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Morgos blew out a snort through her nose and then hunkered down onto the deck until she was lying flat on her back.

Domina stepped over her, straddling her face, and then sank down and put her hands on Morgos's head to make sure she was able to guide herself down. She kicked her legs out wide, spreading herself, and ground her ass on Domina's plump lips.

The Voluminarians' tongue went to work, slipping between her lips and probing up into and then inside of Domina's sphincter. Domina groaned and Morgos's rumbled happily as she began to taste the woman's natural flavors again.

Domina rocked on the woman's face, grinding her soaked lips across her nose and delighting in the hot and fast gusts of air with each pant of her very willing partner. Domina made sure her former opponent would remember her scent forever while she enjoyed the hot tongue tickling and stretching her ass.

Domina's body was ready. Her juices were running into Morgos's large nostrils and each pant blew them back out. She was ready for more and she didn't want to drown the woman! Domina held Morgos head steady and slid herself down, dragging her slick flesh across her nose and lips until she planted her pussy directly on the woman's mouth.

"Taste me, Morgos," Domina demanded. "Work your tongue into me until you can never forget me."

Morgos rumbled and rolled her tongue before spearing it up inside of the woman. Domina grunted and ground herself down, mashing the engorged glans lining the folds of her sex onto Morgos's lips while the woman dug as deep as she could inside of her with her tongue.

Domina writhed, twisting and grinding herself onto the woman. She clenched her teeth and hissed as the pleasure built and built. Her nipples were fully erect and budding out to their maximum length. She was ready.

Domina tilted her head back and let herself explode. Her passion swept through her, clenching her entire body and releasing her pent up fluids in a fine spray that mixed with her vaginal juices that dripped from her core onto Morgos's face and into her mouth. Domina shook, clenching her partner's head in her hands until the convulsions passed through her and left her slack and barely able to hold herself up.

Domina sucked in a quick breath and lifted her head from where it had fallen to her chest. She blinked and looked around before pushing off of Morgos's head and engaging her exhausted legs to hold her upright. She turned to her bunk and crawled onto it on her hands and knees before looking back over her shoulder.

Morgos was only just picking herself up when she saw Domina looking at her. Morgos realized she was grinning and pulled herself together. She reached up to wipe Domina's juices off her face but stopped when she saw the Likchan's nipples jutting out from her breasts.

"Clean me up," Domina ordered. She sounded tired but her tone remained firm.

Morgos nodded and climbed onto her bed behind her. She leaned over and began to lap at Domina's sex, licking up her flavorful juices and cleaning her one swipe of her tongue at a time.

Domina lowered her head and spread her legs wider, giving her better access. She sighed contentedly as the vicious warrior-woman showed her a gentle side and left her floating in a sea of comfort and pleasure.

* * * *

Nine days later, on Thirdday, Domina's name was called early. She threw back her sheet and rolled out of bed and stood up. Zanderos, the Dextan that had won his freedom in the Ultimate League, stared at her from the doorway.

Domina walked over to him. Morgos and some of her other one-time lovers whispered encouragement as she passed them. She met his gaze as she came to a stop before him. He grunted, turned, and left. She followed. He'd never come for her before. He'd never come for anyone.

He led her to the prep room without a word. Jahn was there and spared her a small smile. Domina knew what was expected of her, it was match day. She hadn't heard anything though... no excitement of defending her title on the ship. She chased her worries away and stripped her tunic off and placed it in the bin of used clothing.

Jahn stepped in and looked her over. She ran a hand scanner over her body and nodded. "You're in good shape. Some strain and inflammation in your shoulder."

"A hold I broke out of in training two days past," Domina said.

"Can you fix it?" Zanderos asked the doctor.

"Yes," Jahn said. She adjusted her scanner and ran it over the sore muscles. A moment later Domina heard the spray of the medical chemicals and felt them soak into her skin and go to battle against her body's slower self-repair system. In seconds the tingling abated and her shoulder felt looser.

"All set," Jahn confirmed after running a new scan.

"Clean her up, she represents the Gortoko today."

"A match between ships, Master Zanderos?" Domina dared to ask.

