Double Secret


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'Are you kidding?' he chuckled. 'I hope I can stay this nuts with you for the rest of our lives. Unless you have any doubts?'

She shook her head. 'I can't imagine not making love to you every day or night.' she said, looking up at him and running her fingers from his neck to his cheek. 'We won't be able to soon though.'

'Ah, right.' he said, remembering their parents would come home soon.

'And what about the future? Can we even live together? Hide it from our family and friends? I don't want to leave you..' she said, her voice trembling as tears filled her eyes.

Luis held her tighter, smelling her hair. 'I have no idea what will happen. And then there's this slight problem of craving to sniff your butt lately.'

She chuckled. 'Guys can disguise that because they're dogs anyway.'

'Oh? Then it's the same for girls acting like bitches?'

She chuckled and cried in his chest fur. 'What do we do..?'

'If the worst happens, I'll take you far away, find some kind of night job where I won't have to meet people and take care of you.'

She looked up, pulled his face closer and kissed him. 'Then I'll take care of you as well. Come what may.'

He kissed her back, his whole being overflowing with love for his little sister and they kissed until the movie was long over. He turned off the TV, picked her up in his arms and carried her up to his room where they made slow love for hours until they fell asleep.


This time the alarm clock woke them up and Luis felt relieved he was back in his human form again. They didn't have the time to take pleasure in each other, but enough to quickly satisfy their lust under the warm running shower.

When they arrived at school Clarice stared Romy in the face.

'What?' Romy asked.

'What happened yesterday?'

'Well, it seemed our granny had a bad accident, so we went to her, but it turned out okay.' Romy said, glancing at her brother.

'I was worried you got sick again.' Clarice said. 'I messaged you.'

'We forgot to charge our phones, sorry.' Luis said.

'Well, it's fine.' Will said, slapping Luis's back. 'Although you seem very happy. Did something good happen as well?'

'Happy?' Luis asked, trying to keep a straight face.

'Yeah,' Clarice said, looking at the siblings. 'you're positively glowing.'

Romy chuckled while Luis grinned.

'What?' Clarice asked.

'I finally got brother to watch Coast of Hearts with me last night, although it took some beers.' Romy said and winked at Clarice. 'I think he fell for Else Windsor in her white dress.'

'Shut up.' Luis said and nudged her. 'Like you didn't swoon over Carl Deveraux.'

The siblings chuckled while Clarice and Will rolled their eyes, knowing very well nothing made sense with them.


During the week both Romy and Luis were happy to get home after school and the couple of times joining Clarice and Will for pizza or burgers. The front door would barely have closed when their mouths were joined as one and they made their way upstairs to his room. Because of the little time left they had decided to make the best of it and indulge in their passionate lust.

'Mom and dad are going to be back in two days.' Romy said, her fingertips caressing her brother's chest.


'They deserve to know..'

He caressed her back silently, staring at a point beyond the ceiling for some time. Her soft breathing told him she had fallen asleep. There was no choice in his opinion. He would tell their parents that they were intimate, that he loved his own little sister as a woman to spend his life with. He would take the brunt of the anger and shame about to come down on them, leave the house if necessary. He could go away, take a job, and wait for Romy to come if she would. The sudden purpose in life surprised him.


'What's going on between you and your brother?' asked Clarice, looking at Luis who was talking to Will a bit away.

'Hmm? Brother?' asked Romy, pondering the choices of drinks in the vending machine.

'Yes, brother.' Clarice said, tapping her fingers against the can in her hand. 'The brother you've always clung to, but suddenly have been glancing at constantly, have been holding by two fingers often. And you're just glowing all the time, like.., like you've found a dream lov-' She looked at Romy, whose smile was just a bit off.

'What are you talking about? It's always been like that.' she said, pushing her choice of drink on the panel and filling the slot with coins.

'Oh no.' Clarice said, shaking her head. 'You're not going to lie to me and say it's always been that way. I know what I see, and I have seen myself doing it. You and Luis are on intimate terms.' Romy tried to smile, but Clarice could see the tension in her face. 'Damn girl.' she said and pulled Romy into a hug. 'You're not that good in hiding things so you better tell me everything and you won't be alone.'

Romy started to cry and Clarice was glad they were at a quiet corner of the campus and the guys weren't looking in their direction. She stroked Romy's head until she went from crying to sniffing and pulled back.

