Double Glazing


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"The fitting end to this day would be for you to take me back to your flat and make Love to me." Eve had been doing that all day, making comments that stopped my thoughts completely, and froze my tongue. I just didn't know how to reply to that. Eve waited. She understood my temporary speech impediment, her smile revealed her mischievous intentions.

"Eve. Nothing in this world could compare with that pleasure. But..." She finished my words.

"I am married, you were going to say."


"I knew that would be your answer. We cannot have the fitting end to the day. You wouldn't countenance that, and I wouldn't allow that either. You are quite easy to read at times, John. You couldn't be part of an adulterous affair, I doubt that you could lie well enough. Nor could I. But I may not be married in a few months time." She hesitated. "John. I don't know how to pose this question, but would it be possible, if that happens, for us to see each other, become friends, perhaps more than friends?" I was stunned. Eve! This lovely woman, way out of my class was suggesting that we could be friends, perhaps lovers? Was I going to refuse? No way!

"We are friends already, Eve. If that happens, and only if, yes we could and if you wished it, I would be honoured and delighted to be your lover. We could go to concerts together, Stratford for the plays."

"Ballet?" She asked.

"Yes. The ballet as well. But why are you so certain that your marriage to Aubrey is going to end?" Eve was thoughtful. When she straightened her shoulders I knew she had made some decision.

"I will not tell you exactly what is going on; after all you have to work with Aubrey. All I will say is that he is cheating on me and I believe it has been going on for months, possibly years."


"I have had a private detective follow him for some time. If she gets the evidence I need, then I shall see my solicitor." She grinned. "My solicitor is very good. My father was a solicitor, until he retired, and he recommended that I see Mr. Gaunt."

"So will you take Aubrey to the cleaners?"

"No. I shouldn't have married him in the first place. It has never been a proper marriage. We have separate bedrooms you know, he hasn't wanted me as a woman for years." The car swerved a little when I heard that. I couldn't believe it. Married to someone as lovely as Eve, and not sleep with her? Eve continued. "I just want sufficient money to buy a flat, and then support myself. I used to be a legal secretary, and I am sure I can get work again."

"Aubrey made you stop working?"

"Yes and no. He didn't want his wife working, it would reflect badly on him. It was important to him that he supported me, and was seen to support me. I acquiesced." She paused. "John, don't get the idea that this has anything to do with you. I had already made up my mind to divorce Aubrey, and I was not looking for a replacement. I just know that I am so comfortable with you; I think we could be good friends. You actually talk with me, not at me. In many ways it was serendipity that you called that day." We drove on, coming off the motorway at Great Barr. As we neared Little Aston, Eve asked me to stop the car. I drove into a lay by and switched off the engine.

"Would you kiss me please, John?" I leaned across and kissed her cheek.

"Not like that, properly." Our faces drew closer until our lips met. She opened her mouth, and licked my lips with her tongue, my lips parted and her tongue slipped into my mouth. This was heaven! How long did we kiss? I have no idea. Eventually Eve pulled back, our lips lingered sticking gently before parting. I was breathing faster than usual, and from her heaving breast, Eve would appear to be as well.

"When I was in your arms, I had this feeling that it was an important moment. Your kiss sent tingles down my spine. I am sorry, John but I'm afraid that I am going to seduce you one day. Not now, not in the immediate future, but one day we will kiss like that again, naked in bed." I nodded. The kiss had told me as much as it told Eve.

"If and when you're single again. You won't have to seduce me; I shall eagerly await my Mistress for her pleasure."

"John, take me home before I forget myself."


Chapter Five

We had no contact at all over the next few weeks. I had no idea what had happened, but I got a clue from Aubrey's behaviour three weeks after the concert. He was not the usual loud, overbearing bully of before. His face was ashen, and he had many conferences with Bob Sellick. He didn't seem to be working as much, or if he was it was not with his usual success, as the number of orders he put in fell dramatically. It didn't take too much intelligence to understand that he had indeed been found out, and was in receipt of bad news. Whether that was a threat to divorce or the actual papers, I knew not. That was confirmed to me in an attack from Aubrey. He came into my office and I could tell he was viciously angry.

