Dominating Daddy Pt. 03

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Dominant gay son finally puts his daddy on his knees.
4.1k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 12/31/2022
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"Morning dad" Andrew said, glancing up from his bowl of cereal as Jim entered the kitchen in his officer's uniform. A day rotation today, then.

"Uh... mornin' son. What's going on today?" Jim said, looking everywhere but at Andrew. He was hulking, enormous in the uniform. He made his way hesitantly to the counter and began filling his thermos with coffee.

Andrew was thinking about the muscles that lay beneath the Kevlar. God, he missed that body, that cock.

In the days following that fateful encounter, things had been a bit awkward. Andrew knew they were both wondering: What next? And out of that ambiguity had come the current normal: Andrew watching and waiting for the submissive slutty side of his father to win out, Jim consciously avoiding him at every turn. Jim didn't initiate, never sought him out.

But something had fundamentally shifted. Now that Andrew's father knew he was being dominated by his own son, now that it was out in the open, it was nearly impossible for Andrew to control his urges. Every day, he had to prevent himself from acting out. Well, he had mostly succeeded in restraining himself so far. There had only been a couple of slip-ups, a couple of times that he had sat in his bed at night, silently willing his father to come in and remove his clothing. He never did. It was infuriating, it made his cock ache. He thought he might die of blue balls soon if his father didn't get the memo and get on his knees already.

Lost in his train of thought, Andrew stood up, morning wood tenting his boxers for the world to see, and padded barefoot to where his father stood. Leaning in, he whispered in his ear: "Hey dad"

"Jesus" Jim jumped, swearing as he splashed coffee on the counter and the floor. The thermos skidded off the counter as well, its sound metallic and loud as it bounced onto the floor. Jim turned around, nervous at the proximity. His face was turning red alarmingly quickly, his jaw tight as he looked down.

"Fuck, man. I just wanted to get some coffee." Andrew furiously rubbed the top of his foot that had been burned by the coffee. It wasn't terrible, but it was already turning red. The hot flash of pain sent a tight burst of anger down his spine. Clearly, it showed on his face because Jim's eyes got very wide.

"Shit, let me-" Jim grabbed a dish towel from the counter and knelt down, wiping at the top of Andrew's already dry foot. "Y-you surprised me, that's all. I-"

"Oh shut up" Andrew said without thinking, still pissed off at the burn on his foot.

To his surprise, Jim's mouth snapped shut immediately. Something stirred in Andrew's mind at this. A half-formed thought.

"My foot is fine. No need to worry."

"Are you sure? Maybe we can-"

"If I say its fine, its fine"

"Shit, you're right. Sorry da-" Again, Jim's mouth snapped shut. Andrew's pulse quickened, his half-formed thought finally coming together.

Andrew had hesitated to shift into a full time dominant relationship with him. Andrew was just so used to his father running my life, being bossy and intimidating all of the men he brought in the house.

Face now beet red, Jim made as if to stand from his current kneeling position.

"Stay" Andrew said firmly.

Jim froze where he was before settling back on his knees. He glanced upward, locking eyes with his son as a bead of sweat trickled down his cheek.

For some reason, it had finally dawned on Andrew: Jim's shifty glances, awkward pauses in conversation and avoiding Andrew in the house, they weren't because his dad was disgusted by what we had done, or that he didn't want to see him anymore. In fact, he was anxiously on the lookout for Andrews dominant side, for his daddy, to resurface.

"You know what? Actually, my foot does kind of hurt...Rub it" Andrew said, driving him his last phrase as a command while looking in his father's eyes.

Jim's eyes widened, pupils dilating and eyes becoming more blank. Looking down again, he resumed his ministrations on Andrew's feet. Now though, his movements were slower, deliberate, meant to please. It was thrilling, and Andrew's cock twitched in his boxers.

Jim saw it too. He was tall enough to be eye level with his son's cock, and he was mesmerized by the sight before him. His lips parted, as if to ask a question. Andrew thought he might know which question his father was going to ask:

Can I suck your cock, Daddy?

"Kiss it and make it better." Andrew said roughly. He placed his hand on his fathers head and pushed downward. Jim went easily, stretching himself out on his own kitchen floor. On hands and knees, he began kissing his son's feet.

"I'm sorry about your foot....D-daddy" Jim whispered. So hesitant, testing the waters before wading in fully.