He looked at her, anger in his eyes at her direct questions. He let the tension hold a second longer and then said, "A match for the Tendari System champion. A fight unlike any you have had. Show no mercy and no weakness."

Domina stiffened and then bowed her head. "I will not fail the Gortoko, Master."

"You fight a Messian," Zanderos told her while Jahn adjusted her scanner to depilation mode.

The doctor made sure Domina was smooth and ready for a fight. She put the scanner away and then, at a nod from Zanderos, she turned and hooked a hose that led to a bottle to her sprayer. She moved close to Domina and activated it, spraying a fine mist that coated the woman's body and made her gasp at the coldness. Her nipples began to bud but she warmed long before they could fully engorge.

"This will show you off for the crowds and the cameras," Jahn said. "It's also a mild lubricant. You can trust that your opponent will have something similar."

"I trust you will have me fight in accordance with the rules, Master," Domina said.

"This falls within the rules. Intra-ship fights do not merit the expense."

Domina bowed her head.

"Is she ready?"

Jahn caught Domina's eye and winked at her. "She is, Master. She will fight well and bring the ship another victory."

"I've never seen a Messian," Domina admitted. "What are they like?"

Zanderos frowned. "They should not be allowed in any league save the Unlimited League. You will see, they are augmented."

"How do they fight in the regular leagues then?" Domina dared to ask.

"Their augmentations are integrated as part of their natural body, replacing entire organs, limbs, and more," he answered. "It will be a difficult fight."

Domina swallowed and nodded. "I will bring victory to the ship."

His lips twitched in what might have been an attempt at a smile. "See that you do, this particular warrior has never been defeated."

"Neither has Domina, Master," Jahn said.

He smirked and turned away. The door opened and he stepped out. It shut behind him, leaving Domina and Jahn alone.

They stood still for a moment before Jahn let out a nervous sigh. "Are you ready?" she asked.

"I am," Domina said. "I'm always ready."

"Strike at the junctions," Jahn suggested. "Where flesh and machine meet. If you can disable an interface the metal becomes an anchor."

Domina smiled. "I've heard of such things in the Unlimited League. I will do as I always do."

"What's that?" Jahn asked.

"I will win," Domina said. "I will win and I will return to you. We will be one step closer."

"Then you'll dominate the fallen in front of the others?" Jahn said. "Tell me, do you at least think of me when you conquer them?"

Domina frowned. "No. Never."

Jahn's eyes widened.

"I dominate them, as you said. I make them pay me tribute. I mark them as mine. I would never do to you what I do to them."

"I'm yours too," Jahn pouted.

"And I am yours," Domina promised. "But this is different. This is not love with them."

"I've heard some of those women talk about you. They are infatuated with you. I checked on Morgos the other day and even she is taken with you. Whatever you do leaves an impression."

"I do as I'm told my ancestors have done, long ago when our people were bound to a single world and we lived in tribes that roamed with the herds."

"I want to know more about that," Jahn said.

"That's all I know. Fragments of stories told to me as a child before my planet was raided and I was taken."

"She asked me about your nipples," Jahn said. "Morgos, I mean."

Domina barked out a laugh. "She did? What about them?"

"She'd never noticed how big they are. Well, long, at least."

"I'm not so different from others of my kind."

Jahn blushed. "A little, I think... but not much. I told her as much. She said... well, she said she wished she noticed sooner. She would have loved to have sucked on them."

"Is that right?" Domina asked.

Jahn nodded.

"Why are you telling me this? You're the only person who's lips I crave to have on me."

"It turned me on," Jahn admitted. "She explained what you did to her and I had to excuse myself before I could see anyone else. I wish I could have seen it."

"Me with another woman? Dominating them?"

Jahn nodded and blushed.

Domina chuckled. "If we ever get the chance, I will do anything to make your desires come true, Jahn'kar."

Jahn shivered and moved up to give her a chaste kiss. It turned from chaste to hungry quickly, but Domina broke it off and stepped back. "I must focus."

"Of course," Jahn sighed. "I know, I'm sorry. I just... we so seldom get any time together."

"It will be different," Domina promised. "After I win."

The door opened again, revealing an empty corridor.

"Win, Domina," Jahn said.

"I will... for us," Domina promised.

