Double Helix Ch. 14


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"Here, let me," Martin said, gently directing me with his hands. I dismounted him reluctantly on my hands and knees and before I moved further, he put a hand on me to let me know that I should remain where I was. He sat up and got on his knees, moving into place behind me. I sighed contentedly as his cock pressed against the lips of my pussy, but instead of entering me, he remained there, waiting. "What do you want, slave?" he asked.

I was too desperate to wait. I tried to push myself onto him, but he had anticipated that move. His hand had encircled his cock and stopped me from getting more than the very tip, which he quickly withdrew. Slowly, he began to rub the head of his cock over my pussy. "Tell me," he said.

"I want to be fucked, sir," I hissed at him.

"Describe it in detail, slave."

His teasing demand was driving me crazy, but it pushed my arousal even higher, if that were possible. "I want you to drive your cock deep into my pussy. I want you to fuck me as hard as you can, sir. I want it so bad, sir." I did not have to fake the pleading in my voice. Part of me just wanted to turn around, pin him down and mount him again.

"What then?"

"Oh, God, please, sir," I begged. When he was unmoved by my entreaty, I continued. "I want you to use me as your plaything, then I want you to come inside me. Take my mouth, my ass, I don't care. Just take me."

"That's my girl," he said, and surged forward, filling me. I pushed back at the same time and our bodies slammed together. I gasped as a mix of pain and pleasure shot through me.

"Are you-" Martin began, but I cut him off.

"Just fuck me, please, sir. Hard, sir."

To his credit, Martin did not question the wisdom of my request. He took hold of my hips and did not hold back, thrusting into me with everything he could muster. Each stroke bottomed out in a flare of pain, but I found that I craved that, too, as much as the coursing pleasure. Martin was in soon out of breath but continued to pound away with everything he had.

Images and sensations of drifted into my consciousness, fragments of memory from past sexual encounters and blended together with fantasy. Some of those fantasies I had shared with Martin, and many of those we had tried. This one, though, I had held back, unsure of how he might react to it.

This fantasy usually began with a hand on my shoulder. I would turn to face another Nissi like me, clad only in a towel. Sometimes she was blonde, sometimes raven-haired, always flawlessly beautiful, and always, she wrapped her arm around me and pulled me against her, holding my gaze with a look of undisguised lust. We would begin to kiss and fondle one another as the male in my fantasy looked on, once a mostly faceless, handsomely chiseled man whose role had recently been taken by Martin.

This time, I skipped past most of the lead up, and found myself crouched between her legs. Her fist gripped a handful of my hair as I eagerly lapped at her pussy. Martin took me forcefully from behind, driving me into my elven lover warm, wet cleft with each stroke, just as he was taking me now. Both of them dominated me, using my body for their own pleasure. Real-me moaned in deeper desire as fantasy-me tasted the sweet nectar of her lover.

Another orgasm blossomed inside me, coming on so fast and so strong that I would have collapsed to the floor if Martin had not been holding onto me tightly. He never slowed his pace as I whined and shook in the throes of climax. The unceasing stimulation overloaded my sensitized nerves, and I came again before the last orgasm had quite faded, this one more of a soft wave that crested through my whole body.

With a growl, Martin slammed home inside me one final time and his cock began to pulse. I shivered at the warm jet of his release that coated me inside. I stilled, luxuriating in the feel of him filling me with his seed, and we remained joined together like that for several long moments, both reluctant to break the bonding of our bodies.

Eventually, he withdrew, and I sank to the floor. I turned on my side, and he spooned up against me, dropping a hand over my body to cup one breast. He was panting hard, and I found that I was even a little out of breath. "That was the best," I said. "The best sex I've ever had. Also the first time I've done it on a floor this hard."

"No worse than the back of..." Martin began, but stopped, as if catching himself.

I put my hand over his. "The back of what?"

"I did it once in the back of a truck," he said slowly. "It was a long time ago."

"What, high school?" I asked. I lay on my back so that I could look at him. His face had turned a very unsubtle shade of crimson.

"After that," he said a shrug. "I dated a girl with a truck."

