Dominant Species Ch. 51-54


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Donald and Terry waited for the moon to go behind a cloud before they moved from their hide in the parking lot across the street. None of the people were looking their way, they were focused on the bank where the bad guys were still having people bring stuff out. They were being watched by one man, who was busy collecting wallets and jewelry from the people in the group. They crawled under the front wheels of the truck and waited. It didn't take long before they saw Barry and Brian, both in position, and they were all set.

They heard commotion coming from inside, and nervously waited. The doors opened, and three men came out, but it was what they were pushing ahead of them that caused them to see red. Four young women, crying, handcuffed... and naked. "Boss will love these young ones," the last one out said. "They aren't the same after the first time you fuck them. I can't believe we found virgins in this town."

"Yeah, so no dipping your wicks on the way back. If you need to get off, use their mouths, that will help keep them quiet." There was a commotion from the crowd of people on the sidewalk as a woman rushed forward, begging them not to take her daughter. The trail man broke off and pistol whipped her to the ground as the others reached the truck. The tailgate had been dropped, so the men just picked up the girls and tossed them in.

When the last one was up, Donald gave the sign and the four of them sprung from their hiding places with murderous intent. -- Silvia woke up just after noon to a crying Michelle. She quickly picked her up and shut the connecting door between the rooms so it wouldn't disturb the other children. They had pushed the two beds in her room together, and Autumn, Zach and three Pack children (Joe and Jerry, twins 8, and Lisa, 7) had all turned it into a huge pile of limbs and paws. She brought Michelle back to her bed, the light coming through the shades and curtains being enough to see by as she changed her diaper. Holding her in one arm, she lit the small camp stove that had been given to her so she could heat up her formula.

She walked back and forth while she waited, thinking of how her life had been turned upside down. Her heart was being tugged many ways, but until she knew if her family was still alive she couldn't make any decisions. When the formula was ready, she started to walk around the room while Michelle sucked hungrily at the bottle. She was beyond tired, but was able to stay awake long enough to finish and burp her daughter and put her back in the drawer they were using as a crib by her bedside.

She had just collapsed into bed again when the first cries came from next door. She listened for a moment, trying to sort out what was going on, as the cries became louder and the other children started to stir. She was about to get up when the door opened. "Mom... Mrs. Abigail... something is wrong with Autumn."

That was all it took for Abigail to leap out of bed and rush to the next room. She could see Autumn thrashing about in the middle of the beds, crying out in pain. "Oh baby..." She rushed to her side, gathering her in her arms as she started to cry even more.

Joe shifted back to human form, pulling on a pair of shorts from the floor nearby. "I told the Alpha she is changing, he is busy with other humans. I'm supposed to tell him when she changes." He looked at Autumn as a loud crack echoed in the room and her right arm bent at an unnatural angle. "We have to leave her alone, touching her hurts her."

Reluctantly Abigail set her daughter back down on the bed, tears streaming from her eyes as she watched her baby suffer. The children surrounded her for encouragement, with Jerry and Lisa still in wolf form. The cracks and pops came faster with each minute, and her pained screams tore at their hearts. Her chest and legs were first, then there was a series of pops like gunfire as her tail formed. Her screams changed as her face reformed, her jaw elongating as it moved to wolf shape. Finally, light fur erupted through her skin. The twenty minutes of her first shift seemed like hours, but then it was over and a light tan colored wolf pup lay panting on the mattress.

Abigail rushed forward, her hands reaching for her daughter's neck. "You're beautiful," she said.

"No, don't!" yelled Joe, but it was too late. Autumn's wolf snapped at her, biting into her left hand. She jumped up and growled at the people surrounding her, becoming more and more agitated by the second. Looking for the weak link in the circle around her, she charged at Zach, biting his leg as she ran past him to the carpeting by the closet. She became more frantic as she realized there was no way out, and the people still surrounded her. She backed into the closet, growling loudly and looking desperately for an escape.

Silvia looked around in horror at what was going on. "Everyone, back up from her." She got the children behind her as they moved to the front of the room, near the door to the parking lot and the other room. Moving slowly, she got the connecting door open while keeping an eye on Autumn. "Abigail, take Zach and go clean those bites in my bathroom. Jerry, Lisa, you come over here by the door and lay down." They moved slowly, not meeting a frantic Autumn's eyes, until they were all in position.

