Dominic's Diagnosis

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A man with the power to change minds visits a family.
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This story is a tribute to the magnificent works of Aginor.


Dominic's Diagnosis

by Pan

Everyone was awake when I entered. Odd, for such a late hour, but not the strangest thing that had ever happened to me. Certainly not as strange as what was about to befall the poor family whose house I'd picked at random.

When I first realized my powers, I used them to right wrongs, to avenge the wicked. I'm far worse than the most wicked villain I ever vanquished. Now I delight in taking normal, innocent families, and...let's just say by the time I'm done with them, they're no longer innocent.

Penny and her parents were watching TV when I entered. Dominic was in his room - he and Penny were twins (oh how I adore twins) and, based on the erotic energy I could sense coming from his room, he was masturbating.


"Hello," I said, and with a simple push, everyone knew exactly who I was and why I was there.

"Hello, doctor," Aaron said, standing to greet me with a handshake. "Thank you so much for coming around so late."

"Not at all," I said as Marie turned off the TV, and faced me with a worried look. She was so concerned about her son - they all were.

"I'm afraid it's gotten worse," Marie said, a hint of awkwardness in her voice. "We think he's in there right now..."

"Very well," I said, gesturing to the dining room. "Shall we?"

Marie and Aaron sat down next to each other, every bit the picture of worried parents. Penny stood by the door, not sure if she should be here for the conversation or not.

"Sit," I said, and I didn't even need to push her - Penny immediately sat down, wanting to know exactly what she could do for her twin brother. "Now, everyone, this kind of thing can be extremely uncomfortable. Are you ready to proceed?"

"Of course, doctor," Marie said urgently. "Please...let us know what the next step is."

I paused, taking in the sight in front of me. It had been child's play to implant the memory in their brain - the idea that Dominic's masturbation habits weren't normal, that he had some sort of sick rare disease that required professional help.

And now they were mine for the taking.

"There's no easy way to say this. Dominic is probably not going to stop any time soon."

Marie went white, and Aaron gripped her hand firmly.

"Please, doc - go on."

"Unfortunately, there's no cure."

Their faces sank.

"But...there is one thing that we can consider. It's a bit unusual, but it's the only thing I can think of."

"Anything," Aaron said, and Marie nodded frantically in agreement. "We'll do anything."

"Well," I said, hesitating to enjoy the tense look on their faces. "Marie - the easiest way to stop your son from playing with himself is for you to take care of it for him."

There was a pause as the family processed what I was saying, and then both Marie and Aaron's faces simultaneously reddened - Marie's with embarrassment, and Aaron's with anger.

"Now look here!" he began, leaning toward me, his eyes threatening to burst out of his head. A simple push from me was all it took to stop him in his tracks, and with a confused look, he fell silent.

"Dad!" Penny admonished from the door. "The doctor is just making a suggestion - he's trying to help! There's absolutely no need to be rude."

"Of course," Aaron said, sitting back in his seat, the puzzled look still on his face. "I'm...I'm sorry about that."

"Is there no other way?" Marie asked quietly, and I turned to her with a sincere look on my face.

"I'm afraid not. If you don't help get him off, he's just going to keep on...masturbating."

All three faces blanched as I said it out loud, the word that they thought had been plaguing their family for months now. Now it was my turn to sit back and wait.

I could have pushed Marie all the way, obviously. But more and more, I was enjoying giving them a moral - and sexual - dilemma, and seeing if after I'd taken them three-quarters of the way there, whether they'd push themselves the rest of the way.

She was disgusted by the idea, of course - I hadn't altered that in the slightest. But she was also so scared. Dominic's masturbation problem was chronic, and - as far as she was concerned - one of the worst conditions that an eighteen-year old boy could go through.

It took a few minutes, but finally she nodded. That was all that was needed. Everyone in the room knew what it meant - she'd taken it upon herself to get Dominic off, each and every time he needed it.

And after the changes I was planning on making to his mother, I knew that he'd need her help a lot.


Again, Penny had spoken up from the doorway. I turned, curious to see what she felt the need to add to the proceedings.

"Mom, you can' Dominic. It's not right."

I was about to push, just to shut her up, when she continued with something that - I won't lie - had me pretty intrigued.

"Let me do it."


Her mother and I had answered simultaneously. Without me making any alterations besides adding worry about her brother's health, Penny had volunteered to start getting him off, just so that her mother wouldn't have to.