'Thank you.' Romy said in a coarse voice when Clarice gave her a handkerchief.

'If you don't want to talk now I understand, but please tell me when you're ready.'

Romy nodded.

'For what it's worth, you could have done much worse for yourself. He's perfect enough that many girls want him. And girls won't resent you for being his sister, but for taking him away from them.'

Romy had to chuckle at that image. 'I think they've been doing that for years already.'

Clarice hugged her again. 'And now I really need to hear the whole story. I won't be able to sleep until you spill it all.' she said, squeezing Romy.

Romy chuckled again. 'Fine, fine. Let me ask brother.'

Luis and Will saw the girls coming back and Luis saw his sister's red eyes. 'Sis? What happened? Have you been crying?' he asked, taking her face in his hands and caressing it.

'I have, but I'm fine now.' she said, caressing her brother's cheek. 'But is it okay with you to tell them? Clarice sort of knows.'

Luis looked surprised at Clarice, who nodded. 'I guessed it.'

'Guessed what?' Will asked, confused by the talk. 'What's going on?'

Clarice punched his arm softly. 'Just wait.'

Luis looked at his sister again. 'If you're sure.' he said, and she nodded. 'Okay then.'

'This evening?' Romy asked Clarice.

'All right. We'll be there.'

Romy hugged Clarice tightly before she and Luis went home.

Clarice looked at Will's puzzled face and chuckled. 'Come, we're going to the store. We need some stiff drinks tonight.'


Will seemed playful when Clarice and he arrived at the sibling's home. Romy put them on the couch and sat down on the floor between Luis's legs in his embrace. Will tried to hide his curiosity while Clarice took his hand. Romy cleared her throat. 'Clarice, Will,' she said, putting her hands over her brother's, who gave her a light squeeze to ease her nervousness. 'Luis and I have been lovers since last weekend.'

Clarice looked at them, biting her lip and trying not to cry. Luis looked at Will, who just sat there silently.

'Will?' asked Luis.

Clarice looked at Will. 'Will, sweetie?'

'You bastard.' said Will.

They expected a tirade now.

'So that's why you told every guy to forget about hooking up with your sister. You wanted to keep her all to yourself.' he said, squeezing Clarice's hand once. 'I'd be so jealous if I didn't have Clarice.'

Clarice laughed. 'And I thought only the girls would react like that.'

Romy and Luis let out a deep sigh, relieved with their reactions. 'So you're not resenting us?' asked Romy.

Will shrugged. 'You're both very smart and you've been so close for so long that everyone suspects you anyway. I'm sure you both know what you want.'

'So, tell us now how it started.' said Clarice.

'Actually, that brings us to our second problem, which will be even more unbelievable than what we just revealed.' said Luis, pulling up photos from his mobile.

'What's this? Costume party?' asked Clarice when she and Will were looking at the mobile.

'That's us actually.'

'Well, it looks great, both costume and mask, but what is the problem?'

'When I said it's us, I really mean it's us.'

Will looked at Luis. 'You're not making any sense.'

'Those aren't costumes, or masks.'

Clarice and Will looked at the serious faces of the siblings.

'Wait wait wait..' said Will. 'You mean to say that's, real life you?'

'So far twice for a couple of days.'

'You're trying to pull a joke on us, just after we believed you actually started to get intimate together.' Will chuckled.

'No, we're not.' said Romy. 'I didn't want to believe it, wished to wake up from that nightmare when I first turned into, that creature.'

Luis squeezed his little sister lightly in his arms. 'You meant to say, that adorable sexy creature, right?'

She blushed. 'I'm not..'

'If you weren't, how come we didn't fall asleep until the early hours in the morning?' he whispered in her ear and kissed her neck, making her giggle.

Clarice clearing her throat brought them back from their moment. 'Right. You'll have to make this very believable to us.' she said, handing back the phone. 'Start from the beginning.'

Romy told them about the first night she found herself turned into a large dog. Luis interrupted, stating clearly how cute she actually was, causing him to receive an elbow from his sister. She continued, speaking fondly of how her brother searched for the creature which might be the cause, and the hours spent on the internet and how her brother turned after her.

