D'Orgasmic Chronicles Ch. 04


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Three strong, handsome black men walked up to her and began to stroke her. They turned her face to them one by one and they kissed her, caressed her, and teased her. Not one word was spoken. She ran her hands over their broad chests and shoulders. Their strong hands caressed her and pushed her onto the mattress. One man took a nipple and another, the other. The third man spread her legs and began to lick her long, lovely clit.

Their tongues were talented and they took their time licking her spectacularly. She stroked their flesh, strong shoulders, and broad chests. Their muscles excited her and her hands wandered over their bodies. They licked her nipples and gently bit them. The man on her clit was wonderful and she enjoyed the spectacular licking she was receiving.

She felt long, thick fingers slide into her tight pussy and combined with the tongue she was writhing on his hand. He lifted her legs and held her ankles. She felt the head of a very large cock slide between her legs. She inhaled as he slid into her. She felt every inch, groove, and vein on his cock as it filled her tightly. He was long and broad and she loved the feeling immensely.

Another man ran his cock across her lips. She reached for it and felt a huge, long, thick cock, which she wanted badly. Her lips ran along the length and her tongue snaked out of her perfect mouth. She washed that cock and twirled her tongue around it, wetting it completely. Her hands felt the broad head and she brought it to her lips. Her tongue washed his velvet head. She was rewarded with a huge drop of the nectar she desired. Cherry kissed the tip of his cock and opened her lips to pull it into her hot, wanton mouth. This cock was larger than the one in her pussy. It was carved spectacularly. Heavy veins and ridges adorned this wonderful piece of manhood.

This was a fabulous cock. Her lips parted and she filled her mouth with this beautiful piece of manhood. Her tongue licked him and urged his furtherance into her being. She wanted him in her throat. It had been a long time since she had a cock this large and she knew she had to relax and go slowly. She adjusted her breathing and opened her throat. She felt his massive muscle at the entrance of her throat and she pulled him in. He inched forward and she cradled his balls as he sank into her.

The cock in her pussy was amazing. He had her close and his long, wonderful strokes brought her closer to the explosion she knew was on the horizon. As he stroked deeper, she took the lovely cock in her throat deeper. She felt her chin against her hands and she knew the man was fully implanted in her throat. He started to stroke her throat completely. She felt every ridge and vein as it moved into and out of her tight throat. She loved the feeling.

The cock that was fucking her turned her over and he lay flat on the mattress. He turned her around and positioned his cock at the entrance to her tight ass. She lifted herself up and she felt his long cock slide into her tight asshole. She moaned with total desire as he filled her completely. He pulled her back down upon his chest with his cock in her ass. His hands caressed her pussy and her spectacular breasts. The man she had been sucking replaced his cock into her greedy mouth and she sucked him deeply as her head fell back on the first man's shoulders. Oh, this felt so good.

She felt the fingers playing in her empty pussy and suddenly she felt an enormous cock head pressing against her tight twat. The man fucking her ass slowed and the man in her throat stopped while the enormous cock stretched her to the breaking point. Cherry moaned loudly and he slid in fully. The three men fucked her sweetly and she came massively. They increased their speed and she came again. These men had her airtight and she was loving this more than she could describe. Her orgasms were non-stop and her body trembled with each massive stroke. The big man pulled out and the man in her ass did as well. His cock slid into her hot, drenched pussy and he began to fuck her once more. He stopped and the big man's cock slid into her atop of the first man. Both cocks were in her pussy and she shrieked.

Cherry ripped the blindfold off and gazed into the three smiling faces of the men she loved as much as she did Mark.

"Ohmigod, Ohmigod YES!" she screamed. "No one has ever done that to me but you. I was trying to figure out who you could be but that made it a no-brainer. Kiss me all of you. I have missed you so much."

They did kiss her, hold her and tell her they loved her. Cherry looked around and saw Diane, Lori, Aleka, Kono, Brenda, Joy and Michelle standing there with their mascara running down their cheeks. The tears of joy were everywhere. A huge round of applause went up and Cherry looked around and saw everyone, naked and crying, clapping and smiling.

"Wait one minute," she said as she sprang from the bed. She marched over to Gary and Mark, "I want to know whose idea this was?"