"It will be alright as long as you make it better, slut" Andrew stepped forward, pinning his father back against the counter. "I think you got some on my legs too."

It was a blatant lie, but neither of them cared. Andrew trembled slightly as Jim began kissing upward, swiping his lips and tongue first on his calf and then thigh, climbing higher with every pass.

Jim seemed to especially savor his inner thighs. Pretense gone, he licked the skin he found there harshly, sucking it into his mouth and leaving hickey's in his wake. He stopped at the edge of Andrew's boxers.

Andrew's cock had been hard to start with, but now it was positively screaming at him. What he wouldn't give to push his cock through the slit in his underwear and bury himself in his father's throat.

But that wasn't how he wanted this to go the first time. So instead of his cock, Andrew reached down and tipped Jim's head back with his finger. His lips were cherry red and puffy. Andrew slid his finger along Jim's swollen lips, and Jim parted easily, happily, to suck his finger inside.

How strange it would have looked to anyone else, a father on his knees, sucking on his son's finger like the happiest man in the world. They would have seen father and son were both rock hard and tenting their respective pants. Aching to continue.

Inspired, Andrew turned his finger within his dad's mouth. Hooking it in his cheek, he did the same with his index finger on the other hand. Staring into his father's eyes, he stretched his dad's mouth open wide. His mouth looked so wet and inviting, he could feel pre-cum leaking from the tip of his cock, wetting the fabric of his boxers.

Jim saw it too, and let out a pathetic little whine. Andrew smirked down at him, moving his hips closer. His cock stood out from his body, hovering over his dad's wide open mouth.

"You couldn't stop me if you wanted to. All I need to do is shove my cock in you. You're wide open and so, so ready. Aren't you?" Finally, he retracted his fingers from his fathers mouth. Jim didn't close his mouth when Andrew's fingers left. He kept it wide open, shoving his tongue out to rest on his chin. In that position he couldn't speak, but his eyes said it all as his hand snuck its way toward his zipper.

I'm ready daddy. Use my throat to make your cock feel good. Fill me up with your cock and fuck my mouth until I am overflowing with cum

"It's too bad you are going to be late to work. Get up."

Jim's eyes were alarmed, and not because Andrew was right about his tardiness. "B-but Daddy, please I-"

"Tonight. Come straight home as soon as you clock out. No further discussion" Andrew said, turning on his heel and leaving the kitchen before he could come to regret his decision. Making his father suck his cock on the kitchen floor just wouldn't do. He had to prepare.

He had made it to his room before Jim finally managed to leave the house, door closing behind him rather forcefully. Andrew smirked at that, noting that his father's frustration was easily stoked. That could easily be put to use in the future. He watched from his window as Jim stumbled to his cruiser, trying to subtly adjust his cock in his pants as he went.

Andrew wanted so badly to just drop his boxers and finish himself off. The wet stain had definitely grown. But he resisted, knowing that waiting would make it all worthwhile. In the meantime, keeping his dad on his toes couldn't hurt. Hooking the waistband of his boxers below his balls, Andrew snapped a picture of his cock. It was impressively thick, nearly eight inches long with a perfect mushroom tip. Clearly, he had some physical features in common with his father. Might as well show them off. Smirking cockily, he hit send.

Try not to think too much about how bad I am going to wreck you later

The response took only a few minutes.

Daddy please. Why did you send me away?

Chuckling, Andrew typed out a response.

I want you to edge yourself today. Jerk that big cock in your squad car, but DO NOT cum. I need you on edge the entire day. I expect hourly updates, slut.

Not waiting on the response this time, Andrew started a shower. It was hard to resist looking at his phone when it dinged, but he had to stay focused. He was a man on a mission.

An hour later, Andrew walked into the Boys Den. Funny to think that this was the place where his adulterous activities with his father had started. He was happy that Danny was off, as he mostly worked nights. The Boys Den during the day was a lot less appealing, mostly because a group of teenagers hung outside, always trying to get in to take a look at the merchandise. But Andrew couldn't wait for two day delivery, so he would put up with it for the sake of fucking his fathers throat.

Andrew spent a good amount of time walking up and down the aisles, quietly deliberating before he finally found what he was looking for. He couldn't stop smiling as he checked out, and he checked his phone the moment he got back in the car.

