Don't! Stop!

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My son comes home from college with a friend.
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I had no idea what was going to happen when Carl, my son, came home from college for two weeks on spring vacation with a friend. Had I known, I might have done things differently. Might have.

"Mom! I'm home!" Carl yelled as he came in the door.

I was cleaning bathrooms and I hadn't expected him to arrive for another hour, so I was dressed as I always did while I was cleaning, in cloths I should have thrown away ten years before: an old thin, worn-out too small t-shirt and a pair of old, worn-out, way too tight cotton shorts.

"Damn it!" I said to myself.

I was hoping to be done and changed before he and his friend arrived.

I pulled off my rubber gloves and called, "I'm in the upstairs bathroom cleaning. I'll be right down."

My plan was to duck into my room and change my clothes before greeting my son and his friend. Unfortunately, my plan didn't work. Carl came bounding up the stairs, threw open the door and swept me into a bear hug.

When he let me go I looked over his shoulder and got my first look at Carl's Samoan friend, Ao' La'au. He was tall, with the dark Polynesian coloring, except for his eyes which were sea green. He had broad shoulders huge muscular arms, and an infectious smile.

When Carl had told me his name earlier in a phone call; he had also told me that most of the students couldn't pronounce it right, so they all called him Lou. When I asked what his friend's name meant, Carl had laughed and told me that Lou's parents had a quirky sense of humor and it meant "long stick". When I asked why they had named him that Carl had replied with a large grin that I really didn't want to know.

Carl released me and introduced me to Lou. As I shook his hand his eyes scanned down my body, lingering on my breasts (which were outlined by the thin, worn-out shirt I had on) and even longer on my crotch. I didn't realize it until I went to change a few minutes later, but the shorts I had on were pulled up tight enough to cause a camel-toe. As his eyes scanned me, sexual excitement began to tingle between my legs from the thought that such a handsome young man was taking so much interest in me.

I released his hand and said, "Carl, why don't you take Lou to his room while I change?"

Lou grinned and said in his accented English, "No need to change for me. I don't mind."

To punctuate his remark his eyes again scanned down my body, again lingering on my breasts and crotch.

"I really need to change out of these old clothes," I said, as I felt my cheeks heat a bit wondering if he actually liked what he saw.

I dismissed the thoughts as just fantasy. I started down the hall as Carl lead Lou towards his room, then I glanced over my shoulder. When I did I found Lou staring at my ass. He looked up from my ass and locked eyes with me. The tingle of sexual excitement went up a notch as his eyes met mine, he grinned and nodded his head as if to approve of what he saw. When I got to my room my panties were soaking wet.

In my defense, I hadn't had sex, other than with my vibrator, for a long time and had been depressed for most of that time. Carl's father Frank hadn't touched me for 6 months before he left me. That was the year before. Frank had also been telling me for years that I was unattractive so I hadn't had anyone look at me like Lou just did for ages. I was 40 and had never been with anyone but Frank, so after years of being told I was unattractive I had begun to believe it was true. Getting a look like I got from Lou caused all kinds of reactions, emotional and physical.

I changed my clothes and took Carl and Lou out for dinner. Lou proved to be a funny and engaging conversationalist. We talked and laughed for several hours as we ate. On the way home, we stopped to rent a movie. The boys picked out several action movies.

When we got home I made it through the first one before I was ready for bed. I bid the boys goodnight and headed to my bedroom. My bedroom had two doors, one leading to the hall and the other one into the bathroom. The bathroom also had two doors because it was the only bathroom on the second floor, so everyone had to use it. The door leading into our bedroom had a lock on the bathroom side but not on the bedroom side.

As I lay there, I began to think about how Lou had looked at me. Before long I was soaking wet, so I reached into my nightstand, pulled out my vibrator and began to fantasize as I masturbated.

I groaned as I used my pink vibrating dildo, rubbing it over my clit, sliding it into my pussy and soon found myself moaning, "Yes, yes...shove it deeper. Oh yes...oh yes! Oh yes...Lou...!" As I fantasied about my son's young handsome classmate.

I came hard a few minutes later biting my pillow to keep from screaming. I turned off the vibrator and lay still, enjoying the afterglow of my climax as the echos of my fantasy faded. I knew I'd never do anything like what had been flashing through my mind, but like all fantasies, the memory was very nice.

