D'Orgasmic Chronicles Ch. 09


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"I have a feeling we are going to meet a lot of people we have never met before in the next month. I'm looking forward to it. Lori is swamped. She is signing contracts so fast. Her department is expanding massively. The talent scouts have so many great bands and performers. It's blowing my mind. Not only that, the athletic department is exploding too. This is definitely the best move we've ever made."

"I sure hope you're right. All I've done is spend money. I won't see any results until the clubs open. At least, you are seeing fabulous returns on your end. We are bringing the new website online on Friday, just in time for the industry night. I hope everyone uses that Club Camera feature. I think that is slick. Maya and Tila are amazing."

"Oh shit pal, add them to that list," Mark grinned. "They are more than amazing." He called the jet and discovered that they were on final approach.

Gary took the controls and the copter lifted off. He took a heading for the airport and he put the pedal to the metal. He landed just before Jack taxied to the hangar. "God I'm with you, I love this thing."

Jackson was the first one off the jet. He looked at Mark and smiled, "Now that is the only way to fly," he told him.

Linda, Ashley, Dave, and Sue followed Rose, Wendy, and Debbie from the jet. The girls ran into Gary's arms, hugged, and kissed him. Michelle, Dani, and DeeDee came off the jet and walked onto the helicopter. Gary told Jack and Tom that they would be back in a half hour for them and the luggage. He took off and immediately noticed the weight difference. Once he was airborne, the craft responded exactly as it had before. He landed at the house and Sue and Jackson lost their minds.

"Are you kidding me?" Sue exclaimed. "This is your home Gary? Ohmigod, this is fantastic."

"Yes it is hon, welcome. I know you'll enjoy yourself," Gary welcomed her warmly.

"Mark told me it was nice," Jackson said. "I swear, you two sons of bitches never tell me the truth. You always leave out small details like, this is fucking wild," he said as he slapped Gary on the back. "I thought I lived in the ultimate bachelor pad. This is a really wonderful."

Tammy took Jackson and Sue to their suites and Gary spent a few minutes with the girls. "I'm glad you're home. I've missed you. How is everything in Las Vegas?"

"We missed you too. Las Vegas is about half-stocked. We'll finish next week. The other two jets are about an hour behind us. Everyone is so excited about this weekend. I'm glad you called and told us Ainsley was with you. We were going to pick her up," Wendy grinned. "Don't tell me, we figured it out."

"Figured what out?" he said with a huge question mark on his face.

"When you had Carmen Electra onboard, you forgot to drop Ainsley in Dallas so she could get her stuff for the weekend."

"Ohmigod, you're right. I did. I completely forgot. Oh shit," he said, "I've got to fix this right away."

Mark heard the conversation as he hung up the phone, "I'll not only fix that, but I'll make her day in the process. Don't anyone tell her about this. I just hung up with Jerry Jones. I invited him to the opening. He just called to tell me he and his wife would love to come. I had told him I was sending a jet for him. I'll send her back to Dallas to get what she needs and when she boards, she'll be sharing the flight with he and his wife. She will freak right out."

"Be careful, she knows as much about that team as he does," Gary said. "He just may hire her."

"She will love the both of you forever for this," Debbie said as she kissed Mark deeply. "You want to be her hero, this will do it. She loves that team so much."

Gary took off and headed to the airport. He picked up the luggage, Jack, and Tom. They loved the copter. They landed at the house and took the luggage in. Gina came up and he told her that she was going to be running a shuttle from the airport and the house for a while. Two jets were enroute from Las Vegas and Jeff and Alan would be landing in about an hour and a half.

Gina leaned over and kissed him, "Thank you Daddy, you're little girls were wondering when we would get to play with your little toy." She looked at Wendy who burst out laughing uncontrollably. "Speaking of that, when are we going to get to play with your big toy?"

That did it; Wendy lost it completely.

Gina winked at Wendy and ran to get Brianna. Minutes later, they were airborne.

Holly walked up and told Gary that the bands were arriving tomorrow. "They want to set up and do sound checks. They will be arriving around 10AM." I want you to come and hear them. These are supposed to be excellent groups. Lori said she has been told they will blow the house down."

"What time are they arriving?" Beyoncé said as she and Carmen walked up.

Holly told her and then Gary did the introductions.

When Carmen was introduced to Wendy, she stood there and apprised this blonde haired goddess, "I'm leaving; she's sexier and hotter than I am. She has my legs and for that, I am going to have to sue someone. I want to cry, I am so depressed."

