Dominant Species Ch. 46-50


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Now that things were calm, Rachel had allowed humans in town to start interacting with the wolves. She had ordered them to remain in wolf form to get used to it, but soon wolves were jumping up to greet friends and family who hadn't been changed. It was fun watching the humans reacting to the new wolves, and sometimes trying to figure out who it was until a Pack member let them know. Rachel's leg had improved enough overnight that she was slowly walking along the edge of the park.

"Rachel, it looks like everything has gone well." Tammy's wolf popped her head up at the voice; Deputy Robert Stevens had arrived and was looking over the hundred wolves in the park. Her nose sought out the source of the delicious scent, one that caused her wolf to shiver in excitement. She took another deep breath, the smell caused her to leap forward as arousal bloomed in her belly. She raced across the park, bearing down on the man as her wolf screamed "MATE MATE MATE!" in her head.

Robert had no idea what was going on, he heard the pounding of paws on the ground and reflexively reached for his Glock as the wolf charged him. She was too fast, he didn't have time to clear leather before she was on him. His left hand came up to protect his face, but she ducked her head under it as she knocked him on his ass. He pulled his pistol out, preparing to shoot, when he realized this wolf had something far different in mind for him.

She shifted on top of him, her naked body rubbing against him as her lips crashed down on his. He couldn't respond for a moment, but then something clicked in his mind. Dropping the pistol, he brought his arms around her and kissed her back with a passion he didn't know he had. They were oblivious to the humans and wolves around them, at least until the whoops and cat calls got too loud to ignore.

Tammy pushed herself up, finally releasing the kiss, and with a low growl she practically shouted "MATE."

Rachel laughed as she tossed a robe on top of her friend. "I kind of figured that." She laughed at Robert as he blushed. "I think you guys should take this somewhere more private, don't you?"

Tammy sat up, pulling the robe on, then stood up and hugged Rachel. "Thank you!!" Turning back, she pulled Robert to his feet and into a hug. Kissing him deeply, she finally stepped back and took his hand. She took the key hidden under a rock in her garden and opened the door, pulling him inside and slamming the door behind her. She dropped the robe, and a feral look came into her eye as she sized up her mate, a mate that was strong and handsome, and wearing WAY too many clothes.

She hugged him as she pushed him into the wall, surprised at the strength she now had. Her hands were busy as her tongue plundered his mouth, undoing his belt and pants. They dropped to the floor with a thud, and his boxers soon followed. Her hand gripped his cock, gently stroking it as it strained against her. His hands were busy too, unbuttoning his shirt so she could push it off his shoulders. Dropping to her knees, she continued to jack him off with her right hand while her left started to caress his swollen balls.

"Oh GOD yes," Robert moaned as she took him into her mouth. She sucked hard on the tip, then swirled her tongue around it before pushing it to the back of her mouth. It was long enough she could continue to move her fist along his base while her mouth ministered to the rest. She alternated long licks and swirls with taking him deep and sucking hard, and he was rapidly losing control.

"I'm going to come..." He caressed the side of her face with his hand, looking down into her eyes. She grinned around his length and looked back down. Letting go with her hand, she moved both around until they were gripping his firm young ass cheeks and pulled forward.

"OH SHIT!" He watched in amazement as she pulled him into her throat, his cock disappearing inch by inch until her lips touched his stomach. Her throat squeezed him as his cock swelled even wider, then he started to come, and come hard.

She let the first jet of cum shoot down her throat, then she pulled back and allowed the rest to fill her mouth. She looked up at him with pride as she tasted his essence.

His legs could no longer hold him up and he slid to the ground, and she released him with a soft 'pop' as he collapsed. Looking at him with an impish smile, she wiped the stray trail of jizz off her chin and brought it back to her mouth, sucking it off with a low moan. He was looking at her with a mixture of love, lust and amazement.

"Come on, stud, I'm nowhere near done with you." Pulling him to his feet, she led him upstairs to her bedroom where she pushed him onto her bed. Climbing up, she straddled his chest as he cupped her ass to pull her closer. "Get me ready while you recover."

Smiling, he pulled her sex down to his face as she leaned forward and grabbed the headboard. It was going to be a long night.


Donald moved along Highway 93 north until he came out of the Bitterroot Mountains, pausing to look over the valley to his north. Corvallis was the fourth down away on the highway, about thirty miles from here. The moon didn't reveal much, and there were no lights in the town to show where they are.

Direct route or circuitous, that was the question. He knew that if he went straight through, he could make Corvallis tonight and see if Abigail's family was safe. The problem was, there were too many potential hostiles, too many ambush sites and he was a sitting duck on the road. No human with a gun would hesitate to shoot a wolf that could feed their family for days. Staying within the forest, though, would double the distance and he would have to find a place to hole up for the day.

