So, how did it go with Dave?"

I sat down and talked her through our lunch. She was delighted that Dave was eager to help. Then I had to tell her his price. "Babe, he thinks you're sexy and he will only do it if he can fuck you; no insemination kit!"

To my surprise, the conditions imposed by Dave didn't bother her. "Hell, I'd fuck Dave's granddad if we got a baby! Let's do it. Tell him Yes! Based on my cycle and temperature, we should be good-to-go next Thursday.

I called our attorney the next morning. He took notes during our phone conversation and said that his confidential secretary would have the contract ready for me to pick up on the way home from work.

On the way out of the office I stopped at Dave's office. After closing the door, I told him that Linda approved his conditions and that I was leaving to get the contract from the attorney.

"Linda says that a week from Thursday should be the time to get this done. Is that okay with you?"


I left closing the door behind me. Dave sat looking at the door with a smile on his face. Then speaking to an empty office, he said, "I am so going to fuck the shit out of that little bitch and pack her cunt with so much baby batter that she'll be pregnant in no time."

Dave thought back to the pool party. Linda had worn a tiny bathing suit. She was blond with nice B cups and sexy hips. She was beautiful and very sexy. He recalled how smooth and soft her skin was. There had been a couple of bumps in her suit top and Dave remembered her nipples. Dave paused his thoughts of Linda and looked down. His cock had pitched a tent in his pants and there was a small spot of pre-cum that had pass through his boxers and his pants. He rubbed his cock head through his pants and could feel that the entire head of his cock was moist with pre-cum. He couldn't wait to get his cock buried in her cunt.

I arrived home with the contract and tossed it on the island in the kitchen. "Joe, is everything alright," Linda asked.

I turned to her and said flatly, "There are the contracts. All done." I paused and took in a deep breath. "Are you sure that we're doing the right thing? We can back out if you want."

"Joe, I just don't see another way. No, it's not the perfect situation, but it's our best situation."

"So, when are we doing this," I asked.

"Everything is still pointing to next Thursday. I'll be taking Thursday and Friday off."

"I'll take Thursday off," I said. "Hopefully, it'll all be done in one day as I have back-to-back presentation on Friday. I'll confirm with Dave tomorrow at the office that it's still Thursday."

I was mixed with excitement and dread as Thursday arrived. Excited about starting a family and dreading Dave fucking my wife. I guessed that we'd made the best arrangements we could have, given the situation. I cringed a bit when I saw Dave in the hallway at the office. The thought of his fucking my wife in just hours from now made me uneasy.

"Hey, Joe, what time should I be at your place?"

"Linda says 5:30 or 6:00," I said.

Dave had a shit eating grin on his face. "Can I bring anything? No, wait. I know what I'm supposed to bring. Got it! Good."

Truth be told, I avoided Dave for the rest of the day as his smug attitude was really annoying and I knew I'd be seeing a lot more of him this evening.

The doorbell rang promptly at 6pm. I had only made it half way to the door before I heard a big hand pounding to get in. I opened the door to find Dave on the porch with a bottle of wine in his hand and a backpack over his shoulder. I welcomed him in and he dropped the backpack in the entry.

"This is for you, Linda," he said as he handed over the bottle of wine.

"Thank you so much," she said as she inspected the label. "Wow, you had to spend some money on this bottle. Thanks again!"

Linda had prepared heavy snacks instead of a big meal. We gathered around the island in the kitchen drinking wine and eating the finger foods.

I took the opportunity while she was opening and poring the wine to present the contract. Dave reviewed it and signed. I signed next and when the wine was poured, Linda signed it. I took out a check written on our joint account for $1,000 and passed it to Dave. As he requested, the memo line said "stud services."

"You are one really beautiful lady and you have a killer body," Dave said. "Did Joe tell you that I was really looking forward to this?"

Linda just smiled.

"So, is your temperature thing all ready to go?" Dave obviously didn't have any idea about these things.

"Yes, we're good on the 'temperature thing'. Everything is good-to-go."

"Then, when do we go," Dave asked as he moved over behind Linda and reached his arm around her crossing his hands on her lower abdomen just over her pubic mount. Leaning forward he nibbled on her earlobe. He whispered, "So how do you like to be fucked: all gentle and sweet or hard like a strip club whore. I can do both," he said. "Maybe we can do a little of each. It's always fun to mix it up."

Dave went down on his knees behind her. He gently touched her lower thighs and slowly caressed them as his hands rose. Linda was already getting excited as she'd never had another man make love to her. Dave pulled back the fabric of her panties circling one leg and slipped his fingers inside. He could feel her bush and soon his finger found and invaded her lips. She let out a little gasp.

Linda threw back her head as Dave continued to toy with her patch. She was enjoying this. It was at this point that I really realized that this was going to happen. Soon, very soon, Dave would be fucking my wife for all he was worth with the singular purpose of dumping a huge load of what he called "baby batter" into her pussy. I glanced back to Linda and Dave in time to see Dave, still on his knees, slide Linda's panties to the floor. His hands went right back to her pussy where he continued to toy with her.

I was surprised when Linda lifted one of her legs up and put her knee on one of the stools at the kitchen island. This gave Dave unrestricted access to her pussy.

Dave was fingering her pussy hole gently and it was obvious that he'd found her G-Spot. Linda was responding with a writhing body and little grunts.