Two boyish grins broke out on both their faces. That told her everything she needed to know. She looked at Mark and then at Gary. She jumped into Mark's arms and kissed him deeply and lovingly. She looked at Gary, jumped into his arms, and kissed him equally. "I love the both of you more than I can ever say."

She ran back to the guys, hugged, and kissed them with fervor and lust in her eyes. She stopped and looked at the three of them, "Are we all right? The last time..."

Chris held a finger to her lips, "I told you to fix this and you did. We love you baby. We never stopped loving you." She kissed each man again and told him she loved him too.

Mark stepped up and hugged her. "Ainsley, front and center please."

Ainsley came up from where she was watching and she kissed Cherry and the guys. She looked at Mark and wondered why she had been called forward.

"I hear you teased the shit out of them today huh?" he laughed.

"Teased us, boss, this woman had us on fire and then there were those other two pilots. The three of them had us going big-time. I mean seriously, we know when we've been bitchslapped. We know we shouldn't have intervened but fuck it. It was just too important that you and Cherry get back together."

"What pisses me off is that none of you recognized me. After all the fun we had in Las Vegas, not a single one of you recognized me," Ainsley sulked.

"Oh fuck, you're not a pilot, you're Ainsley from Dallas. Oh shit baby, we're sorry. We knew we were in trouble with Mark. Now we're in trouble with you. Forgive us please," Chris pleaded.

"You'll get to make it up to me big boy," she snickered as she kissed them all.

"Ann, Gillian and Elaine please come here," Gary commanded.

They walked out in full Dallas Cowboy attire and took Ainsley's hand. The look on Ainsley's face was a mixture of shock and lust. They pulled her toward the bed.

Before they began to make sweet delicious love to her, Gary had something to say. "Yes dear, until three weeks ago, these lovely ladies were absolutely Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders. Since you are such a huge fan, we thought that you might just like a taste of something few ever get to experience."

Ainsley let out a moan that would rock the moon and she was in total, unconditional lust.

Gary turned to the guys, "Mark and I get them first. Then you three are welcomed to partake. Besides, while we are doing them, you have to finish doing Cherry." Gary turned to the rest of the people and told them that Cherry's 'certification' may take several days to complete.

Everyone laughed at that and agreed, it would definitely take a long, long time to finish.

Gina and Brianna walked up to them. Gina grabbed Rashad and she kissed him deeply. Brianna kissed Jamal and they both turned and looked at Chris' monster cock. "Baby, we're going to do you so well. You'll enjoy the ride home, we promise you that." They turned and kissed Cherry. Brianna licked her nipples and Gina sank to her knees and sucked her perfect clit. "We love you Cherry, have fun darling."

Ainsley was in slurping heaven. The girls turned her on so much she couldn't see straight. She grew up in Dallas. She had become a massive fan and the thought that she was making love to three of the real cheerleaders pushed every erotic button she possessed. Her pussy flowed and she licked every sweet drop from them as well.

Rashad smiled as he kissed Cherry. He looked into her eyes and he returned her crushing hug tightly.

"Thank you baby; I love you with every ounce of my body. If you hadn't been so hard on me back home, I probably would have told Gary to go fuck himself. When you three walked out on me, that really hurt me but it made me think. I really was a bitch and I am sorry. I know I don't deserve this but I'm not complaining at all," she purred.

"Well, don't do it again or I'll take you over my knee and spank your ass so hard, no amount of reconstructive surgery will remove the marks I'll leave on your ass. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"I do darling, I do," she smiled.

"Well, if he doesn't drive this home, I sure as fuck will," Chris said. "Now get your pretty ass over here and suck my cock dammit. I've missed you. Walking away from you was the hardest thing we've ever done," he said as he kissed her and felt her alabaster breasts crush against his strong ebony chest.

The next hour Cherry had her men and they 'certified' her fully, completely and wetly. She was crying tears of joy, as she loved them, fucked them and sucked every drop of the lust they shared. Her life was complete now and it was never going to change.

When they were finished, they stood her up and surrounded her. Jamal took her gorgeous face and turned her to him. "I want a promise from you. This is serious Cherry, promise us that if you ever get the urge to do what you did, you'll get on one of your jets, fly to one of us immediately. No more of that crap. We almost lost you once. We will never allow that to happen again. Do you understand what we are saying?"

"I've done some dumb shit in my life but that one was the scariest. I have no need to do that ever again. I have Mark, I have Gary, and I definitely have the three of you. I'll never do anything that stupid ever again, I promise you," she said.

