Double Whammy

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Finding true love and fantastic sex with a lover
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It was a crazy thing to do; but when what is between a couple's legs is driving them more than what is between their ears, crazy things do happen.

He pushed me back against the wall, he took me in his arms, forced his body against me and his mouth covered mine. I did not object. Not one bit, because I wanted Tom as much as I knew he wanted me. I revelled in the feel of his erection pressing into my stomach, in fact, I squirmed against it. I loved my full breasts being squashed against his chest and I thrilled as his hand went up the back of my dress and squeezed the cheeks of my bottom that were bare to his touch as I was wearing a thong.

We were at a dinner party at my house. Kevin, my husband was holding court at the table in the dining room across the hallway. I had said that I would clear the dessert away. Tom along with his wife Annie and the two other female partners had offered to help.

"No, we must have a token male on the clear up party," Tom had said beaming his attractive smile at the other diners. "I insist that I be that and will help our hostess."

We collected up most of the dishes and spoons and took those to the kitchen.

"So we won't be disturbed," Tom said. "I'll get the rest of the stuff."

He came back with the serving plates.

"They are engrossed talking about the phone hacking," he said putting his arms on my shoulders. "Fuck I have been so lusting after you at dinner," he went on kissing me.

He pushed me backwards, gently. The kitchen is L-shaped so by going round the corner anybody coming into the kitchen would not see us before, hopefully, we would hear them.

"When can we Amanda?" Tom said the next day when we spoke on the phone.

"I don't know."

"You do want to don't you?"

"Yes of course, in some ways, but it is adultery Tom."

"Yes I know and I have thought about that."

"I have never been unfaithful to Kevin, have you to Annie?"

"Yes, I am not proud to say that I have."


"No just the once."

"I see."

"It was a stupid one-night-stand when I was away on business in New York."

I laughed thinking that was precisely what Kevin had once said when I smelt perfume on his shirt. "It happens Tom."

"I want you Mandy."

"Tom we should stop this now."

"But you want to, you want me don't you?"

"I am so confused, I don't know what I do want."

"It is more than pure lust Amanda."

"Is it Tom, is it really?" I asked desperately wanting to hear that this was not just an animalistic sex thing with Tom for it was far more than that for me.

Something had been building up between us for probably two years. I certainly, and I think Tom too, was reluctant to acknowledge that our friendship was in danger of straying over that fine line between that and something else. Just what that something else might be, was unclear to me, but I found myself wanting to be with him, I appreciated his wit and humour more, enjoyed his intelligent conversation and yearned for him to touch me. I tried analysing what was happening and was not able to determine whether it was purely a sexual attraction or something more. Something much, much more. I have to admit that for much of that two-year period I was scared at the prospect of what might be

I had been married to Kevin for twenty-one years. We had one daughter and we led an almost idyllic life other than when Kevin strayed and that happened every few years or so, well that is those I found out about! Conversely, until recently, I had never even been tempted let alone done anything outside my marriage, but that was becoming increasingly difficult to maintain.

We had all the money we needed, a large house just outside London, a villa in Tuscany,' his 'n hers' Mercs and a thriving business that I part owned. We had an enjoyable and busy social life, based around the golf club and a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. On top of that we did a a fair amount of business entertaining that included events such as Wimbledon, Silverstone, golf tournaments, test matches, Glynebourne, Henley and the FA Cup Final. We took clients and prospects to the top restaurants, the latest shows and to the opera and ballet. We really did have quite a nice life!

We had known Tom and Annie for about eight years from when they had joined the local golf club after moving into the area close to us in suburban Essex. We moved in the same social circle, seeing each other at the golf club, restaurants, at parties and at functions. The four of us hit it off immediately and we started going out to dinner as two couples and visiting each other's homes.

For some time, probably two or three years, nothing untoward happened.

During that period, I looked on Tom as I did any other man who was a partner in a couple we knew; a friend, a close one yes, someone with who I could joke and mildly flirt. That was how most couples related and developed their relationships or so I thought.

It was when Annie and Tom came with Kevin and me to our place in Tuscany that I saw the first changes. Oddly they were with Tom first.