Things were just starting to calm down when there was a knock on the door. Everyone averted their eyes as the door opened and Alpha Calvin came in. Autumn was growling and snapping at the interruption, but Calvin just took off his dark sunglasses and clothes and shifted into his large wolf. Moving forward, he let out his Alpha influence on the young pup. She fought it for a moment, but he was able to calm her wolf side down and in moments she had rolled onto her back, exposing her neck to him. He walked up and took her neck in his mouth, then released it. "Welcome to the Pack, Autumn," he said through the link. "Come meet your Pack members." She rolled to her feet and with a yip went over to greet the two in wolf form, soon joined by a third. The pups played and rolled about on the bed as if nothing had just happened.

Calvin shifted back and got dressed again, then went to the next room to check on the others. "Sorry about that, I got here as quick as I can. Is everyone all right?"

Abigail came out of the bathroom, she was holding a washcloth to her hand. "She just nipped me, it will be fine in a few minutes. Zach got his leg torn a little worse, it's still bleeding." Calvin sent a message to a Pack member to dress and come over with a first aid kit, he didn't need them becoming infected. "Alpha, will this... I mean, she's just a pup, can she... change us?"

He took the washcloth off and inspected the wound, it was enough if her saliva had the ability to change them already. "I don't know. Pups can cause a change, but not always, and we don't change human children so that's a wild card. I guess we'll just have to wait and see if you get the fevers."

Zach walked out, he was still holding the washcloth to his thigh. "So I could be like her?" Calvin nodded. "That was pretty scary watching her go through that. I'm not sure I want to." He walked to his Mom and was immediately hugged to her side. "What happened in there, Alpha?"

He sat on the bed and looked at them all. "A new wolf can be unpredictable. When she got scared, her human side was pushed aside by her wolf who saw you all as a threat. She was scared and it was all new, so she just reacted with her primal side. She didn't even know it was you that she was attacking, she just wanted to get away from you." He smiled as the four wolves ran into their room, jumping up on the bed by him and begging him for scratches. "She's all right now. When the mate or an Alpha is there, it gives the new wolf an anchor, and then her mind finds balance. You're doing fine now, aren't you Autumn?" The pup closed her eyes and yipped as he scratched her ears. "Too bad we can't take you outside to run yet, not until dark. She will have a lot of energy to burn off, so they should play for another hour or two and then get some sleep. Joe, Jerry, can you help talk her through changing back when she is ready?"

The two pups yipped back in reply as they tried to burrow under his arm and get scratches. "I'm counting on you guys to help her out, we have lots of new Pack members today and the adults are all busy with them." He stood up and started to get dressed for going back out into the dangerous ultraviolet rays of the sun, covering every inch of skin and putting his glasses on. He had a blanket that he pulled over his head, so he could only see the ground a few feet in front of him. "I've got to get back, but Beta Candice is almost here. She will help you the rest of the night."

There was a knock on the door, and everyone turned away from the light as the Alpha left and Candice came in. She closed the door and started to take off all the extra clothing she was wearing. Picking up the first aid kit, she walked over to where Zach was sitting. "Hi Zach. Alpha said your bite was worse, so can you show it to me?" He nodded and moved the cloth aside as his Mom watched. "Well, she got you pretty good there. Let's clean it up." She pulled out some alcohol wipes and rubber gloves. "This is going to sting. Can you be brave for me?"

"Yes ma'am." He smiled as Autumn jumped up on the bed and crawled until she was next to his other hip, pushing her head under his arm. She looked up at him and he could see the sorrow in her eyes. "It's all right, Autumn, I know you didn't mean to do this." He concentrated on petting her, clenching his teeth together as the sting hit. Candice finished cleaning the wound, then applied an antiseptic and some butterfly strips to hold the skin together. She finished by applying a large bandaid. Smiling, she pulled off the latex gloves and looked at him. "It will be sore for a few days, so no running or roughhousing until the cut is healed, all right?" He nodded. "If it heals really fast, that is an indication he is going to change. Now, Abigail, let's see that hand." She quickly took care of it as they watched the pups tearing around their room and the other.