"You Bastard! You evil little shit. You must have told my wife that there was no seminar that weekend. You have been envious of me for years and saw your chance to get back at me. Well it won't do you any good. I am seeing Bob Sellick later and I am going to get you sacked!" I didn't say anything. He wouldn't hear my denials anyway, and arguing the case may lead to Eve's prior knowledge being revealed. I was also certain that Bob would not sack me. This was a private matter. I was uncertain though when Bob asked me to come to his office the next day.

He looked up when I entered his office.

"Ah, John. Take a seat, will you?" He placed the papers he was reading in a neat pile on his desk. Without preamble he went on. "Aubrey has been to see me, asking for your dismissal. According to him you let slip privileged information about his whereabouts to an unauthorised person." I almost laughed. This was Aubrey at his most pompous.

"No, Bob. Aubrey accused me of telling his wife that the Fenestra seminar he claimed to be attending one weekend was not scheduled. The seminar wasn't in the calendar, but even so I didn't mention that fact to his wife." Bob looked puzzled.

"His wife?"

"Yes. The weekend he was away at this so-called seminar, Mrs. Chatsworth and I went to a concert at Atcham Park. Aubrey was aware of it, and had given his permission for Mrs. Chatsworth to go."

"You are saying that the unauthorised person he was talking about was his wife?" His voice had gone up an octave. I nodded.

"I assume that's who he meant."

"The man's lost his marbles!" Bob was shaking his head sadly. Then he picked up on something. "How did you know he had claimed to be at a Fenestra meeting? He didn't tell me."

"Mrs. Chatsworth mentioned it, when she asked if we could go to a concert. That's why she talked to Aubrey to get his agreement to our going."

"But you didn't tell her the Fenestra thing was bogus?"

"No." Bob was getting angry, knowing he had been duped by Aubrey with his fanciful tale.

"Thank you, John. I shall have another word with Aubrey when he is next in the office. Oh, and by the way. It was never my intention to sack you, whatever Aubrey may have said. We don't get rid of the engineer, just because the first mate's gone crazy." I got up to leave.

"Thank you, Bob." Just as I got to the door, he looked up.

"John. By the way, do you know where Aubrey was that weekend?"

"I have no idea, Bob."

You really had to admire the gall of the bloke. You could say that the offence, of which he accused me, would have been technically correct, if I had indeed told Eve. But using that technicality when the unauthorised person was his wife was either a dazzling spur of the moment idea, or completely stupid. Perhaps the situation in which Aubrey found himself had unhinged him, and his supposed grounds for my dismissal had rebounded on him.

I really could have found amusement from this situation. My Bete Noir was being brought down. But I didn't find pleasure in that. My world was crashing as well.

I had been a late surprise for my parents, Mum was in her mid forties, and dad in his fifties when I unexpectedly made my entrance. They had given up on the idea of being parents. Mum's death had resulted in my not going to University, and now it was obvious that Dad was not going to be around for much longer. A series of strokes had left him immobile. He was in a Nursing Home and getting the best of care. I would see him every day after work, and Bob would also go and see him during the day. It was no surprise when the Home's manager phoned me and suggested I come and see dad that day. They doubted he would last until the evening. I told Bob who instructed me to forget everything and go see dad.

I was there within the hour, but too late. Dad had passed away ten minutes before I got there. I sat with him, memories fighting each other for position at the front of my mind. It was strange really. He had been too old for us to be friends. He didn't understand my culture and I his. His values I imbibed, but his priorities were completely different to mine. To him a good solid job was better than wasting three years at University. Some would hold a grudge, but I didn't, he was my dad, and advising me as best he could. Bob arrived a little later and joined me in vigil. He seemed more upset than I, but then they had been friends for almost seventy years.

The funeral was surprising. Bob had written to all the staff and offered the afternoon off work. Those who wished to attend were welcome but it wasn't mandatory. The Church was packed with fellow workers who all expressed sympathy for my loss. Aubrey wasn't there, but Eve was. She kept a low profile, not wishing to draw attention to our acquaintance. After the interment I was thanking everyone individually for their being there, when suddenly Eve was in front of me. She had waited until almost the last. Black does become a woman, and for Eve it truly set her beauty in a class of its own.