"Wendy was standing there giggling. She walked into Carmen and hugged her sweetly. "You're gorgeous but you're one fucking lousy liar. I know I'm going to love you."

Carmen burst out laughing. "Hey, I was serious about the legs. Dammit Gary, you didn't exaggerate one bit. She definitely has my legs."

Rose and Debbie greeted her equally warmly. "Did you rock his world Carmen?" Debbie grinned.

"I tried but you're a hard act to follow," she blushed. "I loved the three stripper poles in the bedroom. That is the funniest thing I've seen yet."

"Well, they simply refuse to use them. I don't know why, we thought it would be something nice they could do for us," Rose grinned.

"In your dreams," Mark said. "I've told you before, it ain't gonna happen darling."

"He is such a meanie," Wendy grinned as she walked into his arms. "Kiss me and I'll forget it for fifteen minutes. This, Mr. Banner, is far from settled."

"Now, I think having my men strip for me on a pole would be extremely hot, what do you think Beyoncé?" Carmen purred.

"Oh definitely darling, I think it would be so hot that we could fill that huge bed with wonderful wet hungry people wanting to fuck themselves silly."

"Now you know why I love her," Carmen giggled.

"Yes Wendy, this is going to be very, very good," Rose snickered. "What time does Cherry land?"

Gary looked at his watch and realized he hadn't told Gina to call him when they took off. He called her and learned that they had just taken off with Jack and Tom. Their next trip would be to pick up Cherry, Ronnie and the rest of the models. Pierre and the film crew were on the other jet. Gary let them know and they went to make sure that everything was set up in the playhouse bar. Beyoncé, Carmen and the girls got to know one another.

The helicopter dropped Jack and Tom off with the luggage and everything was put away. Gina called Gary when they returned to the airport to let him know that the jet was approaching the hangar.

The copter landed and Ronnie and Cherry jumped down and ran towards the house. Mark and Gary walked out to greet them. Cherry flew into Mark's arms and kissed him wonderfully. Ronnie ran into Gary's arms and he kissed her passionately. They walked arm in arm into the bar and they took their seats at the bar.

Jeff was behind the bar and he leaned over and kissed Cherry and Ronnie a warm hello. Mark asked about the Fashion Show shoot and Cherry told him she had an absolute blast. Linda and Beyoncé walked up and sat across from them at the bar. They both said hello to them and Ronnie literally lost her mind.

"Cherry told me that you two were identical but holy shit, I mean, excuse me WOW! You are identical. I know I'm going to sound stupid but hi, I'm Ronnie. I know one of you knows me very well and the other is the biggest superstar around."

Beyoncé laughed, "Ronnie, you're precious. I'm Beyoncé. It is a pleasure to meet you."

"Honey, put on the necklace you got in Thailand. That way people will know your names," Gary said. "If you see her without it, it will be Beyoncé."

Everyone was laughing when someone sat next to Cherry. Jeff looked at her and asked what she'd like.

"I've been told that the Rum Runners are pretty good around here," she said to Jeff.

Cherry was talking to Mark but she turned to acknowledge the voice. She turned back to Mark and started to talk again. Jeff handed the woman a Rum Runner and she thanked him.

Cherry was in mid-sentence and suddenly she froze. All eyes were on her yet no one broke a smile. She started to talk again, stopped, and slowly, inconspicuously turned her head slightly to get a better view of the person seated beside her. The woman sat back against her stool forcing Cherry to look at her completely.

Cherry looked down and saw the woman's legs first and then she looked up into the lovely, smiling face. "Hello Cherry, I hope you had a great fashion shoot," the woman said sweetly.

Ronnie was busting a gut but Gary was squeezing her hand so tight she didn't dare say a word.

"I did. It was my first one and it was fun. I hope we have what we need for the videos."

"Oh I'm certain that you did just fine. A woman with your talent just simply can't put out a bad product."

"Thank you, you're too kind," Cherry said. "Have we met before? You look so familiar to me. No, there is no way. Ohmigod, I don't believe this. No fucking way. Carmen? Carmen Electra? Ohmigod!"

Everyone cracked up. Mark was beside himself and Cherry was acting like a kid at Christmas.

"It really is a pleasure to meet you Cherry. I am a big fan," Carmen told her.

