Double Dutch

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A favour for a friend.
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Hi, the name's David and I'd like to relate a tale of something that happened last week; or perhaps it was something which only began last week?

My wife Judy and I met Bob and Maya while on holiday in Greece. We arrived at a quayside taverna thirty seconds apart and the restaurateur accidentally -- or perhaps not, the place was very busy -- assumed that we were all together and sat us at a single table. We saw the funny side of it, introduced ourselves and enjoyed a very pleasant meal together; so pleasant that we met for dinner twice more during that week.

That was more than twenty years ago and the friendship we formed on that holiday has lasted ever since, albeit at a distance. Bob and Maya live near London, in the south of England; while Judy and I live over two hundred miles north near Ripon. Bob and Maya have family in Scotland though and whenever they're driving up to visit them, they call in for a night and sometimes two at our place.

Conversely, their house is quite handy for the airports at Luton and Stanstead, so while we've never again holidayed together, Judy and I have often spent the night at their place immediately before or after a flight abroad. Additionally, my work takes me in that direction a few times each year and it's become the norm for me to stay the night with them rather than a hotel. Between times Judy and Maya enjoy -- as all women seem to do? - an hour or two gossiping on the phone once every couple of months.

Our cosy friendship was interrupted in the worst possible way ten months ago; Bob dropped down dead! He suffered a brain aneurysm while sat on the couch watching TV, with Maya discovering him there when she awoke the following morning; that's perhaps not a bad way to go, but preferably at ninety-five years old. Bob was a few years older than both Maya and ourselves, but it still hit hard and came as something of a wake-up call; Bob was only fifty-eight!

Judy and I went down for the funeral, but it was a large gathering and we had little opportunity to speak to Maya; we spent the night at a hotel nearby. Since then we'd not flown out of a southern airport and while Maya had been up to Scotland a couple of times, she now went by train, so had no reason or opportunity to visit. I'd been south for work a couple of times too, but I wasn't... comfortable about inviting myself to stay now it was only Maya.

Judy and Maya still spoke on the phone; if anything more often than they had previously and with hindsight, it was a couple of days after one of those girly-chats that the wheels were set in motion: Judy mentioned over breakfast having spotted that one of my overnight-business trips down south was marked on the calendar for a couple of weeks time and she suggested that I could perhaps visit Maya?

It was all very casual and Judy accepted why I might feel it inappropriate for me to stay at Maya's house, but suggested that I could at least take Maya out to dinner in the evening. I don't actually recall agreeing to my wife's proposal, but when I returned home that evening, I was met by a grinning Judy and the words: "Sorted! I've pimped you out for a hot date, with a leggy blonde... She's Dutch and we all know what those Dutch girls are like."

Maya wasn't actually from the Netherlands, but it was a long standing joke between the four of us. Maya's maternal grandfather had been a fisherman in Zandvoort, who early in the Second World War had stolen his boss' boat, loaded it with eighty-odd Dutch Jews and sailed across the North Sea to England. Maya's grandmother Ruth had been one of the people that he'd helped to escape; we'd seen photos of the lady and yes, Maya was the spitting-image of her grandmother.

Two weeks later saw me arriving at Maya's door and when she opened it my breath caught; Maya looked absolutely stunning. I was glad I'd made something of an effort myself as Maya had really pushed the boat out: A new and longer hairstyle since last I'd seen her, a green (silk?) sheath dress, which clung in all the right places and a pair of stiletto heeled sandals. OK, I could've done without those sandals; Maya's two or three inches taller than me to begin with, so that evening she towered over me.

I'd chosen a restaurant that we'd been to with Bob and Maya in the past. I knew it was good, that the owners knew Maya and might possibly remember me too; I didn't want any suggestion that this was anything other than two old friends sharing a meal together. I got the impression that Maya felt similarly, she made a point of speaking to everyone there whom she knew and of introducing me and explaining my presence to them too.

It was a cracking night out and though I'd made our table reservation quite early, we were still one of the last tables to leave. We might easily have been the very last had I not thought it better to ensure that some of Maya's neighbours saw what time I'd taken her home. The food was excellent and the wine -- though I only had the odd glass -- superb; we'd both enjoyed a pre-dinner G&T too. In further deference to the drink-drive laws, I took barely a sip of my brandy before passing it to Maya to finish, along with her own.