Something about the memory bothered or embarrassed him, so I didn't press further. We both still had our secrets, like my little fantasy, but I was sure we would share them in time. "You know what?" I said, tracing the line of his jaw with my finger.

He made as if to bite my finger and I laughed. "No, what?" he said.

"I'm still randy." I emphasized my words by cupping his balls with my hand.

"Still?" he asked, eyes going wide. "Are you out to kill me?"

"Hey," I said, and moved my hand to grip his now slowly hardening cock, "if this guy is any indication, looks like you aren't done yet either."

"You know we've been out here for almost two hours already? I'm exhausted and sore, never mind what that guy thinks."

"It must be the calories," I said. I sat up, hugging my knees. Martin rose to his feet, tempting me with a fully erect cock within striking range. I managed to resist the temptation and went on. "You've never seen me with a fully ramped-up metabolism. You know that the recommended minimum caloric intake for a Nissi my size is about 3000 calories per day? We've all been in starvation mode for most of the few years. Sex burns a lot of energy and for once, my body feels like I have enough of the latter to let me do more of the former. I'll do all the work if you're too tired."

The increased energy needs of most genemods for fueling their physical enhancements had been one of the arguments pushed for the Ban, with proponents claiming that we were consuming more than our fair share of precious food. It was just one of the many small ways that those in power had turned public opinion against us.

"Okay, okay, but later."

I put my lip out in a pout, one that had benefitted from long practice, first on my dad, then on men I had dated. I had already used it on a few occasions to get Martin to do what I wanted him to do.

"No, that's not going to work, either," he said. "Cute and sexy as it is." He offered me a hand up..

I ignored the hand and rolled backwards, bending nearly in two at the waist and coming up lightly on the balls of my feet. "I'm stronger than you," I reminded him.

"I'll yell 'rape'," he shot back. "Come on, I really want to finish up here. And didn't you want to put a post up about Nonna's condition?"

I sighed. "Yes, you're right. But you better keep your promise. That means you, me, and later today, not tomorrow. I need my fix."

"Yes, ma'am," he said with a mock salute.

The gesture was cheesy and so Martin. I felt my heart melt right in my chest. I stepped up and took his hand in mine. My voice shook with emotion. "You know I only want you so badly because of how much I love you? You are everything. Martin, you are my future. I don't want anyone else."

He looked up into my eyes, searchingly. I suddenly wished I had Tilly's ability to read people like an open book, to understand why he looked so troubled. Had I come on too strongly, even after everything we had been through and done together?

"I love you too, Amanda," he said, dropping his gaze, his eyes losing focus, "almost more than I can stand."

Again, his response confused me. I believed that he felt for me the way I did for him, so why that moment of disconnectedness? Maybe he was just not used to expressing such feelings so openly. Or it could be he was still feeling guilty about the beating he had given my poor bottom. Either way, he probably needed some time to process what had happened today.

"I'll come inside in a bit," he said. He stepped back. The clouds were gone from his face, replaced by a playful smirk. "I'll see to your needs after dinner."

I left Martin to finish his sweeping. On a whim, I stepped off the edge of the loft rather than descending the ladder, landing easily from the ten foot drop with a deep flex of my knees. I had to stifle a yelp of pain, though. Somehow I had forgotten my bruises.

"Showoff," Norm called down to me. I gave him the finger as I walked away.

I opened the front door and entered the living room, where I suffered a feeling of deja vu. Wendy and Nonna were seated there, just as the last time I had come in. There was no gun, though, and instead of speaking Russian, Nonna waved at me in greeting. Wendy shrugged. Apparently everything was fine now.

I went to the den and found Tilly sitting alone at the computer. "Are you working on the network?" I asked.

"Uh, no, actually. Just doing some research on selecting the best seed potatoes. Stan and I haven't made many changes to the source code in a few weeks. We might need to work on optimization in another month or two, if Nock keeps growing us like he has been. Traffic is up 300% over last month, with a week left to go. Eventually, we probably need to rework our architecture and drop Santiago as our hub, and route traffic peer to peer instead. That multiplies the complexity of our obscuring algorithms by a couple of orders of magnitude, but cuts the number of network hops needed between nodes considerably. That will drastically reduce lag time and overhead."