"I'll...I'll do it," she said, her confidence slowly slipping. I didn't say a word - I was curious to see how this would unfold.

"Don't be ridiculous," her mother responded, and Penny's tone turned defiant.

"Why not? It would just be jerking him off. It's not like I've never done that with a boy before..."

"Oh have you now?" Aaron began to interject, but I silenced him.

"Actually," I interjected, "jerking him off would really be just as bad as letting him take care of himself. It's going to have to be more than that."

This time it was Marie's daughter whose face went red at the same time as hers, as the implications of what I was saying sank into both of their minds.

"Okay," Penny finally said, breaking the silence. "So I'd need to go down on him. I can do that."

"Of course you can't," her mother snapped. "Don't be disgusting. No, it's a mother's job to take care of her son - I'll be the one do that with Dom."

"You can't!" Penny said. "Oh, god - Mom, how could you even consider doing that? You're his mother."

"You're his sister!"

"Unfortunately that won't be enough either," I interrupted again. "To really help Dominic out, it would have to be full-blown intercourse."

There was a long pause, until it was broken by a single word coming from Penny's lips.


Marie and Aaron's eyes widened in shock.

" can' can't be suggesting what I think you're suggesting, are you?"

"Mom, if it's to help Dominic, you know there's nothing I wouldn't do."

"Penny, that's very sweet, but we can't. We just can't let you...not with your twin brother."

"As long as he wears a condom, it's not like he's going to knock me up. It's a medical condition, Mom - don't make it weird."

As tempting as it was to watch the conversation unfold, I butted in one last time. What can I say? I long gave up on the idea of self-control. Why bother, when the world is your whim?

"He can't wear a condom, I'm sorry to say. Due to his masturbatory habit, Dominic will never be able to wear a condom again."

Penny fell silent, finally defeated. For a split second, a smug look came across Marie's face, and then she realized exactly what she'd won.

"'ll need to be..."

"Bareback," I said. "Are you on the pill?"

With a small shake of her head, Marie told me that she'd gone through menopause a few years ago. Incredible - I wouldn't have guessed her to be a day over forty. She really took care of herself.

"Well, that works out well - there's no way Penny would have had time, considering the boarder."


It took a bit more effort, but with a few mental pushes, the changes were made. Aaron was no longer the twin's father, the head of the family - he was a boarder that they'd taken in to help pay for the medical costs of Dominic's condition.

"Since you only have the three rooms, you had to rent Penny's bedroom to him. And with Dominic's condition, there's no way that she could share a room with him - or you, Marie - and so she's had to sleep with the boarder."

To everyone's relief, Aaron moved his chair over slightly. Considering his guest status in the house, the proximity of his chair to Marie's was making everyone a little uncomfortable.

"Of course, sleeping with a girl is pretty sexy - it would have been awful if Aaron had needed to masturbate."

Again, the family recoiled at the word.

"Of course," Penny agreed immediately.

"And so that's why you agreed that for a little bit more, your boarder would not only rent the room - he'd rent your daughter. Isn't that right, Marie?"

For a second, Marie looked horrified at the idea, but a gentle push was all that was needed to get her over the hurdle. In an instant, she completely accepted the idea of renting her daughter's body out to the man she considered a complete stranger.

Penny looked a little sick at the idea - odd, considering how eager she'd been to help her younger brother out. Aaron, meanwhile, was still adapting to his new identity, and so it didn't take much effort to make him realize that an eighteen year old girl at his beck and call was a good thing. After all, she wasn't his daughter any more - she was just a hot body for him to enjoy however he pleased.

"Everyone's aware of the arrangement," I continued, "and so there's never any reason to hold back. Aaron, any time you feel like using your daugh-...I mean, Penny - you should feel free to do so. And Penny, there's no way you would ever resist, is there?"

Penny's outspoken nature seemed to have faded as she accepted her new position in life, and she simply shook her head in response.


With a grin, Aaron stood up, and moved to stand behind Penny. Without saying a word, he reached down her top, and started playing with her pert teenage breasts.

"Now, Marie - you're going to need to know how to take care of Dominic."

"Of course," she said, her familiar flush returning.

"Blow-jobs are acceptable from time to time, but for the most part, I want you to just let him fuck you."