"You're a big fan? I'm your biggest fan. Ohmigod, I can't believe you're here. Why are you here?" she asked as she looked from Mark to Gary. Both men were smiling broadly and staring back at them.

"I'm going to help you and Beyoncé open The Glove. I'm looking forward to dancing with you," she grinned; Cherry almost fainted.

"Mark the date on the wall, I'm speechless," Cherry said.

The loudspeakers came to life, Jill's voice boomed over the property, "I just did Cherry. This is priceless."

Everyone burst into laughter.

"You captured this didn't you?" she laughed.

"Are you kidding me?" Mark grinned. "This was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Of course we got this, just like we did yesterday on the jet. Wait 'til you see Gary's face. It's beyond priceless."

"Now that we've got this over with, is there any chance this girl can get a hug?" Carmen asked.

Cherry stood up and hugged her and she kissed her sweetly. "Mark wasn't kidding either," Carmen said, "You are perfection, personified. There is much I want to learn from you, girlfriend."

Cherry just looked at her in stunned silence. She thought she had just heard her hero tell her she wanted to learn from her.

"Okay, enough of this lovey- dovey stuff; come on Beyoncé, Carmen and Cherry, we've got work to do," Brenda said as she directed them to her dance studio. "Ronnie, that means you too."

Mark kissed Cherry goodbye as Brenda pulled her towards her home.

"Well, isn't that special?" Mark laughed as the chopper landed again.

Gary laughed and his phone rang. He answered it and had a conversation with Loretta. He told her it was not a problem and he hung up.

"What was that?" Mark asked. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes, she asked me if we could have the plane fly to Oklahoma City, Houston, and Austin before flying to Nashville. She asked me if I could put up eight sets of guests. I told her I had plenty of room. If need be, we have Brenda's place as well. That's twelve bedrooms."

"Who is coming?" Mark asked.

"She wouldn't tell me. All she said was to have the very first dancers practice the two numbers that started all of this. She was laughing when she hung up."

"That only means one thing, Country Girl and Save a Horse. We'll have to tell Brenda," Mark said.

"Wait until she gets back here. Did you see the look she gave us?"

"Oh hell yes, it meant stay the fuck away," Mark said.

Holly appeared and walked up to them, "Stay away from what?"

"Somehow, I know that things are slipping out of our control but into the hands of people much more qualified than we are," Gary said as he told her what had just transpired with Brenda and Loretta.

"Then I think we are in very good hands then," Holly giggled. "I need a drink, I'm exhausted."

"I bet you are," Mark said. "What'cha drinking, good lookin?"

"Whatever will get my clitty tingling big boy," she purred. "Where is my playtoy? I saw him get off the helicopter."

"He did, he couldn't find you so I told him to find Red. We need to know how to close off the playroom, blowjob, and darkroom. She told us how it was done, but she never showed us. Apparently, when they are closed, no one would even know the rooms are there."

"Ahh, good idea. It wouldn't be good to have Loretta Lynn see them. Once he's finished, I'm going to have a broad meeting with him."

Mark laughed, "Don't you mean board meeting?"

"No asshole, I'm the broad and I want a meeting," she laughed.

"I'll issue the earplug warning," he grinned as he handed her a drink.

"I'm so excited, this is happening so fast and it is all coming together perfectly. I have put in more air miles in the last few months than I have in ten years. I'm beginning to think I have my own jet."

"Gee darlin; we had that conversation in Greece. We bought the G3 because we knew you'd need your own jet. It was really bought for you, Red and Nancy," Mark told her. "We knew what this would be like. Honey, the next year will be a whirlwind but it will get easier with each center we open. You just wait and see."

"Thank God, Gary has a dirty mind. Thank God, he is so good in bed. I go to bed and say that every night and when I wake up, I say it again. I hate to think what my life would be like if I never met him. Going to the Keys to meet the writer who wrote stories that tripped my trigger was somewhat scary but I knew I could always leave. He was such a gentleman, and we laughed so much. His food was terrific and his Rum Runners were killer. What blew me away was when I found out that Red and Nancy were real people and then I met you, Jill, and everyone else. I definitely am one very lucky woman."

"We're the lucky ones darling. We love you unconditionally. Just to set the record straight, Gary and I are so happy that you agreed to do this with us. This has been something we have wanted for so long I can't even tell you," Mark explained.

