Double or Nothing Pt. 01

Story Info
Terry comes home and finds his wife and daughter gone.
11.1k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 10/10/2021
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[Double or Nothing]

Authors Note

Hi everyone, I have been taking my time following my first story. I like long stories, so here is a multi-part story series I am working on. I have three stories in the works, so it takes a little time to draft, find and work with editors for review and edit.

Also, a warning, some chapters will get a little weird as I have not seen the LW theme taken quite in the direction I want to through this story, but that comes later. This first part sets the scene and follows a lot more of the traditional LW format.

I hope that you enjoy 'Double or Nothing Part I.


It was one of those Saturday afternoons that you never want to end. Spring was giving way to summer, and the afternoon had been warm but not hot. I had spent most of the morning in the yard, mowing the grass, trimming hedges, working in the garden beds surrounding the house. The result was something that my family and I were always proud of. So now, as the afternoon was moving towards evening and the heat of the day had long passed. I was enjoying some time on the back deck with my brother-in-law. Paul and I were enjoying a couple of drinks while cooking some steaks, chicken, sausages, along with some onions and halloumi for the ravenous hordes inside. In the kitchen, the ladies were preparing salads, sides and bread for our lazy evening feast. I could hear Melody getting the table set while Kim was in the kitchen with Harmony.

My in-laws William and Martha were pottering, helping to get the kids washed up and into their seats for dinner. I heard the rumbling of a car coming up the drive, and I listened to the faint sound of the doorbell followed by a knock at the door. A few minutes later, my father John came out the back having deposited a couple of apple pies and a large tub of ice cream for dessert in the kitchen.

He slapped me on the back, "How are you boys?" he asked in passing, opened the fridge on the back deck and grabbed a drink.

"Great, dad, hey did I hear you come up in the new car?"

"Yeah, sounds great, doesn't it!" Dad had recently retired and decided to spoil himself with a brand new v8 mustang convertible. But, unfortunately, my mum had passed away a few years ago, so it was just him, and being he had worked hard all his life and deserved to have a bit of fun.

"It sure does John; you're going to have to take me for a spin soon!" Paul had a glazed look, thinking of how he would love a mustang, but it was a pipe dream with three kids even if he could get Kim to say yes to a sports car.

We chatted a little more around dad's new car and finished cooking the meat. We placed everything into a couple of alfoil covered trays, each of us carried everything back inside for the feast to begin. Apparently, I had missed the doorbell a second time as we had another two visitors that were certainly not on the invite list.

Walking into the room, the range of reactions and emotions in the room was mixed. The kids were excited, it was dinner time, and they could smell cooked sausages. Melody and Harmony were perplexed; they may have had a vague idea about our guests. However, they had never directly met them before. Paul and Kim were angry, and Dad was suddenly upset. And me, well, I think I had pretty much a range of emotions from surprise, disappointment, anger, fear, and most of all shock. So much so that I dropped the tray of meat I was carrying.

The metal plate hitting the floor brought everyone out from their internal thoughts as they all looked at me.

"um, hi Terry." Carol, my ex-wife, said looking at me. She was tired and worn, and over the last few years, she had put on weight in all the wrong places. Her once voluptuous but good looking curves were now well and truly under layers of not so good looking fat. While I was still quite fit and trim. Most likely even more so since we saw each other last if those hungry eyes were saying anything as she looked at me. I'm sure turning up here uninvited; she had no idea what type of reception she would receive for any of us, but she had to know it would not be a happy reunion.

Our second visitor looked at me as well, 'Hi Daddy," Mackenzie, my ex-daughter, followed up before I could respond. Her head slightly bowed, she looked at me from under a worn baseball cap, one that I had given her when she turned thirteen. Mackenzie looked nothing like the girl who had betrayed and thrown me aside years ago. If anything, she looks broken like her mother and just plain frail.

For what felt like almost a minute, we all just stared at each other. The only noise was the kids at the table. But even they picked up something wrong and started to notice the two intruders stopping them from getting dinner.