"John, I am so sorry for your loss. I would love to hold you tight and comfort you, but tongues would wag. My thoughts will hold you in my arms tonight." I shook her proffered hand.

"Thank you, Eve." I looked to see if anyone was too close. "I'll hold you as well tonight." The merest smile touched her lips, and she mouthed.

"Good. I'll call you soon."

Bob had insisted that I took a week off. Apart from the visit to a solicitor to start getting my dad's affairs in order, I had little to do. I wasn't ready to go to his house and start the emotional process of clearing his clothes and personal items. It would have to be done to sell the place, but only when I was ready to face it. It did occur to me that I could just move in, and sell my flat. The Will had me inherit everything, and dad's house was nearer work than the flat. I went back to work early, as at least it would occupy my mind. Bob was surprised to see me, until I explained.

"Yes, I can understand that, John. But if there is anything that needs to be done, just go and do it. Let me know if there is anything I can do, anything! I shall miss your Dad. He was a really good friend to me."

"Bob, I was surprised that so many members of the staff came to the funeral. They didn't know dad."

"John. They came for you. You don't seem to realise how well thought of you are around here."

I was in my office a little later that week when Andrew Sellick came in. Andy was Bob's son, and whilst not working in the business was often around. We got on well, which was just as well considering the bombshell which awaited me.

"John, will you come into Dad's office with me. He wants to sort some admin problems."

"Yes. No problem Andy, will five minutes be ok? I have to get this schedule finished."

When I joined them I was surprised to see the company solicitor, Brian Mills there. Bob smiled and invited me to take a seat.

"John. Your dad's death, reminded me that I am the same age as him, so I decided it was time to retire. Andrew will be taking over from me..." He paused. "And you, if you wish will be in partnership with him." I sat there with my mouth agape. Eventually I managed some words.

"I'm sorry. What did you say?" Bob grinned.

"I said you will be in partnership with Andy. Who else could run this business? I once told you that you were the engineer. You sit in that office and you have your finger on everything that is done. The business couldn't work without you, and there is another factor that has to be taken into account." He turned to the solicitor. "Would you explain to John?" Brian nodded.

"John, over the years your father had made various loans available to Mr. Sellick and his company. They were personal loans and no collateral was asked for nor pledged. Mr. Sellick kept a full accounting of these monies, and interest was paid, but no capital repaid. He has asked that in lieu of the capital repayment, shares from his personal holding should be issued to you, giving you a forty-five percent interest in the business. You may accept or decline that course of action. If you decline, the capital will be repaid to you over a period of fifteen years, with ongoing interest based upon the ruling bank rate of the time. I have a legal agreement here for you to read, I would advise you to let your own solicitor go through it with you. Sign it only if you are happy with the agreement." My mind was blank. My dad had lived frugally, where did he get the money to make these loans? Or was it because he made the loans that he had to live the way he did? Eventually I was able to make my brain work. I turned to Andy.

"Andy. How does this sit with you, it will affect you as much as me if I agree?"

"Not a problem for me John. As dad said you are the powerhouse behind the business. I haven't been too involved with it, my veterinary business takes most of my time, and I would much rather you ran it, than have to find someone else to run Sunrooms. Dad trusts you, why should I differ?" I needed time to think, and took the agreement to show my solicitor. I had just returned to my office when Andy joined me.

"John, I want to emphasise that not only do I have no objections to dad's plan, I positively endorse it. We have known each other long enough for you to know I have no real interest in the business. I am much happier ministering to sick animals. I am not your problem. If you decide to accept this offer, Aubrey will be your problem. He won't take lightly your becoming his boss overnight." I had already given that thought. It may not be as much a problem as Andy envisaged. I had inkling that Aubrey would resign his agency anyway.

"I appreciate your assurance, Andy. I have to think about this for a while. Give me a couple of days, and I'll let you know my decision."


Chapter Six

As if on cue, Eve phoned me later that afternoon. She phoned after office hours, when the lines were put through to my desk. It was good to hear from her.