Jim had been busy, sending a video every hour on the hour as instructed. Andrew couldn't imagine he was getting much work done. In each of the videos, his cock was deep red and clearly throbbing for release. In each one, Jim had pulled his cock through the open zipper of his work pants to stroke himself slowly. Each time, he brought himself to the edge, cock twitching like crazy, before completely removing his hand and allowing himself to come back down. Andrew's mouth watered at the sight of his father's cock, desperate for release.

He snapped a picture of the gift bag, sending it immediately.

Got you a present, slut. Aren't I so generous?

So so generous daddy, please let me cum soon

I'll take care of you as soon as you get home tonight. Get to work.

It took several minutes, but he eventually got an answer

Yes daddy

Somehow, Jim managed to make those two words sound sulky.

The hours crept by slowly. Day slowly became afternoon, then evening. Andrew spent this time setting the scene for what was going to happen when his father returned. Thinking ahead, he had pizza delivered, ready to be re-heated at a moments notice. He washed and changed the bedding on his father's bed, and put aside an extra set for when the current set was too filthy to sleep on. He finished just as he received his father's text.

I'm on my way home daddy

Stomach fluttering in anticipation, Andrew typed out a response.

I'm going to be on the bed. Get ready to have your throat used.

No response, which was to be expected. Andrew sat back, locking his fingers behind his head as he rested against the dozen freshly fluffed pillows he'd just finished arranging.

He saw rather than heard his father first. Flashing red and blue lights appeared through the curtain, cutting off after a few seconds. Andrew nearly laughed. Jim had turned on his squad cars lights, probably driving far over the speed limit, to get home as quickly as possible.

He heard the door open and close in the kitchen below, and his cock throbbed. A part of him was nervous. He had already gone further with his father than he'd ever thought he could. He knew they couldn't go back to before, but a part of him wondered if there would be a point where his father would revert back to his old self, denying himself and his son of their perverse pleasure.

That doubt fell away when his father appeared in the door frame. Clad in the same full uniform as this morning, Jim was clearly unkempt after a day on the job. Furthermore, he was clearly on edge, having kept his cock hard and straining all day in preparation. His hair was wild, his pupils wilder as he made to approach.

"Stop" Andrew called out, smirking. Jim froze, halfway into the room. "Strip. Then you are going to approach on hands and knees."

Jim didn't waver. Reaching up, he began with his patrol shirt. Halfway through the buttons he got impatient and ripped through it the rest of the way. Buttons scattered onto the floor, forgotten as Jim had already moved on to removing the lightweight body armor beneath. He kicked off his boots, furiously unzipped and dropped his pants, underwear and all. In maybe half a minute, Jim stood before his son in all his glory. His cock stood out proudly, seemingly pulsing with every beat of his heart.

Before Andrew was finished looking, Jim dropped to his hands and knees and started crawling. It gave Andrew an opportunity to see his dad's round, muscular ass flex as he moved. He felt a growl working its way up his throat, imagining how it would feel to slam into that ass. Like every part of Jim from his chest to his stomach to his cock, Andrew could see a dusting of hair between his cheeks.

Jim reached the bed and crawled up, still approaching Andrew on his hands and knees. He looked positively feral, eyes trained on Andrew's hard cock still contained within his boxers. Andrew held up a hand and stopped his father just as Jim reached him on the bed. He could see the depth of frustration in his father's eyes as he was delayed yet again and reveled in it. A few months ago that frustration was about Andrew's lack of a job, or the social circle he kept. Now it was because he wanted to take his son's cock in his mouth but wasn't allowed.

"You need your gift first. Here it is" Andrew grabbed the bag off of the nightstand, handing it to his father. Jim stared inside, curious, before reaching in and fishing out the item Andrew had gotten him.

He pulled out a simple collar made of high quality black leather, with a heavy steel bell.

"What's this for daddy?"

"You are going to wear this all night. It will look so cute on you."

Jim slipped it on obediently, no questions asked. The bell made a light and airy tinkling sound as it swayed back and forth.

"I am thinking of getting it engraved, putting your name on it. Do you like the sound of that?" Andrew asked, taking in the view before him. His father, large and intimidating figure accented by rugged body hair and muscles, with his fat cock hanging heavy between his legs, wearing a cute collar all for him.

Before Jim could reply, Andrew placed his hand on the top of his head. Andrew felt his father's short buzzed hair digging into his hand as he shoved downward, pushing his fathers face right into his cock.