Clarice and Will thought their days away from school made more sense now. Then Romy told about how she turned again, and the distress she felt when she thought her dear brother didn't want her anymore, just when she realised how much she loved him. Her face lit up when she told how he confessed to her, making him blush and Clarice giggle. Will just grinned, knowing what courage it takes for a man to declare his love. Romy said she wanted her brother more than anything and confessed her true feelings as well, which led to their first night of more than sleeping together. When she finished recalling the days until monday Clarice and Will just stared at the siblings.

'This is some story.' Will said. 'But I still can't buy it.'

'It does sound too fantastical.' Clarice said. 'I mean, it's basically a werewolf tale, who would believe that?'

'I want to, and I believe you, but it just won't stick in my brain.' Will said.

'How about you stay the night?' Romy asked, looking back at her brother. 'Maybe it'll happen again tonight.'

Luis nodded. 'I guess that would be the best way to prove it.'

'Could you stay tonight?' Romy asked Clarice and Will.

They looked at each other. 'I'm sure my mom won't mind me staying, just need to call her.' Clarice said. Will shrugged. 'They don't mind me staying away, as long as I'm back in school on monday.'

While parents were called Romy and Luis prepared sleeping bags and pillows for everyone to sleep in the living room together. Romy giggled, saying it was going to be a real sleepover. The table was moved to the side, pillows were stashed against the couch and the bottles of liquor and soda and the snacks were placed between two pairs of sleeping bags for each couple's use. Luis and Will selected a couple of good movies while the girls went upstairs to change. When they came down in nothing but two matching black night shirts the guys whistled their approval.

Will pulled Clarice close. 'You look as fine as ever.' he whispered, which deserved him a kiss from her.

When they looked at the siblings they went silent from the picture perfect moment between the two. Romy gazed into her brother's eyes, holding his shirt at his chest. He held her back with one hand, the other carefully combing her hair back behind her ear. They didn't need words to express their feelings for each other. A gentle kiss full of love passed between them before gentle smiles and an approving hum got them back to the present.

'Damn, that was the sweetest scene I've ever seen between lovers.' Clarice said. 'Anyone who would object to you two getting together would cease their protest at once.'

Romy looked up at her brother's blushing face, smiling gently. 'Nothing will take me away from him, nor will I regret anything.'

Will whistled. 'Damn Luis, do you even know the amount of luck in the universe you have?'

'That wouldn't even come close to how I feel.' he said, grinning proudly.

'Well, us girls have shown how sexy we can be, how about you guys?' Clarice said, folding her arms with a smirk on her face.

Will and Luis stuck their heads together, whispering, then Luis turned off the lights apart from the one behind the TV. Will turned up Billy Idol's License to Thrill and the girls wondered what they were up to when Will moved Clarice and Luis moved his sister back onto the couch on the rhythm of the intro. The guys then moved back, swinging their hips and moving their hands down their chests. They danced without taking their hands away from their body, following the slow underlying beat of the music. The music sped up, guitar screaming, Will moved in front of Luis, and the girls held their breath when Luis wrapped his arms around Will and grabbed his jeans, unbuttoned it and pulled down the zipper enough to let them hang loosely around his hips. While they moved their hips in sync, Luis took Will's shirt and pulled it up slowly, pulling it over his head when Will held up his arms and tossed it at Clarice who giggled excitedly.

The girls started to feel hotter when the guys thrusted their hips in sync with the music. Will turned to face Luis and ran his hands down Luis's chest, crouching to move all the way down his thighs, then back up to lift Luis's shirt over his head and toss it at Romy, who held it tight against her face. This time Will unzipped Luis's jeans and they turned with their back to the girls, their hands in their necks and thrusting their hips with the beat of the music. The girls growled playfully at their lovers.

The guys grabbed their own jeans with one hand, and the other's with their other hand, then pulled them down bit by bit on the beat, bending forward until they stood back up, stepping on their socks to slip them off their feet as they danced out of their jeans. Luis turned and moved in front of Luis, who moved his fingers from Luis's thighs up to his chest, while Luis threw his head backwards.

The girls let out a howl in approval and the guys turned their backs to them again, grabbing their underpants and pushing them down in one quick move, making the girls squeal at the bare bottoms in front of them. They shook their hips on the music, then turned around, thrusting once at the girls with a loud roar, then went down on their hands and knees, crawling towards the girls, running their hands up their legs and growling into their underbellies. The girls ran their hands over their lover's backs, moaning softly in pleasure.

'Does that satisfy your wish?' whispered Will at Clarice, looking up at her.