Abigail couldn't believe that Michelle hadn't woken up from all the noise. "Kids, take this into the other room. It's still middle of sleep time, so keep it down, the baby is sleeping and you guys need to as well." The pups looked at her with their heads bowed down. "You heard the Alpha, help Autumn burn off the energy then you need to sleep."

Candice smiled. "You guys look wiped, why don't you get some sleep and I'll go next door and keep an eye on the kids for you." She packed up the first aid kit and moved the kids out. "Sleep. I'll wake you if I need you."

"Thank you," Silvia smiled. She and Abigail returned to bed, and Zach crawled in with her as he was still in pain and wasn't allowed to play. She held him close as she tried to sleep, but it wasn't easy. So much changed, now her son may turn into a wolf. She knew now that she couldn't leave if she wanted to, not with him needing to have an Alpha around for the change. They couldn't risk what almost happened with Autumn happening while they were on the road. Eventually, sleep took her.

It took another hour for the pups to exhaust themselves on the bed. Candice had to laugh, it was as if a switch had gone off, one moment they were wrestling and the next they were asleep in a pile. Watching the pups was bittersweet for her; she had always wanted a big family, but when she found her mate, he was already dying. He was a warrior for the Jackson Hole Pack, and in a battle with the Idaho packs he had been mortally wounded. She was a young wolf at the time, and when he died in her arms she thought her life was over. It was only because she hadn't been marked yet that she was able to get past the depression with the help of her Pack.

She had thrown herself into Pack life after that, helping in every area until she was chosen as Beta. Her duties included everything involved with keeping the Pack running smoothly- food, housing, cleaning, child care- and it gave her a busy, if hollow existence. She let her eyes close with a prayer to Luna, the same prayer she said every night, that she might be granted a second chance mate before it was too late for her to have pups.

Her mind slipped into dream space, and she smiled to herself as Luna gave her a dream. She saw a man, he was handsome and strong, with black curly hair graying at the temples. He walked up to her and took her in his arms, she hugged him tightly as tears fell down her eyes. "I'm coming for you," he said, his voice penetrating to her very core. -- Back at the Salmon clinic, Josi started to wake up after almost a day spent in the fevers. She felt good, her body seemed to tingle with excitement every place her mate was touching her, and since they were nearly naked and spooning in the narrow hospital bed, there was a lot of tingling going on.

She looked around, the room had another bed and she could see Luna Kelly asleep on the other bed. She looked absolutely wiped out. Josi thought about what she wanted to do next, and since she knew werewolves had different beliefs about sex and nudity than humans, she wasn't going to let Kelly's presence stop her.

She pulled up on the sleeping gown she was wearing, allowing more and more skin to contact his as it pooled under her firm breasts. Moaning slightly at the sensations, she rubbed her backside against the rapidly growing cock still trapped within his boxer shorts. This... this wasn't enough. She grinned as she moved his arm back from her waist and she turned around in the narrow bed. He was on the edge, his back against the rail, and he was still deeply asleep.

She scooted down underneath the sheet that was loosely covering them, leaving a trail of kisses along his muscled chest and firm abs. Her tongue followed the trail of dark hair that went from his chest down to his belly button, then continued below his shorts. He still wasn't stirring, but his cock was hard and pushing against the restriction of his underwear. Reaching her hand in, she moved it so it was freed through the front flap and she jacked it slowly while her tongue continued its journey down.

Josi sat back for a moment, savoring the taste and feel of her mate with her heightened wolf senses. Her wolf was pushing forward in her mind, wanting to take him now. She smiled as her wolf sent her images; her on all fours being thrust into as she moaned in pleasure. Her falling asleep with his cock still inside, holding his essence deep inside. Him holding her stomach from behind as it swelled with pregnancy. The two of them in wolf form in the yard, pups playing on top of them. Her wolf wanted her mate, and she wanted him now. "Patience," she said. "We will have all that, but we will have fun too."

She wiggled down the bed until she was at his waist, her left hand holding his rod in place just in front of her mouth. She stretched her tongue out, flicking it around the tip and collecting the clear fluid that was oozing slightly from it. The taste of her mate's precum caused her own desire to spike, she could feel herself getting wet and her lips swelling. She moved her head towards him, taking the tip into his mouth gently as she moved her tongue around it. Reggie moaned softly in his sleep, and she smirked to herself as she moved him in and out of her mouth slowly.