"I told you I could do gentle or rough," Dave said. "So, this is gentle." At that moment, he thrusted three fingers into her pussy and started to slide them in and out of her quickly and relentlessly. "This," he said was "rougher." Linda was squealing like a little pig. "I see you like them both. We are going to have a great fuck!"

Linda stook there with one foot on the floor and the other knee on the seat of the stool, Dave moved his face between her legs and his tongue started to work over her clit and pussy. Linda was squealing and grunting like an animal. His thumb had taken control of her clit and his tongue had retaken her G-Spot. She started to shake and I was concerned that she was going to fall off the stool and hurt herself.

"Let's take this to the bedroom," I said.

Dave stood, lifting her from the floor, and with one of his arms under each of her legs he carried her to the bedroom as I pointed the way. He walked onto the bed on his knees and gently laid Linda on the bed. He repositioned himself so that he could resume eating her.

He pushed his hands under her skirt that was now well above her waist and took a firm hold on her tits. Through the thin cloth of the dress, I would see his hands massaging her tits. He took them in hand and squeezed this sharply and then released them. He found both nipples and rubbed them to attention. With his hands on her nipples and his face between her pussy lips, she was starting an orgasm. Moments later she was squirming with passion. He kept her in that state for some time and then released her breasts and pulled himself from her pussy lips.

Coming to his knees he lifted her into a sitting position and pulled her dress up, over her head, and then tossed it on the floor. He pulled her to him until her nipples were being rubbed against the hair on his chest. The texture of the hair against her nipples was exciting.

Dave released her and slid from the bed. He took off his shirt and removed his shoes and socks. He released the waistband on his trousers and they fell to the floor. He stood before her with only thin, tight boxer-briefs. Linda and I both gasped. He was huge. Seeing the surprise and delight on Linda's face he slowly slid his boxer-briefs to the floor.

I'd played basketball in high school and college and lived in a college dorm so I'd seen a lot of cocks in the gang shower, but I'd never seen a cock this size. I'm about 7 inches with a good thickness. Dave had to be at least eight inches and noticeably thicker than I was. His cock showed thick blood vessels running the length of his cock. Once I got over the shock of his cock, I noticed his balls. They were the size of kiwi fruit. Again, the largest balls I'd ever seen on a guy. I thought, "Well, we're paying him to stand as a stud, I guess he has all that he needs to get the job done. I guess our money is well spent!"

He approached Linda as she sat on the bed. When he was close enough, she reached out and stroked his cock and took his balls in hand. "Fuck!" I could see her pussy and see that it was dripping in anticipation of his cock. "Put it in me. Fuck me a baby!"

Dave didn't need any encouragement. His cock was dripping glob after glob of pre-cum when he rubbed along the length of his cock. He knelt between her thighs and positioned his cock at the entrance to her pussy. He paused a moment and then slowly started to slip his cock into Linda. She smiled and then frowned as she realized the girth of his cock.

From where I was positioned, I could see her pussy working to accept his cock. As he pushed in, her body wanted to tense and her pussy contract. Each time, I could see her force herself to relax and Dave would push into more. He managed to push in about half of his eight plus inches when he stopped and slowly slid out of her. He again pointed his cock head at her opening and thrust himself forward and in one smooth motion going balls deep into her. She gasped and he paused with his ball-sack and those massive balls resting on her asshole.

When she'd had a moment to adjust, he leaned forward and started to fuck. She wrapped her legs around his torso and pulled him with each thrust. When he found a good rhythm, she used her legs and hips to pull him closer and his cock deeper into her cunt.

She used her legs around him to tell him what she wanted: faster, slower, deeper. Soon he was delivering exactly what she wanted. Her moans turned to squeals with each thrust. Her breathing had turned to panting and she could barely get words out. She managed, "Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck a baby into me!" I could tell that she was about to go into a massive orgasm. She let out a shrill scream and her entire body tensed and her legs squeezed Dave's torso like an anaconda.

Dave followed her lead. "Hold on babe, daddy is going to sew his seeds." His body bucked wildly as his huge balls took up positions on either side of his cock shaft. He ball-sack twitched with each explosion of cum. His urethra could be seen pushing load after load of his hot cum up through his cock into her pussy.

"I feel you cuming in me! Go deep," she yelled.

With that Dave thrust into her one more time and held himself as deeply into her as his large cock could go. He continued to cum. Having completed their job, his balls sunk into their sack and the sack relaxed.

"Now, you have to keep my hips up so your cum will not run out. I need some pillows under my ass. I need to stay that way for at least twenty minutes."

"I have a different plan to keep my cum in your pussy," Dave said.

"What's that," she asked.

"I'm just going to keep my cock hard and stay balls deep in you for those twenty minutes."

"Can you really stay hard that long?"

"Fuck yes! Longer if you want."

I doubted that Dave could deliver on that promise, and I really didn't care at this point. Of course, about twenty-five minutes later he asked my wife if it had been long enough and she told him that it had been. Still hard he pulled his cock from her pussy leaving the entrance a wide-open hole.

Linda lay on her back with the bottom of her feet flat on the floor, her knees in the air. I slipped down to her gaping pussy. Having been stretched by Dave's cock, I could see at least three inches into her pussy. Not a drop of cum was to be seen. I guess having been delivered deeply into her and with time passing it had congealed at her cervix exactly as it should have for pregnancy. I used my middle finger to rub the edge of her pussy opening and quickly her muscles tightened and the opening closed.

My wife lay in the middle of the king bed. I climbed in and lay beside her. "Are you okay," I asked.