"John I need to see you. It's all happening, but I need someone to talk to. It's not about making decisions just someone who will listen while I get it all off my chest. Would you do that for me, just listen and give me strength?"

"Of course I will, Eve. Where would you like to meet?"

"Can I come to your flat? I will probably do a lot of weeping so I don't want to be anywhere that's public. Would that be alright with you?"

"Will you want anything to eat?"

"You're not going to suggest a take-away curry, are you?"

"No, I was thinking something light, like poached egg on toast."

"That will be perfect. I'll see you about seven, if that's ok."

"That's good for me, the address is..." Eve interrupted.

"I know where you are. See you at seven."

Promptly at seven the door bell rang. It was a different Eve that stood there. The chic, the confidence had gone. In place of the glamour there was a woman, still beautiful, but with an aura of wretchedness, and tension. I opened my arms and Eve rushed straight in to be held close. This was not desire, nor any vestige of lust; it was comfort of one to the other. I kicked the door closed with my heel all the time maintaining the hold I had around Eve. I felt her relax a little and a small sob seem to squeeze out of her. The grip she had relaxed and she leant back a little, lifting her face she wordlessly asked for a kiss. As with the hug, it wasn't a kiss of desire it was simply a kiss re-affirming our contact.

We moved down the small vestibule and into the living room. Funnily no words had been spoken since I opened the door. She sat down and exhaled, like a punctured balloon. She smiled at me.

"John, you don't know how many times I have wanted to phone you, or even jump in the car and drive here to see you."

"You should have." She shook her head.

"No, I couldn't. If Aubrey had found out he would have found some way of involving you in this messy business. As it is he has now signed the papers and we should get the Decree Nisi within the next three weeks. Six months after that I can apply for Decree Absolute."

"Do you want to talk about it?" She did.

"Yes, John. I want to get it out of my system, but could I beg a cup of tea first? I'm parched." Eve followed me into the kitchen. It had no more room than for one person to turn round in and open overhead cupboard doors without having to duck, so she hovered in the doorway as I boiled the kettle and put the cups on a tray.

"The private detective did well, she got incontrovertible proof of what he had been up to, and when Mr. Gaunt, the solicitor, saw it he offered the opinion that it should be a simple divorce. I moved out before Aubrey got the papers." The tea was made and I picked up the tray.

"Shall we go and sit down?" I followed Eve back into the living room, and pulled up a small table for the tray. Eve took her cup and held it in both hands.

"It was horrible, John. What he was doing. Horrible! I had never thought that he could be like that. He denied it all at first, and then when Mr. Gaunt wrote to him with some of the detail, he gave up and signed. I was surprised he gave in so easily, but as I wasn't asking for anything, apart from my clothes and the jewellery he bought me, he decided not to bother. Mr. Gaunt suggested that if Aubrey contested the divorce it would have to go to Court, and Aubrey would not want the publicity, it would reflect badly on him. He advised me to claim a lot of the capital in the house, but that would have delayed the divorce so I told him not to do that. I went to a hotel at first, and then found a little flat to rent. I have been looking for a job; there are one or two possibilities, so hopefully I shall have an income soon. I would think that by now Aubrey has cancelled all the credit cards, but I couldn't spend his money, could I?" It was all tumbling out without order, yet it served for Eve to get this out, even if it was some kind of verbal diarrhoea.

"How are you managing? I can help if you like." She shook her head.

"No, I'm alright. I kept all the jewellery. Now Aubrey has signed, I shall sell it, a little at a time. I shall never wear any of it again."

"Do you want to tell me what he was doing? Don't if it upsets you." She thought and then said.

"No. That wouldn't be fair. You have to work with him. You would lose respect for him if you knew. Let's just leave it that he was cheating."

"I don't have much respect for him anyway. He tried to get me sacked."


"I'll tell you later, go on with what you were saying." Eve thought again, she straightened her shoulders and took a deep breath.

"He goes to a house on the south side of Birmingham, the woman is a Dominatrix, and Aubrey allows her to beat him with canes and whips. I understand that he, sometimes, gets to beat another woman and have sex with her." My mouth dropped open. I would count Aubrey as capable of many things, but that?