Annie is beautiful. She is tall and slim with flowing ash-blonde hair, she is a real willowy blonde. She has high, prominent cheekbones and big almond-shaped eyes that are of the deepest blue I have ever seen. Her face and slender figure, the legs that go on for ever and her pert, tight bum are real head turners.

What she has not got are tits for she is as good as flat chested.

I, on the other hand, am shorter, with more curves and full tits. I do, though, have trouble with them for when I diet I lose weight there and they are a nice, thirty-four C. However, when I put weight on, which I do easily, most of it seems to go onto those two buggers and they quickly become bloated thirty-six D or double Ds. This plays havoc with my choice of bra and I need two sets, one for weight on and the other for weight off times. Inevitably, being rather scatty and forgetful I sometimes get it wrong and wear the wrong bras for my weight situation. Then, my tits are either, feeling lost in cups that are too big or, are spilling over and almost tumbling out of a too small bra.

It was our second day in Tuscany. On the first we had shopped and opened up the villa as it had not been used for a few months. We had finished breakfast and had agreed to spend the morning round the pool.

"Oh fuck," I said as I rummaged through the bikinis I had brought with me.

"What's up?" Kevin asked as he stood naked looking out of the window.

"I brought the wrong bloody bikinis."

"How do you mean?"

"I picked up my weight off ones."

"Ah well you'll just give Tom and me more of an eyefull won't you."

"I'll get some when we go into Florence."

Tom and Annie were already lying beside the pool when Kevin and I wandered down to join them. As I removed my sun-dress and went to lay down I saw Tom's eyes on me, they were like organ stops and he did not seem to be able to drag his gaze away from my chest. I was wearing a black bikini, with full panties and bra with thin straps. I had seen in the mirror, that it was clearly too small, for my tits were spilling out of it. Tom's covert glances went on all morning and the next couple of days when we again all sunbathed.

Several times, I caught him staring at my boobs, but said nothing. Full-breasted women get used to being ogled, I guess.

Kevin and Annie had driven into town to pick up some fresh pasta for dinner. Tom and I were watching TV; we take a sky box with us so we get everything.

"Mands I am sorry?" He said completely out of the blue.

"What for?" I asked looking at him across the room.

"I have been rude and I apologise."

"Not sure what you mean Tom?" I said taking a sip of my Orvieto, knowing full well what he meant.

"I have been staring at you, far too much."

"Have you?"

"Yes, you must have noticed."

Smiling I said. "Well perhaps the odd untoward glance or so."

"Well I should not do it and I am sorry."

"As one gets older Tom such events are welcomed."

"You don't mind then?"

"No Tom, not really, it is flattery in a way isn't it?"

"Yes Mandy, it most certainly is flattery in my case, I have always been a boob man."

"Have you now, you surprise me."

"What you mean Annie?"

"Well yes, of course."

He smiled. "She does have other features."

"And many of them, she is beautiful."

"But she does not have what you have Mandy," he said walking across the room and filling my glass

"They are not new Tom, I have had them as long as I have known you."

"Yes, I realise that Mands, but I have never er, um...."

"Seen so much of them I suggested."


That chat and the look in Tom's eyes kept returning to my mind over the next few days when we finished our short break in Tuscany and travelled home.

"No you go in the front Kev, I'll be the thorn between two roses" Tom said as we were getting into the large Fiat cab.

My left leg was pressed against Tom's. I guess he could have moved it away, but then so could I, but neither of us did. Once or twice on the journey to the airport, his fingers touched my upper leg, it was like an electric shock.

I saw Tom a couple of times at the golf club and twice accidentally in town during the next few weeks.

Standing outside Starbucks with the busy Saturday morning shoppers all around us was not the time for anything other than chatting, but the atmosphere between seemed to me at least to be highly intense. Tom, as usual was his cool self, he really was one of the most laid-back men I had ever met and that excited me.

"So I will see you at Pauline's son's wedding reception tomorrow?"

"Oh yes, great," I gabbled back feeling nervous at being so close and at the prospect of being with him all tomorrow evening.

Putting his hand on my upper arm he bent forward until his lips almost touched mine. 'Shit he's going to kiss me on the lips in public' I thought just as he turned and brushed his mouth across my cheek.