She squared her shoulders and started walking. The door slid shut behind her once she was through, leaving her with no choice but to go forward. She kept moving, following the overhead lights at intersections until she was in parts of the Gortoko she didn't remember ever being in before. Soon she came to an airlock with an open door. She studied it and looked around before stepping inside. The door slid shut before the door on the other side opened. She stepped into another hallway and walked ten meters before entering another airlock.

This time the process was longer. Multi-colored lights played over her body and then a fine mist was sprayed into the air. It clung to her body and then ran down off of it in rivulets. A puff of warm air followed. By the time the door opened the liquid had drained through the grating on the floor of the room and left her skin dry.

Domina emerged from the airlock in the company of two Dextan female guards. They ignored her outside of noting her presence and position. She was led through a ship that reminded her of the Gortoko. A standard gladiatorial ship, perhaps? She'd never seen it from the outside or knew what Dextan's used for spacecraft. She'd gone from a young woman teaching younglings how to hunt to being captured in a raid and taught to fight as a gladiator.

They led her down passages that soon felt similar. Domina nodded to herself as she counted the steps and came to the same number she counted on the Gortoko. That told her something of the Dextan, or at least of those that run the fighting leagues.

They reached the end of the corridor and Domina stopped. Ahead was the fighting pit. She didn't look at her escorts and, as far as she knew, they didn't look at her. Domina rolled her head on her neck and stretched her arms and legs. She clenched her fingers into fists and then let them relax, taking care not to extend her nails and snag her palms.

"Thank you," Domina said to her escorts. She stepped forward so she was within the door's sensor range and watched it slide open. A dark grey metal arena fifteen meters across greeted her. She stepped through the door and heard the sudden lull in conversation. It went back up even faster. Bets were being shouted while some cheered and others called for an early defeat. Domina raised her arms, playing to them, and spread them out as she walked forward with a little sway in her hips.

Another door opened before Domina could reach the center of the room. She turned and watched as her opponent entered the pit. She walked forward, each step clanging as her prosthetic metal feet struck the deck. Her left leg was replaced below the knee. Her right went all the way to her hip before it blended into flesh.

Her abdomen was flesh on right side and covered in a metal plate with ports on the left. The plate expanded to what seemed an overly sexualized metallic right breast save that it matched the size of her flesh and blood left breast. One was shiny, one was brownish gray color. Her natural nipple was the same color as charcoal, with no virtually no areola around it.

The woman's neck was sheathed in a flexible metal, yet outside of it there were rods and connectors that went to the plate that covered — or made up — half her torso. Her jaw, chin, and face was covered in the same brownish gray skin. Her eyes were red and glowed with an internal power source. Her head was shorn bald and had a plate over the back of it almost like a small cap.

The woman's arms were natural, at least until her right hand. That was replaced with a prosthetic that boasted four fingers and a thumb. A mirror for her left hand, except instead of being covered by a smooth skin the internal workings of the artificial bones and mechanical muscles were on display.

The suspense was shattered when the announcer spoke. Even the howling crowd quieted enough for him to be heard. "People of Tendari and viewers far beyond, welcome to the title match between Domina, champion of the Gortoko, and Kryna, champion of the Dorina. Domina has a record of sixteen wins and zero losses. Kryna has fought in twenty four matches, with no losses and one tie."

Domina reacted and cursed herself for it. How was a tie possible? Unless... had Kryna and her opponent knocked each other out?

"No armor. No weapons. No breaks. Two females in a fight to the death for the championship of the Tendari System in the female open league!"

Kryna and Domina both reacted that time. A fight to the death? They locked eyes, seeking something in the other to use to their advantage. The soulless cybernetic eyes of Kryna gave nothing away.

"Females, to your positions!"

Domina backed up to her starting spot without taking her eyes off of her opponent. She knew where to go, she didn't need to look. Kryna deserved her attention. She had to fight her. Had to beat her. Had to kill her. All that metal, but she looked like she moved smoothly and without effort. How was she supposed to kill someone that was practically armored?


Kryna started forward. Domina moved to her left. She crossed one foot over the other and circled, forcing Kryna to alter her course. The crowd was cheering and shrieking while the commentator tried to speak over them and add color to the fight. The women ignored him and focused on each other.