Turning to the west, he stayed within the treeline of the foothills. The forests were silent as he moved, no animals, large or small, were scented alive. The smell of rotting flesh was everywhere. The solar flare had truly wiped out anything that was above ground. He moved along at a comfortable pace, the miles eaten up under his callused paws as he thought through the events of the night.

Sending her back without him was not what he wanted, but it was better than any of the other choices. He hoped she would realize after tonight that it was too dangerous for her and her children to be out on the road, that they needed the protection of a Pack.

He saw in her eyes that she wanted his protection, which made his wolf happy, even if she wasn't ready to accept all that their bond meant. The bond was there, he could see how it affected her, and if he could just keep her close it would continue to grow.

He'd waited fifty years, he could wait longer.

Stopping at a stream cutting through the valley between two mountains, he lapped up the cool water while taking a well-deserved break. His bones were protesting, the effects of the arthritis that was starting to make him recognize he wasn't as young as he once was. Smiling to himself, he sat back and let out a howl, he may not be young but he was still strong.

He was startled when his howl was answered. This caused his to pause for a moment; the North Fork pack didn't have treaties with any of the Montana packs, but they weren't enemies either. He considered momentarily changing course to avoid them, but then his curiosity won out. If they were wolves, they might have information and could be potential allies. He had to try. He set off again, the wolf sounded like he was only a few miles away.

Twenty minutes and a few soft howls later, he saw three wolves approaching through the trees. He paid careful attention to their body language, they were not aggressive, so he left his hide to meet them. Once they had sniffed each other, he recognized they were three young males, unmated, and from a pack. Since he was satisfied they were not a problem, he shifted and they quickly followed. "Hi guys, I'm Beta Donald Ross of the North Fork pack."

The oldest of the three, who was about 25 with close cropped blonde hair and a short beard, stepped forward and shook his hand. "Barry Johnson of the Wye River pack. This is my younger brother Brian," he pointed to his left, "and Terry, one of our friends. We're glad to see you, you're the first wolf we've found alive yet."

Donald looked at them confused. "Wye River, that's up near Missoula, right?"

"Yep, our Pack was at the north end of the range. We had about twenty members, but they are all dead now." He couldn't hide his pain. "We hoped to find another pack still alive, but the Corvallis pack, they were all dead too. We were headed for the mountains, hoping that someone farther south was still alive. Plus, we needed to get away from what is going on in Missoula right now."

Donald knew this was a story that would take a while. "I'm on my way up there now, with a stop in Corvallis. My pack is still whole, we responded immediately by going underground and made it through the solar storm." He looked out at the valley. "If you want to join with us, I can use your help. First, though, we need to find some shelter before sunrise. Let's do that, then we can talk."

The three talked briefly on their Pack link, then Terry spoke up. "We can do that. There is a cave we passed about an hour ago, about ten miles southwest of Corvallis, that would work well."

"We also passed some cabins, we could break into them and see if there is any food or supplies we need," Barry added. "It's not like these people will need it. There's not much left living in this valley."

"Our Pack Doctor, Marcus Mendez, figured it out as soon as it happened. Huge solar flare that wiped out the ozone layer, plus a huge plume of radioactivity. If you stayed outside you were blinded, if you didn't get underground or behind a lot of shielding you took a lethal dose of radiation. We lost most of the humans in our town while we were in our shelters." Donald looked at the sky again. "We better get going."

The four shifted to wolf form and headed north. The first cabin they stopped at was enough; the owners were dead, having blindly stumbled into the woods before succumbing to the radiation. They filled a pillowcase up with canned food, half thawed frozen meat and bottled water, and grabbed some sleeping bags and pillows before they continued north. They got to the cave as the first signs of dawn were coming; it had a narrow entrance before expanding into a larger cavern, and there were cracks in the ceiling that let air circulate. They shifted and put shorts and shirts on. Donald sent the three to collect wood for a fire while he set the sleeping area up and started dinner.

The boys got a fire going, and Donald set some canned beans around it to heat up while he skewered steaks on a stick to put over it. "Boys, why don't you tell me about what happened to you while I get this ready."

They sat on the sleeping bags, and Barry started. "Our pack isn't large, and most of us live in or near the town. The Pack owns land bordering the Lolo National Forest, and our Pack house and Alpha pair were there. We also have a gold mine on the property, that's where the three of us plus Mike were working that day."

Brian picked it up. "The area we were working was too far underground for the Pack link to work, but the mate bond, it was still there for Mike. He couldn't talk to her, but he could tell something was wrong with his mate. He went back to the surface, we figured we'd keep working until lunch then check on him. When we got up close enough to the entrance for the Pack link to work, that's when we figured out how bad it was. The Pack was dead or dying. We begged the Alpha to let us help, but he was already blinded and dying, he gave us an Alpha command to stay deep underground and not come out. We had no choice, we had to go."