"Until tomorrow then Mandy."

"Yes Tom, until then," I whispered my fingers involuntarily going to where he had just kissed me.

We walked in opposite directions and I am sure I emphasised my wiggle as I walked away from the man for who I was starting to fall.

It was an informal wedding reception in a marquee in the grounds of the mother and father who were members of the club. I danced with several people including Kevin, of course and Tom, who held me beautifully, but rather indiscreetly tight; it was very nice though. I was a little frightened, however, when I felt, but was not sure, that he had an erection. The next day when I was alone in the house I could not stop myself fantasising about being with Tom when he was erect and we were both naked. Naturally I masturbated and it was Tom whose cock I was sucking.

"I'll help you find it" Tom said when I hooked my ball into some trees.

We did not know the other pair we were playing in the mixed fourball competition. They were the other side of the wide fairway when we walked into the little copse of silver birch trees and tall rhododendron bushes.

"There it is," Tom said nodding towards the base of one of the trees.

"That's lucky," I replied.

"Yes very finding it so quick" he said taking hold of my arm by the shoulder.


"Well we can spend a few minutes looking for it."

"But we have found it."

"They don't know that do they Amanda?"

"No, I guess not," I said quietly as we faced each other in the undergrowth.

Again I felt the intensity of the atmosphere between us.

"So it gives us a little time alone together doesn't it?" He said putting his hands on my shoulders.

"Oh Tom," I sighed as I watched his face slowly close the gap between us.

"To do with as we wish Mandy," he whispered, his arms going round me and pulling me to him.

We kissed. It was deep and urgent, long and passionate and it was exactly what I had wanted him to do for ages.

"Oh how I have longed to do that," he smiled as we broke and wandered back to the golf course.

My game fell completely apart after that and we lost a miserable six and five.

As we finished and pecked each other on the cheeks so Tom smiled and, holding my hand said. "Thank you partner," and as we walked away from the other pair he added. "For everything."

"Let's do a dinner party," I suggested to Kevin. "We have not had one for ages."

"Who shall we invite?"

"Let's ask Barry and Maxine and Freddy and Julia."

"No he gets boring with drink. How about Tom and Annie."

"Yes good call and what about Nigel and his partner?"

"The golf pro?"

"Yes, why not?"

Tom and I had kissed for a few more moments as we cleared the plates away and packed everything into the dishwasher. We had a couple of scares when firstly, Nigel and then one of the female guests went to the loo and we broke away abruptly, but fell back into each other's arms when they shut the bathroom door.

We had one more brief moment together when we went to get the guests' coats and it was then as we kissed in the hallway that he cupped my breast.

"We'll see you at the do on Friday then," Annie said as they left the dinner party in a cab.

It was late, well past midnight and the crowd had lost the appetite for fast dancing as well as the band seeming to have lost their energy for blowing up a storm. So the order of the moment was slow smooches. It was a warm night and as was custom at such times the patio doors of the clubhouse were wide open and about half of us were dancing outside on the terrace. I did not know where Kevin was, but as he was not much of a dancer, I assumed he would be drinking with some of his cronies in one of the four bars.

I was in Kevin's arms. It was too close a clinch really, but I liked it. We were in the shadows away from the windows. His hands ran up and down my back, easing my body closer and tighter to his. My breasts were squashed against him. I felt one of his hands slide past my waist and onto my hip. It felt nice as it paused for just a moment or two before slithering a little further round and downwards. It was on the top of my bottom. I was surprised. We had danced together many times and nothing like this had happened before, but that was before those seminal moments at the dinner party when he had caressed both my bum and my breasts. Now, his confidence possibly boosted by my lack of resistance in my kitchen, his hand slid further and he squeezed the cheek of my bum. It was lovely.

"No Tom" I said softly moving away a little. "Not here."

He grabbed my wrist and rather roughly pulled me round the side of the clubhouse to a deserted area.

"How about here then" he said just before he pulled me into his arms and kissed me, full on the lips.

I resisted at first, but slowly he wore that down and I found myself kissing him.

"This is madness," I whispered, breaking away. "Anyone could catch us."