As I put my vibrator away I thought I heard a squeak than a click from the bathroom. I glanced over at it but didn't see anything out of the ordinary. I fell asleep that night thinking about how it was too bad I couldn't just follow my fantasy with Lou but also knowing I never would.

The next morning I got up at 8:00 AM to make breakfast. I was dressed as I usually was in the morning, for comfort in an oversized sweatshirt and sweat pants with no underwear. I wasn't worried about anyone seeing anything. Unlike my cleaning garb, the sweat pants and shirt were so oversized and baggy they hid the fact that I didn't have on a bra or panties. Carl came running downstairs at 8:30.

He grabbed a piece of toast and said around a bite of it, "I have to run mom. I've got a summer job interview at 9:00 AM."

"Is Lou coming down soon?" I asked, "Or is he going to sleep in?"

"He'll be down in a few minutes." Carl said, then added as he ran out the door, "He's going to meet me after my interview then we're going to the lake and after that a party at Greg's house. We'll be home before midnight."

Lou walked into the kitchen a few minutes after Carl left.

"Breakfast?" I asked.

"Sure!" He said with that infectious grin.

I cooked him a cheese omelet. He ate it, all the bacon I had cooked as well as three slices of toast. We talked while he ate. He told me about Samoan life and his family, about how everything was very laid back. He talked frankly about his life on the island. As he talked I was very surprised at how open his people seemed to be about sex.

I told him about me and mine, our family and Frank, my ex-husband. When he was done eating I picked up the dishes and started to wash them. I was telling him about Frank and his job, how he worked on an oil platform and would be gone for weeks at a time when I felt something press against my ass and stopped talking as I glanced over my shoulder. Lou was standing behind me, a hand on the counter on each side of me, his crotch pressed tightly against my ass.

"Wha...what do you think you're doing!" I gasped, at a loss for words.

He grinned, leaned down and whispered, "I saw you last night, using that little pink vibrator on your pussy. And I heard you too."

" into my bedroom?" I yelped, then tried to turn as I said, "You shouldn't be pushing against me like that! It''s indecent!"

"Oh, it's totally decent." He whispered, "You like it and you know it. And I think you really want more. In fact after what I heard last night, I know you want more. You know what? I think I'll see if I can make you cum right here at the sink."

I pushed back against him and began to struggle, trying to get out of the spot I was in. To my surprise and dismay, he wrapped one of his muscular arms around me, grabbed both wrists and held me immobile against his chest.

"You want this, you know it." He said as he reached down, shoved his hand up under my shirt and cupped one of my breasts.

"Aha!" He said as his fingers began to tweak and roll my nipple, "No bra...nice."

"Please," I groaned, "Please stop! You can't do''s rape!"

"It's not rape if you want it." He chuckled, "Go ahead tell me you weren't fantasying about me fucking you last night while you were using that vibrator on your pussy."

"That...that was different!" I yelped as I felt his hand start to slide down over my stomach.

As his fingers slid under the waistband of my sweat pants I gasped, "I'll scream! I swear I'll scream!"

Lou stopped for a second, then grabbed me by the neck, gently twisted my head and upper body around until I was staring into his sea-green eyes.

"I don't think you will." He said, then added with a grin, "Because I'm going to make you cum multiple times and you know you want that!"

"Please sto..." I didn't get the whole word out of my mouth before his mouth covered mine and he was kissing me.

He kissed me as he slid his hand back down into my sweatpants. As his tongue explored my mouth, his fingers slid into my pussy. I stood trembling against him, wanting but not wanting what he was doing. He knew just where and how to touch me. As his fingers slid over my clit his other hand cupped my breast. His fingers rolled my nipple and it didn't take long, I was moaning as the sexual tension in me built toward a climax. As it grew to a peak, I forgot all about fighting him, all about doing anything other than standing there and letting him finger me.

The sexual pressure built and built until finally a climax flared through my body and I screamed into his mouth at the intensity of it. Lou pulled me tighter against his chest as he rammed two fingers farther into my pussy and kept right on finger fucking me.

The pleasurable waves of my climax faded, only to be replaced with the building tension of yet another. I have no idea how long we stood there, his fingers pushing me to first one climax then another. I think I climaxed 2 or 3 times.

Finally, I pulled my mouth away from his and whimpered, "No more...Oh god! Please no more!"