It was almost eleven o'clock by the time we reached Maya's and while I saw her to the door, my intention had remained -- though only just, it'd taken all of my self control! - to say our goodnights on the doorstep. Maya would have none of it, insisting that I 'come in for a coffee and sober up a bit' before driving the ten miles back to my hotel. I was stone cold sober, but when a lady asks, especially one wearing a dress like Maya's, it's hard to refuse.

That said, Maya gave me a reminder about propriety when she half-turned on the doorstep and waved toward the house across the road before explaining: "The nosey bitch who lives over there will be peering through her curtains and no doubt be 'just calling around in passing' tomorrow morning to enquire as to who my Gentleman Caller was" Maya was laughing as she said it and I couldn't resist joining her... and giving a small wave of my own.

Maya directed me toward the lounge as she headed into the kitchen to brew the promised coffee; when she joined me a few minutes later, besides the coffee pot there were two more brandies sat on the tray. As Maya was pouring the coffees, I gently reminded her that I had to drive; that garnered an enigmatic smile, followed by. "Well, waste not want not." whereupon Maya drank one brandy straight down; that was perhaps the first moment that I... wondered.

After passing me a coffee Maya settled on the opposite end of the couch with the second brandy glass in her hand; a few seconds later she lifted her feet from the floor and swivelled around to plonk them in my lap, pleading "Unfasten those for me please, David. It's been ages since I've worn high heels and my feet are killing me."

I did as Maya asked while suggesting that those heels couldn't have caused her feet any more discomfort as they'd caused to my neck. Maya was silent for several seconds until understanding dawned on her face; girlish laughter followed and then a crooned "Of course, that explains it David... It was because of your neck getting cricked so badly, that your eyes were constantly dropping to my cleavage."

It was now my turn to fall silent, Maya was exaggerating, but there was a degree of truth in her words. To cover my embarrassment as much as anything, I looked down and massaged one of Maya's now naked feet laid in my lap. Maya's response was immediate, a rumbling and protracted groan of pleasure: "Ooh yes, that's nice... and don't forget the other one; you're not going home until you've worked all the kinks out for me."

I spent fifteen minutes or more massaging Maya's feet, I worked on her calves too, but never ventured so far as Maya's knees; careful to keep my fingers below the hemline of Maya's dress. Very little was said; lots of gasps, tiny moans and the odd whimper from Maya, her only coherent words being the occasional instruction: "Yes - Just there -- a bit harder -- Now scratch with your nails -- Oooh just like that." I said nothing whatsoever, though I could clearly hear the sound of my pounding heartbeat.

I realised that this was a Rubicon moment, did Maya feel the same, or was I imagining it? Were we each waiting for the other to step off the bank and into the water, or was it just me? I understood just how Julius Caesar must've felt... The prize would be glorious, but if I was reading this situation wrongly, the outcome would be disastrous; certainly for our friendship, but perhaps for my marriage too?

At the last, I played safe. Lifting Maya's feet off my lap and back to the floor, I suggested that it was time for me to be going. Maya hesitated for a long moment, then voiced her agreement with words and in a tone which suggested I'd made a wise decision; two old friends had enjoyed a delightful evening, concluded it with coffee and a foot massage, but now it was time to call it a night.

Maya followed me through to the hallway, where she insisted that she'd cook dinner for us both on my next visit south and we exchanged chaste kisses to the cheek. As we separated Maya twirled around and asked "Could you just unhook the top clip on my dress before you go; it's an absolute bugger to reach myself."

I did as Maya ached and with humour in my voice, enquired if she'd like me to pull the zipper down too? Maya's response was immediate: "Don't you dare! I'm quite capable of doing that for myself, thank you very much." It seemed I'd definitely been right to back-off; after planting one more light kiss on the back of Maya's head, I turned and opened the front door.

The door hadn't opened more than a few inches when I heard Maya: "Though don't feel that you have to leave David..." I looked back around and for the second time that evening, my breath caught while I was standing on Maya's threshold

Maya was facing me with that gorgeous dress now loose and gaping; wearing a playful smile, Maya concluded: "I told you that I could unzip it myself." Maya then gave a little shimmy, and a hip-wiggle, the dress slid off her shoulders and slithered down her lithe body to settle in a green circle around her feet; I went from surprise full-on gobsmacked in two seconds flat!