"Mandy, I don't care" he replied. Using the exact same phrase he had in my kitchen.

Hearing voices we moved further round the back of the building into an even darker area.

We kissed again. This time it was open-mouthed and whilst one of his hands squeezed my cheek, the other found my breast and cupped it.

"I have thought of hardly anything else other than you since Tuscany. Have you thought about it Mandy?"

I did not have the pluck to say that I too had thought of little else.

"Yes," I muttered again feeling scared because at any moment someone could walk round the corner. "But we mustn't Tom" I said pulling myself away and running back into the dance area hoping nobody would see me. Fortunately, they did not and we were able to slink back into the party.

I knew that things were getting out of control. I wanted to see Tom and be with him and, for the first time in my married life, I turned Kevin down several times. I did not like doing it, but somehow and for some unfathomable reason I wanted to be faithful to Tom and not my husband!

"No I'll get a cab" I said to Tom one Sunday evening after playing golf with the mixed group who met each Sunday. We always had an afternoon swindle, as they are called, then showered and changed to have an early dinner and a few drinks. Who you played with was decided by throwing your golf ball up in the air and the ones closest to each other when they landed were your partners. It was all very social and 'clubby' and welcoming to singles, both male and female. Kevin had flown to the States earlier that day and Annie was visiting her mother in Leeds and would not be back until late, hence Tom and I were together. I was hellishly nervous. I had guessed Tom would be there and had thought of not going, but my attraction to him outweighed my common sense.

"Don't be silly, I go right past your house."


"Now don't be daft, young lady come on," he said picking up my golf bag and waving goodbye to the others.

He pulled into the secluded driveway at the front of my house. It was just dark.

"Do I get an invite in for a drink or coffee?"

"That's not a good idea Tom and you know it."

"Really, it sounds like a great idea to me, we need to be alone together, we have to talk."

"We can talk here" I replied.

I watched as the large gates closed slowly and the lights on their sensors went out making the 'car park' even more secluded.

He turned in his seat and slid his arm along the back of my seat. He cradled my head in his hand, slid his hair into my thick, long chestnut hair and pulled on it as he leaned forward.

"I was hoping for more than just talk Mandy."

"Oh Tom," was all I could manage before his mouth covered mine and we were kissing passionately.

He was leaning across the central console and pulling me towards it as the kiss went on and on. Our tongues were all over the place and we were pulling all the tricks of experienced lovers. One moment he was sucking my bottom lip between his and the next I was nibbling the tip of his tongue. It seemed so natural and really was inevitable that his hand would find my breast. He cupped and squeezed it making me whimper and push the orb back against it.

Our golf club though friendly is conservative and rather stuffy so after six we have to change out of golf clothing. I was wearing a blue, cashmere, round neck sweater and a black, thin wool, quite tight skirt. As the weather was still warm and my legs were tanned I was not wearing tights, but had a pashmina round my neck. He pushed that off to give him more access to my chest.

"Oh Mands, Mands," he groaned kissing me even deeper as he fiddled his hand inside my sweater and right onto my breast.

With hardly any hesitation, he wiggled his fingers inside the black bra and onto my bare flesh. He pinched my nipples making my body jump and my heart pound even faster and harder. "Ok?" He whispered.

"Mmmmm," I mumbled.

"Mandy this is crazy, let me come in."

"No. No Tom I can't."

"Can't or won't?"

"Both, it doesn't matter, I just must not do it."

We kissed more. I knew that I was being illogical and what we were doing in the car was in some ways more sordid than letting him in and doing whatever in there. Somehow to me, though, I was still showing some resistance, was not making a commitment and had not given in fully to the temptation that had been clawing at me for so long now.

Almost simultaneously, he eased my tits out of my bra, rolled the sweater up, leaned even further forward and firstly licked my nipple then sucked it into his mouth. I was now gone completely. The sensations of what I was doing, with whom I was doing it and where I was doing it all got to me and I started to sob. This seemed to have little effect on him and I wondered if he thought they were sighs of ecstasy, which they may also well have been.

With my nipple sucked deep into his mouth he moved his other hand down and rested it on my bare leg just above my knee.