I sighed and bent to pick up the try of meat I had dropped, turned around and placed it on the table. I looked and signalled at Martha, who knew exactly who they were and was glaring at them. "Martha, could you get the kids some food. I think this may take a few minutes." She stopped glaring at Carol and Mackenzie. Her gaze softened as she looked at me. Martha knew my pain almost more than anyone in the room. She had been there for me during most of what had transpired over the years. And she would have had a fair idea of what I might be feeling at that moment. My mother-in-law was one of the wisest women I knew, and to cross her family would earn you the ire of not just Martha but her network of friends and community groups. I had a feeling that Carol and Mackenzie had been on the wrong end of her temper a few times now without my direct knowledge.

Her entire vibe changed to making sure all the kids would get feed in, my former family pushed out of her mind for the moment. "No problems, Terry sweetie, you do what you need to. I've got the kids."

I turned back to my ex-family and let my face fall into a scowl. "For the sake of the children that are here, I am not going to say what I want to say right now. However, you need to know that neither of you is welcome here!" I had a hard time keeping my voice calm, and as it was, I almost spat the words. Carol looked upset, but like she expected that kind of reaction, Mackenzie looked like she was about to cry.

Kim had, at this point had come to stand beside me. Melody and Harmony moved to stand on my other side, Melody grabbing my hand, letting me know she was there for me. She now knew these intruders, like her sister Harmony, had a great idea of what I was likely feeling.

Carol gave a big sigh and looked at everyone in the room before once again letting her gaze set itself upon me. There was a time many years ago when I would adore those eyes and just love to look back into them. Now all I saw was a mask of pain, regret and sorrow, which surprised me. "We know Terry, but we need to talk with you".


Chapter 1 -- Betrayed

Growing up, if I wasn't at school or hanging out with friends, I was on the job site with my dad, earning a bit of pocket money. I was always helping out with digging trenches or bringing pipe. At school, I worked hard but wasn't an academic, my report cards were good, but I was never going to be a grade-A student. However, I was good with my hands, and it showed in shop class. Dad was a plumber working the residential market primarily, supporting a few builders and doing the occasional commercial plumbing gig. The markets were good where we lived in Maitland; usually, dad had lots of work keeping him busy on site. He had one apprentice, and then when I was available, myself. I was pretty sure that I was going to become a plumber too. I had the build and could pick up on things quickly once dad showed me them once.

I met Carol in junior high, we hit it off and started dating the following year. I thought there was a good spark between us. We laughed at the same jokes, mostly enjoyed that same music and had similar interests in movies. She was a slim blonde with dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, good b cup tits, along with a round ass that was certainly squeezable. Most people would describe her as the girl next door. Not a model, but she could turn a head or two when she wanted. My name is Terry Other. I am tall with a solid build, thanks to working with my dad. I've got shortcut brown hair, brown eyes, and broad shoulders from a combination of genetics and a lot of work with dad on the job site.

To make a long story short, towards the end of high school, Carol and I gave each other our virginities, I'd love to say it was mind-blowing, but we were both awkward and in-experienced. Still, we managed and did a lot of fucking after that when we got the chance. The trouble came, though, when Carol missed her period finding out she was pregnant. There were a few tears and some upset parents on both sides, but we ended up engaged when we had both graduated high school. Not long after we were married, Mackenzie was born. While I loved Carol, Mackenzie was my pride and joy. If I wasn't working, I was spending time with Mackenzie. I was there when she started to walk. Her first words were Dad, and growing up, she enjoyed hanging out with me on the job site just like I did with my dad. Carol wasn't always a fan, but she also didn't mind as it gave her time to head out with her friends without a child in tow.

When it came to Carol and me, it wasn't always an easy relationship. We did many things together, I loved her, but we also had to work at it. I suppose that is just like a lot of couples out there. After Mackenzie was born, sometimes I felt it was like I was in Carol's way. There was never anything overtly said. However, by the time Mackenzie was three years old, I felt like Carol was looking down her nose at my being a plumber. We were friendly, and I would have said loving. We had a fairly active sex life having the usual ups and downs of some months we fucked every day, and sometimes when life got in the way, it could be a couple of weeks between bouts.