"We stayed until it was dark," Terry said, "Then we went out. They were gone... all dead. We packed up our bags and shifted, figuring we could get to the Seeley Lake pack, they were our closest allies. The run... it was brutal. Nothing but death and decay. We ran the rest of the night to get there, only to find them dead as well. We knew that we needed to be underground, so we found a cave and hid out again. The next night, we headed towards Missoula. We figured we might find SOME people still alive in a big city like that."

"Did you? I'm trying to locate the family of a Pack friend up there." Donald was clenching his hands, hoping for good news.

"Oh, we found some people alive, all right." Terry's face held back the horror of what they had seen. "They were killing and raping all night long. The houses may not have been protected, but all that concrete in the jails sure worked. Some of them still had prison orange on, and with the townfolk mostly blind and sick, they couldn't fight back. Half the town was burning, the rest was being pillaged. We didn't stick around to see what happened next, we bypassed the town and started this way. We figured we would check the valley packs, but we didn't find any of them either. You're the first werewolf we've seen since this happened."

The meat had finished, and they paused to divvy up the food and eat. Donald thought about what to do next, normally he would have taken their report and just given up on the job, but he knew Silvia and Abigail needed to know for sure. Looking at the boys, he sighed. "I know it's backtracking, but I have to verify whether their families are dead. After sundown, I'm going in to Corvallis to check on the first address, then I'm going up to Missoula. You can stay here if you want, it will be safer."

The boys looked at each other, then Terry shook his head no. "If you are going, we are going with you. It's too dangerous to go there alone."

"Fine then. Let's get some sleep." Taking turns, they went to the entrance and pissed out onto the rocks before washing up and getting in their sleeping bags. Donald's thoughts were only of Silvia as he drifted to sleep.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Radiation & Putrifaction...

Admittedly, my reading on the subject is light, and in the past, but I'm pretty sure that the amount of radiation to give a lethal dose that quickly would kill all the bacteria in the body that would cause the body to rot. Since the forest animals also seem to all be dead, that practically guarantees it, since the amount of radiation to outright kill a deer is higher than a human.

Now, the cockroaches and other "hardened" insects...they should be breeding like gangbusters. ;)

Also, the trees should also be dead or dying as well.

On the plus side, the likelihood, if this was a solar flare, the people on the dark side of the planet (when it hit) should survive in much greater numbers.

This is starting to sound like the plot of a 70's (or was it 80's) sci-fi disaster flick.

That all being said, quite enjoyable! Not enough to pull me out of suspension of disbelief, minimal grammar issues, and as of chapter 50, no homonym mis-use I can remember! lol

OddBall68OddBall68over 7 years ago


Yes, she was being singleminded in her drive to get to her family. No argument. However, family is one's first line of safety. She has not accepted the pack as her family at this point. Think basic primal emotional. I think somewhere in her is that little girl that still just wants to hold and be held by her mom and dad. To feel safe and loved by them and know that her parents are safe as well. To expect everyone to think tactically and logically under stress is a mistake. Some will, some won't.

If they haven't survived it will be another crushing blow to her. She will need to grieve the loss, accept the reality as it is and make a life for her and her kids with the pack.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Understanding that Silvia has been through hell, hopefully her character will make more sense to me soon. Completely understand why she is no where near ready to deal with Donald and the mate issue, I still don't totally believe she would have left the safety of the area. She, of all people knows exactly just how dangerous it is out there. I still find it hard to believe she'd risk the safety of her children SO SOON, to find family. It's not like she was being pressured in any way by Donald, the Alpha or the pack. They repeatedly asked her to stay and offered protection, shelter and food for her and the kids. Plus, the wolf sent to help protect her gets shot and is in need of immediate help and her reaction basically is: Well, can't he just wait! Not gonna lie, even with all she's been through, not exactly a fan of Silvia. Oh, I thought we'd have 4 pages this time since it's covering 4 chapters. I don't think I get the correlation between chapters and Lit pages on this story.

partwolfpartwolfover 7 years agoAuthor
Oddball68 is correct

Four pack members were in the mine, one felt the distress of his mate and left to go to her. Every wolf who was up top died, it was only the Alpha command to stay in the mine that kept Terry, Barry and Brian alive. When they found the rest of their Pack dead, they searched for other survivors and did not find any until Donald.

The three boys are as of yet unmated.

OddBall68OddBall68over 7 years ago

I agree with missindependence. While not directly stated, you know he would have raced to his mate and died with her. I'd imagine the pack bodies looked rather like Pompeii victims huddled together in small groups.

Sad to think about but you have to push aside the dead and worry with the still living and the problems at hand.

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