Lou grinned and replied, "Fine. But now it's my turn."

He picked me up like I weighed nothing and carried me to the couch in the living room. He held me against his broad chest with one large arm as he pushed my sweat pants down with the other. A moment later I felt them fall off my feet. He sat me down on the cushions, then with a grin unzipped his shorts and let them fall to his ankles.

My eyes went wide as I got my first look at his cock. It had to be 8" long and at least 2 ½" thick. At first, I was shocked, then fear hit me. Frank's cock had been an average 6" and rather skinny. Lou was going to try to put that inside me!

As I gaped at his cock he grinned and said, "My name came from this."

As he stepped forward, holding his cock pointed at my pussy I gasped. "I've...I've can't put that in won't fit!"

"Trust me." Lou said, "It will fit."

He put the purple, plum-sized head against my slit, draped my legs over his arms, grabbed my hips and with a grunt pushed his hips forward. I wanted to scream, cry and gasp all at the same time as his thick shaft filled me, then the crown of his cock bumped into my cervix. The only sound that came from my mouth as he began to fuck me was a soft mewling. He pushed my legs farther up, holding them draped over his forearms, cupping both my breasts in his hands as he hammered into me. I couldn't move. I felt paralyzed with a mixture of fullness and pleasure as he slammed into me over and over.

He leaned down over me, grinned as he whispered, "Are you going to cum for me again? Are you going to cum on my cock? Cum for me!"

I was floating on a sea of pleasure. The feel of his large cock sliding in and out of my stretched, leaking pussy, hitting my cervix with each inward thrust, kept me floating. At the sound of his voice, his insistent urging for me to cum, I felt the pleasure double, then triple, until I was sure I was going to explode.


As I heard Lou say, "Cum for me. Show me you like it baby," I felt my climax crest.

I began to moan as wave after wave of pleasure rolled through me. It seemed to last forever. I felt Lou put his hand over my mouth as I continued to scream. Finally, the waves began to diminish, then I felt Lou's cock begin to throb as he came inside me. The feel of his cum being deposited inside me, his huge cock throbbing in my pussy, instantly pushed me up over another climatic edge. I remember going rigid as waves of pleasure again filled me. Then it faded to nothing. I came around a few seconds later with Lou looking down at me, a grin on his face.

"Call it rape if you want." He said, "But if you're going to cum until you pass out, I'd say you liked it. It isn't rape if you like it."

Lou stepped back and pulled up his shorts.

As he started out the door he looked back and said, grinning, "Thanks for breakfast...all of it."

I sat up slowly as the door closed behind him. I was exhausted, totally sexually sated, guilty, unsure of what I was feeling.

'He raped me!' I insisted to myself. "He forced me to have sex. It was rape!'

But a small corner of my mind kept saying, 'But you liked it. You came over and over. How can it be rape if you climaxed so many times?'

I stood and slowly pulled my sweat pants on. I could feel his cum running down the insides of my thighs. I wanted, needed a long hot shower. A few minutes later as I stood under the cascading water slowly soaping my body, my mind was still whirling with arguments. He had raped me, that was a fact, but I had also cummed multiple times that was also a fact. So was he wrong for raping me, or was I wrong for thinking it was rape because I enjoyed it so?

By the time I got out of the shower I was so confused about all the conflicting feelings and thoughts, my mind was numb. I just pushed what had happened away and left it. I convinced myself I would think about it later and decide what to do.

I spent the day cleaning the rest of the house trying to keep my mind occupied. That evening I sat in the dark on the couch my mind again in turmoil. The two thoughts that kept going through my head were: he raped me, but I climaxed multiple times so I must have liked it. I finally went to bed at 11:00, but laid awake staring into the darkness until I heard the boys come home.

I heard them go down the hall and into their rooms. It was quiet for a short time, then I heard someone go into the bathroom. A moment later my heart started to pound as the door into my bedroom opened and I saw the outline of a large figure enter. The door closed and I watched him come across the floor towards the bed. I felt the blankets being raised, then he slid into bed next to me. I knew what he was there for. I could have screamed or fought him. I was frightened but also I could feel the wetness from my pussy coating my inner thighs.

"You can't do this again!" I gasped, "You can't rape me again! I'll scream and if I do Carl will hear me!"