"Excuse me, I don't want to interrupt but I have a question," Ronnie smiled as she walked into the cabana.

"Hi baby, what's up?" Cherry asked.

"Well," she said as she walked up and put her arm around Rashad's waist. "For starters, Cherry you are the luckiest bitch I've ever met. You have so many people that love you and I really mean love you. These men right here love you more than you will ever know. I know that for a fact. You'll probably be shocked with what I'm going to tell you but you mean so much to them that they wouldn't touch me at all. They've been wonderful to me but they wouldn't make love to me and that was only because you and I look so much alike. My question is simple. Is there any chance in hell that policy might change after tonight?"

"You're damned right it will change," Cherry yelled. She turned and looked at three sheepish faces and that one look spoke volumes. "Listen assholes, you have the dancers to 'certify' before you get on that plane. You are going to start with my twin and this needs to be said. I appreciate your feelings towards me but Ronnie is a sweetheart and dammit, you treat her exactly the way you treat me. I don't want to hear a word out of you. What you do to me, you do to her. Got it?" she said as she cocked her hip; put her hand on her hip and her eyes burned into their faces.

"Yes darling," Jamal chuckled. "This is going to be interesting."

"Let me see if I got this straight," Chris grinned. "We're to do to Ronnie everything we do to you baby?"

"Ronnie, I hope you're prepared. We can be demanding," he said as he waved his massive cock in her direction.

"I love you men. You showed me how much you love Cherry and that made me love you immediately. I can take whatever you throw at me and, I know I'm not Cherry, but I'm pretty damned good myself," she said with bright smiling eyes.

"Darling, that is good to hear. When the season is over, boy do we have a surprise for you," Rashad smiled.

"Wait one fucking minute," Cherry, grinned. "You're not leaving me out of that, motherfuckers. I'll skin you alive if you try." Cherry burst out laughing.

"Twice as many women means..." Jamal smiled.

"Hold on bro," Chris said. "We can't leave Ainsley out of the next one. She'd kill us if she ever found out we did that. Now add to that, we have three Cheerleaders. I'm seeing a league event in the future."

"What are you talking about?" Ronnie quizzed them.

"After the season is over darling, after the season," Rashad smirked as he kissed Cherry and walked arm in arm with Ronnie over to the bed.

"I'm going to get a drink and watch this," Cherry smirked. "I've never watched myself get fucked before."

Mark and Gary were with the cheerleaders and they were having the time of their life.

"Does the uniform turn you on darling," Ann whispered in Gary's ear. "I hope so because you definitely seem to be enjoying this, my love. I'm going to miss you when I get assigned to my territory."

Gary made a mental note to insure that didn't become a problem. He 'certified' Ann and then Gillian and Elaine. These three women were spectacular and yes, the uniforms were fantastic aphrodisiacs. Mark and Gary enjoyed this experience so much that they went one-step further and they did each of the women together. When they were finished, the women were speechless but smiling broadly as Rashad, Jamal and Chris walked towards them.

Ronnie walked over to Cherry who was so turned on from watching her men do her. Ronnie was soaking wet and she was speechless. Cherry held her and kissed her as she clamed down.

"Ohmigod, Cherry, those men are fantastic. I've never had men do that to me. You are one lucky girl. Ohmigod! They're so sweet and their bodies are amazing! They can fuck, wow, they can fuck," Ronnie grinned. She grabbed Cherry and pushed her back onto the mattress.

"I've never licked my own pussy, until now," she said as she dove between Cherry's puffy pink lips. Ronnie was on fire, she licked and sucked Cherry to a multitude of orgasms, and she loved it immensely. Jim walked over with a tray of Rum Runners. He sat them down and began to kiss Cherry's lovely face. His hands caressed her breasts and she licked his hardening cock.

"Cherry, you're everything Mark said you were and more. Ronnie and I have been lovers for a long time and she knows how I feel about her but tonight, I will finally make love to the woman Ronnie has strived so hard to become."

"Jim, trust me, she made it. This woman is fantastic. She licks pussy like a pro and she definitely can fuck. Fuck me Jim. Gary and Holly have told me all about you. I can't wait," Cherry, giggled. "Hell, from what I was told, you're responsible for all of this anyway. I think I owe you the best fucking you've ever had."