"These are the terms that young people are using these days, Marie - you're going to need to know the lingo if you're serious about taking care of your son."

"Of course," she said, her eyes dropping. "I'm sorry, Doctor."

"Now, I know it's been a while since your husband left..." - not three feet away from us, Aaron had pulled Penny's head back and was forcibly sticking his tongue down her throat - "...but let me run you through the basics. Men like a nicely shaved pussy, so you'll need to get on that as soon as possible."

"I, uh..."


"I'm already..."

A quick probe into her mind confirmed what Marie was trying to tell me - she really did keep her pubic area completely shaved. It seemed that Aaron had a strong preference...I wondered how long it would take him to make Penny do the same. (If she hadn't already - at this point, there was very little the family could do to surprise me.)

"Good, good. More importantly than that - you need to make sure you have a nice, wet cunt at all times. You've got to remember - it's now your job to be available for Dominic any time of the day or night. Any time he's hard, you need to be ready to take him inside you, and let him fuck you until he gets off."

Marie just nodded, and I knew she was taking mental notes.

"The easiest way to do that would be to play with yourself. Do you own any toys?"

When her answer came, it was so soft I could barely hear it.


"That's fine," Penny said, before I could even respond. She was on her knees in front of the man who had once been her father, halfway through taking his pants off. "I have some you can borrow."

"Great!" I said, beaming at Penny. She really was such a remarkably helpful girl - I decided to do her a kindness. "And you won't be needing them any more, of course - now that you're being used by your boarder, you'll never need to masturbate again. Any time he starts using your body, just think of it as...enforced masturbation. Better than any toy you've ever had - better than sex. Any time your body is used, it turns you on, bringing you to a powerful orgasm at the exact time as he cums."

A quick push was all it took to ensure that all my words were true, and I turned my attention back to Marie.

"So, you're going to start using your daughter's toys whenever you can, all right? Any time you're not doing housework or being used by your son, I want you to play with yourself. But never cum - if you cum, your cunt might dry up again, and we need to keep it nice and wet at all times, don't we?"

"Of course," Marie said with a nod.

"Great. Now, how about you go and get Dominic, and we'll explain his new health plan."

As Marie left the room to fetch her son, I turned and watched Aaron's cock sliding in and out of his daughter's mouth. As I'd ordered, she looked like she was having the time of her life - one hand was playing with his balls, while the other was up her own top, pinching and tweaking at her nipple. She wouldn't even need to go near her pussy - as soon as Aaron started plastering her face with his cum, she'd be panting in orgasm, regardless of her personal stimulation.

Dominic walked in, and immediately began spluttering in complaint.

"Penny! Dad! What the hell..."

"Your Dad left a long time ago," I said, pushing the memories as I did. Within a few seconds, Dominic was aware of his sister's new role in the house, and the boarder who took advantage of her every chance he got.

"Of course," he said, embarrassed. "Sorry. I just...I must have forgotten."

"That's okay," I said. "Now, Dominic. About your condition..."

As I explained to Dominic his new living situation, Aaron instructed his daughter to turn around, bend over, and pull up her skirt. I'd later learn that despite all her bravado earlier, Penny was actually a virgin - her father's cock was the first she'd ever felt inside her. As he filled her up with his semen (I hadn't specified anything about condom use to the pair, but it seemed that Aaron wasn't willing to go back to wearing a rubber) she came, huffing and puffing so loudly she almost drowned out the end of my explanation to the lucky lad.

"Now, Dominic, let me ask you a question. What sort of thing turns you on?"

A push ensured complete honesty, and the answer he gave proved that even I could be thrown for a loop - even after all this family had thrown at me already.

"Um...guys," he said softly. "Big guys, I guess."

Dominic was gay.

Even after everything I've seen over the years, I always forget to account for homosexuals. I guess I'm just from a different generation.

Still, after all the effort I'd put into setting everything up, I wasn't going to let a trifling thing like Dominic's sexuality get in the way of things.

"Not any more you're not," I answered, and while it took a bit of effort, before long Dominic was as straight as an arrow. I wondered if I should feel bad about it, but I figure it's no worse than the time I took that entire cheerleading squad and made them exclusively love pussy. Or the time I'd given that action star an exclusive fetish for men who resembled the bad guys in his movies.

In the end, I think the number of gays in the world is probably the same as it was before I started messing with people. The only difference? The ones I've played with are having a lot more sex.