'Hell yes!' she said and kissed him.

Luis just needed to look up at his sister to receive a passionate kiss.

'Damn, where did you learn to do that?' Clarice asked, wrapping her arms around Will.

He grinned. 'Some time ago we were wondering what girls saw in strip shows from men, and watched several videos to learn their moves. Eventually we thought we could do better. Or at least, differently.'

'You sure did surprise me.' she said, smiling and caressing his cheek.

Romy held her brother's face between her breasts, making Clarice chuckle. 'Don't suffocate him now.'

Romy giggled as she let her brother's head go. 'I'll bet he'd be happy to die like this.'

'Well, I wouldn't complain. Much.' Luis said, tickling his sister's sides and making her squirm.

'Movie! Movie!' she said, trying to ward her brother's quick fingers off.

He chuckled. 'All right, movie time.' he said and turned on the movie.

'You guys aren't going to wear something?' Clarice asked when they got into their sleeping bags.

'Doesn't the thought of having a couple of handsome naked guys this close please you?' Will asked, making the first drinks.

'Well, it does..' she said, grinning.

'Then enjoy a reversal of the usual roles of men having naked women around them.' he said, pulling up one corner of his mouth in a smirk.

Romy chuckled. 'I don't mind, although I only need my brother.'

'Good. Although I wouldn't mind being able to make Clarice a little jealous.' he said and received a playful smack on the back of his head.

'If you need me to be jealous, just ask.' she grinned.

They all settled with drinks and snacks, cuddling up close as they watched the movies until they fell asleep.

When Romy woke up for a moment and felt soft fur, she figured it had happened again. She stroked it, then saw it wasn't her arm that was covered in fur. She turned around and saw her brother had turned this time. He looked peaceful in his sleep and she kissed him softly. 'It's you who is adorable, my darling brother.' she whispered and cuddled up to him. 'I will always belong to you.'


Clarice and Will almost popped their eyes out of their sockets when they saw the wolfman Luis had turned into.

'You got to be kidding..' Will said. 'It just has to be a perfect costume..'

Luis reached over to his pants, pulled out his pocketknife and cut his arm, surprising his sister.

'Brother!' she said, taking the knife away from him and putting her hand over the bleeding cut. 'What are you doing!'

'Just a little proof I didn't put on a costume, or put on a mask during the night.'

'Dude! You don't have to go that far to prove your point.' Will said, grabbing the paper towels by the leftover snacks for Romy to use to stop his bleeding.

'I wanted to show how serious our situation is.' Luis said, looking at his sister's worried face. 'How much I want to spare my sister from hurt.'

Clarice put her hand on his. 'We understand. so don't do anything to make Romy worry anymore.'

He nodded and laid his hand on his sister's, looking into her eyes, smiling gently. 'I won't.'

After Clarice and Will were done touching his fur he sat on the couch. 'So, now you know our second problem. It seems to only last a few days, but I have no idea if it'll always be like this, or if it'll get worse.' he said, his ears flattened.

His sister cuddled up to him. 'We can't keep this secret forever here. We can't keep skipping school with excuses.' she said while her brother caressed her hair.

'It's a problem, yes, but the first thing will be your parents.' Clarice said. 'How will they react, and I'm not even talking about your relationship.'

'I'm just going to lay down the truth and take full responsibility.' Luis said. 'What happens, happens.'

Romy caressed his cheek. 'You're not going to take that alone. I'm part of it, just as much as you.'

He kissed her softly. smiling. 'You're ruining my chance to be heroic.'

She chuckled. 'Good. You're already more than a fairy tale knight to me.'

'They should be docking this afternoon and call us to let us know when they'll fly back here. Let's enjoy ourselves before the difficult moments come.' he said, petting his sister's head.

'You still got that old console?' Will asked Luis.

'You're going to try to beat me at Street Maniac and fail miserably again?' Luis said, a sly smirk forming on his face.

'I beat you plenty of times before!' Will said, punching Luis's shoulder.

'Right.. Once in ten doesn't count.'

'Them's fighting words! Go get that thing and we'll see who's eating dust soon.'

Luis laughed as he went upstairs, digging up his old game console from the back of his closet. Soon the four of them were tearing up the digital streets of the city with their choice of cars, Will and Luis taunting and fighting each other all the time. Then Clarice won the race.