Double Switch Ch. 14

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An erotic love story with a twist.
2.9k words

Part 15 of the 20 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 12/16/2007
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A Note to the reader:

Double Switch is a full length novel with a Prologue, an Epilogue and 18 chapters. So it will take a commensurate time to read. It is erotic in places but not on every page or even in every chapter. So, a little patience is necessary. It is a love story, actually three love stories. I hope you will be rewarded for your time and trouble.

To understand the story, you need to read the Prologue first. So, look it up under my name in the Author Index before proceeding with this Chapter.

All of the major characters are completely fictional and bear no resemblance to actual people, living or dead.

Incidentally, Literotica calls the Prologue, Chapter 1. So, Chapter 14 you see here will be listed as Chapter 15. etc.

Chapter 14

The next morning, Frank and Sally were up well ahead of Sue and Ernest. Out on the porch, they sat and talked on the porch swing.

"What do think your sister and my brother have been up to?" Frank asked.

"It should be obvious by now. They've slept together all night, and it isn't the first time they've occupied the same bedroom."

"Oh! What do you mean?"

Sally told her fiancee of her seeing the two bedroom doors the previous afternoon.

"Why didn't you tell me then?"

"Oh, I thought I'd wait and see what they had to say when we got back from our little sojourn into the woods."

"Yeah, that was nice."

"I thought you enjoyed it. So did I. Then, when we got back to the cottage, they all but admitted they'd been screwing," Sally said. "'Getting acquainted.' What else could that mean?"

"If it were anyone but my brother, I say it was obvious, but shy Ernest, I wasn't completely sure."

"Well, I am. It'll be interesting to hear what they have to say this morning."

"Yes, it will," Frank agreed.

They heard a stirring from the front room and Sue appeared, still stretching to dispel the sleep from her body but smiling as if well pleased.

"Well if it isn't sleeping beauty," Frank quipped as she opened the screen door out onto the porch. "What did you do with my brother?"

Sally shot her fiance a disapproving look.

"What do you think I did with him?" came Sue's sleepy response. "What have you and twin sister been doing for the past four years. Your brother's awesome, Frank."

"Frank, that wasn't a very polite question," Sally commented.

It was Frank's turn to blush, something he didn't often do. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way. I was merely..."

"Never mind what you were merely," Sally said. "We need to get some breakfast for the four of us. I'll get it started."

"I'll help you, Sis. I think I'm awake now,", Sue said and the two girls headed for the kitchen.

Frank sat on the porch, chastising himself for his unfortunate question, but happy in the knowledge that his brother had finally become a man.I'll bet Sue's a hot fuck, just like Sally is, he thought.But, that's not the only reason I love her, he reminded himself.

Finally a sleepy Ernest appeared and the four enjoyed a breakfast of pancakes and bacon - their last meal at the cottage.

As they were finishing, usually shy Ernest, cleared his throat. It was obvious he had something to say.

"Er, ah, Sue and I. We..."

"What Ern is trying to say, Sue broke in is that we've decided we like each other a lot. I know it seems sudden," she added. For a change, Sue seemed nervous and shy.

"Yeah," Ernest interrupted. "Sue and I have decided we want to see a lot more of each other," he stated much more forcefully than he was accustomed to expressing himself when discussing other than technical matters.

"It might sound funny at our age, but I guess you could say, we're going steady," Sue added with an embarrassed snicker. "Nether one of us is ready to call it anything more than that just yet. But I've told Ernie I won't go out with anyone else but him - at least for a while, until we can see how things work out."

Ernest nodded in acquiescence.

"Wonderful," Frank said. "If I had some champaign, I'd open a bottle. Congratulations you two. "I can't think of anyone I'd rather see Ern hooked up than you, Sue."

"Don't we make an interesting looking foursome?" Sally added. "A double wedding would be a blast! Besides, Dad would love the idea. It would save him a bundle."

"Now don't start jumping to too many conclusions," Sue interrupted. "All I said was that Ernie and I have found we like each other and neither of us wants to see anyone else, at least for now. We're not talking about getting married."

"Besides", Ernest added, "I have to go back to school in a few days. We won't have much chance to see each other until the summer semester is over. That'll only be a few weeks before your wedding."

"Ernie," Sue said taking his hand in hers, "if you don't object, I'll come up and see you every weekend. We need to know each other a lot better before we rush into anything."

"I certainly won't object. I've got a room off campus this summer and I know my roommate will be gone almost every weekend. He and his girlfriend are into auto racing and try to take in most of the stock car events within several states."