"No - your new type is MILFs. Hot older women. They turn you on more than anything. Are you picturing one?"

Dominic just nodded, a tiny bit shell-shocked. Having your entire sexual identity erased in a few seconds will do that.

At least now he'd never have to come out.

"Every night, I want you to write up a few things that turn you on about MILFs. And Marie - every morning, I want you to do everything in your power to fulfill that list. Do you understand me?"

"Of course," she said, but I detected a note of hesitation in her voice.

"What is it?"

"Don't think that I'm arguing with your professional opinion, doc..."

"Go on..."

"It's just...why do I need to work to turn him on even more?"

While we'd been talking, Aaron must have gotten hard again. For a man of his age, his refractory period was impressive. Although, I've discovered, having a teenage sex-slave will do that to most men. He'd put Penny over his knee and started spanking her - my instructions earlier had been clear, and since this counted as him "using her body", she was crying out in pain each time his hand met her exposed ass.

There was something delightfully sick about Aaron's repressed desire to spank his teenage daughter, but I didn't want to let myself get distracted.

"Dominic's condition is very serious," I replied. "He needs to stop masturbating, and that means he needs to get off inside you as often as he can. It's your role to make sure he's as turned on as possible, so that he can fuck you again. You should be aiming to get him off at least six times a day, and that means working on fulfilling his every sexual fantasy."

Marie nodded, and Dominic gulped.

"Kid," I said, turning to him. "I'm going to need you to do everything you can. You need to get off inside your mother as much as is humanly possible. She's going to make sure her cunt is nice and wet for you, but just to be safe, I want you to invite some of your friends around and ask them to cum inside her. The slicker her pussy is, the higher your chances of getting better. Capisce?"


I decided not to affect his friends. If they wanted to take the pair up on their offer, they could - if they didn't, I wasn't going to force them. I did make sure that no one would call the police on the family, but I decided to leave it there.

"Now," I said, standing up. "Unless there's anything else I can do for you, I think I'm going to call it a night."

"Thank you so much, Doctor," Marie said, and Penny just grunted in agreement. Aaron hadn't begun fucking her again - instead, he'd inserted three of his fingers into her tight young pussy, and the teen girl was frantically grinding her hips against them. An unintended side-effect of my instructions earlier meant that she couldn't cum until he did, but I figured there was no need to tell them that.

As I left the room, I smiled, and paused at the door.

"Mom..." Dominic was saying inside. "I think I need to cum."

Liar. He'd just cum a few minutes before his mother had gone to fetch him.

"Of course, honey," Marie replied a tad frantically, and I could hear the sound of her clothes being rapidly removed. I could have poked my head around the corner to see what kind of underwear she had on - or I could have just accessed the information in her own head - but some things are better left a mystery.

"Please..." Penny was pleading - it was the last thing I heard as I walked away.

Maybe I'd stop by again some time and see how things had developed. Or maybe I wouldn't - there were, after all, many thousands of homes still left for me to visit...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago



Not ALL MEN, and a lot of women DO NOT like bald pussies!! In fact, I FIND a bald cunt to be a MAJOR TURN OFF!!

I love the way a woman's unshaven {trimmed to the thigh/groin crease is great} tresses point the way to paradise. Like a fine painting NEEDS a frame, a pussy NEEDS A frame of neatly trimmed fur. I could go on all day about the virtues and advantages of a NATURAL woman. I've heard guys say they don't like her hairs in their mouth. Ho hum. I don't like the stubble when she goes a day, or a few days, without shaving.

I can not think of a reason for a bald cunt, other than personal preferance

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

part 2 and more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
no payoff

interesting but no payoff, just setup.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Firstly, why did he want the Mother to be with her son but then not even bother coming up with a reason that could have had the dad be with his daughter. He is supposed to be able to make people do what he wants them to, but changing someone's sexuality seems a bit too much, but if we accept that, the how about another story where ther is a mom, dad, 2 brothers and 4 sisters, who play a very sexual game of truth or dare, including full intercourse, lesbian sex, (father, daughter), (brother, sister),( mother, son),( mother, daughter),(sister,sister), dad, son), and whatever else you might wish to come up with.

becontree2001ukbecontree2001ukover 4 years ago

Hot story! Kinda of messed up but I hope there is a part 2?

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