When less than three meters separated them Kryna brought her right leg down and squatted into a lunge. She sprang out of it, pouncing forward to where Domina had been a heartbeat before. Domina rolled to her feet sprang back, the claws on her toes scraping on the metal deck. She drove her fist into the woman's organic side at the bottom of her rib cage. She expected a pop or a grunt, but instead her fist felt like it had struck a wall.

An elbow caught her in the side of the neck and drove her back. Domina threw herself down, flipping and then rolling to the side so Kryna's next leap landed with a loud clang on deck where she might have been if she hadn't spent her youth teaching others how to hunt the agile hill cats of her home world.

Domina swung around on her hands and hip and drove her heel into the back of Kryna's left leg. The leg buckled and she dropped, but not before she lashed out with her right hand. The hand passed over Domina but the nimble Likchan was never one to let an opportunity pass.

Domina rolled over, grabbed the woman's arm at the elbow, and sank her claws into the inside of her upper arm just below her shoulder. She ripped down and across and then contorted her body and flipped herself up and over the woman. She skipped back, putting some distance between them while panting fast to catch her breath.

Dimly Domina heard the announcer calling for a quick fight. He thought she was already winded and obviously retreating from a superior opponent. Domina tuned him back out and watched blood run down the arm of the approaching cyborg.

Kryna didn't pounce this time, she walked forward with a center of gravity low and her arms out. Domina looked to the Messian's left and right, searching for a way out until the woman was close enough there was no escape. The cyborg grinned and began to bring her arms in.

Domina took one step toward her and leaped up. She planted a foot between the woman's boobs and felt two or her claws sink into flesh. She pushed herself up and away, knocking the Messian back even as she flipped in the air and caught the upper edge of the arena's wall with her hand. Kryna rocked back forward as Domina leapt off the wall and sailed over her head. She hit the deck in a roll that propelled her back to her feet.

Kryna spun around and chased after her, running and slamming her clanging feet into the decking. Domina darted to her left, forcing Kryna to alter her course, and then turned and threw herself forward into Kryna's legs the same as she'd done to Morgos. The difference was she aimed for Kryna's left leg this time and struck it just as the majority of her weight transferred to woman's right leg. Kryna spun, her metal feet sliding on the metal floor. She went down, falling hard on her back and leaving scratches in the deck.

Domina ignored the stinging and the ache in her just shoulder and back. There was a good chance she was bleeding down her back too, but that would come later. She threw herself on Kryna as the woman rolled to her side to get up. Her knee struck the back of the woman's left thigh, knocking her leg up before she could swing it over and down. Domina's toe claws jammed into the back of her knee and she pushed, forcing the Messian's leg out straight and then digging furrows down her calf until she met the metal of Kryna's left foot.

Rather than tearing the prosthetic away from the flash it was grafted too, Domina pushed herself up and lost some of her leverage. Kryna swung her left arm back and glanced her fist off of Domina's head. Domina scrambled to get away but Kryna caught her braids in her hand and held tight long enough for her to roll over.

Domina flung herself back, rolling into Kryna before the woman could get on top of her. Her body was too low for her to use her legs and her right arm was trapped under her body. Her left arm circled Kryna's side and she dug her claws in to hold her tight. Then Domina opened her mouth and slammed her face into the only soft spot on the Messian, her right boob.

Kryna snarled and then howled as Domina's teeth pierced flesh. She sank them in deep and jerked her head back and forth, sawing through the woman's skin and the tissue beneath. Hands beat at her back and her head, but she was too close for the strikes to be effective. Domina ignored them and kept chewing until a chunk of flesh came free in her mouth.

She let go of her grip on the woman's back and scrambled out of her hammering fists, rolling and then scrambling to put distance between them. She came to her feet and danced to the other side of the arena, bouncing on the balls of her feet while she chewed the bloody chunk of flesh in her mouth and made sure to keep her lips open so the crowd could see it.

Kryna rose to her feet, one bloody hand clutching her injury. She looked down and pulled her hand away. Blood ran freely down her breast and dripped on the floor in a steady patter. An chunk of flesh roughly four centimeters in diameter was missing from her breast, including her nipple. She looked up at Domina, mouth open in shock.