All in all, I had thought we were a good couple until I came home one day after a big day at work. It was fifteen years later. I was now a master plumber, certified in multiple plumbing sectors and a range of products, and like my father, I had a few different builders that I worked with. I had gone into a little more of the commercial subcontracting than dad had and was doing alright. As a family, we were reasonably well off, and neither Carol nor Mac went without. School requirements or shopping trips they got what they needed and most of the time what they wanted.

On that fateful day, I got home and parked my truck in the drive of our modest three-bedroom house. Carol's car wasn't there, so I guessed she wasn't home yet. I kicked off my dirty shoes and headed into a somewhat empty house. Furniture, pictures and appliances were missing. At first, I thought we might have been robbed, but it was too orderly, nothing was broken, and things like the TV and my work laptop were still there. I tried to call Carol. It went to voicemail.

"Carol, I've just gotten home, and there appears to be lots of stuff missing; call me when you...." As I walked into the kitchen, I could see the table was still there; however, in the middle of the table was a stack of paperwork and a letter on top. I knew then, so I hung up mid message, my stomach suddenly being filled with bile. The letter on top of the papers was addressed 'Terry', and it felt like it looked back at me, like a coiled serpent ready to strike me. With neither of my girls home, lots of furniture missing and the ominous documents, I knew I was about to have a bad night.

I pulled out a kitchen chair and opened the fated letter. I knew that I could avoid it, but sooner or later, I'd have to read it, so you need to get it out the way like pulling off a band-aid. Carol wrote:


By the time you read this, both Makenzie and I will have moved out of the house. I would like to say that I am a strong woman to face you, but the truth is I don't want to see the look of betrayal that you likely have on your face right about now. I didn't want to have the 'we need to talk' discussion, so instead, I have taken this route.

There is no great way to say this, but I have fallen in love with another man who is much better than you ever were, and both Makenzie and I have moved in with him today. You're going to have some questions, so I will give you some of the things you need to know so you will not try and pursue Mackenzie or me. Your first question will be who. Well, he is Mackenzie's doctor, and I chose him because he can provide for us like you would never be able to as a plumber. Your following questions will be how long, Well I have been seeing Stephen for a year and a half. It was hard to hide it from you, and both Mackenzie and I often thought you would notice, but you never did. I would say that I am sorry; however, I'm not really, and nothing I say would do anything to push aside what I am sure you are feeling right now. Lastly, you will want to know why. Well, that is a complicated question. But it boils down to your chosen profession. You're a plumber, and he's a doctor. He can provide the nicer things in life, whereas you will always be working in the dirt. You have been a loving father, a good husband, and you are good in bed. As I write this, I feel somewhat remorseful telling you. However, for Makenzie and me, you being a plumber is not enough.

I'm sure that there are many questions, but that's all you're getting from me. As far as divorce goes, there are a few things you need to know. Firstly, I have taken all the furniture I want. Everything else is yours. Makenzie has her room as she will not be coming to stay with you for reasons I will make clear in a moment. I have already separated our finances; I've taken half our savings. Eventually, I want half the equity in the house, so we will have our lawyers sort that out. The second document is a set of adoption papers for Mackenzie. Stephen will adopt her; make no mistake, this is what both Mackenize and I are telling you will happen. If you sign them, you will not need to pay child support. Right now, I am sure you are heartbroken, but that's the way we want it. The last document is a restraining order that will be in place until the divorce is complete. It is so that you will stay away from Stephen, Makenzie and me until everything is finished.

I am sorry it worked out this way. But, unfortunately, a plumber can never provide for us as a doctor can. So this is the choice we have made.

Goodbye Terry


I must have sat there for half an hour before I moved. All of my emotions were muted or screaming at me. I wasn't sure what to feel right then as both my wife and daughter had just left me with no warning. If the letter was correct, this had been going on for eighteen months, and I was blind to it. I read the letter three times before there was a knock on the door. Slowly I got up and went to the door. It was my older sister Kim.