I laughed. "You know, it's a good thing I speak Geek as well as I do. I got about 80% of what you just said."

Tilly returned my laugh. "Sorry, I usually talk with Stan about this stuff. I could sense you were following along pretty well, though, or I would have stopped. Did you need to use the terminal?"

I nodded and pitched my voice low. "You heard about Nonna?"

Tilly's expression turned serious. "Nock told me when I came in. She seems to be okay now." She got up from the chair, and I took her place, wincing as I sat down.

"Ow," Tilly said. She rubbed at her own bottom, looking at me with concern. "What happened to you?"

There was no point in lying about it. I could have just told her it was none of her business, but that would come off as rude, especially since I had already done her the disservice of sharing in my pain.

I brought up a net browser as I spoke quietly. "You know that Norm and I have an unconventional relationship?"

"You mean the bondage?" Tilly asked, not bothering to keep her voice down. I shook my head, putting a finger to my lips, but she went on. "Dominance and submission? Spanking?"

I glared at her. "Keep it down, will you?"

Tilly grinned in the face of my irritation and finally lowered her voice. "Nissi, everyone in the house already knows."

"Oh." I deflated under the combined relief and embarrassment. I suppose I should have known it wouldn't remain a secret for long, if it ever had been. "Well, let's just say Norm gave me a particularly hard spanking today."

Tilly's eyes widened. "I see. I could tell you had sex not long ago. You're still euphoric right now. Does the pain play really enhance the experience for you?"

I wasn't sure if I wanted to get into this discussion with Tilly. She was an adult, but almost a decade younger than the rest of us, and had lived a somewhat sheltered upbringing. I wanted her to have the chance to experience a normal sexual relationship when she was ready. "Tilly, that's a pretty personal question."

"Oh, I'm sorry. You're right. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"I'm fine," I said. "It's just something I would rather keep between me and Norm. So can we talk about something else?"

"You mentioned Nonna," she prompted. "I should tell you that I've had to struggle to learn to read her properly. I think the neurological damage must be worse than any of us thought. I worry that we don't have the proper facilities to care for her here." Her eyes narrowed. "But as I say that, I sense that you are feeling hopeful, rather than saddened."

Her unspoken question was clear. I folded my hands and leaned back. "Norm and I talked about it, and we recalled that before the Ban, there were research groups working on new therapies for the disease. We thought that there might still be remnants of that research out of the net, so I thought I would post a query in the darknet message boards. How do I get to them, by the way?"

Tilly directed me to a cached list of page links, with Darknet Message Boards among them. There were about twenty different forums, and the page declared that there were over two hundred users registered. I was trying to decide whether to post my question under "General" or "Technology".

"I would use 'General'," Tilly suggested. "It gets the most views, and that's where most requests for information end up."

I typed out just a short paragraph explaining that I was looking for stem cell or genetic research into Alzheimer's disease. "I'm not sure what good it will do," I admitted. "Unless this election really shakes things up, it might be years before things change enough that we might actually be able to get Nonna that kind of treatment."

"Oh, I think we're going to see several seats change hands in both the house and the senate," Tilly said. "McCain's popular support is at its lowest point ever. A swing in the majority for both congressional houses is all but assured at this point."

I had been cautiously optimistic on this point. "Well, that would be great news. We could see an impeachment hearing for McCain by next spring."

Tilly sighed. "It is something to hope for, certainly, but I worry that the tide of public opinion may have turned too far against us."

I got Martin upstairs as soon as was feasible. We made love for close to two hours before he fell asleep spooned against me, his cock still lodged inside me.

I got a response on the forums on the fifth day after my posting. I had been checking back a couple of times a day, watching my thread sink in the forum without a response. The responder's name was Lee Seong-Su.

I would have replied sooner, but I had to seek approval from my department head. We have records archived here at Seoul National University detailing clinical trials conducted by a German biotech firm. They used stem cells to stimulate growth of neural tissue and saw significant cognitive improvement in a statistically significant percentage of subjects. A third round of trials was scheduled to occur, but was canceled in the wake of the Oxford Treaty. I have authorization to upload these files the the darknet file sharing service if you wish to view them.