I took half a step backward and leant against the door for support, my legs were quivering at the sight before me; as a bonus that stumble closed the door again too. I'd seen Maya in a swimsuit -- though only a one-piece -- before, so her stocking clad legs seeming to go on forever came as no surprise, but that was only the half of it:

Beyond those hold-up stockings the only other garment Maya now wore was a tiny shelf-bra. Maya isn't over-endowed in the boob department, but they and more especially her nipples are invariably... prominent; presumably that type of bra's the reason why? Maya's nipples stood out like chapel hat-pegs, their ruby-red colouration highlighting them further against the pale skin which surrounded them.

Only when I'd finally torn my gaze from the sight of Maya's tits -- believe me, it wasn't easy! - and my eyes drifted south, did I realise that Maya wasn't wearing panties of any description. That would certainly help explain why Maya's buttocks had resembled two ferrets fighting in a sack whenever I'd followed behind her during the evening and believe me... I'd striven to do so at every opportunity.

During the indecently long time I'd spent ogling Maya before dragging my eyes back to meet Maya's, her smile had... wavered. The expression now showing on Maya's face was a complex amalgam of arousal and trepidation, perhaps even a little regret? Having grasped the nettle, I suspect that Maya was the one now worrying about my reaction.

That concern was evident in Maya's voice: "So... what do you think David?" Was that question regarding how she looked or what Maya's abrupt striptease portended?

Rather than commit, l played for time and answered the easier question first: "Gorgeous... Absolutely beautiful. I've always been a minimalist when it came to a lady's lingerie... less is more and all that."

I had intended to say more, but Maya chimed in before I could; perhaps to cover her unease? "It's not a regular thing, but this dress demands it. It never quite sits, or moves just as it should if I wear panties and a full bra beneath; besides... I just love the sensation of its fabric brushing over my nipples." In emphasis of the latter, Maya swept her fingers lightly over each of her rock hard teats.

I never did complete my reply. My eyes followed that hand to Maya's breasts and by the time I was able to remake eye-contact, I suspect that my answer to the bigger question was evident to Maya without any need for further words. Maya's eyes lit up like Christmas trees and with an almost girlish squeal of delight, she closed the distance between us.

My eyes were caught once again as Maya stepped toward me. I'd actually thought Maya's pubis was shaved smooth, but once she began moving, I saw that her pussy had the sparsest of fine hair covering it. As white-blonde as the hair on her head, but so moisture-infused that it appeared translucent; the light reflected similarly off Maya's inner thighs, they too were damp, she had to be dripping wet!

Further contemplation was halted by Maya's arrival; she threw her arms about my neck and kissed me with an intensity which she, indeed few women had ever done before. My own hands settled on Maya's hips as our mouths met and our tongues and lips explored; this was going to happen, no lingering doubts or reticence remained in either of us.

Perhaps the other thing which made that first kiss... memorable, was that I'd never kissed -- or at least not passionately -- a woman who was taller than me; it was my turn to stand on tip-toe and stretch upward. On the upside, when our kiss broke and my trajectory became downward, it seemed only natural to drop just a little further and wrap my lips around Maya's left nipple.

It proved to be every bit as succulent as it had promised and the gentle purr of pleasure which Maya released, suggested that she too approved of my decision. Encouraged by the sound, I brought my right hand up to cares Maya's left breast; her response was similar, but concluded with a whispered "Squeeze it harder; I won't break."

A request I was quick to comply with and when Maya's hand entwined in my hair to press my face my face more firmly against her right boob, I took that as an instruction to treat that one more forcefully too. I nipped at Maya's nipple with my teeth drawing a full on squeal of delight; I was on a roll here! That thought being confirmed just a few seconds later.

Maya grasped my right wrist, her hand then sliding down to cover my own, plucking it free of her hip and steering it downwards, between her thighs; believe me, I wasn't resisting! Maya guided that hand to her very centre and my finger dipped immediately into her receptive channel; I'd struggle to say whether it was Maya or I who pressed home that initial incursion.