"Terry, I got a text from Carol saying that you were unwell and needed some help?"

She took one look at me, and suddenly my emotions were back. I collapsed to the ground in the entrance, sobbing. "They're gone".

She sat down next to me. "What do you mean they're gone? Terry, what's going on?"

I still held the letter in my hand and handed it to Kim. She read it while I sat there.

Her neck grew red as she read the letter. "Those fucking bitches!" she almost yelled when she finished the letter. "That fucking slut and her ungrateful excuse for a daughter". I was taken aback by her anger. While Carol and Kim had never been close, they were friendly as sister-in-law's, and Kim was always there for Mackenzie when she needed it. "Now it all makes sense!" She looked down at me. "Common little brother, I need to get you sorted. Sitting here and crying is not how our family works. Let's get you moving!"

She helped me into my bathroom and started the shower for me. I was still in my dirty work clothes, so leaving me with orders to clean up and come back to the kitchen, I spent a good ten minutes in the shower just letting the hot water run over my back. I will admit I spent most of the time feeling sorry for myself and confused about what I had done wrong to lose my wife and daughter in a single moment.

Getting out of the shower, I could hear Kim swearing out in the kitchen. So I dried myself, got dressed, and made my way out to her. She was sitting down and read through each of the documents that Carol had left. She saw me walk into the room and pretty much growled. Normally I would frown on someone opening and reviewing legal documents. However, Kim wasn't just my older sister. She was also my lawyer. So as I sat down, she reached across the table and put her hand on mine.

"How are you doing Terry?"

I looked at her, "I don't know Kim, I think I'm in shock, I mean, I never even saw this coming. I don't know what I did to have both my wife and daughter abandon me with no notice. There was nothing, even this morning, as I walked out the door. I got my usual peck on the cheek from Carol, and Mackenize hugged me and told me to have a good day. Nothing that made me think, this..." I passed my hands over the documents.

Kim frowned. "Terry, In looking through these documents, they are very thorough. I can tell they have spent a lot of time getting them prepared, so all of this is certainly not a spare of the moment thing. It's long thought out and very cold. However, it also brings into focus a few things."

"Like what?"

"Well, I didn't think about it at the time, however over the last several month's Carol has been asking me several things about how the legal framework is maintained around your finances. For example, what's the difference between your business and personal finances. I thought she was hinting at you guys wanting to expand this house or put more away for Mackenzie when she goes to university. However, now I see it was all about this. " she flicked her hand at the divorce papers in her hands. "It also makes sense why Carol wanted me here this evening. She knew that I would represent you, and based on what is here. She wants it done quickly so she can marry this Stephen Morrison."

I nodded, "What about Mackenzie and this adoption she talked about?"

Her mood darkened, "To me, this is the absolute worst thing they have done; this takes you away from being a father. This document," she picked up another large document, "is a fully completed adoption framework. These things can take a long time to process to this point. Of the four signatures required, Stephen, Carol and Mackenzie have already signed, it only needs your signature, and Stephen Morrison will legally adopt her once Carol is married to him."

Again I nodded, feeling the world spiral out of control. "There is not much I can do, is there?"

"There is a lot you can do, but it would be costly, and honestly, with how both Carol and Mackenize have positioned this, the time they have taken, I don't think it's worth it. And Terry, this is not just Carol here. You little princess has been in on this from almost the beginning if I read these adoption papers correctly. They have fucked you over, little brother."

I kept nodding and said nothing, just looking down at my hand in my older sisters. Kim squeezed my hand.

"Terry, look at me." I looked up at Kim, "Right now, your numb, your right with what you said before. I think your body is in a state of shock, and I don't want you to drink though I know that is tempting right now." She smiled, a strange look coming on her face. "In fact, I want you to come with me now to the hospital!"

"Hospital, why?"

"As your sister, I want to make sure you're ok. But, as your lawyer, I need you to trust me." So she packed up the documents, got me into her car and took me to the hospital. Little did I know that trip would change my life forever, having an enormous impact over the next few years.