"Yeah, I was meaning to talk to you about that," Holly got serious suddenly; "I want to have Dave change something on my incorporation papers. I want you and Gary as full partners with me. I'm serious. If you would like that, I sure as hell would love to only have a third of this. I know I'll still get ridiculously wealthy anyway. I'm seldom wrong on things like this. This is going to be the most amazing thing to hit the entertainment world in years. I just know it."

"Just concentrate on getting the first three centers going and then we'll talk darling. Gary and I want you to be as wealthy as possible. To us, you are a superstar and we want the rest of the world to know how talented you are. Cherry and Ronnie are going to be huge stars. We don't need the limelight as much as others need it. In the meantime, go find Jim, I'm going for a swim," Marks said as he took her in his arms and kissed her slowly, softly and sweetly. "I love you darling."

"I love you too," she purred.

Mark climbed the mountain and walked out onto the platform. He entered the water effortlessly and he smiled. Old habits were coming back nicely. He thought about what Holly said and smiled. He knew he would talk to Gary but he was sure he knew what his answer would be.

He went off the springboard and laughed as he surfaced. Damn, he loved this. The chopped landed and the last of the Las Vegas group had arrived. DeeDee saw him and waved. He went off the platform again and jumped out of the pool.

"Hi sexy, what's shakin?" he said as he toweled off. "Is everything okay back home?"

"It is now," she giggled as she jumped into his arms. "I've missed you. What was Cherry's reaction to meeting Carmen?"

"We have it, I'll show you. She was actually quite cool about it, for about ten seconds. Then she freaked."

"I bet. You better be holding me tight when you introduce me to her."

"Darling, you have to 'certify' her, Beyoncé and Sue tonight."

"Ohmigod, I forgot about that. This is going to be one amazing night. I love you darling. Oh, to answer your question, things are good in Las Vegas; people are going crazy. Lori's department is grossly understaffed. Research has several lists of people to hire. You have to either approve or disapprove. I won't bore you with the details but do you remember when you had three empty floors in the office building?"

"I remember when I had four empty floors," he told her.

"Well, I am having the third floor done now. Lori's department is growing so fast that we need the space. Mark, the money she is bringing in is off the fucking chart. I reviewed everything yesterday before I took it to Michelle and I seriously had an orgasm. I mean, Michelle will show you but it is simply wonderful. On the home front, everything is ready for a huge influx of people in a week. Jackson has everything under control."

"Thank you, I had forgot why I loved you so much," he said as he kissed her again.

"Oh yeah, prove it big boy," she smirked.

Mark laughed, "I just might do that pretty soon."

Two hours later, Brenda brought everyone back to the house. They were smiling and laughing. Something was up and Mark and Gary knew it. Cherry walked up to Mark and hugged him tight.

"I love you darling, I'm glad to have you here," she whispered in his ear. "Carmen and Beyoncé are going to be busy tonight. I want you so much I can't stand it. Don't worry baby, I'll leave some for the 'Symbian certification'," she cooed as she kissed him wickedly.

Mark looked into her eyes and grinned, "From the day I met you, you have always had the ability to blow my mind. That one was one for the record books. Yes, we said we were going to do that certification. The girls are going to help and I expect you to help too but you have to remember, you have to do Carmen yourself."

"Darling, I love you, I really do and this is the first time I've ever seen you behind the times. Does the expression, been there, done that, have any meaning to you?"

"Brenda?" Mark laughed. "I'm going to kick her ass."

Cherry laughed and groped him lovingly. "What can I tell you, she is delicious."

"That she is baby, that she is,"

Later that evening, Gary walked up to Carmen and introduced her to Jim. That was the beginning of an evening Carmen, Beyoncé and Sue would never forget.

Jim was his usual spectacular self and he charmed the pants right off Carmen. It wasn't hard to do because of the house rules that were in effect. He had her laughing long before he had her moaning sweetly. Everyone waited until he was finished because they knew; he was in charge of the 'certification' process.

He kissed her, kissed Beyoncé and Sue and then he picked up his clipboard. Everyone burst into hysterical laughter and he bowed and began the process.

Cherry smiled coyly, grabbed Mark and they disappeared into the house. Jim scheduled the girls early in the process.

Carmen looked into Wendy's eyes and she pulled her close, "This is going to be weird. I've never made love to myself before. Damn, you're hot!"

"So are you," Wendy purred as she kissed her wonderfully. "Baby, this is just the beginning. There is a lot more here than meets the eye." Wendy made love to her unlike anything she had ever done before.