"That's as good an excuse for going off with your girl friend on weekends as I've hard of," Frank broke in.

As promised, Sue drove the two hundred miles to Ernest's university every weekend that summer. The two enjoyed sex, but also found they enjoyed everything about being together.

By the end of August, with Frank's and Sally's wedding only three weeks away, Ernest made his oft-repeated plea. It was a Friday evening. Sue had arrived at Ernest's small off-campus rented room, less than an hour before. As was the the usual case on weekends, Ernest's roommate had gone to a stock car race in the next state with his girl friend. Ernest and Sue lay naked on his bed after their first love- making of the weekend. And, that's what it had become. It was no longer merely fucking.

"I know I don't have a lot to offer right now," Ernest began. This was the way this formerly shy young man usually initiated this line of conversation, which he had repeated many times over the summer. "I have at least three more years before I get my doctorate. Then, I should have my pick of jobs. But, in the meantime, there's lot's of studying, and not much money. Ido have a student teaching fellowship coming this next semester, but it won't bring in much. You'd have to get a job to help support us. But, you're already working. I'm sure you intend to keep on working, that is, unless you go off and marry some engineer, lawyer or doctor who's already established."

"I'm not interested in marrying anyone but you, Ernie."

"Does that mean you'll marry me?" Ernest said, his eyes sparkling with joy at Sue's response. That was as close to a commitment as Sue had made all summer.

"I didn't say that," she replied. "I merely said, I didn't want to marry anyone else. You were right back at the cottage last June. I know now I love you, Ernei. I wasn't sure of it at the time, but these last three months have convinced me. I also wasn't sure you really loved me, or if it was just the thrill of having sex for the first time."

"Please", he insisted. "I promise to be a good husband and once I'm established in a decent job, we can start a family, if that's what you want. I know it'll be hard for a few years, but I know it will be harder for me without you. I hope you feel the same way."

"Yes I do, and speaking of hard! You're hard again already."

"I get hard every time I think of you, even when I'm studying. Sometimes, I have to got into the bathroom and take care of it, or I can't get my work finished. I hadn't done that much since starting college. But, since I met you... My roommate must think I have some kind of problem, the number of times I have to go in there, and how long I stay. I do, but not the kind he thinks."

"Well, you don't have to do it now. I'm here to take care of your big problem,'" Sue said as her lips brushed the end of Ernest's penis and her tongue wiped away the shimmering drop of pre-cum. "I'd keep this up, but I want you in me. Put on another rubber and fuck me again. I've waited all week to see you and feel you. Don't keep me waiting any longer."

As they relaxed from their second bout of the night, Ernest renewed his marriage plea.

The effect Sue had on this once shy retiring young man was apparent to everyone, especially her. Three months ago, he could barely talk to a woman without turning all shades of crimson and trembling like a leaf in a windstorm. Now, he was rapidly becoming a masterful lover, forcefully pleading for the hand of the woman he loved.

"I feel the same way, Ernie. But, it's such an irrevocable step. I don't believe in marriage, just to get out of it when one or the other, or both, get tired of it. That may sound funny coming from me, but... And that's the other thing that's bothering me, darling. In fact it's been bothering me right from the first. You're too fine a person for me. I've been with quite a few guys during the past few years in college. I'll admit that. But, I never got serious about any of them, except perhaps one, until I met you. But I had fun with all of them. When I first met you at the cottage, that's all I thought it would be with you - another fling. But, right away, somehow it was different. Now I know why. I guess I loved you right from the start, but didn't realize it; or refused to admit it to myself. The bottom line is, I just don't feel I'm the right person for you."

"Suppose you let me be the judge of that". I could guess, from the way you approached it, you had some experience. But, I don't care as long as you're willing to not continue that way of life. But, I do think you should tell me about the one, you mentioned you were 'perhaps serious' about."

Sue had avoided informing Ernest about the one man she, at the time, had hoped to marry. "Yes, I owe you that." Sue went on to tell Ernest about her professor at college and their relationship as well as why and how it had ended. She concluded by telling him that she had used her senior year to get over Eric Richardson - assuring him that she had.

"Is he good looking? How old is he?" Ernest had many questions about Sue's former lover.

"Yes, I have to say he's handsome. Now, he's thirty- four. So he was thirty during my freshman year."

"How come you both ignored the student/faculty taboo?"

"Neither of us could help it. It's as simple as that. So, now you know. Does it make a difference between us?"

"Not for me, it doesn't. The question is, does it make a difference for you? Do you still love him?"