I felt Lou's hand cup my breast.

He chuckled and said, "Scream all you want. Carl is passed out drunk."

"Please!" I whimpered, "You can't rape me again! Please no!"

Lou's hand slid down over my stomach then I felt him push his fingers between my clenched legs. He was strong, a lot stronger than me and he forced me to allow his fingers access. He found my clit and I moaned as he began to rub it.

"I tell you what," He said as he leaned down and began to suck on my nipple, "if you can keep from cumming I'll not touch you again. But if you cum, then it's proof you want it."

He threw back the blanket, and a moment later was on his knees between my legs. I felt him grab my ankles and push my legs up until my knees were against my shoulders. I closed my eyes, fully expecting him to shove that huge cock of his into me, but the next thing I felt was his tongue probing between my pussy lips.

Bolts of pleasure shot through me as he licked at my pussy, then began to suck on my clit. I was so taken with the feel of his tongue I didn't realize I was about to cum until the waves of pleasure engulfed me. As I began to cum I felt him shift his weight, then a moment later I felt him shove his cock into me until the crown again hit my cervix.

He began to fuck me with long hard strokes, grunting as he did, "Oh yea! A hot MILF you are! Cum for me baby. Show me you like my big stick stuffed up your tight momma pussy."

My first climax had not yet washed through me as the second one slammed into me. As it did I surrendered, I quit thinking about being raped, quit feeling guilty about cumming, I just let the orgasms flow through me.

I had no idea how long he fucked me, or how many orgasms I had, but finally I felt his body stiffen, felt his cock begin to throb as he came. Instinctively I wrapped my arms around his neck, clamped my legs around his hips, pulling him into me, wanting him as deep as possible as he filled me with his seed.

As his cock twitched it's last I heard him chuckle then say, "I told you you wanted it. You're my little momma fuck toy now. Admit it. Quit fighting it. Enjoy it."

As I lay there under his muscular young body, his long, hard cock still inside me, my arms around his neck, my legs still wrapped around his hips, I had to admit I liked what was happening. He raped me yes but it was so good I was forced to admit I wanted it to happen again.

As if it were someone else doing it, I shoved my hips up, sliding his magnificent cock deeper into my pussy as I whispered, "Please...fuck me again...I ...again."

Again I heard him chuckle, then he pulled me tight against his chest and rolled. We ended up with me sitting astride of him, his cock still buried in my pussy.

"I think this time you need to fuck me." He said as he locked his fingers behind his head.

I put my hands on his chest and gently pushed downward with my hips. I felt his cock head hit my cervix before his balls touched my ass. I slowly began to slide up and down on his hard rod, but as his hard pole slide in and out of me, as his cock head banged into my cervix, as I felt his balls slap my ass, I couldn't help but go faster and faster until I was slamming up and down on that hard stick of his grunting each time his crown hit my cervix.

I knew I was getting close to another climax, but didn't have a clue how intense it was going to be until the waves of pleasure filled me. As the pleasure hit me I sat impaled on his cock unable to move, A soft mewling animal sound spilling from my lips. As my climax washed away, I collapsed on his chest, spent. He circled my body with his arms and held me as I bask in the afterglow.

He let me lay still for a few moments, then he urged me off. I slide to one side and lay on my belly, still feeling the glow. I felt him get behind me, then I felt him lift my hips. A moment later I felt the delicious feeling of his cock sliding into me.

He grabbed my hips and began to fuck me with long slow strokes. It felt wonderful, but I didn't think I could climax again after so many intense orgasms. I was wrong and within minutes I could feel the pressure of yet another climax building. I surrendered to it, floating on a sea of pleasure.

As he fucked me I was dimly aware of something probing at my rectum. It didn't hurt, but added to the pleasurable sensations as he fucked my pussy. Over the next little while my ass felt fuller and fuller. I didn't know it but he had worked three fingers into my rectum.

I felt him withdraw his fingers from my ass, which made me groan, then he pulled out of my pussy, which made me groan even louder. A second later something pushed at my ass, then I felt it stretch to the maximum as he shoved his cock in.

I didn't protest, I didn't say anything, at that point I didn't care as long as he kept fucking me. He began to fuck my ass with long deep strokes. I'd never taken a cock up the ass and it was a very different feeling. I felt him reach around under my hips and push his fingers into my pussy.