She took him until he hit the back of her mouth, then stopped as she reached her gag reflex. A few more times, then she held him and yawned, pulling him into her throat as she held her breath. She pulled off after a few seconds, using her tongue and lips on his tip, before moving back again. It wasn't long before her lips were touching him and she had his full length inside her. She closed her eyes, proud of herself, before pulling back.

He was getting more restless in his sleep as her activities brought him closer and closer to orgasm. She could see his eyes were still closed, but now his hand was on the side of her head as she pulled him deep again. His moans became almost constant, and as he whispered her name in his sleep she felt him swell impossibly large in her throat. Fighting the need to breathe, she kept him deep as he poured his come down her throat while screaming her name in pleasure.

His eyes opened and he shook his head as he realized what was going on. "Josi, love... By Luna, that's the best wakeup call ever!" He pulled her up next to him and kissed her deeply, tasting himself as his tongue plundered her mouth.

"Congratulations, Luna Josi." Kelly was sitting up in the other bed, wiping the sleep from her eyes. "You lovebirds continue on, I'll go rustle up some breakfast. It's bound to be another long night."

Last week Josi would have been mortified to be caught in bed with a guy, but now it seemed natural. "Thank you, Kelly, it's good to see you again. Are you staying long?"

"I don't know, we brought Mitch here to get fixed up from his gunshot wound. As soon as he can be moved, I'm sure we will be going." She gave Josi a hug and walked out the door smiling.

Josi snuggled back down in the bed, a satisfied smile on her face as she could feel her mate's emotions through their bond. "How long was I out, baby?"

"About a day. Now that the fever is gone, your first change should come in the next day. Of course, that's for a normal change, and you're anything but normal." He kissed her forehead. "I can't believe your wolf came out so early. No one has ever heard of that happening."

"Well, she needed to." She started to moan as his hand cupped her breast and his thumb flicked over her erect nipple. "She's been talking to me. Playing with you is fun, but she wants more. Much more." She reached down and gripped his cock again, it twitched as it started to come alive. "She wants this inside me until you've given me pups, and she doesn't want to wait."

Reggie smiled, his wolf was pretty much saying the same thing to him. He wanted her exploding in pleasure beneath him as he filled her. "What do you want, Josi?"

She got up on her knees and pulled the nightgown over her head, then let her hands trail down from her face to her shoulders and cupped them as she looked down at him. Her eyes were going black as her wolf pushed forward, and his eyes also clouded with lust. "You." She put her hands on his shoulders and pushed him down onto his back. He tried to pull her down, but she growled and fixed him in place with a look.

Reggie saw that her wolf needed to take the lead here, and his wolf was all right with that. Even though he was an Alpha, his wolf saw her as his equal and didn't feel the need to maintain dominance in the bedroom. He relaxed back into the pillow, deciding to enjoy the view, and what a view it was. Her dark hair tossed about her shoulders, her tanned skin, her firm boobs bouncing as she straddled him. She tore his boxers off his hips and tossed them onto the corner, then her hand grabbed him and placed him at her wet entrance. She dropped down onto his length with a loud moan, one he echoed as her walls squeezed him tight.

"Oh God, baby, you feel so GOOD in me!" Josi had her hands on his chest as she lifted her hips up and then slammed them down, their bodies making wet smacking noises as he impaled her over and over. Her eyes started to hood over as she sped up. She rode him hard, her moans echoing through the room as she found her pleasure in him. She sped up to a feverish pace as she approached her peak, and he gripped her hips and thrust back into her. If she was still human, the force of their coupling would have left bruises, but she wasn't human any more. A werewolf female could take a lot more, and she was taking it.

She let out a scream as she crashed over the edge, and Reggie grunted as he held himself deep inside her as he came as well. His seed splashed her insides as her muscles milked him dry. He looked up at her and her eyes had started to glow, and when her mouth opened he saw that her teeth had partially shifted. Her scream became a howl before she dropped herself onto him. She found what she wanted, the junction on his left shoulder where his neck started to rise, and she bit down hard. Her sharpened teeth easily punctured his skin and her wolf eagerly tasted his blood as she made her claim on him.