"No, Ernie, I don't and it doesn't make any difference as far as I'm concerned either. I'm as over Eric Richardson as completely as I'm over Tommy Sanders who I had a crush on in the fifth grade. Since we're being so honest, I'll freely admit I had a number of flings during the rest of my junior year and all my senior year, mostly to help me get over Eric."

"Then you're sure you're completely over him?"

"Yes, completely."

"You said you had a number 'flings.' Was I one of them?"

"At first I thought your were, but not to get over Eric. I'd already done that. When I first met you that Friday night at the cottage, I looked on you as a challenge, a handsome and interesting challenge - a potential conquest, if you will. When I kissed you at the woodpile, I was taking my first step toward meeting that challenge. But, over on the other shore the next night; you were so strong, confidant and resourceful, my attitude toward you began to change."

"When you did what you did, over there: were you merely trying to make me one of your conquests?"

"No, Ernest, I wasn't. If you recall, you wanted to do it then, and I refused because I knew you weren't properly prepared. I'll admit, I was curious. What woman, who likes men, isn't curious about that important part of the male body normally hidden from view - that part which can bring her such pleasure and satisfaction?"

"I hope you weren't disappointed."

"Definitely not," Sue responded, reaching over and grasping Ernest's flaccid, though still impressive, member. Naturally, Sue neglected to inform him of the tales regarding the Adams manhood she had heard from her twin sister, or of quick glimpse of Frank's equipment she had managed in the back seat of the car. She recalled that, except for the less-than-a-minute game of "guess-who" they had played the afternoon Ernest arrived at the cottage, she and Sally had not engaged in such games of since that night three years ago.

"Nevertheless," Sue continued. "From the first moment I met you, there seemed to be something different about you, I couldn't explain to myself. Of course, now I can." She didn't reveal that part of the attraction she had felt for him stemmed from the graphic descriptions of Frank and his prowess, Sally had given her over the years.Some things are better left unsaid, even between trusting lovers, she decided.

"Now that your past is out of the way, let's get back to the original topic.

"What was that?" Sue asked coyly.

"Will you marry me? That's what we were talking about," Ernest responded insistently.

"Ernie, as I said before, I'm not sure I'm good enough for you. Yes, I thoroughly expected I'd meet a man I would want to marry some day, but I always assumed he would be someone who had, as they say, 'been around' - possibly a divorce. I never expected to fall in love with a fine person like you, and certainly not to have a fine person like you fall in love with me. That's what was even more amazing to me, how someone as fine as you could fall for me."

"Sue, I'm no saint. It wasn't from lack of wanting to that I had never had any experience. I was just too scared to try. I always envied Frank, how he was able to get dates so easily. I especially remember the night he came home and told me he'd actually done it. It drove me wild. Like any guy, I thought about girls and sex quite a bit. And, I admit, I sometimes masturbated in bed at night, hoping my roommates wouldn't hear me."

"That's nothing to be ashamed of. Almost all guys do it. And, girls do it too, you know."

Ernest knew, but didn't comment. "So, the main difference between us," he continued - "is that you allowed yourself to act on your emotions and I suppressed mine, mostly because of fear. Call it just plain cowardice if you like. And, the other reason is because I've always been sort-of cheap."

"Ernest, you are no coward, and you'renot cheap. You merely put your priorities where they belonged, on getting a good education and not on partying as so many college students do. I know, I did too much of that myself. I did okay in school, but I could have done better if I had spent more time with the books. I know that."

"We've gotten off the subject again," Ernest broke in. "The subject is: Will you marry me?"

"Ernie, do we have to make a decision as momentous as that so soon? Remember, I promised you last June I wouldn't see anyone else, and I've kept that promise. I intend to do so as long as we're together. I have no need for any other man as long as I have you."

"You have me as long as you want me, on whatever terms you desire - whether you agree to marry me or not. But I'd rather we be married. I want to live with you and not have you subject to criticism. Please say you will," Ernest pleaded again as he took Sue in his arms and brought their lips together in as passionate a kiss as she could remember.

When they came up for air, she asked: "What would you think about a double wedding?"

Ernest was spellbound by her sudden turnabout. "You mean you will?"

"If you're sure, I am," Sue replied.

"I'm sure," Ernest immediately responded and the kiss continued, culminating in the most rewarding sex the couple had so far experienced.

Two hours later, while they were both recovering from their torrid love-making, Sue suddenly announced, "I've got to call my folks and tell them they're putting on not one, but two weddings - just three weeks from tomorrow!"

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