There was a reply just below that, from Todai_Myra, a half hour later.

This was not my request, but Mr. Lee, please share what you have! There are several of us here at Tokyo University who would love to see what is in those records. I'm going to see about putting out something similar from us.

Lee Seong-Su had replied again after a few minutes.

Greetings, Myra from Todai. I have uploaded the files as you requested and linked the ftp location. I am extremely interested to see what you may have to offer in return.

Myra again, an hour later:

Just got back from a meeting with my boss here. I'm afraid we can't share any of our research. I'm sorry.

A few hours later, there was a message from Luca in Zurich.

Brian brought this thread to my attention, and I think this is a fantastic idea. We have some archived research data from projects that were abandoned after the Oxford Treaty. None of it can be published through conventional channels, so I'm sharing all of it here.

I decided to download both sets of data from their ftp links and opened each one to browse in turn. The stem cell research from Lee Seong-Su had some interesting claims in the abstract, but I lacked the expertise to understand the methodology described. Luca's file dump detailed the investigation of multiple potential therapies for cancer. It was interesting, but not relevant to Nonna's disease.

Later that morning, I got Martin, Wendy and Tilly to join me in the den to look over the files. I went to the forums to show them my question and the responses, and saw that there had been additional responses. Most of it was commentary on the files shared by Luca and Lee Seong-Su, but two more file uploads had been posted just within the last hour. I downloaded those to the MC as well.

I let Martin scroll through the papers. He started to skip past some statistical data, but Tilly asked him to go back, though it apparently only took her a few extra seconds to absorb a page of spreadsheet data printed in tiny columns. The paper had never been peer-reviewed and contained a few grammatical errors, but Martin and Wendy agreed that the authors seemed to have exercised an acceptable degree of scientific rigor.

Martin read from the screen. "About 65% of subjects receiving the treatment showed improvement in memory and cognition compared to only 8% in the control group. The side effects reported were minor. This definitely had promise."

They looked at the cancer research next, and were more excited about it than I had been. It mentioned something about immunotherapy being used to shrink tumors. Still, it was not helpful for Nonna, so they put it away and brought out the next set of files. These detailed research into mitigating or reversing congenital disorders such as cystic fibrosis and hemophilia. Again, interesting, but not useful.

"Some of this stuff is over twenty years old," I observed.

"Not surprising," Wendy answered. "When I was deciding on a thesis for my Ph. D., my mentor warned me against any topic that flew too close to human genetic engineering, despite, or maybe all the more so because, I was a genemod myself. You had egalitarians decrying the creation of a permanent underclass of unmodded humans, bible-thumpers predicting God's judgment for those who dared mock his creation, and a whole lot of people between who just worried about the social dangers of engineering whole new species of human."

"And the fear and jealousy of the masses," Martin added.

I remembered some of that time in my youth. Movies and TV had been filled with stories about groups of rogue genemods attempting to rule the world, if not wipe out humanity completely. And if it wasn't genemods, it was hostile AI. Either one apparently made good villains.

I had suffered more than my fair share of teasing and bullying growing up. Unlike Stan or Tilly, I couldn't hide what I was, and always being the youngest in my classes, skipped ahead due to my intelligence, had only made it worse. I had finally snapped in the eighth grade when a girl yanked my hair in the hallway. I had spun around and punched her, harder than I had intended. Seeing her rolling on the ground, crying and clutching her face had instantly made me sorry, but she scuttled away from me when I stooped to help her up, and other students closed in, eyeing me warily but obviously ready to fight to protect one of their own. I had been suspended for a week, and she had gone to the hospital with a broken cheekbone.

That incident had taught me that it was pointless to fight back. No one, not the other students, not the school administrators wanted to hear my side of the story. Even my own parents had lectured me about how, because of my gifts, I had to be extra careful not to hurt anyone. I had learned to stay vigilant, to watch for trouble and avoid it, rather than to confront it head on.