It may of course have been Maya's pussy itself that sucked my finger in there; she was absolutely awash, a bubbling cauldron of arousal. That penetration drew yet another of those purrs of pleasure from Maya, though this one was deeper... more primal; Maya pressed her pelvis forward to meet the intrusion, whilst growling: "Give me another... use two and go deep... harder."

I responded immediately to Maya's plea and her gyrating pelvis met my fingers with an similar increase in force. As my fingers twisted and gouged in her her pussy, Maya's purring grew ever deeper, the sound now more tiger than pussy cat and that sound being interspersed by demands of "again -- harder -- oh yes -- just like that -- more -- deep as you like -- oh fuck yesss!".

Maya's orgasm was fast approaching, I could sense it building, her face was flushed bright red, until with a yelled "No!" Maya grabbed and held my wrist and stepped sharply away from me. In my frustration I was ready to yell myself; I know that 'No means No', but in that moment... For fuck's sake, Maya's change of heart had arrived pretty late in the day!

Thankfully, Maya clarified the situation before I'd done anything stupid. I could now see that it wasn't just her face, Maya's whole body glowed red, her breath was ragged and when she spoke, her voice was hoarse: "I can do that for myself. Hell that's exactly what I have been doing for myself these last months! It's your cock that I want... I need a cock inside me!"

Maya turned on her heel and strode down the hallway; she still held me by the wrist so I was dragged along behind her. OK, dragged is perhaps a bit of an overstatement, I wasn't offering any resistance this time either. Seconds later we turned through the bedroom door; it was Maya's own bedroom, the one she'd so long shared with Bob, the one containing her marital bed.

Once inside Maya released my wrist and demanded: "Get your clothes off David! Quick as you can... I'm about ready to boil over... I can't wait another minute!" I hurried to comply but had much further to go than Maya, so by the time I was naked Maya's bra and stockings had long gone; she was supine on the bed, with knees bent, thighs splayed and her fingers teasing at the soft folds which lay between...

It was a gorgeous sight; I was as hard as an iron bar when I crawled onto the bed and between Maya's open legs. Maya caught hold of my erection as I approached, she steered my cock towards its target and I was penetrating Maya's accommodating pussy even as I arrived. And accommodating was definitely the word... I slipped into Maya like a hot knife through butter.

As I landed balls-deep in Maya's cunt, she emitted another of those girlish squeals, wrapped her legs around my arse and squeezed tight; did she force me a further inch into herself? It certainly felt like it and it drew a gasp from me and another squeal from the lady herself. Those long legs encircled me easily and firmly, they felt wonderful; but on the downside, Maya gripped me so tightly that I couldn't fuck her.

We held that tableau for long seconds until the lady herself perhaps realised my problem too. Maya's legs eased their grip, then fell away completely as she growled "I need a fuck... nothing fancy, but do it hard... I want to know I'm being fucked." As ever, I was quick to accede to her demand.

'Hard and nothing fancy' suited me just fine, I was also hoping that Maya hadn't gone too far 'off the boil'. I knew that my own climax wouldn't be long in arriving and was desperate to bring Maya to hers before it did. With a hand either side of Maya's shoulder -- I didn't dare risk touching her breasts again, I was that close! - I began a firm, controlled, almost monotonous pumping of my hips.

It wasn't fast, but my cock was coming almost completely free of Maya's pussy on each withdrawal, before ploughing back into her hard and deep; while trying to keep my thoughts on anything other than what I was doing. It seemed to work and for Maya too, she met each penetration with a a gasped "yesss" and a grind of her clit against my shaft, followed by a purred "againnnnn" each time I withdrew.

I perhaps managed three minutes, but can't say I wasn't relieved to feel Maya re-wrap those long legs around my arse and hold me deep inside herself. A moment later Maya tensed-up beneath me -- even her pussy clenched! - and began to quiver and shake; Maya announced the orgasm which tore through her, with a protracted keening wail of release.

My own growl of climax was rather more muted, but not two seconds behind; that sweet cunt spasming around my cock having proved the final straw. I released stream upon stream of semen into Maya's pussy, I couldn't recall when -- if ever? - I'd come so copiously before and Maya too clearly felt my cum, the tone of her wails rising in response to each emission.