Jim gasped against his son's dick, surprised. This was the first time he had truly felt it, thought it was through the material of Andrew's boxers. His hands flew to Andrew's waistband, but were smacked away.

"Worship it first. With your mouth"

Andrew swore he saw his father's cock jerk between his legs as he obediently lowered his mouth, peppering kisses along his son's length. He worked the fabric of Andrew's boxers with his tongue, getting the fabric wet slowly as he made his way up and down. He whined when Andrew's cock twitched against his tongue through the boxers. His breathing was more shallow now, his licks becoming more urgent and desperate. Panting, he rested his cheek against Andrew's thigh as he stared up at him.

"Please...please daddy"

"Such a hungry boy. Such a hungry, good boy. You're my good boy, aren't you?" Andrew whispered, feeling all powerful in this moment as his father stared up at him helplessly.

"Yes...yes daddy..m'good. I'm a good boy" Jim never looked away from his son's cock. The boxers were soaking wet, and the entire thing was essentially visible at this point. A single thin barrier kept him from what he wanted.

"Just like a dog, huh?" Andrew asked

For a moment, confusion broke through the haze. Jim looked up. "What, daddy?"

"Just like a dog. That's why I got you the collar. Because I made you my dog. Specifically, my bitch." Andrew explained.

"Oh, I...uh..." Jim was hesitating. That would not do. Luckily, Andrew knew how to convince him.

Reaching down, Andrew lightly touched his boxers. Jim snapped to attention immediately, laser focused on his goal.

Andrew could have found the point where his underwear tented with his eyes closed. Taking the fabric in hand, he shivered as he touched the head of his cock. Andrew made a quick, decisive movement and ripped the boxers. His cock popped out, wet and shiny from his father's spit.

"Fuck" Jim whispered to himself, leaning in automatically. When he was a mere inch away, he opened his mouth, tongue snaking out. His eyes fluttered, ready to close.

Andrew shoved his finger in his father's mouth, stopping him. He looked him in the eye and very deliberately asked: "You're my dog, aren't you? My bitch."

Resistance forgotten, Jim nodded fervently. Nothing was too much, no price too high, for him now.

"Well then" Andrew said, extracting his finger to reach down to his fathers neck. There, he found the collar and bell. For a moment, he felt along the shape of his father's throat, felt his pulse hammering beneath his fingertip. Then, he found the bell and flicked it very deliberately. A chiming sound, startlingly clear, rang throughout the room. "It's dinner time, boy"

He grabbed his father by the back of the head and slammed him down, burying himself to the hilt. Jim reacted violently, whole body jerking as his throat was invaded so harshly. Never in his life had he sucked a cock, and now he was struggling to breathe around the monster his son had shoved inside him. His throat jerked helplessly around Andrew, eyes immediately welling up.

"Hope you enjoy the meal, bitch" Andrew chuckled, trying to not moan as his father's velvety throat constricted around him. He pulled him off, holding his cock right at the entrance of his mouth as Jim panted.

"Ahh...fuck...ahh...Daddy-" Andrew's fingers stretched Jim's mouth wide, just like earlier in the morning. But this time there would be no holding back. Taking his cue, Jim descended again, suctioning his son's cock inside his mouth, savoring every bit that he could. It was a messy affair, his tongue writhing against Andrew's cock as he went up and down, his stuck open mouth dripping spit onto Andrew's balls. His inexperience showed, but the eagerness he displayed more than made up for the lack of technique.

Jim humped the mattress beneath him, seeking relief from his day of pent up sexual energy. After only a minute of sucking, his hips were stuttering dangerously. He slobbered on Andrew's dick hungrily, chasing his orgasm.

"No no no" Andrew ripped Jim's head up by the hair, eliciting another gasp from him. His hips stopped immediately, shivers running through him as his orgasm was delayed yet again. "You just pay attention to what you're doing. You're not going to cum until I tell you"

Jim looked distraught at this information. His cock appeared to be slowly turning purple from lack of release. Andrew was determined to take him as far as he could possibly go before pushing him over the edge.

"Noooo, oh fuck daddy pleeease. Please please please" Jim was saying, ignorant to how loud and desperate he was being. Andrew smacked him sharply across the face.

"Do what I say and suck my fucking cock like a good bitch. I'm gonna feed you just like I said I would"