The evening progressed spectacularly. Mark and Gary 'certified' the rest of the dancers and so did the guys. Rose, Debbie and Wendy were working their way through the male dancers when Brenda came up.

"Where the hell is Rashad?" she laughed.

"Sheesh, people call me greedy," Rose, giggled.

"You are greedy. That is why I love you so much. I have to do them before they fly out of here. Have you seen the size of Chris' dick? Ohmigod!"

"Baby, it feels so much better than it looks. Just wait 'til they take you airtight. You're eyes won't focus for hours," Wendy smirked.

"Brenda, now you know why I love Gary so much," Debbie said as she removed the lovely cock from her throat. "I get to make love to him everyday and then there are nights like this. Life could not get better, could it? By the way, when Chris fucks your ass, you'll know what heaven is really like."

"I'm on a mission, suck those lovely cocks baby. Just save some for me. Love you," Brenda grinned as she flitted off to find them.

Gary walked up to the bar and made himself a pitcher of Rum Runners. He saw her coming and poured her one too.

"At some point that cock had better be sliding down my throat mister" Tammy purred. "Have I told you today?"

"No you haven't," Gary grinned.

"Well here goes, I love you with all my heart. Now sit here and let me suck that wonderful cock and then you can lick my pussy at least once. With all this Grade A ass running around, I have to assert myself or you'll forget I'm here."

"That will never happen, Gary looked at her sternly. "You keep talking like that and I'll have to turn you over my knee and spank you."

"I'm shocked," she batted her eyes seductively. "You've never talked to me like that before. If you ever paddle my ass, you just might get the best fucking you've ever had in your entire life and then some you lovely son of a bitch." She hugged him kissed him and took a sip of her drink. "I love these things, they make me horny," she said as she knelt and took his cock into her spectacular face.

He watched as Tammy's nipples elongated with each inch she inhaled. Her breasts were tiny however she was proportioned perfectly. Everything about her was perfect. He loved the way she sucked his cock. He remembered the first time he kissed her. She was nervous and the kiss was tentative at best. Gary was the first white man she had ever kissed. He remembered how small she felt in his arms. Their love making that night was wonderful and sweet. Tonight was no different.

He picked her up and sat her on the edge of the bar. He spread her legs and the bright pink gash opened and begged him to please her. He stroked her body and cupped her perfect breasts. His face fell to her thighs and he kissed her sweetly. His tongue delved into her and the sweet, lovely flavor drove him wild. Tammy slid tight against his face and she wrapped her arms around his head.

"Fuck, I love this Gary. No one makes me feel this way. Oh baby, lick my pussy darling. Oh, oh yes! God, you're so good darling I love you, don't stop. Suck my clit, suck it like you suck cock baby. Oh damn, fuck me that feels so good. I'm going to cum all over your face and you're going to drink every drop darling. Fuck, oh fuck, here it comes," she moaned.

Gary licked and sucked and she shook uncontrollably as waves of passion swept over her. Her legs locked around his neck and she rode his face furiously.

"I love you, I love this, I could live my life in this position for ever. Motherfucker this is so good. Oh fuck! Drink me baby. Oh God, more please baby! Yes, lick me more. I don't want this to end. Oh yes!"

Her body exploded again and he kept fucking her with his tongue. Every part of her pussy was electrified and her tiny ass rocked on the bar. She grabbed her tits and she screamed. Gary relented and allowed her to calm down.

"You are the most amazing man I've ever known and that is saying something with all the hot, choice cock running around here. I love you darling. You know I mean it too," she said as she slipped back to earth. She kissed him again and he held her close.

Earth shattering screams were heard from one of the cabanas. Gary grabbed Tammy's hand and they jumped into a golf cart. They drove in the direction of the noise. When they pulled up, Gary started laughing hysterically. Mark came up in a cart too. He heard it and thought someone was in trouble. He saw Gary laughing and when he saw it, he burst out himself.

Rashad, Chris and Jamal were in a cabana with Brenda, Michelle and Jill.

"Nothing to see here, move along people," Gary giggled.

"It could be worse," Mark, grinned.

"Speaking of Holly," Gary snickered, "Where is she?"

"The last I saw her she was doing a chorus line of dancers. The guys had her airtight so it was extremely hot and very quiet," Tammy laughed.